UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact - video


Get a cup of your favorite drink and lean back in your comfy chair

-- this post has two browser-viewable [.html] attachments: a BIO-DOC zip / molecular biologist whistleblower report summary of the greys, matching the C's and other reports... and a TECH-DOC zip from an alleged engineer whistleblower dying from cancer (or died since) describing probably why the USA has retrieved so many crashed saucers / alien vehicles numbering in the double digits (David Grusch) --


Dr. Colm A. Kelleher - the author of the excellent book titled Hunt for the Skinwalker, describing events happened to his scientist team at the Skinwalker Ranch - was recently interviewed and gave a pretty annoying and shocking speech. Because he could say ridiculously nothing during the first 30 minutes, which nothing he said in so many sentences. That was annoying. But, then he told us why. They have joined the Dark Side.

I recently finished the excellent book titled

The 37th Parallel

and its last chapter is almost exactly like a FOIA requested / but by 'Deep State mocked' release of a heavily redacted "revelation". Telling us that the Bigelow team acquired a UFO and the engineer - Chuck Zukowski - on whose life & investigation the book was based is a real person and everything written in the book is true. Hollywood also snatched up the story and made the IP owners sign a lifelong ownership contract / acquired Zukowski’s life rights.

First of all decades ago (from 1996) Dr. Colm and his Bigelow Team investigated the Skinwalker Ranch phenomenon in the above book[title in blue bold]. I already reported that -*what*- they found: I think, IS the MO of the aliens, here on Earth. John Keel confirms this. As well as all UFO researchers confirm with expressing their full disappointment [as usual], if you think about it. Now, all that is pretty frustrating, right? Never any recordable real evidence, plus the government is colluding with & protecting aliens [&or their tech] and threatening civilians and killing those who get too close to sensitive material = retrieved alien tech / or persons leading to it.

Joe openly stated years ago that he is not interested in an offer coming from a gov. representative offering a live [working] UFO show - its inside & outside - in a hangar, IF Joe will be the only witness and nobody else is permitted to see & experience the thing.

Billionaire Bigelow was frustrated a lot and began to chase UFO cases in earnest. First he built Giant Inflatable Space Habitats [with meteorite-puncture-proof walls stronger than steel] for NASA, to prove the government he can be relied on and can be trusted.

This allowed him to get his foot into the door of Inside Government Projects.

David Grusch UFO whistleblower claimed the US gov. retrieved crashed UFOs on multiple occasions and such cases were numbering in the double digits.

Then Dr. Colm informs us that Bigelow finally achieved, what he wanted: lay hands on a real UFO [crashed retrieved material] and hire scientists to study it. BANG! Dr. Colm cannot say anything except Oohs..Eeerrrs..AAhhhs.. because they signed NDA's with essentially the Deep State and the Deep State immediately Death-Threats anybody not respecting their NDAs.

That's it. Maybe if there is a revolution in the US and government iron-hands hold on UFO material weakens, maybe Bigelow will step up and offer people:
- Hey! I have a crashed UFO! Do you wanna touch it?

Couple kitchen-table talk rumormongering topics:

So there is this microbiologist whistleblower, spilling the technical beans on greys.
1. They have a broader visible spectrum ==> probably can see infrared, UV and in the dark.
2. hearing acuity for low frequencies. ==> remember my post on alligator sounds? Why do you think that was important? :) Well so the Greys can hear their masters - the Lizzies - growling at them in the infrasound range. :D Maybe not all communications are done telepathically, especially maybe the scolding / punishing parts. :)

A: Greys bones have copper oxide crystals
B: their blood has metal ion levels are much higher (particularly copper
{-- remember aliens mining copper?}
C: there are countless small pores on the surface of the skin
{-- remember the C's stating Greys need blood baths to feed?}
Greys' liver is enlarged, much more vascularized and leads excrement to the pores. Explains the insane and unbearable and sickening ammonia and sulfur odor [remaining for days after alien removed from room] and like human excrement is highly septic -- explaining why the soldier touching & carrying the black-grey alien with slimy skin died during the Varginha incident.
D: Thymus is filled with copper. WOW, the Greys bodies appear to be saturated with copper ==> is it because essentially they are nanotech drones?
From the attached BIO DOC:
thymus-like organ near the heart that's proportionally larger than in humans. This organ seems to be where all blood cells mature. Some cells have leukocyte characteristics such as granularity. The immune cells that germinate here have a high copper concentration.
Q: (L) That's bizarre. Moving along. What sort of 4th density weapons was copper used for?
A: Mostly conduction of EM energies.
Q: What group mined the copper in northern Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, like in Isle Royale?
A: Aryans.
Q: What did they want the copper for?
A: Weapons.
Q: Wouldn't iron make better weapons?
A: Not in 4th density.

E: Greys biodegrade fast! So they need constant repair. But how are they repaired? [Easy, but first consider below rumor:]
Check this out:
if on earth you had any muscular or joint pain, it will totally disappear. All these are part of adjusting your vision; they (Extraterrestrials) must cure all the weaknesses of the human body, genes, and all the possible diseases and sicknesses that you might have in
the future, in order to readjust your sight.
Above is from the Orsic pamphlet / "book". Essentially the probably STS aliens in the above "human guest visit" story rumor example simply "repair" the human body by doing a TDARM.
So as greys are transferred between 3rD and 4thD densities there must be a 'TDARM repair program' probably automatically executed on them from time to time to repair the entropy / degradation of their bodies, because the Grey drones are not designed to self-repair. They do not have telomeres, for example: see the attached BIO DOC. (See attachments BIO & TECH to this post)


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'Well, Deep State has crashed UFOs in the double digits, so the older, probably less interesting cases / crashed crafts they decided to relegate to contractors. Besides, they had trouble storing all that crashed stuff anyway.. :D :-ooo
new photo - previously unreleased?

TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution (TV Mini Series 2024) [consists of 3 episodes only]
Only episode 2 starts to get interesting. Then right at the beginning of episode 3:

The Chandelier UFO:
Eerily looks like that satanic symbol - 2nd from bottom - but without the crescent shaped hooks at the extremities, no?

Episode 3 is 58 minutes long and has the photo. Received on phone with accompanying loose conversation transcript:
[..]"strange propulsion... disappeared immediately... with speed that has everyone in the Intel community asking questions about trying to figure out what this specific thing on photo is (they are mystified).... most bizarre structure with no purpose... no place to sit in... no wings..... doesn't self-rotate.... just moves on small highlighted circular path.. Public should absolutely know because this is a major issue! Higher Ups keep mum, when asked... Many-many Secret Service military videos exist where they (US military) are observing other nations airspace and ships, tracking UFOs on these videos, that they cannot release.. Like observing Russian military ships at sea escorted by two UFOs..."
TMZ Presents UFO Revolution_1.png

Military camera full screenshot zoomed out: lit-up path visible
TMZ Presents UFO Revolution_2.jpg

- - - -

Knapp at 07:22 gives a good summary. "There is an ontological shock coming. Because its real. Its true. It's here!"

Dolan gives a really nice example at 09:28: "Real disclosure means truth. That's what we must always remember. Truth is not always fun or psychologically reassuring. The reality is the truth can be disturbing. Question is:
- Do you wanna know it or not?
There is a really good analogy here:
- You are asleep. You are dreaming. In your dream you are on the beach, drinking margaritas. You're having a great time! Its awesome! In reality your house is burning!! What do you wanna do? You wanna keep with the dream and keep drinking your margaritas? Or do you need to wake up and deal with the fire?!"

- - -

Knapp mentions that Bigelow brought this up: "They are walking among us." Bigelow - as I recounted earlier here - now has finally fulfilled what he dreamed about his entire life: he successfully acquired an old crashed UFO from the Deep State, because they had problems storing it. So they gave it to well behaving gov. contractors. Charles Hall also mentions above remark from Bigelow decades ago, which I also recounted. My post history: search string "Tall Whites"

USO, undersea UFO at 421 meter depth
Camera video recording, lasting ~2 seconds
(~40 video frames):
To the right is a normal sea creature studied.. then this bright silver disk is zipping by from Top Left
TMZ Presents UFO Revolution_3.png
Very frequently US Navy encounters this. Imagine then, how frequently Russian Navy encounters them! As I reported earlier here, Russian Navy was commanded to not attack these. (Knapp)

"These USOs routinely disable aircraft carriers, battlecruisers." (Dolan at 25:00)
Marine: "Oh, yeah, for 30 minutes we were unable to engage our weapons."
'By glowing spherical objects rising conveniently out of water. Then hover over the disabled mighty US Navy ships..'

Knapp at 26:00: "High government officials are aware there are undersea alien bases."

31:25: Grusch makes a very good case that just as your 3D-body's shadow can be reflected on a 2D concrete wall, multi-dimensional aliens can be reflected back to 3D into our world and what we see are only their projections.

Knapp makes a very good point at 33:00 that it could turn out - for the masses to react to this - that Earth is a slaughterhouse, a meat production planetary facility and the human cattle are only products in the supermarket chain of alien Big Food:
- If it comes out that it is, it could be a really dark moment for humanity.
Plasma based proto life-forms? Most interesting! Read about it here:

Plasmas up to a kilometer in size, behaving similarly to multicellular organisms have been filmed on 10 separate NASA space shuttle missions, over 200 miles above Earth within the thermosphere. These self-illuminated "plasmas" are attracted to and may "feed on" electromagnetic radiation. They have different morphologies: 1) cone, 2) cloud, 3) donut, 4) spherical-cylindrical; and have been filmed flying towards and descending into thunderstorms; congregating by the hundreds and interacting with satellites generating electromagnetic activity; approaching the Space Shuttles.
3D-printed cheap UFOs the aliens appear to be using on Earth

Dot connection to the rumored alien "3D-printer-style saucer factory" UFO hiding in the Bermuda Triangle. Described in the attachment linked. Large platform UFO - hiding underwater usually - serving as saucer-factory. US Navy has ways to detect it, they built specific sensors and Grusch even mentions a specific secret frequency that they emit and can be easily detected by most enthusiasts this way. This large robot craft appears to 3D-print drones and smaller saucers, so they can be started up to fly in Earths atmosphere and underseas. The whistleblower in the attached file describes that they inspected lots of crashed drones & craft and they came to the conclusion that they were quickly manufactured to only fulfill one specific purpose. Then discarded, like broken toys. Most of the newer 3D-printed ones were completely automated, crewless.

Now, the YT video titled "WEAPONIZED EPISODE 49 UFO Propaganda - The Dark Side Unleashes" shows this YT video with Bob Lazar describing the UFO-engine. Lazar's description gets interesting, where he admits, that when they thoroughly examined the body / hull of the UFO they found no rivets, no welding, no larger parts put together, like a human ship or airplane nowadays. Lazar admits - now 30 years later - with the advent of 3D-printing that the UFO looked like that! As if grown.. or 3D printed from the bottom up. Because there were structural elements of it - the more complex parts - that could have been impossible to assemble. All the hull looked like grown or 3D printed 30 years ago. Completely smooth. No right angles. Just curves even in the nooks or "corners". Not even a crack or bolt anywhere. Unknown cold light metal.

The attached Tech_DOC_Lizzies.zip exactly describes this process. As if the crashed small UFO drones / saucers were used up and broken in a similar manner of how a 3D printed toy would break with time.
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"Communicating" with a Gray

Linda Moulton Howe interview with a German E. T. investigator, who met a Gray face-to-face. The first sign of authenticity I was looking for was the following:

IIRC, one other rumored source mentions a (lower ranked) male military acquaintance of a general trying out 'the alien contact experience' face-to-face, which was very important. This was not a physically ill and dying alien, like in some documentaries, but a fully functional Gray. So quickly sort through in your mind, what you remember the C's said about the Grays and Lizzies..

So, this was sort of a "prank" - like The World's Hottest Pepper-Eating Contest - in military-insider circles, for those, who had secret clearances. The leadership already knew The Effect such contact has on their people and they were probably testing trainees, like NASA does astronaut training, looking for applicants, who are able to endure it the most?

The Effect:
Immediately upon entering the alien aura / vicinity, the victim - in this case the lower ranked military officer being tested - is immediately grabbed by physiologically debilitating, gut-wrenching fear. First various stages of panic set in, then uncontrollable retching follows. Next is usually loss of limb control, extremities go numb. Some collapse and lose consciousness. Some run away. Impossible to control. Impossible to get through. For a human The Effect is too intense.

Probably it was a military prank. Bringing in vetted newbies to the secret base, then watching their reaction.

One lesser known, low-rated, but IMO very realistic Hollywood movie - Alien Abduction (2014) - also took The Effect as its central phenomenon. What happens, when normal, untrained civilians encounter Gray aliens? Since Grays are probes, through which the extremely evil Lizard mastermind is observing and acting.

The main 'circus attraction' in the above secret military test and in the movie and what the C's told us, was The Effect = the extreme fear. You can see it in the movie, I think, perfectly instructed by the director and acted out in this movie, which is surely based on research on the dark-side of abduction:

So my first thought was to see, if Linda's German E. T. investigator tells the truth: Will he mention The Effect?

And boy, he did! Check out the YT video for a thorough psychological profile of The Effect. Its a perfect opportunity, I think, to make yourself acquainted with the literally mind-numbing phenomenon. Knowledge protects. Doesn't hurt to prepare for in mind, what is obviously very hard, if not impossible to defend in real life. The debilitating effect of such an encounter on the human body and mind. Even if such mental preparation truly cannot prepare you for a real-life physical encounter. At least I know, what I can expect. What The Effect has on other people. I think its good to know - in light of the supremely important knowledge received from the C's -, that my chances are really small.
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Current UFO/UAP activity Data Base from NUFORC Reports by Location

Football-sized UFO nearly hits Plane at 20,000ft!
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