A State Duma deputy and an FSB general wrote an article where humanity is divided into people and reptiloids.
The scientific journal "Legal Science and Modernity" published an article stating that, according to various authors and sources, there are two main types of people living on planet Earth: "people of the Earth" created in the image and likeness of God; and "people,
created "from the dust of the earth" with the help of cosmic gene technologies." One of the authors of this material is Igor Ananskikh, a deputy of the State Duma, and Igor Mironov, a lieutenant general of the reserve of the FSB of Russia, ataman of the military Cossack society "Central Cossack Army".
The publication says that the first kind of people are guided by "high moral principles." Their values are
"peace, family, children, the cult of the mother woman, creation, conservation of nature." The other kind of people in the article are called "earthy products", "genetically modified creatures", "biological artificial intelligence". Among their values are: "war, terror, revolutions, brothels, pedophilia, cannibalism, drug addiction, destruction of life support systems of the spacecraft "Planet Earth", etc."
The article also claims that there are secret structures on Earth that largely shape the lifestyle and behavior of the planet's population. U.S. intelligence officer John Coleman described these structures in his book "The Committee of 300. Secrets of the World government".
"The structures of this committee are fighting for the transfer of power on planet Earth to representatives of the reptoid space civilization.
And for this they need to destroy the Russian population of Russia," the publication says.
It notes that "Catholic Europe declared Slavs to its enemy back in 1147, when the spiritual teacher of Pope Eugene III, Bernard of Klerovsky (Klervosky. - "Newspaper.Ru") formed an ideological justification for the genocidal genetic war, the selective extermination of the Slavs."
In this regard, the authors of the article drew attention to foreign migration in Russia, which "along with positive trends", "sometimes brings with it a racial genetic war."
The article also says that "the United States and the collective West have announced a program to destroy the Russian
the population". In this context, the "program of destruction of the "most rebellious people on earth, the Russians," which was allegedly compiled by Allen Dulles (director of the CIA in 1953-1961) during the Cold War, is mentioned. We are talking about the so-called "Dulles plan".