1984 said:
Hi fluxed. Not sure if you've read the guidelines given you in your introductory post so I will remind you that this forum is based on - among other important things - solid research, not merely opinion. Please cite sources when making such statements as above.
This is a summary of my research.
The theory i present concerns an alien criminal gang aka Egyptian gods,
setting an example to kings who then set an example to us.
The alien element is supported with the drilling technology...
* They had tube drills - drill bits and the machinery to hold them
steady and apply rotational torque.
* They had saws that would cut granite with ease and precision.
* They had the ability to sculpt the hardest of rocks.
* They were accomplished at finishing granite in situ -
after a block had been placed in a wall or on the surface of a pyramid.
* They had the ability to cut, level and polish granite to a
sophisticated degree of flatness.
* They had lathes that would turn and polish granite, schist, basalt, etc
(in ways we have not duplicated).
* They had the means to cut extremely accurate parallel limestone
joints with remarkable flatness over large surface areas -
35 sq.ft.or more, and apparently had mastered the technique
before beginning the casing of the Great Pyramid at Giza.
* They had the knowledge and technology to consistently lift,
exactly maneuver and delicately place enormous weights of stone.
* They had the means and motivation to quarry and move
millions of stone blocks.
The alien element is supported by Thoth, the god of writing...
''Far in the past, when first I came to thee,
found I thee in caves of rocks.
Lifted I thee by my power and wisdom
until thou didst shine as men among men.
Aye, found I thee without any knowing.
Only a little were ye raised beyond beasts.
Fanned I ever the spark of thy consciousness
until at last ye flamed as men.''
All the rest is common knowledge, such as paganism being outlawed following
christ. Surely i am not expected to evidence these matters?