Thank you everyone for the replies and words of encouragement!
Psyche said:
There is an update
here on which oils are best for cooking. The follow up posts also have useful information. We use duck fat.
Hi Psyche, I appreciate you including this link to the list of recommended cooking oils. I was just rereading it yesterday when I decided I should get virgin olive oil. I went to the store today and purchased grapeseed oil instead, because it was also recommended on here and the bottle says it has a "high smoke point of 485° F." It was on sale too so that was also an incentive for me to try it out..;D I remember reading before that you cook with duck fat, but I am attempting to follow a pescatarian diet so I do my best to minimize consuming animal products whenever possible. Perhaps one day I will try out duck fat though so I do appreciate you mentioning it!
Psyche said:
The reason to cut down on natural sweeteners during the strict phase of the elimination diet, is to calm down the "sweet tooth." It allows for less carb cravings.
Oh I see, thanks! I have been doing a good job cutting them out, but it is day 4 and I still am having cravings for sweets. I ate an extra banana last night when I wasn't hungry just to taste the sweetness. It would be so very nice for this sweet craving to go away.
Psyche said:
Your body might need as well, we can crave salt when we have adrenal fatigue.
This is fascinating! I read about adrenal fatigue on this site and thought it sounded a lot like me. I crave salt a lot actually and know that's a bit odd. Perhaps this has something to do with it. Thanks so much for the lead!!
Heimdallr said:
If it's not listed as being OK to have on the list of foods, then it's something that you have to wait to re-introduce to the diet to test for any reactions. Try to wait a week or two and then you can add it back in. Don't worry, it'll go by fast. ;)
Hello Heimdallr and thank you for offering input and for the support as well!! These last four days already flew by so I know I can do three more..:D However, I am still carrying around little chocolate mints in my purse that are just waiting for me. I have been so strong resisting them and also resisting stevia. I'm really glad it's not that annoying time of the month for me right now because my sweet cravings are worst then.
Heimdallr said:
As long as you are using sea salt, you shouldn't worry about using too much salt. It's actually a rather beneficial part of the diet. It's been given a bad rap in the mainstream. And, as you mentioned, it also works very well as a flavor enhancer.
I am SO glad you mentioned using sea salt because I thought I was, but realized I was not! I have had the same 4lb box of salt for years now and it just says "table salt" on the label. I purchased Himalayan salt a while back, but used it up and got back into this old box. I moved recently and also don't get paid in August so I have been doing my best to save money, which is the reason I decided to use this old box again. Well, sea salt was only $1.69 in the grocery store so I just bought some tonight and have replaced the table salt with it. Thank you so much for reminding me that I should be consuming sea salt!! Now that I am using it more regularly I know that was an important change to make.
gaman said:
Also, I've lost 100 pounds. That part totally astounds me that the diet has been so effective in this area.
I'm still trying to tune things to my situation and improve my normal mood more through various means including diet and supplement modification, but the effort so far has been well worth it!
So, hang in there and give things time to work and start functioning better. I think you'll be glad you did.
Hello Gaman, You should give yourself mega props for being able to lose 100lbs the healthy way! Great job!! Thank you also for the words of encouragement and for sharing your inspirational story. I find I am often criticizing myself when I don't do what is good yet not praising myself when I do do what is good! This is something I have been working on and maybe it could help you too. After I go to they gym in the morning I have been telling myself what a good job I did. I also tell myself I feel good when I eat healthy foods. I think that has helped me a lot, because I used to just scold myself if I didn't work out or ate poorly. I also think the EE breathing program has really helped me, in addition to meditating, working out, getting enough sleep, eating better and taking 5HTP which I have been doing now for about a month or so.
Nathan said:
I'd just like to chime in and sing the praises of the Ultra Simple Diet. I honestly didn't think it would work so well so quickly, but I've been on it for only 2 days and even the most stubborn of my dry skin problems (dry scalp, eyebrows) that did not go away from the anti-candida diet, have instantly disappeared. This is the first time my skin has been like this since I was a little boy, so I'm pretty excited by this!
It's great reading everyone's experiences here, and I can't wait for the two weeks to finish so I can start to test foods. Look out date loaf, you're next.
That's amazing that this diet was able to help you in this way, Nathan! That's great news and also very inspirational for me to read. Oohh date loaf, now that sounds yummy!! Gahh there goes the sweet cravings again, lol..