Hi all
Thanks for the support, its really helped and I am really grateful for it.....it has given me a lot of new perspective on this

I was feeling pretty down about things, I'm sure the avacado didn't help.
Read all your replies last night and decided that I needed a break from my routine, so went to the cinema.
Re-took the quiz today with interesting results.
RedFox said:
Here are my updated scores (as of today).
Fatty Acids Quiz 5 -1
Dopamine Quiz 6 +1
Serotonin Quiz 6 -1
GABA Quiz 7 no change
Acetylcholine Quiz 4 -1
Methylation Quiz 7 -3
Vitamin D Quiz 6 +1 (have recently stopped taking vit D due to it being summer, and high vit D levels being linked to weight loss)
Magnesium Quiz 11 no change (looks like I need more magnesium)
Zinc Quiz 6 -2
Insulin Quiz 9 no change....but in general my energy levels are less erratic/more stable than they where
Thyroid Quiz 9 -4
Sexual Hormones Quiz 8 -1
Inflammation Quiz 10 no change
Gut Quiz 6 -7!!!! I put this down to the UltraSimple diet
Toxins Quiz 6 -2
Loss of Energy Quiz 13 -3
Oxidative Stress Quiz 7 +1
Adrenal Dysfunction Quiz 10 -6!!!! I've been taking liquorish root and eating a large breakfast
Interesting.....I'm starting to wonder if my weight loss is not physiological??
So, in general my health is doing ok.....
Between your support, taking a break and redoing the quiz....my mood has improved a lot. I did feel like I was going backwards, maybe I'm simply facing the wrong way whilst moving forward?
Endymion said:
Hi RedFox. Regarding IBS, I posted the following in this thread this morning. You may find it interesting.
Thanks, that may well be useful (especially regarding slowing of digestion transit times).
Nienna Eluch said:
Are you eating a LOT of the foods that you CAN eat?
Yesterday I would have said yes......but I realise that perhaps I'm not. What has dawned on me today is that 30 odd years of eating causing discomfort/allergic reactions (even if extremely mild) has trained me to eat the bare minimum without being aware of it! I always stop before I feel full up.....feeling full up = major pain/discomfort. So I've had larger meals today and feel stuffed, but with no discomfort or pain.
Talk about having to be aware of programs you have to break.....I couldn't even see that the quantity I'm eating may be a incorrect because of that program.
I don't know if that's all of it, but its something new.
Quinoa is fine for me, and I've been combining it with white rice. I'm looking forward to trying the other foods.....yesterday I was feeling down about having to wait to try the other foods, today I don't feel down about it.
Nienna Eluch said:
As far as IBS goes, this may be contributing to your weight problem as well, although Psyche would know much more about this than I. But for your IBS problem, in the book Beating and Treating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, it talks about how IBS and not enough sleep are intertwined. Are you sleeping well? If not, you should be taking some 5HTP and melatonin.
I'm taking 50mg of 5HTP before going to bed (gives me time to do the POTS before it kicks in). My sleeps not been too bad.....what does seem to be a problem for me at the moment is staying up late.....the time just seems to disappear and I find myself at 12am/1am :/
This is another really old program I've still not managed to get to the bottom of.....but it results in me not getting enough sleep and feeling tired/run down (and 'poor me') the next day. It could be related to taking a break as I described above.....
Regulattor said:
As well as you I'm suspecting in my case of gall bladder/liver problems and poor absorption of nutrients, but in the last 2-3 months I've ate more then 5 kg of brown rice protein and at least so L Glutamine along with meat and I didn't gain a single gram. I'm even exercising regularly more or less and still nothing, so it is from time to time frustrating. Beginning to look like "stripped to the bone" literally. :)
Sorry to hear your going through something similar too Regulattor. fwiw I stopped brown rice protien when I read about those doing the brown rice diet.....in that it really didn't agree with them. The cause was leptins or lectins....I get those mixed up. I've got some hemp protein powder now, but have yet to start taking the shakes again. I ended up loosing weight despite having the shakes and everything else......I know what you mean about feeling "Stripped to the bone"!
You hang in there too!
Psyche said:
Are your energy levels alright?
In general, yes they are.....they are way more stable and I feel like I have more in reserve/more stamina for things than I use too. Yesterday though was a bit of a crash.....over all however I do wonder if I'm opperating at a lower energy level perhaps?? I'm still lacking get up and go, and the ability to 'do' much of anything. I'm not sure I entirely trust my perception of my own energy levels at the moment.
The stamina could just be a more stabilised but lower supply of energy. I'm less moody/cranky when tired/hungry.....
Laura said:
Our resident IBS sufferer finds that if he starts every meal with a good portion of home-made applesauce (no sugar added), it makes it easier for him to digest his food without problems. Also, some L-glutamine first thing in the morning in some water helps to heal the intestines.
Mainly, IBS sufferers can't tolerate fats or only small amounts, and then only with the applesauce buffer.
At the moment I'm having about 4g of L-glutamine first thing in water (with D-ribose and buffered vitimin C), and 4g of L-glutamine in water before bed with the 5HTP. The L-glutamine makes my intestines tingle (in a good way)...it feels like its helping a lot.
Sweet potatoes is something I've not been eating enough of so will have more of those. Been having the home made apple sauce before meals, and that feels like its helping. Would brown rice pasta be ok?? Or should I look for white rice pasta?
Laura said:
If you can just concentrate on those few foods for a few weeks and get stabilized, eat a lot of whatever feels okay, then you can add other veggies one at a time.
Thanks, this crossed my mind yesterday so I will do this. Need to get something more in reserve before coming up against things that cause allergic reactions I think.
Laura said:
I knew a woman once whose baby was allergic to all foods EXCEPT frog legs. His entire digestive tract was ulcerated from literally everything he ate. He was undoubtedly toxified, but you have to live long enough to get detoxed before you can eat more stuff! So you have to find the few things that work and eat LOTS of it.
Wow...that sure puts things in perspective. Poor woman :( I hope he was ok!
Ok, so to add some things to this.....it could simply be the learned behaviour around eating that is the problem, and I simply need to eat more.
Some other things that have crossed my mind (which I am exploring also) with all this (and perhaps I am simply over thinking things) are as follows:
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.....other than weight loss I'm not sure I have any of the symptoms, but just in case ordered some enteric coated live pro biotics....my pro biotics I'm currently taking don't say anything about being live or enteric coated.
I live a pretty sedentary life at the moment. Exercise in the past has at best done nothing, and more often than not made me feel worse for days on end....so perhaps now my diet is changed I should try exercise again? Learnt behaviour getting in the way again.
My dreams have been quite emotional recently and I've been confronting some past nightmares (ones I had for half my life) it seems....this time I defeated the protagonist, which unleashed a torrent (it felt like a massive ball encompassing nearly my entire house [self] in the dream) or emotional energy in the for of primal/survival fear.
On waking and re-exploring the dream landscape and the spot left by the protagonist, I can still feel the fear...and had some extremely unpleasant images flash before my eyes involving things being done to me for a split second.....I am unsure if these are perhaps memories related to my high strangeness from childhood or false images?
If I have a almost completely buried emotional trauma of some magnitude (and it feels pretty intense), then I'm thinking that this could be related to weight loss......
Along the emotional aspect of this, times in the past where I have lost a lot of weight include worrying about loved ones family members (and over committing energetically) or feeling worthless/that life was pointless/had no meaning. Times when I have gained the most weight have been when I have been emotionally accepted 'as I am' and felt like I've had purpose and meaning (even if external).
Trying to grasp purpose at the moment feels blocked from me. Again it seems related to taking a break I mentioned above......lack of joy in my life/self??
Sorry for the long reply and potentially going a mile off topic, but these are the the things I'm starting to wonder may be related or even more of a cause than diet itself. Any observations/input on this are welcome....perhaps I should start a new topic related to these things?