Bohort said:
Is there really a contraindication to take 5 HTP and vitamin B6 simultaneously?
I read that it is not recommended but i am not sure of the quality of the article:
And i am taking vitamin B6 because it is recommended to help people having problem because of using a computer (mouse).
I'm familiarized with that information and don't consider it accurate.
I've read several books where practitioners use 5HTP plus B6 (among other B vitamins) in thousands of thousands of thousands of patients. There is no report of such problem happening. Other problems (like headaches, nausea) might occur if someone decides to take high doses of serotonin at once, and not gradually. A serotonin syndrome (which does not include heart damage) might occur when someone is taking an anti-depressant, specially a MAO inhibitor and decides to take 5THP without the guidance of a doctor. One should never take a MAO inhibitor and 5 HTP without guidance.
Finally, I decided to read an entire book on 5 HTP and although I haven't done a research of the latest published articles, several things became clear. The short story is that there might be (and there has been) potential problems when artificial drugs are used, drugs which try to mimic 5 HTP levels in a
synthetic way. These synthetic drugs are different from the natural 5 HTP you get as a supplement. The chemical pathways are different and they try to mimic 5 HTP in artificial and/or increase it in indirect ways. As far as I know, those drugs were removed from the market.
Scientists have been unable to induce valve disease in some experimental models by injecting them with high doses of serotonin in a daily basis. So the danger from serotonin-producing tumors might not come from the serotonin itself, but from increased levels of other substances the tumors produce including inflammatory factors like kinins which can lead to tissue breakdown and damage of heart valves.
The problem of having "serotonin" converted in the liver is another issue. You want your serotonin converted in your brain, and not in your liver. But this is an issue when one tries to supply serotonin levels with tryptophan, instead of 5 HTP. Here is the chemical pathway as a reminder: 5 HTP is one step closer to be serotonin and notice it needs B6 in order to get converted into serotonin.
L-tryptophan increase the conversion of tryptophan into kynurenine in the liver (and thus prevent its conversion to serotonin). The amount of tryptophan taken by diet, does not pose a risk though. Stress can increase its rate of conversion because it reduces the supply of tryptophan hydrolase needed to convert into 5HTP. Also low levels of B vitamins, specially niacin and B6, low magnesium, insensitivity to insulin, and genetic deficiencies.
In addition, 5 HTP is better because it is more lipid soluble than tryptophan, so it crosses the fatty bi-layer brain barrier easier. In rare cases, L-tryptophan might work better than 5 HTP for some people though.
I think that for the most part, Big Pharma will love to see 5 HTP buried. It will render most of Big Pharma's artificial drugs unnecessary. That they are trying to blame natural serotonin for heart valve damage is upsetting, when its actually THEIR drugs that have done the damage.
Hope this was clear, I'm having brain fog and I'm blaming it on the mercury detox ;)
Lets see if there is more research available now or in the future.