Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

I don't know if someone already talked about her here, but the YouTube channel of Julie Couvreur is something interesting, even if most part of the subjects she talks about found already theirs answers in the Cassiopeans transcripts, and even she didn't follow the good assumption, she always tried to base her work on facts, traveled to places of interest, and morever she covers a large scale of enigmas that is useful to catch more people interest on those subjects. Maybe it will be interesting if some members in France could try to meet her or talk to her about Laura and the forum, as she didn't seem to know it.

I let you one of her video where she talked about a mystery that I don't find any hint in the transcripts or on the forum

FYI, about Pierre Barnerias' movie "Les Survivantes" about ritual p(a)edo-criminal networks :
“Le public s’approprie le film de façon magistrale”

Thanks. It has been published of fr.sott:

Un autre très bon article qui a été reposté sur l'EdJ (echelle de jacob), voici le lien vers l'article source.
Court, riche, condensé & concis, du très bon.

i have to say it, after so many years of dos, ibm pc, microsoft versions n+ 1, back doors, monopoly, richest man in the world: money in huge amounts stinks. god beware us of a gates world.
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