Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

Bientôt la même chose en France ?

View attachment 54372

"Covid-19: Why Israel, a pioneer in vaccination, is breaking a record for daily deaths"
Pas juste en France, mais partout. En Espagne par example beaucoup de gens meurent subitement, du coeur. Ou des voitures sortent de la route. Beaucoup. Et nous savons que les espagnols sont adeptes de l'injection... en grand nombre.

Aujourd'hui c'est définitif, plus d'obligation de porter un masque à l'extérieur. Yuppy, même si depuis quelques mois la police ne donnait plus de contraventions si tu ne portais pas le masque. (Ça fait des mois que je ne porte plus de masque). Et pourtant, oh, et pourtant ce matin en promenant les chiens tout les "humains" que mon chemin a croisé portaient le masque. Oh seigneur.


Not just in France, but everywhere. In Spain, for example, many people die suddenly of heart disease. Or cars go off the road. A lot. And we know that the Spanish are fond of injection... in large numbers.

Today it is definitive, no more obligation to wear a mask outside. Yuppy, even though for a few months now the police have not been giving out tickets if you don't wear a mask. (I haven't worn a mask for months). And yet, oh, and yet this morning while walking the dogs all the "humans" I passed were wearing the mask. Oh dear.
Have you heard about the Solaris human network ?
Created in Rennes-le-Château in September 2021 (intended for this local area, "Haute vallée de l'Aude"), nowadays "exploding" in France, expanding in several European countries, and even South America, etc.
From my PoV (I'm still collecting infos about it), it looks like a concrete STO initiative. What is your opinion about it ?

Have you heard about the Solaris human network ?
Created in Rennes-le-Château in September 2021 (intended for this local area, "Haute vallée de l'Aude"), nowadays "exploding" in France, expanding in several European countries, and even South America, etc.
From my PoV (I'm still collecting infos about it), it looks like a concrete STO initiative. What is your opinion about it ?

I heard some of them in different contexts and they were all decent humans IMHO. Nothing wrong.
Have you heard about the Solaris human network ?
Created in Rennes-le-Château in September 2021 (intended for this local area, "Haute vallée de l'Aude"), nowadays "exploding" in France, expanding in several European countries, and even South America, etc.
From my PoV (I'm still collecting infos about it), it looks like a concrete STO initiative. What is your opinion about it ?

Yes, i mentionned it here in the last session.
I went to one of the local meetings, and I saw they are aware about the difficulties to come (shortages, energy blackout, impossibility to run long distances, danger of corona shots, etc) and talk about solutions to bring. There are numerous groups formed all over the country, in order to bring together people who live near each another. Nearly each city in France has now got a group. It's incredible to see how it spread so fast in so short time and even in other countries too.
At that meeting I sensed that these are honest people. But it's sure that at a time it will be infiltrated and spoiled by opportunistic people, as always.
IMO, it's good to attend such network, in order to exercise
1. your STO part
2. your vigilance (spot the parasitic people)
I also heard about this network (Solaris), it can be seen as a pyramidal network of exchanges that gives a kind of "template" to organise such a group more locally. Groups can be at the national level, by regions, areas, towns, group of village - one common factor is to help people to regroup physically, at the lowest level it's people near each other geographically.
If you search on Telegram on "solaris" you find 2 of them : Solaris France & Belgique, the local groups are private - the national group helps to create more local ones. For instance, on Solaris BE, a group was created for the town named Hamoir, and the name of the channel is solaris.belgium.hamoir, regrouping a series of villages and towns.

One other subject : just found this recent video, that can be considered as a medium sized reportage, the quality is pretty good, this represents a long word. It lasts 48m, i watched/listened the 25 first minutes and yes, it's well done, well summarized not too long (like Hold on which makes 2h30+). In summary, it's another useful "resource" to send to any relative who still hesitate, or to watch with him/her.
This could be posted on SOTT fr, just verified and it's not (yet), that, it's up to the admins to decide :)

I also heard about this network (Solaris), it can be seen as a pyramidal network of exchanges that gives a kind of "template" to organise such a group more locally. Groups can be at the national level, by regions, areas, towns, group of village - one common factor is to help people to regroup physically, at the lowest level it's people near each other geographically.
If you search on Telegram on "solaris" you find 2 of them : Solaris France & Belgique, the local groups are private - the national group helps to create more local ones. For instance, on Solaris BE, a group was created for the town named Hamoir, and the name of the channel is solaris.belgium.hamoir, regrouping a series of villages and towns.

One other subject : just found this recent video, that can be considered as a medium sized reportage, the quality is pretty good, this represents a long word. It lasts 48m, i watched/listened the 25 first minutes and yes, it's well done, well summarized not too long (like Hold on which makes 2h30+). In summary, it's another useful "resource" to send to any relative who still hesitate, or to watch with him/her.
This could be posted on SOTT fr, just verified and it's not (yet), that, it's up to the admins to decide :)

I watched the video all the way through and it is worth it...
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