Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

A little late, but a useful and realistic analysis, unusual in French... ;-)

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict continues to dominate international news, but media coverage of certain key events is raising questions.
Recently, a massive Ukrainian drone attack targeted several regions in Russia on the night of September 9-10... The idea that Russia could topple NATO cannot be ruled out.
Russia has also recently introduced new visas for Western citizens, a move designed to attract foreign talent despite economic sanctions...
However, it remains to be seen whether this openness is a lasting success or a mere façade in an increasingly tense international context.
A worthwhile interview with Emmanuel Todd. He talks about family models to shed light on socio-political dynamics, then shows a rather poignant intimacy when talking about the war in Israel. Finally, he looks at the situation in France, all with an ironic sense of humour.

Thank you very much @wilfried.
I appreciated the exhibition, around his comic strip, and I believe that it seriously and ironically counterbalances the official discourse.
I found a forum comment that straightens out the nuances (better than what I was trying to put together), particularly in French interest. Mac Ron might not appear particularly hysterical, and so this more professional rectification may help understanding, my opinion.

He says :

Todd uses historical and anthropological tools to explain the evolution of the contemporary world and the chronic crisis we are experiencing. It is very interesting but partial. Fatally he comes to use references to psychiatric nosography and there he misses. The psychiatric reading grid seems to me indispensable. Not just because I’m a psychiatrist myself, but because it opens up the prognostic perspective. How does perversion evolve? How does paranoia evolve? What counter-attitudes are likely to halt these developments? In both cases, it is a power play aimed at neutralizing the fool. But the stakes are not the same depending on whether it is a pervert still conscious of the safeguarding of his survival or if it is a paranoid decompensated genocidal-suicidal. The whole question of the warmongering elites about to trigger nuclear Armageddon: are they still bordered by the fear of dying? When Netanyahu talks about Samson’s suicide, he doesn’t do poetry.

E Todd utilise les outils historique et anthropologique pour expliquer l’évolution du monde contemporain et la crise chronique que nous traversons. C’est très intéressant mais partiel. Fatalement il en vient à utiliser des références à la nosographie psychiatrique et là il se plante. La grille de lecture psychiatrique me semble indispensable. Pas seulement parce que je suis moi-même psychiatre, mais parce que cela ouvre sur la perspective pronostique. Comment évolue la perversion ? Comment évolue la paranoïa ? Quelles contre-attitudes sont-elle susceptibles d’enrayer ces évolutions ? Dans les deux cas, il s’agit d’un rapport de force visant la neutralisation du fou. Mais les enjeux ne sont pas les mêmes selon qu’il s’agit d’un pervers encore conscient de la sauvegarde de sa survie ou s’il s’agit d’un paranoïaque décompensé génocidaire-suicidaire. C’est toute la question des élites bellicistes sur le point de déclencher l’Armageddon nucléaire : sont-elles encore bordées par la peur de mourir ? Quand Netanyahu évoque le suicide de Samson, il ne fait pas de la poésie.
A worthwhile interview with Emmanuel Todd. He talks about family models to shed light on socio-political dynamics, then shows a rather poignant intimacy when talking about the war in Israel. Finally, he looks at the situation in France, all with an ironic sense of humour.

Thanks so much @wilfried.

It has been published on fr.sott.

Thank you very much @wilfried.
I appreciated the exhibition, around his comic strip, and I believe that it seriously and ironically counterbalances the official discourse.
I found a forum comment that straightens out the nuances (better than what I was trying to put together), particularly in French interest. Mac Ron might not appear particularly hysterical, and so this more professional rectification may help understanding, my opinion.

He says :

Todd uses historical and anthropological tools to explain the evolution of the contemporary world and the chronic crisis we are experiencing. It is very interesting but partial. Fatally he comes to use references to psychiatric nosography and there he misses. The psychiatric reading grid seems to me indispensable. Not just because I’m a psychiatrist myself, but because it opens up the prognostic perspective. How does perversion evolve? How does paranoia evolve? What counter-attitudes are likely to halt these developments? In both cases, it is a power play aimed at neutralizing the fool. But the stakes are not the same depending on whether it is a pervert still conscious of the safeguarding of his survival or if it is a paranoid decompensated genocidal-suicidal. The whole question of the warmongering elites about to trigger nuclear Armageddon: are they still bordered by the fear of dying? When Netanyahu talks about Samson’s suicide, he doesn’t do poetry.

We need to combine Todd's work at the socio-historical level with that of Ponerology.

Does the type of governance of the PTB adapt to the belief systems of the family models of societies, with populations reacting to oppression according to them?

Are the psychopathic characteristics of leaders different among peoples with different heritage traditions?

With modern globalisation, things may be levelling out or becoming more uniform, but we can't be sure when we see andemic corruption at local level, with people clinging to their material wealth as they did in times gone by.

I think he's well-educated enough to understand that the madmen in power can unleash Armageddon, but who knows, I like it when he says: ‘Macron comes from the void and he's returning to the void from which he came’, à la Gandalf.

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Have you read the new version of Political Ponerology. The new translation is a lot better than the first one and the book has more information.

Oh i need to read it a second time to better understand the relation between different type of psychopaths, i send it to a friend so maybe i'll buy the new version to fulllfill the studying.
Last winter i face a situation with the major, his "employees" and the dynamics of attitude wich is a real life experiment of the works explain by Arian Bilheran, it was so intructiv to see how we react with a tout petit tyranosorus in place of power who contain all the people inside his flavour of insanity.

thank you Jacques
Oh i need to read it a second time to better understand the relation between different type of psychopaths, i send it to a friend so maybe i'll buy the new version to fulllfill the studying.
Last winter i face a situation with the major, his "employees" and the dynamics of attitude wich is a real life experiment of the works explain by Arian Bilheran, it was so intructiv to see how we react with a tout petit tyranosorus in place of power who contain all the people inside his flavour of insanity.
Yes, this second version is well worked out, with also many notes.
And I greatly appreciate Ariane Bilheran. I think she would agree with the note added to the article. And I wonder who the psychiatrist is that made the note...

Thank you @Jacques
Comme à chacun de ses vidéos, Jean-Dominique Michel nous apporte réflexion, paix et sagesse. a publié sa dernière vidéo. Si vous pouvez regarder le film "Baraka" dans la section commentaires, c'est un film-documentaire sans dialogues, avec des images prises partout sur notre belle planète concernant la spiritualité. Ce film lui aussi apporte méditation et joie et beauté.

As with each of his videos, Jean-Dominique Michel brings us reflection, peace and wisdom. has published his latest video. If you'd like to watch the film “Baraka” in the comments section, it's a documentary film without dialogue, with images taken from all over our beautiful planet concerning spirituality. This film too brings meditation, joy and beauty.
Have you read the new version of Political Ponerology. The new translation is a lot better than the first one and the book has more information.

Cette nouvelle version est vraiment un travail d'artiste. Dans la version courante, la première, j'étais incapable de comprendre ce que l'auteur disait, mais la nouvelle version est claire et, en fait, elle est comme éclairée par le travail qu'ont fait les éditeurs de Sott, non seulement par les commentaires, qui sont presque la base, mais aussi par un désir, qui n'est pas exprimé en mots, d'aider à la compréhension du livre. C'est pour cela que je dis que c'est un travail d'artiste. C'est comme une énergie qui est là, une lumière, tous les livres ont une énergie, une lumière, et cette nouvelle version l'a et vraiment, c'est un beau cadeau parce que le sujet n'est pas facile...

This new version is truly a work of art. In the current version, the first one, I was unable to understand what the author was saying, but the new version is clear and, in fact, it's as if illuminated by the work that the editors at Sott have done, not only by the commentaries, which are almost the basis, but also by a desire, not expressed in words, to help understand the book. That's why I say it's an artist's work. It's like an energy that's there, a light, all books have an energy, a light, and this new version has it and really, it's a beautiful gift because the subject isn't easy...
Comme à chacun de ses vidéos, Jean-Dominique Michel nous apporte réflexion, paix et sagesse. a publié sa dernière vidéo. Si vous pouvez regarder le film "Baraka" dans la section commentaires, c'est un film-documentaire sans dialogues, avec des images prises partout sur notre belle planète concernant la spiritualité. Ce film lui aussi apporte méditation et joie et beauté.

As with each of his videos, Jean-Dominique Michel brings us reflection, peace and wisdom. has published his latest video. If you'd like to watch the film “Baraka” in the comments section, it's a documentary film without dialogue, with images taken from all over our beautiful planet concerning spirituality. This film too brings meditation, joy and beauty.
we could make a thread dedicated to current French socio-anthropology or stay on this one to exchange ideas.
What I find remarkable is that their words answer and complement each other.
here's Mr Maffesoli's interview on tvl; he ends with the esoteric Our Father: give us our supersubstantial bread.

I was wondering the other night whether France will be able to produce thinkers of this level in the future, or whether the country will collapse to the point of extinction.
state thesis no longer exists.


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