Mr Dugin and Mr Branco talkin in french about the current global situation. with english subtitles
Welcome to the new French section of the Cassiopaea Forum. We formerly tried to keep a French forum up and running despite the fact that my French is very poor and I was unable to participate directly, but it proved to be very time-consuming to all of us due to the fact that so much material had to be translated (questions from readers into English, and my responses into French, and so on) that we decided to change our approach.
This change in approach is also due to the fact that one of the major lessons we have experienced over the past 10 years or so (actually longer, when considering just our research), is learning that the Elite Powers that seek to enslave mankind keep us separated and weakened by encouraging xenophobia and languephobia (is that a word?) and people really need to connect with each other. The only way I can see that this will be done is if a single language becomes the language of exchange, while still cherishing and utilizing one's own mother tongue. This is not to put any language above another, but since I know English and the Cs communicate in English, and there is no way I can take the time out to learn other languages in order to be able to adequately share with all of you, let's use English by default and maybe, over time, English will morph and incorporate some of the best and most beautiful expressions of all other languages, and in a generation or two, in the new world, there will truly be a Universal language!
Besides the ability to share data and to know what YOUR government/academia may be concealing or suppressing, learning English will greatly enhance your synaptic potentials and actually make you smarter! French speakers will also discover that a LOT of English is just French words pronounced differently and sometimes spelled slightly differently, and occasionally with a slightly different usage. I can read French much better than I can speak it because so many of the words are similar, so I think that French readers will find the same works in the other direction.
Ultimately, what we want to accomplish is to share the most important information about our world, our place within it, and our future, as widely as possible, and it will help us, if you help yourself in terms of getting a running start on the language issue and helping other French speakers who are still learning. The information is what is important, and the most efficient means of transmitting it is our goal.
So, if you know enough English to just join in the forum, please do so! If you need help, this section of the forum is where you can post your questions and get responses in your own language through our translators. But Do, Please!, work on your English so you and I can communicate directly!
hugobos said:
Merci de cette précision , mais je ne suis pas d'accord avec cette approche ni même les arguments avancés .
translation: been thrown out like a piece of shit,on a forum that promotes knowledge. At the contrary: you're free to go towards other forums that suit more to your demands: a francophone forum + where you feel PEACE, being in safe zone (nobody contradictig you), + focused on LOVE (cf your nrxt sentence)se faire jeter comme une merde sur un forum qui prône la connaissance
translation: I think our reason we come on earth is to experiment LOVE.Je pense que notre venu sur terre est d expérimenter l ' AMOUR
translation: I'm 62 years old and I've had enough of people giving lessons.mais j 'ai 62 balais et j 'en ai marre des donneurs de leçons
Je suis très surprise par votre commentaire qui frise le mépris et un manque total de respect envers les membres de ce forum. Vous faites de la projection, mon cher. Et il n'y a pas la moindre trace, dans vos paroles, d'amour.Merci pour ce réquisitoire , je n'en avait même pas conscience
Je pense que notre venu sur terre est d expérimenter l ' AMOUR , se faire jeter comme une merde sur un forum qui prône la connaissance est aussi une expérience , mais j 'ai 62 balais et j 'en ai marre des donneurs de leçons .
Merci de votre compréhension
Hello Palestine, welcome. Me I like to write and express myself in French, in English, in Spanish, in Catalan and also in dog language, woof woof.Bonjour les Français! Je suis en Suisse et je suis heureux de pouvoir m'exprimer en Français, à l'avenir!
Huh-huhHello Palestine, welcome. Me I like to write and express myself in French, in English, in Spanish, in Catalan and also in dog language, woof woof.![]()
Yes sir, you are right.Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de cette discussion hors sujet et sans fin. Ce fil c'est pour les documentaires en français. Les dicussions sur tout le forum sont en anglais sinon on aura des petites dicussions isolées avec trois chats qui se courent après dans chaque langue. C'est tout simple.
It is more that that.Je pense que notre venu sur terre est d expérimenter l ' AMOUR , se faire jeter comme une merde sur un forum qui prône la connaissance est aussi une expérience , mais j 'ai 62 balais et j 'en ai marre des donneurs de leçons .
Love is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no sense when common definitions are used as they are in your environment. To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.
The Cassiopaeans (2 September 1995)
So poor to read Beaudelaire not in french. As this guy is the master of the language des oiseaux, from far imo; not especialy for the things he wrote, but for the way he did it.“Man is endowed with the gift of feeling pain, and I don't think life would be fair if we ignored that pain.”
Pain is a teacher, the sadness it implants in us transforms into a faint light that begins to lead us towards a deeper understanding of our nature. Nothing in life is permanent except change, and life is meaningless unless we realize that beauty comes from transience, from our freedom from the constraints of expectations and the constant search for stability.
- Charles Baudelaire (French poet)
Yes, about his poesy for sure.So poor to read Beaudelaire not in french. As this guy is the master of the language des oiseaux, from far imo; not especialy for the things he wrote, but for the way he did it.
Like a Bourgogne wine in a plastic glass.
baudelaire is not a good model to exhort us to seek pain. my aim is to avoid it as much as possible...“Man is endowed with the gift of feeling pain, and I don't think life would be fair if we ignored that pain.”
Pain is a teacher, the sadness it implants in us transforms into a faint light that begins to lead us towards a deeper understanding of our nature. Nothing in life is permanent except change, and life is meaningless unless we realize that beauty comes from transience, from our freedom from the constraints of expectations and the constant search for stability.
- Charles Baudelaire (French poet)