Various interesting things regarding Canada

Most interesting thread. I live in BC which is considered a major city and hub Kamloops BC. It is the controlling hub which controls the health care, ambulance service, the police and the fire service throughout the BC Interior all calls go through a communication hub and are directed to the appropriate area.

At this time time we are dealing with drug issues, of course thanks to the woke ideology, here it is acceptable for a certain amount of narcotics to be carried on a person a testing ground for woke ideology. It has now created a drug war, with drug pins in Vancouver coming into the area seeking territorial ground. In fact in spring, a public safety warning was given by the RCMP, danger in the streets could escalate (gun violence). Which did ensue, three deaths in one week, and is ongoing. In a now increased population of around 100,000 due to immigration policies...Thank you Trudeau! The local church which was in the centre of the downtown district, for over a century, burned, and reconstruction funding looks to be sketchy, nobody prays anymore, of course in a prime area of downtown.

This from a local news source, not a particularly good resource, but it is the only one we have to obtain information. They stopped the print paper, which arrived weekly, giving public opinion and voice...Quashed, not enough monies to continue, and then again the green agenda...all that paper.

The Mayor who has been in office for around 18months or so was elected into office, on his mandate, to deal with the homeless and the funding behind the influx. The crime, the drugs and return the city into a stable community. They have personally made him Persona non Grata because he was not acceptable to the council of Kamloops ideology and the future vision of the area, they (the council) sent out notices to other provincial governments and other bureaucratic organizations that he was not the representative of Kamloops and to ignore him....In effect, they wanted to cancel him.

If he does not comply with a re-education program, his salary will be docked on a schedule 25% for the firs offence 50% and so on. At this time his salry has been reduced 25%. The legality of this beggars the mind...And the citziens are not really intererested they think he is the demon, standing in the way of all the eye in the pie wonderous changes to the city. On closer inspection, seems to me money and corruption is the creator of these changes. he does have legal counci, I wonder how effective they will be in representing him they are in Vanouver, where many of the fiancial interests in the City are based.

The councillors are beyond the pale, with many hands in the pie of government grants and reconstruction,
with rental properties under construction all over the area...One cannot question, conflict of interests, nothing is disclosed.

For new construction, on so called empty ground not under construction, or properties, that have been declared condemned a tax deferral of 10 years for new construction is in place, tax at the current rate is still applicable for the land but tax on construction is differed,, who know what 10 years in Canada will mean...

It app0ears to me any many others that Kamloos is a testing ground for a 15min City.

This is just a snip of the issues in Kamloops at this time... I could go on, but this is enouh of a rant at this time, people are sleepwalking into a disaster.

Thanks for reading. Edited somewhat for clarity.
This from a local news source, not a particularly good resource, but it is the only one we have to obtain information. They stopped the print paper, which arrived weekly, giving public opinion and voice...Quashed, not enough monies to continue, and then again the green agenda...all that paper.
This happened to my local newspaper here in eastern Ontario. After 131 years of publishing, it just shut down abruptly last year with no warning! There was an article in the final issue about lack of advertising money that led to this decision (a decision by whom, no one is sure). While that may be true, there was no attempt by anyone to try and save it. I've since found out that this has happened to a lot of local newspapers in this region over the last few years. It was like someone wanted it to vanish, since it cuts off another route of communication between people.

The saddest part of this was that the overwhelming majority of people here just shrugged their shoulders and said "Ah well, just a sign of the times" and did nothing! I still had 6 months left on my annual subscription and have no way to recoup that money! :mad::-(

Anyway, rant over.
Most interesting thread. I live in BC which is considered a major city and hub Kamloops BC. It is the controlling hub which controls the health care, ambulance service, the police and the fire service throughout the BC Interior all calls go through a communication hub and are directed to the appropriate area.

At this time time we are dealing with drug issues, of course thanks to the woke ideology, here it is acceptable for a certain amount of narcotics to be carried on a person a testing ground for woke ideology. It has now created a drug war, with drug pins in Vancouver coming into the area seeking territorial ground. In fact in spring, a public safety warning was given by the RCMP, danger in the streets could escalate (gun violence). Which did ensue, three deaths in one week, and is ongoing. In a now increased population of around 100,000 due to immigration policies...Thank you Trudeau! The local church which was in the centre of the downtown district, for over a century, burned, and reconstruction funding looks to be sketchy, nobody prays anymore, of course in a prime area of downtown.

This from a local news source, not a particularly good resource, but it is the only one we have to obtain information. They stopped the print paper, which arrived weekly, giving public opinion and voice...Quashed, not enough monies to continue, and then again the green agenda...all that paper.

The Mayor who has been in office for around 18months or so was elected into office, on his mandate, to deal with the homeless and the funding behind the influx. The crime, the drugs and return the city into a stable community. They have personally made him Persona non Grata because he was not acceptable to the council of Kamloops ideology and the future vision of the area, they (the council) sent out notices to other provincial governments and other bureaucratic organizations that he was not the representative of Kamloops and to ignore him....In effect, they wanted to cancel him.

If he does not comply with a re-education program, his salary will be docked on a schedule 25% for the firs offence 50% and so on. At this time his salry has been reduced 25%. The legality of this beggars the mind...And the citziens are not really intererested they think he is the demon, standing in the way of all the eye in the pie wonderous changes to the city. On closer inspection, seems to me money and corruption is the creator of these changes. he does have legal counci, I wonder how effective they will be in representing him they are in Vanouver, where many of the fiancial interests in the City are based.

The councillors are beyond the pale, with many hands in the pie of government grants and reconstruction,
with rental properties under construction all over the area...One cannot question, conflict of interests, nothing is disclosed.

For new construction, on so called empty ground not under construction, or properties, that have been declared condemned a tax deferral of 10 years for new construction is in place, tax at the current rate is still applicable for the land but tax on construction is differed,, who know what 10 years in Canada will mean...

It app0ears to me any many others that Kamloos is a testing ground for a 15min City.

This is just a snip of the issues in Kamloops at this time... I could go on, but this is enouh of a rant at this time, people are sleepwalking into a disaster.

Thanks for reading. Edited somewhat for clarity.
to my "sad" emoji i want to add that this is LAMENTABLE = the english translation does not do justice to the french meaning, so look it up yourself...

Woman found dead in suspected femicide in Ottawa's west end​

This is a new one. Will the police create a separate Femicide Department?

It's the first time the Ottawa Police Service has labeled a killing as a femicide.

"In the context of police investigations, we consider this death to be a femicide as it occurred in the context of intimate partner violence, which is one of the many forms of misogynist killings," Ottawa Police said in a news release on Monday.

"A femicide is generally defined as 'the killing of women and girls because of their gender' often driven by stereotyped gender roles, discrimination towards women and girls or unequal power relations between women and men."
This is one of the best exchanges of an average Canadian and the useless Justin Trudeau. It happened a few days ago at Algoma Steel in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The guy is practically stoic in his speech, doesn't get emotional, call him names or anything. Just states a few facts and makes Trudeau look like an idiot.

From this report, It's titled as a "tense exchange". The only one tense was Trudeau. When he realized he was losing his argument with the steel worker, his mask slipped for a second and Trudeau's body language and facial expression was one of anger and contempt for this guy (imo). You can see it in the picture below;
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shrugs as he unsuccessfully attempts to win over a steelworker during a contentious exchange at a meet and greet with Algoma Steel workers in Sault Ste. Marie on Friday, Aug. 30, 2024. (Kenneth Armstrong/The Canadian Press)
Here is the full news report:
I wasn't aware of this, but the whole 'Canada is a multicultural nation' only arose during the 1960s. I grew up in a Canada where this policy had been adopted for almost 30 years. A similar push was made throughout the 60s in all Anglosphere countries.

Where did the policy come from? The answer given by MacDonald in Culture of Critique is that its part and parcel of a group evolutionary strategy by Jews. The Jews have kept up their own ethnocentrism for centuries. More recently, too. And in the meantime that they maintain strict boundaries, they advocate (through their control of the media, entertainment industry, politics, and finance) for a philosophy of universalism, humanism, high immigration, abortion, etc. for everyone else in the West. Because these population-reducing ideas are targeted towards European descendants. When Europeans resist, the Jews raise the alarm over ethnocentrism, which is a short step away from anti-semitism and another Holocaust. Meanwhile, they themselves maintain their ethnocentrism, and also sense of superiority. European resistance to immigration or other population-reduction policies is cast increasingly as racist or evidence of psychopathology. A vast historical case of 'rules for thee but not for me'.

MacDonald gives a clear reason for all this. He doesn't touch on psychopathy, or conspiracy, or undergrounders, Judaism as an egregore, etc., or the use of Jews as tools and perhaps scapegoats by the PTB. He dismissed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and would probably dismiss The Controversy of Zion too. His perspective is based on social identity theory, namely that ethnic groups make use of ingroup-outgroup thinking, where my ethnic or genetic ingroup is more important that your genetic outgroup. The do so as a group evolutionary strategy, ie., in order to ensure the survival of the group. Some ethnic groups are more prone to this than others.

His argument links several points. (1) Different ethnic groups have different genetics, which naturally results in different general abilities, behaviours and skills. This cuts against the grain of the universalist idea 'we are all human' AKA 'race doesn't mean anything', which in a way sort of erases the diverse genetic or biological reality of humanity. (2) Ethnic groups differ in culture as well. And these differences in culture can indeed lead to conflict and violence. There are some cultural practices by ethnic minorities that the majority may find abhorrent. This cuts against the grain of the relativist idea that 'no one may judge another's culture'. (3) Finally, he makes the point that ethnic groups tend to compete for resources. This really cuts against the grain of the multicultural worldview that 'we are all living in a social harmony' here in Canada. Competition is understood to happen (if at all) between individuals, not ethnic groups. That's anathema in Canada, at least in my upbringing, though it's becoming a more prominent understanding I think. MacDonald wouldn't deny that individuals compete, but he is emphasizing the case that ethnic competition is an important factor in understanding the stability of Western society.

There's more to it, but basically the result of the 60's has been a society-wide rejection of the ideas of an ethnically-stratified nation (nationalism), a rejection of Christian faith, a rejection of high-investment parenting, a rejection of the importance of the family, and a rejection of social or material success. This was eye-opening to me, especially as I realized that this radicalism is the spectre that has haunted my Dad throughout his life. He became possessed by these ideas, and passed them on to me, and it has been something like passing a kidney stone to get rid of them. And also at the same time not fall into the opposite trap of becoming a normal, flag-waving white-nationalist conservative.

It seems to me that egregores operate in pairs. One idea is presented, and another is waiting, just as dangerous, for those who reject it. Although these days I do have more sympathy for the populists who see their countries being destroyed by DEI policies and other woke insanity.

Anyways, here's MacDonald's brief bit on Canada's multiculturalism policy, in case anyone is interested in reading:

In the case of Canada, Abella (1990, 234-235) notes the important contribution of Jews in bringing about a multicultural Canada and, in particular, in lobbying for more liberal immigration policies. Reflecting this attitude, Arthur Roebuck, attorney general of Ontario, was greeted “with thunderous applause” at a 1935 convention for the Zionist Organization of Canada when he stated that he looked “forward to the time when our economic conditions will be less severe than they are today and when we may open wide the gates, throw down the restrictions and make of Canada a Mecca for all the oppressed peoples of the world” (in M. Brown 1987, 256).

Earlier in the century, there were conflicts between Jews and gentiles over immigration that were entirely analogous to the situation in England and the United States, including the anti-Semitic motivation of many attempting to restrict immigration (Abella & Troper 1981, 52-55; M. Brown 1987, 239).

As in the United States, Jews have strongly opposed majoritarian ethnocentric and nationalist movements, such as the Parti Québécois, while remaining strong supporters of Zionism (M. Brown 1987, 260ff). Indeed, in the very close 1995 vote on Quebec separatism, the overwhelming support of Jews and other minorities for preserving links with Canada was blamed by separatist leader Jaques Parizeau for their defeat.

It is remarkable that the sea change in immigration policy in the Western world occurred at approximately the same time (1962-1973), and in all countries the changes reflected the attitudes of elites rather than the great mass of citizens. In the United States, Britain, Canada, and Australia public opinion polls of European-derived peoples have consistently shown overwhelming rejection of immigration by non-European-derived peoples (Betts 1988; Brimelow 1995; Hawkins 1989; Layton-Henry 1992). A consistent theme has been that immigration policy has been formulated by elites with control of the media and that efforts have been made by political leaders of al major parties to keep fear of immigration off the political
agenda (e.g., Betts 1988; Layton-Henry 1992, 82).

In Canada the decision to abandon a “White Canada” policy came from government officials, not from elected politicians. The White Canada policy was effectively killed by regulations announced in 1962, and Hawkins (1989, 39) comments, “This important policy change was made not as a result of parliamentary or popular demand, but because some senior officials in Canada, including Dr. [George] Davidson [Deputy Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and later a senior administrator at the United Nations] rightly saw that Canada could not operate effectively within the United Nations, or in the multiracial Commonwealth, with the millstone of a racially discriminatory immigration policy round her neck.”

In neither Australia nor Canada was there ever any popular sentiment to end the older European bias of immigration policy.

"The primary and identical motivation of Canadian and Australian politicians in trying to exclude first the Chinese, then other Asian migrants and finally all potential non-white immigrants, was the desire to build and preserve societies and political systems in their hard-won, distant lands very like those of the United Kingdom. They also wished to establish without challenge the primary role there of her founding peoples of European origin… Undisputed ownership of these territories of continental size was felt to be confirmed forever, not only by the fact of possession, but by the hardships and dangers endured by the early explorers and settlers; the years of back-breaking work to build the foundations of urban and rural life… The idea that other peoples, who had taken no part in these pioneering efforts, might simply arrive in large numbers to exploit important local resources, or to take advantage of these earlier settlement efforts, was anathema. (Hawkins 1989, 23)

Given the elite origins of the non-European immigration policies that emerged throughout the West during this period despite popular opposition, it is of considerable interest that very little publicity was given to certain critical events. In Canada, the Report of the Special Joint Committee of 1975 was a critical event in shaping non-European immigration policy of the 1978 immigration law, but “sad to say, since the press failed to comment on the report and the electronic media had remained uninvolved, the Canadian public heard little of it” (Hawkins 1989, 59-60).

Looking back on this national debate on immigration and population which lasted for six months at most, it can be said now that it was a very effective one-time consultation with the immigration world, and with those Canadian institutions and organizations to whom immigration is an important matter. It did not reach “the average Canadian” for one simple reason: The Minister and Cabinet did not trust the average Canadian to respond in a positive way on this issue, and thought this would create more trouble than it was worth. As a result of this view, they did not want to commit the funds to organize extensive public participation, and made only a minimal effort to mobilize the media on behalf of a truly national debate.

The principle benefit of this approach was that the badly needed new Immigration Act was on the statute book only a little later than Mr. [Robert] Andras [Minister of Manpower and Immigration] and his colleagues [Hawkins emphasizes Andras’ Deputy Minister Alan Gotlieb as the second prime mover of this legislation] originally envisaged. The principle loss was what some would regard as a golden opportunity to bring a great many individual Canadians together, to discuss the future of their vast underpopulated land. (Hawkins 1989, 63)

Only after the 1978 law was in effect did the government embark on a public information campaign to inform Canadians of their new immigration policy (Hawkins 1989, 79). As in the United States, family unification became a centerpiece of immigration policy in Canada and Australia and led to the “chaining” phenomenon mentioned above. [Note - this is a reference to one immigrant being accepted, and then a chain of their wife, kids, brothers, sisters, etc. being given preferential treatment].

Hawkins shows that in Canada, family reunion was the policy of liberal Ministers of Parliament desiring higher levels of Third World immigration (p. 87).

This comes after MacDonald dedicated many, many pages showing the decades-long fight by Jewish organizations for 'open borders' in America, and other brief histories of the same in Australia and the UK:

It seems fair to conclude that Jewish organizations have uniformly advocated high levels of immigration of all racial and ethnic groups into Western societies and have also advocated a multicultural model for these societies.

Multiculturalism is a strategy used to destabilize the European majority so Jews can flourish. What we're seeing today has been a strategy going on for decades. And I'd add something more sinister - introduce tons of immigrants, then stoke white suspicion and hatred for them is likely part of the plan as well. The recent news of Modi's interference, or the much-discussed Chinese interference in Canada seems to fit that bill.
Today in the province of BC is election day. It was a Liberal/NDP stronghold. Because of all the controversy surrounding the Liberal/NDP alliance, and the liberals concerned about the risky chance of re-election in the province. They decided to dissolve the liberal party in BC, some of the candidates are representing themselves as independents. In BC we only have three major parties now. The Conservatives the NDP or the green party.

I voted Conservative, because of the terrible situation in BC. Rampant drug use, gang warfare in the area where I live, catch and release for offenders and an increasing homeless population. It was the only option to bring some degree of law and order to the province and I fully support the party and my decision along with many of the population in BC.

What really gets my back up, and I am using polite language is the fact, that the riding where I live, he was a Liberal MLA.

As soon as the Liberal party was dissolved, the Liberal candidate switched sides, he is now the Conservative candidate for my riding, as a Liberal candidate he has done nothing to help the population of the riding. I have never seen his name on any committee meetings. He has an office a few blocks down the road from where I and seem to be missing in action, the consensus of those that are aware of the political game he is playing is because his only interest is the large pension he will receive at the end of his political career.

It to use an old term it stuck in my craw to vote for him (which means something has disturbed my peace of mind or annoyed me). As a Liberal he has done nothing, he has an office a few block from where I live. He appears to be missing in action, I am told he has two secretaries, and they are the only ones in the office to answer public concerns. I have never seen is name on any committee meetings. He has never done anything for the area or voiced any concerns regarding liberal polices, he is business interests all the way (being a lawyer helps)

He pays lip service to affordable housing, support of transit and the hospital, which on his watch has a 2.2 rating for the services provided, is chronically understaffed, and about 2-3 years an 80 year man died sitting in w wheelchair in the ER emergency room waiting to be assessed and treated. He was a founding senior physician at the hospital many years ago I think in charge of the neurology department (could be wrong on that but you catch my drift).

I seriously wonder where is loyalties are, as my friend mentioned to me, his major priority is the golf course. I hope people will flood his doors if this becomes a conservative riding making him answerable if he does not follow the Conservatives and mandates lining up outside his office to make him accountable, I will for sure, In a polite way of course, again and again until I receive and answer. Now I am off to watch how the election is progressing. I am keeping my fingers crossed that some sanity is restored after the Liberal train wreck here in BC.

BTW for the first time since voting in BC my vote was verified by using a voting machine, of course someone was standing watch. I was curious, never seen it before. I asked him what happened if there was a recount. He informed arr ballots were stored in case of that eventuality, he gave me a strange look, when I asked. He also informed me that they would be used in the upcoming Federal election whenever that my be officially scheduled for 2025, but who knows could be sooner. I checked using wikki, sometimes they do inform...

The voting machines in the area where I live and will be in the Federal election are...Dominion...Hm! Apologies, I am having a Deja Vue moment.
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