Venezuela's VP: "There was an international conspiracy to make Chavez sick"

Raison d'tre regarding the fight against delinquency always there is electioneering as know, you will see all that promising news. I remember that Chavez talked about delinquency seriously only when we had elections near and this is the case also now.
In 27 February, this year, the Congress ruled by the government decided to "keep in the drawer" a law of disarm proposed by the opposition (one of the few good things they proposed) , that was extremely necessary due the situation of insecurity we have.

"Disarmament Act was off the agenda of 29 laws of NA"

But as is now convenient, Maduro the candidate for the government, asked the Congress to "reactivate" the discussion of that law. Chance? That's are planned movements as almost everything in politics. As Roosevelt said "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way" In that way Maduro would seem worry about that when in the past their party were concern with another issues or simply it didn't care.
Why in less of 20 days ago it was not urgent to discuss that and it is important now? or they discovered in weeks that many Venezuelan are being killed by delinquency? That it is not an "insecurity sensation" promoted by the media, as they said, when the media reports just a part of all is happening, and people find out mouth to mouth.

"Have been incorporated to 1,388 prisoners in the Penitentiary Orchestras network"

Want to see how was the treatment of prisoners during the 4th republic? before to the Revolutionary government, I mean -I'm looking for a documentary that summarizes and explains objectively the horror of prisons for the 4th republic.:

The situation has not change so much. I think is even worst. If they had had real will of change the situation of the jails we won't have this dissaster. They had the time and the money to make more prisons on time and help to alleviete the situation. Incorporate prisoners to musical activities is fine, but the strategy of the government this years seemed to be leave them under their own law. In the past at least they have control of what they allow to enter in prisons and they fight with "chuzos" (kind of knife done with the bar of the gates) but now they have guns, grenades, shotguns and even women doing streap tease, this is a total debauchery. Who control the input of armies? is not that competence of the army? how is that they had war arms that only the government have access. Easy, is all corrupted, no need to say is responsibility of the right wing only.

Here are another documentary (very short) of how are now the prisons in Vzla:

Part I

Part II

So the BIG problem of this government is that they wait until the bomb is near to explode, when we have dead, injured, electrical collapse, overwhelmed crime (more dead), hospitals fall out to even recognize that there is a problem. I remember when it was adverted that a very important big bridge that communicates Caracas with the airport was going to fall according to experts, but the government said "that's not true, they want us to expend money doing a new one" what happened next? The bridge collapsed and they had to tear it down and doing a new one. People had to expend 2 or 3 o or more hours in a path that was done before in 30 minutes max. So imagine people that lived in that zone expend 4-6 hours/day to got job because an inept decided which the reality is according to their interest? I have no more hope in this society I think nothing is can be made, it is so much rotten.
Galaxia2002 said:
But as is now convenient, Maduro the candidate for the government, asked the Congress to "reactivate" the discussion of that law. Chance? That's are planned movements as almost everything in politics. As Roosevelt said "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way" In that way Maduro would seem worry about that when in the past their party were concern with another issues or simply it didn't care.
Why in less of 20 days ago it was not urgent to discuss that and it is important now? or they discovered in weeks that many Venezuelan are being killed by delinquency? That it is not an "insecurity sensation" promoted by the media, as they said, when the media reports just a part of all is happening, and people find out mouth to mouth.

oh indeed! i think sometimes revolutions has messy ways to keep going! perphaps somehow when you trying to stop the influence of the global elite on your country, you cannot maintain the control of everything and sometimes it could be start to deteriorate (like security, constructions etc wou name it) and as i said before pathocracy could be present at some level on every area where is power present, no matter who the leader is!
The situation has not change so much. I think is even worst. If they had had real will of change the situation of the jails we won't have this dissaster. They had the time and the money to make more prisons on time and help to alleviete the situation. Incorporate prisoners to musical activities is fine, but the strategy of the government this years seemed to be leave them under their own law. In the past at least they have control of what they allow to enter in prisons and they fight with "chuzos" (kind of knife done with the bar of the gates) but now they have guns, grenades, shotguns and even women doing streap tease, this is a total debauchery. Who control the input of armies? is not that competence of the army? how is that they had war arms that only the government have access. Easy, is all corrupted, no need to say is responsibility of the right wing only.

So the BIG problem of this government is that they wait until the bomb is near to explode, when we have dead, injured, electrical collapse, overwhelmed crime (more dead), hospitals fall out to even recognize that there is a problem. I remember when it was adverted that a very important big bridge that communicates Caracas with the airport was going to fall according to experts, but the government said "that's not true, they want us to expend money doing a new one" what happened next? The bridge collapsed and they had to tear it down and doing a new one. People had to expend 2 or 3 o or more hours in a path that was done before in 30 minutes max. So imagine people that lived in that zone expend 4-6 hours/day to got job because an inept decided which the reality is according to their interest? I have no more hope in this society I think nothing is can be made, it is so much rotten.

If, ofcourse there are military accomplices. But being military, do not relate directly to "the military chavez", ie, all Chavez's fault. I guess this may clarify the picture somewhat, beyond just saying, is all the fault of the government, or chavez. I think it is also pretty clear in the the videos already posted above.

The video I'm looking for, just talking about life in Venezuela pranes. The time that they have been creating a state within prisons. Something deeper than just a Reality Show of "CoolTV". They not expose the true cause.

The "Pranes".

The "Pranes" as they call themselves, are the crime bosses who actually control the prisons mentioned. Quines is they are leading the riots that have been generated in recent days. The "Pranes" are dangerous criminals: murderers and rapists that are well protected and barricaded with powerful military weapons acquired by corrupt police officials who together have made some real country's prisons logistics centers for drug distribution , kidnappings and killings.

And The private of freedom, there are benefits, are not stranded, as you point out. Please investigate more.

The adoption of the Code of Corrections (COP), which remains under discussion in the National Assembly (AN), socio-economic benefits to expand the prison population in the country's prisons.

There are also strong indications and some evidence, that many custodians (civil and GNB), police, prosecutors and even judges are part of a society of accomplices who has infiltrated the system "judicial" to present itself as a mafia group that profits with prisoners, making them and their miseries, in common merchandise. Not only are traded weapons, drugs and "permissions", but to life and physical and moral integrity, have a price to be paid with interest, the "car" and its invisible assembly.

Politicians internal agents of imperialism and its allied rogue private media transnational chains, have promoted and attempted to use the unfortunate events within the criminal Rodeo I and II to accuse the government of President Chavez of "human rights violator" and and seek a condemnation action in international bodies similar to that undertaken against other countries in order to start building the evidence for future intervention "humanitarian" imperialist. But the lies of the "pranes" bourgeois always have short legs.

"ofcourse there are military accomplices" so:
- Heavy penalties for officers who enter the criminal weapons

Sanction for officials who traffic with weapons in prisons

Final Draft of "An Act for Disarmament, Arms Control and Ammunition" APPROVED JOINT TUESDAY 11.JUNIO.2012 to be forwarded to the Plenary for final approval.

There are articles in the law that already have years of implementation. But until it is fully approved, then there is progress? Even, the law against illegal possession of arms is also explained.Here:

Law for Disarmament and Arms Control and Ammunition.

Galaxia, Why do you think the weapons are destroyed? That is, until you read the Sifra "zero delinquency", then there will be no meaning to the progress that has been made so far? Before any law never existed, why the opposition, waiting for exploded to way coordinated, into the prison problems just during the Chavez government, for propose the law? yes, indeed everything is planned.

But it's worth, only destroy weapons? of course not, but it is a significant advance. Countering the negative values ​​of violence. That is exactly what is being done, the revolution of the mind, I think that comes into play here. With programming that contain positive contents, to instruct, to good values ​​towards other people, towards life. to counteract the washing of minds, through the TV, and the acceptance that life of ganster, is a life of dignity. The common insecurity is only one lid, the slot through the door. The real actions and social consequences, is a network of networks attached to political mafias corrupt. The worst insecurity to try.

"Everything we do in education, culture, food, security will target and overcome the negative values ​​that have been generated. We will take root all the cult antivalues ​​weapons to drugs and violence ", said Nicolas Maduro.

"We have entered a phase of voluntary disarmament, which is the possibility that citizens voluntarily surrender their weapons" Pablo Fernández, reiterated that as part of that policy have been destroyed successful over 300,000 firearms since 2003 to date, placing Venezuela as the first country in the world with important achievements in this field.

The progress is being made, not starting. Enough is enough, always hide behind the phrase, "election time, time to give away candy." Ok, I will not say that everything has been perfect, but neither has been a total failure, as many only want see. Not fair, not is acceptable, not is the reality.
you cannot maintain the control of everything and sometimes it could be start to deteriorate (like security, constructions etc wou name it)

For that reason, it has empowered the people too. But obviously can not exclude the possibility :
and as i said before pathocracy could be present at some level on every area where is power present, no matter who the leader is!

But also, thinking the "you cannot maintain the control of everything" not is a flank to cover? Part of avoiding internal break, which can be exploited by outsiders, when speaking of destabilization, for example. This is what I mean, with "the falls of the masks".
Creo que a veces las revoluciones tiene formas desordenadas para seguir adelante!

This may give some of light, why revolutions too could be "disordered".

Documentary: interference, silent invasion. The CIA against the Bolivarian Revolution.

"Review of the history of the Bolivarian revolution and its continuing struggle to pursue their achievements, facing the Venezuelan right boycotts and various CIA attacks. The documentary reveals the mechanisms that conceal agrupos U.S. funding of opposition in Venezuela, for destabilization operations, as the coup attempt of 2002."

Rodolfo Frómeta Caballero

"In mid-1969 he moved to Miami and is interned in the camp called "Indians", belonging to Alpha-66, which was located in the Everglades, south of Miami, where he trained in arms, explosives and irregular war for 45 days.

After a distance of Alpha-66 in the 70s, and in early 1980 was among their top leaders in New Jersey, a place like Miami terrorist mafia has had criminal groups, engaged in propaganda activities, collections and public control of new recruits, also serving "bodyguard" to Nazario Sargen, when he came to visit from Miami.

Frometa was "promoted" at that stage "commander" by Andres Nazario Sargen and Silverio Rodríguez, the same criminals who today continue to lead this organization and living.

On October 10, 1981 Frómeta moved to Miami, where he had contacts with Nazario Sargen and arrived a day after Cuba sent by Alpha-66, as a visitor to the Cuban community, under the pretext of visiting relatives in Guantánamo, was arrested by the organs of State Security on 23 of that month, the comprobársele subversive activity.

Some of the missions entrusted to it by Nazario Sargen, was to recruit a group of disaffected to the Revolution for Alpha-66 and terrorist actions, leading to initially capture a total of five, including several family members, one of which was commissioned to denounce the arrest.

These gullible, influenced by enemy radio propaganda and promises of money Frometa, stated that he had spoken of trying to poison cattle, sabotage cane plantations, orchards, transportation and political information gathering."
How ironic, this page is called, "The Next War.

Control of Venezuela after Chavez's death. -

"The U.S. think-tank financial corporate funded, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), stated in his "to do list post-Chavez" for U.S. politicians "that the U.S. must act quickly to reorganize Venezuela according to U.S. interests ."

"Now is the time for U.S. diplomats to start a silent dialogue with key regional powers to explain the high cost of the criminal regime of Chavez, including the impact of Chavez's complicity with drug traffickers who are wreaking havoc in Colombia, Central America and Mexico. Maybe then we can convince regional leaders to show their solidarity with the Venezuelan democrats who want to restore a commitment to the rule of law and rebuilding an economy that can be an engine for growth in South America."

Of course, with "Venezuelan democrats" means AEI figures backed by Wall Street, as Henrique Capriles and its political front "Primero Justicia", two entities that the Western media and are prepared to support before the elections.

"Whatever one might have thought about the policies of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Nationalized his country's oil, which drove them away to foreign multinational corporations, diversified its exports to reduce dependence on Western markets (with U.S. exports in a minimum of 9 years), and openly opposed to neo-imperialism corporate-finance worldwide. He was an obstacle to Western hegemony. A blockage that caused the open joy and depraved of his opponents after his death."

"U.S. military contractors and special forces have been seen operating in and around Venezuela. Just as there have been warning signs in the years before the conflict in Syria began in 2011, the "intentions of bloodshed and bring about a change of regime in Venezuela" date back to 2002. Like Syria now faces a proxy war manufactured by the West, Venezuela will too, stating the AEI and U.S. plans to wage a proxy war in Syria style in South America."

"Venezuela's fate is in the hands of its people. The covert destabilization must be faced by the Venezuelan people, while the alternative media should do everything possible to unravel the lies that have been circulated for some time ahead of the "post-Chavez of Venezuela." For the rest of us, we must identify the interests of financial corporations pushing this agenda, interests most often encounter daily, while boycotting and replacing them permanently to erode the undue influence they have used and continue to use against the Venezuelan people and against people around the world."

While fewer people are, the control is more easier above the remaining population. Many countries at war, many "bloodstains". That seems to be the place to prepare for something, strategically in countries where revolutions have risen. Everything seems increasingly to the movie "They Live", align with the most powerful, who are far above them even when the tools, the power to stop them, there it is. Fully accessible to everyone. Everything is very obvious, the masses worldwide are rising. Those in the areas of governance, globally, with the power to stop those who carry their own people to death, simply they do nothing. Political Euphemism perhaps for the non-intervention in other countries' policies guidelines or maybe fear of something greater. They look completely useless, to something that they cannot reach. What else can that a group of individuals, are displayed with their hands tied, accept the removing a portion of the population, a endless social chaos, a war?

Thanks for the reports on SOTT about Chavez, with that information, I did make enough noise, sufficient signals to create action in some media and several articles have been translated and treated.
Today's Google logo portrays a person named Cesar Chavez.


On Easter Sunday, Google is honoring the birthday of the late labor organizer Cesar Chavez by placing a Chavez portrait within the middle “o” of the Google logo that appears on the homepage of the popular search engine.

My first thought is I never heard who is this iconic figure that deserves google's attention.

A Mexican American, Chavez became the best known Latino American civil rights activist, and was strongly promoted by the American labor movement, which was eager to enroll Hispanic members. His public-relations approach to unionism and aggressive but nonviolent tactics made the farm workers' struggle a moral cause with nationwide support. By the late 1970s, his tactics had forced growers to recognize the UFW as the bargaining agent for 50,000 field workers in California and Florida. However, by the mid-1980s membership in the UFW had dwindled to around 15,000.[citation needed]

Why so much attention now ?. It looks to me this may be to cover up the Hugo Chavez's legacy. Interestingly, the daily caller article is in politics section.
seek10 said:
Why so much attention now ?. It looks to me this may be to cover up the Hugo Chavez's legacy. Interestingly, the daily caller article is in politics section.

Cesar Chavez is a very famous person who has always garnered quite a bit of attention, so I see no relation whatsoever to Hugo Chavez.
anart said:
seek10 said:
Why so much attention now ?. It looks to me this may be to cover up the Hugo Chavez's legacy. Interestingly, the daily caller article is in politics section.

Cesar Chavez is a very famous person who has always garnered quite a bit of attention, so I see no relation whatsoever to Hugo Chavez.
I am sorry I didn't know that. Thank you for correcting.
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