Venezuela's VP: "There was an international conspiracy to make Chavez sick"

Yozilla said:
aleana said:
This is very sad news, and it does feel like a marker of some kind.

According to data provided by C's - knowing possible PTB's physical and metaphysical ways - there is high possibility he was 'removed'... :(
If so that is a marker and next step is to follow... if people in general ignore this - but seems to me that's not the case....

Yes, they did mention in one session, that high profile assassinations being ignored by the public were one of the 'choices' that got humanity to where we are now. Paraphrasing out of memory here though.

It's sad news for sure, though it's been expected for the longest time. Definitely another sign of the times if you ask me. Are there even any high profile good guys left now?
I an watching the funeral procession and I really feel as if a dagger had destroyed my heart. See so many people crying, heartbroken yet united. I do not want to see my people suffer so. I feel like my father had died. :cry:
Hugo Chavez - The Revolution will not be Televised 1/4:

A journalist follows the democratically-elected President of Venezuela as he survives a CIA sponsored coup attempt.

I recommend that you watch this documentary if you would like to know what probably really happened in the so called "coup done by Chavez" in 2002.
Pashalis said:
Hugo Chavez - The Revolution will not be Televised 1/4:

A journalist follows the democratically-elected President of Venezuela as he survives a CIA sponsored coup attempt.

I recommend that you watch this documentary if you would like to know what probably really happened in the so called "coup done by Chavez" in 2002.

That's a great piece of documentary, thanks for sharing.
I want to dedicate to him this song I just posted in the 'what are you listening' thread
There's been news that Chavez' net worth was between $1-2 billion, which many are using to say he was not the champion of the poor. I don't think this in and of itself proves that. Has anyone come across what this money was used for? Was it used as a controlling interest in the oil industry (which was used for the people)? Was his estate used to help others? Where will that money go now that he has passed?
Shane said:
There's been news that Chavez' net worth was between $1-2 billion, which many are using to say he was not the champion of the poor. I don't think this in and of itself proves that. Has anyone come across what this money was used for? Was it used as a controlling interest in the oil industry (which was used for the people)? Was his estate used to help others? Where will that money go now that he has passed?

Don't know for sure but My uncle is friend of his nephew and told me that they all (family) have big houses, farms and luxury cars.. I saw some pics he has and definitely there are stuff that would cost a lot of money (like a lot)
Shane said:
There's been news that Chavez' net worth was between $1-2 billion, which many are using to say he was not the champion of the poor. I don't think this in and of itself proves that. Has anyone come across what this money was used for? Was it used as a controlling interest in the oil industry (which was used for the people)? Was his estate used to help others? Where will that money go now that he has passed?

You can write on these pages, send messages and request documents on the progress of this country. There are many links to other pages where you can find this information and more. Videos, documentaries, many more. There are many informative pages against foolish comments. A Champion of the poor? more than that. Because all the sectors of society are benefits from the advances of the revolution. Persons from a social sector of opposite "ideology", that denies this when obviously they do, directly and indirectly. The progress of this country, not limited only to those most in need. So always talk about inclusion.

You can easily put on the internet: Advances of the Bolivarian revolution especially in the agricultural sector, revolutionaries projects, Bolivarian Missions Investments, Investments in social resources for Venezuelans. Investment with Russia, China, Libia, Siria and many other countries.

to this page for example:

TVonline and news

Great Mission Housing:

"For his part, Minister of Planning and Finance, Jorge Giordani, said that for the next presidential term will be an investment of approximately 70 billion dollars to ensure the construction of three million homes."

"National Executive has invested Bs 82,000 million in the Great Mission Housing Venezuela"

"The National Council for Persons with Disabilities (CONAPDIS) in support of the Vice President of Social, reports on the Big Five Missions created in Revolution, which respond to the needs of the people, in order to guarantee a good life for the Venezuelans with disabled."

PDF - The importance of missions social in the revolution Bolivarian


Minister of Planning and Finance, Jorge Giordani - research about it.

Some of the figures given by the Chairman of the Central Bank in relation to the growth in the production of goods and services in the country are:
Raison d'être said:
You can write on these pages, send messages and request documents on the progress of this country. There are many links to other pages where you can find this information and more. Videos, documentaries, many more. There are many informative pages against foolish comments. A Champion of the poor? more than that. Because all the sectors of society are benefits from the advances of the revolution. Persons from a social sector of opposite "ideology", that denies this when obviously they do, directly and indirectly. The progress of this country, not limited only to those most in need. So always talk about inclusion.

You can easily put on the internet: Advances of the Bolivarian revolution especially in the agricultural sector, revolutionaries projects, Bolivarian Missions Investments, Investments in social resources for Venezuelans. Investment with Russia, China, Libia, Siria and many other countries.

to this page for example:

TVonline and news

Great Mission Housing:

"For his part, Minister of Planning and Finance, Jorge Giordani, said that for the next presidential term will be an investment of approximately 70 billion dollars to ensure the construction of three million homes."

"National Executive has invested Bs 82,000 million in the Great Mission Housing Venezuela"

"The National Council for Persons with Disabilities (CONAPDIS) in support of the Vice President of Social, reports on the Big Five Missions created in Revolution, which respond to the needs of the people, in order to guarantee a good life for the Venezuelans with disabled."

PDF - The importance of missions social in the revolution Bolivarian


Minister of Planning and Finance, Jorge Giordani - research about it.

Some of the figures given by the Chairman of the Central Bank in relation to the growth in the production of goods and services in the country are:

yup that's true too!
Not questioning your uncle's credibility Irjo, but there are a lot of right-wing comments on the CBC stating that Chavez had one billion dollars of personal wealth.
However, they provided no links to substantiate their claim.
If in fact there are links, would you mind posting them?
Redrock12 said:
Not questioning your uncle's credibility Irjo, but there are a lot of right-wing comments on the CBC stating that Chavez had one billion dollars of personal wealth.
However, they provided no links to substantiate their claim.
If in fact there are links, would you mind posting them?

That's why i said 'don't know' cuz i don't know the reality of all the situation.. i can only speak for myself and what a saw and been told by my uncle!
i don't really care that much about these stuff (specially what the international news say about him).. i try to be neutral on these things without being either on one side or the other, for me and my family have been very difficult to live under his government.. my fathers cousin was kidnaped by the FARCS (he's ok now) a military organization that he (chavez) supported! anyway, there is noise everywhere! i know very well about the CIA and Mossad Programs to take him away (i could believe about the cancer induced by them), i know that he made an excellent job separating Venezuela from the empire elite.. and i see in Chavez a great leader and an excellente true speaker (that opened the minds of many) but a don't see him as a "saint" either! that is my take of it! (not meaning that i'm right or not)
irjO said:
Redrock12 said:
Not questioning your uncle's credibility Irjo, but there are a lot of right-wing comments on the CBC stating that Chavez had one billion dollars of personal wealth.
However, they provided no links to substantiate their claim.
If in fact there are links, would you mind posting them?

That's why i said 'don't know' cuz i don't know the reality of all the situation.. i can only speak for myself and what a saw and been told by my uncle!
i don't really care that much about these stuff (specially what the international news say about him).. i try to be neutral on these things without being either on one side or the other, for me and my family have been very difficult to live under his government.. my fathers cousin was kidnaped by the FARCS (he's ok now) a military organization that he (chavez) supported! anyway, there is noise everywhere! i know very well about the CIA and Mossad Programs to take him away (i could believe about the cancer induced by them), i know that he made an excellent job separating Venezuela from the empire elite.. and i see in Chavez a great leader and an excellente true speaker (that opened the minds of many) but a don't see him as a "saint" either! that is my take of it! (not meaning that i'm right or not)

Apologies Irjo, I should have been more externally considerate in framing the question. I am not accusing you of making false accusations. You heard what you heard.
As well, you are a Venezuelan, so you have first hand experience of the situation, whereas I do not.

But I must admit, the CIA/Mossad would surely have known if Chavez
had that much money. And they would certainly have used that information against him.
And, as I mentioned before, the haters on CBC were repeatedly asked to provide links or documentation to support their accusation, which they could not.
Redrock12 said:
Apologies Irjo, I should have been more externally considerate in framing the question. I am not accusing you of making false accusations. You heard what you heard.
As well, you are a Venezuelan, so you have first hand experience of the situation, whereas I do not.

Don't worry :)

Redrock12 said:
But I must admit, the CIA/Mossad would surely have known if Chavez
had that much money. And they would certainly have used that information against him.
And, as I mentioned before, the haters on CBC were repeatedly asked to provide links or documentation to support their accusation, which they could not.

Well you have a point and i agree.. The thing is pathocracy is present on every position where can be power.. You could have a true leader (a good one) but there may be people around him (or near) that could only take chances on every situation and work only for themselves, and by that i mean military members, a minister or perphaps a relative or family member.. That is why i try to be neutral in these cases! that Venezuela was ruled by Chávez it does not mean that wasn't controlled by the hidden world government in some way or other! Example: we have smoking ban campaign every where!
Revolutions can be messy.
You can kill the man, but you can't kill the idea.
RIP El Presidente.
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