You can tell this manipulation? is a child. Suppose that is manipulation. But this manipulation is favorable for those who not want to wake anyone?
"Many people say that we are is washing the mind, we are is awakening", said one of the students surveyed, "he wanted a larger and more formal education, he wanted that our education must be free, not neoliberal", added
Well, not always. It depends on the context. Many wicked men have been philanthropists of great renown. They too wanted to be seen to give by day, but only so they could take by night.
So, did Chavez 'take by night'? Did he enrich himself and seek 'dictatorial power' for himself?
If so, then the psychopaths would not be so dangerous. It would be more favorable for the rest of humanity, a way many interesting to who want achieve the power. His actions, showed no contradiction with their thoughts.
I think this is a good thing too, about to avoid the ponerology in a sector of society:
Chavez argued that not all prisoners, were potentially dangerous. Even, most prisoners were incarcerated because misdemeanors. While those with felonies, even were within police ranks. Mafia/Gangs, even politicians of the extreme right linked to deaths during the 4th republic in Venezuela, they are all connected.
Capitalism, through the creation of inequality, exploitation, corruption and procurement of goods for their own pleasures, only through the theft of the people, was the main cause of poverty, therefore, that a sector society, besides alienated, jobless, on the brink of despair, is seen in the obligation of stealing, some even going so far as to kill because of the hatred to another sector of society. The sector rich.
The government never justified the act of killing by poverty. But he said on more than one occasion, that an a psychological level, implied the possible cause of this result in a sector of the population. Maybe a result in the torture through the prisoners, may cause, for a person to get out of a jail, continue with hatred, and intend to continue killing. The endless circle, a major cause. That's when began talking about the Shock Doctrine and therefore, they began to create a plan for reintegration into society for the private of freedom/imprisoned/prisoner.
Plan "Maíta" for establishments to private of freedom - Maita, is a diminutive way of saying mother.
"In order to integrate the private and mothers of women prisoners in their reintegration into society. The announcement Iris Varela, head of that office, who said that the main objective is to work according to a plan of pacification in all prisons of the country, where mothers and families of this part of the population, play a very important role to achieve this goal"
Varela Minister inaugurates work centers for private of freedom(+ photos)
"Here in our criminal, not all is violence, our private and detained are being incorporated in a conscious way to work in these schools-workshops for the transformation of the country, "he said. These new areas benefiting a total of 47 inmates, although the CPO are exerting 117 inmates work in the textile shop and bakery that work there, while stakeholders are also trained in a workshop of airbrushing."
Have also been incorporated into the sport.
"With these games, we will end up with violence and idleness in prisons".
You can read all about here reintegration plans:
About a year ago, it was discovered that prisons, had Capos, Mafia, who controlled part of the country even. These in turn, were connected with the extreme right of the Country. These mafias, were paid by the extreme right, to keep chaos and internal corruption for years and of course to discredit the Government. There is evidence, on these facts.
"The gangs have been an institution within which is a space prison drama across the continent. It may be that there is a clamor from the mafia, and pressure on the offense. To break all these threads of insecurity that are within prisons and exporting mobster out that plan, "said Blaca Eekhout.
The Humanization of prison
Venezuela will make their Deprived of Freedom to work
The private of freedom, will honor to Hugo Chavez this Friday (+ photos)
They too were incorporated to create symphonic orchestras.
"Have been incorporated to 1,388 prisoners in the Penitentiary Orchestras network"
Want to see how was the treatment of prisoners during the 4th republic? before to the Revolutionary government, I mean -I'm looking for a documentary that summarizes and explains objectively the horror of prisons for the 4th republic.:
Now, Videos about the social advance by the government of President Chavez:
Mission Knowledge and Work progresses in prisons.
Documentary on the social missions:
Chavez, that strange dictator, by Eduardo Galean:
"South of the Border"
Documentary produced and directed by Oliver Stone, conducted in 5 countries in Latin America with interviews with current and former presidents, such as Hugo Chavez, Lula da Silva, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Néstor Kirchner, etc.
Yes, "that strange dictator"... Chavez, "the dictator" more beloved.