Venezuela's VP: "There was an international conspiracy to make Chavez sick"

Redrock12 said:
But I must admit, the CIA/Mossad would surely have known if Chavez
had that much money. And they would certainly have used that information against him.
And, as I mentioned before, the haters on CBC were repeatedly asked to provide links or documentation to support their accusation, which they could not.

The report is apparently from 2010 and has been picked up by the MSM immediately following Chavez' death. It comes from Criminal Justice International Associates, but I couldn't find the actual report to see if there are any sources used to back up the claims.

CJIA looks like a one man operation run by Gerald E. Brewer or Jerry Brewer, a former cop and right wing fundamentalist. Looks like CJIA is based out of McLean, Virginia - the same city where the CIA is located. On his website, Jerry Brewer claims to be an intelligence operative:

U.S. Government- trained COUNTERTERRORISM EXPERT and practitioner, with extensive service to Latin America and the Middle East as an intelligence community operative.

He puffs himself up quite a bit on his website, so the extent of him being an actual CIA operative may be questionable. He may just be a tool... in more ways than one.

He also lists the FBI and US Gov't Counterterrorism under education on his linkin profile:

Jerry Brewer, Sr.'s Education

Criminal Justice
Degree: Criminal Justice
● Federal Bureau of Investigation Regional Command College-Great Lakes
● Advanced Police Executive Development-Penn State University
● Major Case Management-Rollins College, Florida
● Associate in Science-Criminal Justice Technology
● Management of the Criminal Investigation Unit
● Progressive Patrol Administration
● Advanced Homicide Investigation and updates
● Management of the Intelligence Function
● Counterterrorism-United States Government (classified)

My guess would be that actual operatives don't use poorly designed egocentric websites to conduct business. Seems to me that he's tried to attach himself to the intelligence community and may be suffering from a variation of 'rent-a-cop' syndrome. Unfortunately the media has taken this loon's 'report' and run with it to fit their agenda.
To what playing? We know to what that they play. All matrices of disinformation, fall by themselves. Because is there so much information, demonstrable facts, documents and tangible. Whoever finds nothing, is because they are not looking for. And if they are find something, is deny. Even if someone is hit head on with a wall, part of a structure belonging to one of the millions of homes that made ​​the government to victims and relocation of people from high-risk areas of the city. That does not exist for them. They have an incredible way to deny reality.

Could somebody send me an address to send them books? thousands and thousands of books written by the same president. So have first hand, which he had in his mind, could study his mind. You can find books in PDF.

There are a number of thoughts written by the president, that have been published on the Internet and in books. That is, all access to its knowledge, "the lines of Chavez.".

"Lines of Chavez", a series of opinion articles written by the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, are themselves full of heart lines patriotism, commitment and revolution. Another approach over by the Head of State for his people, the essential reason that today Bolivarian process is the crucial phase ahead of the screening of the great achievements in the past 10 years.

In this special section you will find all articles written by President Hugo Chavez that publish major national newspapers and regional every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

Additional, this government page called "Government Online."
Here are communicational networking alternative.

I do not understand when someone says: "He could not, would not, or did not care, creating a national industry of any kind, even with important partners in areas of agribusiness and metallurgy, such as Brazil."

Venezuela and Brazil sign cooperation agreements agricultural.

Venezuela and Brazil sign agreement to boost joint projects

Brazil and Venezuela materialize agreements in infrastructure and sport

Bolivar said "Brazil is the largest guarantee to ensure the continuity of our nascent Republic... That today is worth more than nearly 200 years ago," recalled President Hugo Chavez.
"To put the alpargatas, which comes Joropo!" - I apologize for any errors in translation.

First Secretary of the Russian Communist Party demands international investigation into the death of Chavez

March 7. - The First Secretary of the Russian Communist Party, Gennady Zyuganov today demanded an international investigation into the death of the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, saying he is "far from being a coincidence" that six leaders of Latin American countries that have U.S. criticized down with cancer while

"How is that six leaders of Latin American countries that have criticized U.S. policies and tried to create an influential alliance in order to be independent and sovereign states, fell ill at the same time with the same disease?" Said Zyuganov Russian state television, calling for an investigation under "international control" over the death of Chavez.

The current president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, and former Brazilian leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, have been affected with cancer in recent years. In 2006 it was also reported that the retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro had been diagnosed with cancer.

Act of Swearing to Nicolas Maduro as attendant president of Venezuela. (+Video)

Chavez, the most defamed president.

The few things that Chavez did with his "great personal fortune."

Social policy, public investment, nationalization, land reform, almost full employment, minimum wage, ecological needs, access to housing, the right to health, education, retirement ... Chavez also worked on the construction of a modern state . It has launched an ambitious regional planning policy: roads, railways, ports, dams, pipelines.

In foreign policy, opted for Latin American integration and privileged South-South axis, while the U.S. imposed a relationship based on mutual respect... The momentum of Venezuela has triggered a true progressive wave of revolutions in Latin America, making this island continent in a copy of leftist resistance raised against the ravages of neoliberalism.
Death of Hugo chavez magnetizes Venezuela and other Latin American countries, and when the people create a myth this is a door opening along which powerful energies that produce social change, and those who tyrannize the world can not fight this.
An extract of the ceremony of the funeral with Guardians of Honor around the hearse of Hugo Chavez. It is very interesting also to see the public and in general this tradition.!
Military attache expelled from Venezuela, Colonel of the U.S. Air Force, David Del Monaco and the Official Costal Debling. I could not find relevant information about his military career, to say nothing about them. Only your photo.

"We have been following the illegal activity mocks and violates international rights. An official of the embassy of the United States, against the country's political stability, has been given the task of finding active military to investigate the military situation and to propose projects destabilizing ", denounced the vice president on national television Nicolas Maduro.

And explained: "This is military air attache David Monaco and has been expelled, has 24 hours to pack their bags and leave the country.Venezuela is respected ".

We have too Prophets. Interesting COINTELPRO pattern. No missing on the game board, who preaches that the death of an Artist, President or King, is due to divine punishment for opposing at the Control System/God.
This is what some call: Chávez giving away, wasting money.

- Joseph Kennedy: 2 million Americans receive heating by Chavez

"In 2005, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), through its Citgo subsidiary, initiated a program of providing free heating oil, which can benefit American families who do not have sufficient financial resources to provide this service during the winter."

- The Bronx does not forget.

"The program was one of 116 students over 30 who received Venezuelan state funds from 2007 to 2010 on the initiative of Chavez and through the creation of a local coalition called PetroBronx who chose the projects most in need of funds. The money, awarded through Citgo, the U.S. subsidiary of the Venezuelan state oil company, helped boost education, food cooperatives and cleaning up the Bronx River, making their mark in one of the poorest counties in the country."

"The students, all Hispanic, learn English in the South Bronx, New York, through the Basic Education Service program, which flourished for three years thanks to the money sent by President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela."

In turn, the worker Basic Education Service, Lucia Solano, a Dominican national, stressed that the Venezuelan president was a caring person, concerned about the welfare of the poor.

"No there U.S. Presidents who have visited the South Bronx in years" said


Not all Venezuelans living in New York, agrees.

"This was a way to offend the U.S. government. Was a way to tell the U.S. poor have me because you do not have the U.S. government," said Fanny Bello, a Venezuelan who lives in Manhattan. "Chavez showed the world that the U.S. government was not concerned with the poor. Instead, he himself was concerned. The help is not help if personal gain".

Interesting no?
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This is what some call: Chávez giving away, wasting money.

- Joseph Kennedy: 2 million Americans receive heating by Chavez

"In 2005, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), through its Citgo subsidiary, initiated a program of providing free heating oil, which can benefit American families who do not have sufficient financial resources to provide this service during the winter."

About Venezuela too.

"We present a wonderful and necessary documentary, "The War on Democracy" conducted by the Australian John Pilger courageous,
one of the few real journalists that remain. clearly some, a special being, and a mandatory report viewing."

While elsewhere of the sphere, the citizens are arming for into killing each other faster...

Security and disarmament: Priority for the fatherland.

Caracas, 12 Mar. AVN. - Strengthen citizen security policy strategies established by the Great Commission to all life Venezuela, move towards total disarmament of the civilian population and deepen the fight against organized crime, drug trafficking, micro-trafficking and violence are key issues to meet the Plan de la Patria, Bolivarian government program for the 2013-2019 presidential term.
Raison d'être said:
About Venezuela too.

"We present a wonderful and necessary documentary, "The War on Democracy" conducted by the Australian John Pilger courageous,
one of the few real journalists that remain. clearly some, a special being, and a mandatory report viewing."

While elsewhere of the sphere, the citizens are arming for into killing each other faster...

Security and disarmament: Priority for the fatherland.

Caracas, 12 Mar. AVN. - Strengthen citizen security policy strategies established by the Great Commission to all life Venezuela, move towards total disarmament of the civilian population and deepen the fight against organized crime, drug trafficking, micro-trafficking and violence are key issues to meet the Plan de la Patria, Bolivarian government program for the 2013-2019 presidential term.

I just started to watch the documentary by John Pilger. Thanks for bringing it up Raison d'être!
It can also be watched here:
Raison d'être said:
About Venezuela too.

"We present a wonderful and necessary documentary, "The War on Democracy" conducted by the Australian John Pilger courageous,
one of the few real journalists that remain. clearly some, a special being, and a mandatory report viewing."

I just watched and thought it was excellent. It was a painful watch, though, I cried a lot.

As far as I can judge Venezuala was more free under Chavez than the US under Obama or the Bush tyranny. Imagine that you have television shows where you can depict the president as a Nazi or where you do not have to restrain yourself and can say the most atrocious things, the way they did with Chavez.
But Chavez must have known that he was in danger, before he contracted cancer. The way they dealt with Salvador Allende (another 9/11 BTW), the fact that he himself was kidnapped, all these were tell-tale signs, OSIT. Or didn't he want to know? I have no idea, but this has been going through my head.

Years ago I read Isabel Allende's novels (Salvador's niece or cousin). I am not sure whether she did the victims justice, but she did describe life in Chile during the terror reign of Pinochet.

Added: thank you so much Rd'e. :) We do not get to see documentaries in this genre often. :thup: OSIT.
Mariama said:
Raison d'être said:
About Venezuela too.

"We present a wonderful and necessary documentary, "The War on Democracy" conducted by the Australian John Pilger courageous,
one of the few real journalists that remain. clearly some, a special being, and a mandatory report viewing."

I just watched and thought it was excellent. It was a painful watch, though, I cried a lot.

As far as I can judge Venezuala was more free under Chavez than the US under Obama or the Bush tyranny. Imagine that you have television shows where you can depict the president as a Nazi or where you do not have to restrain yourself and can say the most atrocious things, the way they did with Chavez.
But Chavez must have known that he was in danger, before he contracted cancer. The way they dealt with Salvador Allende (another 9/11 BTW), the fact that he himself was kidnapped, all these were tell-tale signs, OSIT. Or didn't he want to know? I have no idea, but this has been going through my head.

Years ago I read Isabel Allende's novels (Salvador's niece or cousin). I am not sure whether she did the victims justice, but she did describe life in Chile during the terror reign of Pinochet.

Added: thank you so much Rd'e. :) We do not get to see documentaries in this genre often. :thup: OSIT.

I also shade more then one a tear watching this powerful documentary.
Very moving....

Thanks again for bringing it up.
Raison d'être said:

Not all Venezuelans living in New York, agrees.

"This was a way to offend the U.S. government. Was a way to tell the U.S. poor have me because you do not have the U.S. government," said Fanny Bello, a Venezuelan who lives in Manhattan. "Chavez showed the world that the U.S. government was not concerned with the poor. Instead, he himself was concerned. The help is not help if personal gain".

Interesting no?

I think it's interesting because it's the common refrain from people who are cynical of such gestures by Chavez. "That? Oh, that was a stunt. His real motive was a selfish one. By helping others, he really wanted to help his own self-image in the long-run."

Ok, so let's assume for a minute that that's what he did.

Let's assume that his motivation was to be seen to be reaching out to help people in order to increase his own popularity, power and wealth.

Then isn't that the definition of Service to Others (STO); serving others through self?

Well, not always. It depends on the context. Many wicked men have been philanthropists of great renown. They too wanted to be seen to give by day, but only so they could take by night.

So, did Chavez 'take by night'? Did he enrich himself and seek 'dictatorial power' for himself? He joked about "still being 'el rey' (the king)" when he was re-elected in January. Bush Junior joked about how if the U.S. were a dictatorship, "it'd be a heck of a lot easier to run things, just so long as I'm the dictator." Now, his supporters helped him laugh off that comment, but in the context of Bush's behaviors during his reign, his comments were rarely if ever a laughing matter.

Perhaps this is how can we get an objective measure of Chavez's influence? By looking at the context of his 'reign'. Was he a positive or negative influence on humanity, or somewhere in the middle? Was he a demagogue, dictator or strong conscientious leader?
You can tell this manipulation? is a child. Suppose that is manipulation. But this manipulation is favorable for those who not want to wake anyone?

"Many people say that we are is washing the mind, we are is awakening", said one of the students surveyed, "he wanted a larger and more formal education, he wanted that our education must be free, not neoliberal", added

Well, not always. It depends on the context. Many wicked men have been philanthropists of great renown. They too wanted to be seen to give by day, but only so they could take by night.

So, did Chavez 'take by night'? Did he enrich himself and seek 'dictatorial power' for himself?

If so, then the psychopaths would not be so dangerous. It would be more favorable for the rest of humanity, a way many interesting to who want achieve the power. His actions, showed no contradiction with their thoughts.

I think this is a good thing too, about to avoid the ponerology in a sector of society:

Chavez argued that not all prisoners, were potentially dangerous. Even, most prisoners were incarcerated because misdemeanors. While those with felonies, even were within police ranks. Mafia/Gangs, even politicians of the extreme right linked to deaths during the 4th republic in Venezuela, they are all connected.

Capitalism, through the creation of inequality, exploitation, corruption and procurement of goods for their own pleasures, only through the theft of the people, was the main cause of poverty, therefore, that a sector society, besides alienated, jobless, on the brink of despair, is seen in the obligation of stealing, some even going so far as to kill because of the hatred to another sector of society. The sector rich.

The government never justified the act of killing by poverty. But he said on more than one occasion, that an a psychological level, implied the possible cause of this result in a sector of the population. Maybe a result in the torture through the prisoners, may cause, for a person to get out of a jail, continue with hatred, and intend to continue killing. The endless circle, a major cause. That's when began talking about the Shock Doctrine and therefore, they began to create a plan for reintegration into society for the private of freedom/imprisoned/prisoner.

Plan "Maíta" for establishments to private of freedom - Maita, is a diminutive way of saying mother.

"In order to integrate the private and mothers of women prisoners in their reintegration into society. The announcement Iris Varela, head of that office, who said that the main objective is to work according to a plan of pacification in all prisons of the country, where mothers and families of this part of the population, play a very important role to achieve this goal"

Varela Minister inaugurates work centers for private of freedom(+ photos)

"Here in our criminal, not all is violence, our private and detained are being incorporated in a conscious way to work in these schools-workshops for the transformation of the country, "he said. These new areas benefiting a total of 47 inmates, although the CPO are exerting 117 inmates work in the textile shop and bakery that work there, while stakeholders are also trained in a workshop of airbrushing."

Have also been incorporated into the sport.

"With these games, we will end up with violence and idleness in prisons".

You can read all about here reintegration plans:

About a year ago, it was discovered that prisons, had Capos, Mafia, who controlled part of the country even. These in turn, were connected with the extreme right of the Country. These mafias, were paid by the extreme right, to keep chaos and internal corruption for years and of course to discredit the Government. There is evidence, on these facts.

"The gangs have been an institution within which is a space prison drama across the continent. It may be that there is a clamor from the mafia, and pressure on the offense. To break all these threads of insecurity that are within prisons and exporting mobster out that plan, "said Blaca Eekhout.

The Humanization of prison

Venezuela will make their Deprived of Freedom to work

The private of freedom, will honor to Hugo Chavez this Friday (+ photos)

They too were incorporated to create symphonic orchestras.

"Have been incorporated to 1,388 prisoners in the Penitentiary Orchestras network"

Want to see how was the treatment of prisoners during the 4th republic? before to the Revolutionary government, I mean -I'm looking for a documentary that summarizes and explains objectively the horror of prisons for the 4th republic.:

Now, Videos about the social advance by the government of President Chavez:

Mission Knowledge and Work progresses in prisons.

Documentary on the social missions:

Chavez, that strange dictator, by Eduardo Galean:

"South of the Border"

Documentary produced and directed by Oliver Stone, conducted in 5 countries in Latin America with interviews with current and former presidents, such as Hugo Chavez, Lula da Silva, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Néstor Kirchner, etc.

Yes, "that strange dictator"... Chavez, "the dictator" more beloved.
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