Venezuela's VP: "There was an international conspiracy to make Chavez sick"

Snow said:
This is very sad news. :cry:
Another light gone out in the world. I have this sinking feeling that South America (or at least Venezuela) is yet again standing on the edge of the precipice. I do hope, whoever Venezuela chooses as their new leader, has the same resolve to keep the foreign demons out. :(

It reminds me of Kevin Costner who plays Jim Garrison in 'JFK' and states: "Do not forget your dying king."

That is what we should be doing, remember him, OSIT.
D said:
How very sad indeed. R.I.P Hugo Chavez. :(

Raison d'être said:
Now, apparently there is compelling evidence that the CIA is involved in his death. Can talk about surprises in this life? when Chávez began to have cancer, the rest of the presidents in South America, also had cancer at a time. It sounds like someone want show a natural work "Some survive, some do not" He did enough, to shake the status quo.

Yup. I think this article sums it up pretty nicely. I think it's very likely that the CIA the culprits here. It's going to be interesting to see how they try to tip Venezuela to their advantage. We also know that last election, Henrique Capriles Radonski who was funded by Israel was the opposition. So I'm sure that Israel, and US have been preparing for this day for a long time and have some plan up their sleeve for their next move. The only question now is, what that move will be.

The CIA's assassination attempts against Castro were like a Tom and Jerry cartoon, with the CIA as the murderously inept cat, and the Cuban president as a clever and very lucky mouse. Some might even argue that Castro's survival, in the face of 638 assassination attempts by the world's greatest power, is evidence that El Presidente's communist atheism was incorrect, and that God, or at least a guardian angel, must have been watching over "Infidel Castro" all along.


The "asteroids" are the world's most expensive and accomplished professional killers. They work on contract - sometimes to the CIA, sometimes to the bankers, and sometimes to wealthy private individuals. And though their specialty is causing plane crashes, they are capable of killing people, including heads of state, in any number of ways.
This sums up very well. The only other person who survived this many attempts is palestine leader Yasar Arafat.

asteroids is a interesting name. Who ever named it, they know the power of asteroid.
I'm not sad but i don't feel happy either, the only good thing what i liked about chavez is that he didn't hesitate to speak against the empire! But at the end his government acted in the same way as the us government with the people.. So he was good speaking but not so good doing! And maybe wasn't his fault compleetly i think was more because of the people around him! He made many good changes in venezuela but the control the government has in our people right now are the same ones we discuss the consortium is making in the world.. so i don't buy the version of venezuela been an independece country under his government!
D said:
How very sad indeed. R.I.P Hugo Chavez. :(

Raison d'être said:
Now, apparently there is compelling evidence that the CIA is involved in his death. Can talk about surprises in this life? when Chávez began to have cancer, the rest of the presidents in South America, also had cancer at a time. It sounds like someone want show a natural work "Some survive, some do not" He did enough, to shake the status quo.

Yup. I think this article sums it up pretty nicely. I think it's very likely that the CIA the culprits here. It's going to be interesting to see how they try to tip Venezuela to their advantage. We also know that last election, Henrique Capriles Radonski who was funded by Israel was the opposition. So I'm sure that Israel, and US have been preparing for this day for a long time and have some plan up their sleeve for their next move. The only question now is, what that move will be.

This is very sad. And I don't doubt for a minute that the CIA/Mossad were involved in his death right from the start of his cancer. Chavez was a thorn in their side as he was for the people, not the rich elite.

I sure hope his successor can handle what is coming his way.
I have to admit that I wasn't really familiar with Chavez, I only saw some articles in passing on Sott. I found a video that is a good example of what he was about here on Sott. It seems like he was for the people and will be missed. R.I.P. Chavez.
Yeah when I heard the news this morning I felt sad as well.

Chavez has always been demonized on the news, I wish there were no plans to take over Venezuela but I doubt that his death won't bring negative changes in some form or the other, time will tell.
May he rest in peace. :cry:

I wish his successor and the people have the strength to stand against the empire. He was a great president, he had the balls to say things as they are, regarding geopolitics; another sad death, it brings to my memory Arafat's and many others'.
I feel ashamed of the radio reporters here in Spain. I don't have tv so I just can talk about the radio news. So since this morning Chavez the dictator, the guy who did a "coup d'état", a putsch, even one compared Chavez with Franco... :O And this afternoon they even interviewed a psychologist who told us that Venezuelans who cry their leader are "childish", crazy, out of this reality... I was really ashamed and I refuse today to continue to listen to imbeciles in the radio, the Spanish radio. This is really shameful. :(
Well, it's done. They killed him. The objective of their efforts in all this years, has been successful.
Well done fucking psychopaths, have stolen another important life to all of us and for the balance of this world. I hate you with all my heart.

I hope the government of Venezuela begins to show evidence of the crime, if that's possible. And this for the very survival of Maduro, if is elected. And people react too. Make it public that this was a murder (by polonium or EM or whatever). We must stop that good people continue be killed.

Now begins the myth of chavez, and always should be one against imperial psychopath, who murdered him. The Worse thing is that very soon here, in America of the south, will become the next Middle East.

Rest in peace, Hugo.

Although I really want to say is you get some rest and come back. Reborn in 3d or 4d and continue fight for the humanity can "someday" be free.

sorry for my English
How sad - RIP Chavez and may your work be continued. Yet another murder by CIA/Mossad. They are systematically taking out all those who could have had the chance together of forming the antidote to the rotten 'elite'.

I was secretly hoping South America would band together against the imperialism and rape of resources and economic strangulation of nations. Especially with the meetings they had re Assange/Ecuador. Would have been a good chance, then again many of the Nazis ran away there so had plenty of time to start factions etc.

Greedy greedy horrid people. Like the Destruction of America thread - only good point is more for us to learn from. Bring on the cleansing - we know the rest only gets worse as history repeats itself.
This is very sad news, but I think we can not say certainly that Chavez disease was caused by somebody or some group, because I know the way people eat in South America, and cancer is a disease you can get through food, e.g. lots of casein, gluten, etc, OSIT.

The most important is, what will happen next?.

R.I.P. Señor presidente Hugo Chavez Frias.
aleana said:
This is very sad news, and it does feel like a marker of some kind.

According to data provided by C's - knowing possible PTB's physical and metaphysical ways - there is high possibility he was 'removed'... :(
If so that is a marker and next step is to follow... if people in general ignore this - but seems to me that's not the case....

aleana said:
..a sad day indeed. :cry:

Yes at first glance - but i hope that he established strong connections with friendly contra-imperialists all over the world - and now assisting them from 5th density (like Pepperfrifz) ...

Yozilla D'monster
A very sad news indeed! Rest in Peace, El Commandante!
Another great man removed from this world, whose light won't shine anymore among humanity.

The idea that his illness was not completely natural was also somewhere in my head. Hope they will discover some evidences if this is the case.
Great courage to the Venezuelan people and to his successor as the worse is ahead!

I learnt the news this morning and I can't get rid of this profound sadness it provoked in me! Can't imagine what his direct supporters in Venezuela are feeling!

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