Verneuil's disease AKA Hydradenitis Suppurative

I hope everything goes well on your surgery petite femme! Please let us know about it when you can.
Heimdallr said:
Best wishes on your surgery petite femme! Please let us know how it goes and how you continue to feel in the days and weeks after the procedure. I really hope it will grant you some much needed relief.

I hope the same, petite femme. I am keeping my fingers crossed for your surgery today, and I look forward to hearing how it went. :flowers:
Good luck with the surgery, petite femme. Hoping all goes well for you. :hug:

As others have said, please keep us updated on the outcome of the surgery and your progress.
petite femme said:
Hello all, I'm sorry I haven't posted since my last entry, I have been very busy preparing for my time off of work. Today's the day, I leave for the hospital in about an hour for my surgery. I have my fingers crossed that all goes well. The surgeon seems to think that it is not an abscess, that it is just a cyst. But, like it was stated, they will not know for sure till they get in there. I will most likely be down for the rest of the day, but I will let you guys know how it went as soon as I am able. Thanks again for all the advice and thoughts!

Best of luck with the surgery, petite femme. :flowers: Let us know how it goes.
Hello all! Thanks for all the wishes!! Quick update, had my surgery and all went well. It was just a cyst, according to the surgeon. He didn't find any infection or fistula. It was a simple extraction, they stitched me up and I should be back on my feet in a couple of weeks. They will be testing what they removed from me, when I return to the dr in a week, they will share what they discovered. I will keep you guys posted, so far so good! Gonna be doing research during my down time, looking deeply into all the advice and suggestions I've received from you guys. Gonna really dive into the amoeba thread. Thanks again for all the time you all put into helping through this.
Heimdallr said:
Happy to hear it went well!!

Ditto! And that there weren't any fistulas! Any surgery is invasive, so I hope you take care of yourself and recover quickly. :flowers:
petite femme said:
Hello all! Thanks for all the wishes!! Quick update, had my surgery and all went well. It was just a cyst, according to the surgeon. He didn't find any infection or fistula. It was a simple extraction, they stitched me up and I should be back on my feet in a couple of weeks.

Great news, petite femme. It must be such a relief to have this behind you and to discover that there is no infection. Take care of yourself and keep us posted on your progress. :hug2:
Was forced to take some down time, from everything. Surgical site is fine, actually. Just had to recover from the anesthesia procedure they performed!! They did spinal anesthesia and I got smacked with a horrible spinal headache for about four days, rough stuff! A bit scary! Just had to lay in bed and wait for the pressure of my spinal fluid to recover. Researched it a bit, just for peace of mind, cuz they did not mention the possibility of such a side effect. I'm glad that I had the time to be able to recoup!! Just about back to my old self again. Can't wait, laying on my back for four days was BORING! I can't imagine how it would of been had my surgery not gone so well!! Gonna spend the next couple of days reading through the advice that I was given in this thread, I have a couple of questions. But need to do some more reading, to formulate my questions. Looking forward to the drs info on what they removed from me. Thanks again for all the support!
Hello all! Sorry for the delay, back to work now, so I have been getting back into the swing of things. Just a quick update on what the doctor, well surgeon had to say when I went to my follow-up appointment. It was a bit of a joke, I'd never seen this gentleman before, or visa versa! He asked me if I had stitches to remove! Anyway, reading from the chart, he told me it was a Epidermal inclusion cyst. He explained that it was a mass of skin cells that instead of flaking off as usual, had clumped together and formed a mass. It doesn't sound like what you all are talking about here. But perhaps the advice that was given here would still be of use. The doctor could not give me any idea as to how or why such a thing would happen, but did say that it could reoccur. So I guess I will have to do some research and digging to try and figure this out! I don't want this to reoccur, but more info is in order, if i want to avoid it. In the meantime, I have changed up my diet and my supplements to the advice given me in this thread. Added a zinc tablet that has A, E and C, along with B6. Also, I changed my B12 to one that's cyanocobalamin, with methylcobalamin and dibencozide. Cut out the msm and iron. Also, i added a coq10 with alpha lipoic acid and tocotrienols. Plus k2 with d3. Thats just what I've added since I started combing over this thread. I will let you guys know if I find out any more, about epidermal inclusions. I figured since it has to do with the skin all the advice of this thread would still be beneficial . Thanks again for all of the thoughts and time you all gave to this, it was a great help!
I suffer from Verneuil's disease and I have a question about the Osmogel . In the excipients, there is "benzododecinium bromide". Is it healthy to use knowing that bromine is a halogen ? And, if this is not the case , can we replace it with water compresses and magnesium sulfate ? (as Osmogel is 99% magnesium sulfate)
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