Microbiome bacterial mix
A poor mix of bacteria in your microbiome can increase your risk for a diverse selection of conditions, including:
Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, Type 1 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.
Mood disorders including chronic anxiety and depression. A very readable source of information is GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome).
Susceptibility to intestinal inflammation (irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s) and colon cancer. Some gastroenterologists are treating these conditions by giving enemas containing stool material from a healthy donor, a process called a fecal transplant. If your doc recommends one, consider a DIY approach to save yourself $10K.
Learning disabilities, including ADD and ADHD. In one recently published article, researchers gave a group of newborns an enema of good bacteria, another group no enema. Thirteen years later, in the group that didn’t receive the probiotic enema, the ADD/Asperger rate was 7%. In the probiotic group: 0%.
Obesity and Type 2 diabetes
Autism. Some lab experiments using mouse models for autism have shown promising results with probiotics, and some nutritional physicians and autism support groups are encouraging this. However, the probiotics suggested are so potent they do require a doctor’s prescription.
Lyme Disease. Our physicians recommend a low-volume retention enema using an extremely high-potency, prescription-only probiotic containing nearly a trillion bacteria.