Violence at Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia

Suxhi said:
Sad, but good on the police officer, hopefully he will stay safe after this disclosure,

"Charlottesville Police Come Forward: We Were Told to “STAND DOWN” to Ignite Race War "

The Mayor apparently has Ties to Podesta and Clinton,

Unrelated , But is it ??
Has anyone an Opinion on the conveniently timed COLLAPSE of Rebel Media ?
Niall said:
Aragorn said:
It's interesting to observe how many of the prominent anti-establishment figures out there are not "seeing the unseen", and falling for the setup.

I'm not surprised to see Eric Draitser touting the "Trump is supporting Nazis" thing to his followers. He's been in many ways off track for some time now, and I'm starting to suspect, based on his aggressive writings, that he is planted opposition – a double agent of sorts. Perhaps this is the time for him to become "activated" and do what he was hired/brainwashed for. I'm sure there are many planted guys like him out there.

I doubt he's 'an agent'. He's a good example, though, of how ideology blinds those who might otherwise 'see the unseen'. Draitser has been very consistent in his (inconsistent!) ideological beliefs, if that makes sense.

Aragorn said:
One that did surprise me a tiny bit, was Abby Martin. She's also jumped on the Trump=fascism thing, if I'm not mistaken.

She also 'called out' Putin over Crimea, remember. Again, that's 'consistency of ideology'. Something like, any show of force from a central authority is 'bad' because central authority is, a priori, 'bad'.

Ah, now that you mentioned it, I remember. What you say is so true.
Confederate Corners in Salinas embattled again amid Trump’s preservation call (Video 1:48)
August 18, 2017 at 6:00 am | UPDATED: August 18, 2017
Humble outpost on the edge of Salinas elicits both pangs for historical integrity and bewilderment for newer generations
SALINAS (California)—At Confederate Corners, a humble outpost on the southern edge of Salinas, life moves pretty quietly — or at least it did until a raging national debate thrust places like this one into a harsh spotlight.

People, especially field workers picking lettuce heads across the street, mill in and out of the Casillas Brothers Market and Beacon gas station. Faculty and staff are prepping for the new school year at the Montessori Learning Center, and the Bokay Nursery sends customers on their way with new plants.

Many folks around here weren’t even aware of the implications of the name of this area, so dubbed because it was settled by a group of Southern separatists in the mid-1800s. But then, in the wake of the violent Charlottesville, Virginia, protests spurred in part by a debate over relics of the Civil War in that Virginia town, President Donald Trump lamented publicly Thursday that tearing down Confederate landmarks and designations across the nation are signs of “the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart.”

And suddenly Confederate Corners feels quite different.

“I didn’t even know that label existed until Google Maps showed it five years ago or so, and quite frankly never thought anything of it,”
said Steve McShane, a Salinas city councilman who has an eponymous nursery located a stone’s throw from the intersection of Hitchcock Road and Highway 68 that draw the corners.

Carrie Nelson, an administrative assistant at the Montessori school, similarly discovered the historical name of where she has worked for several years.

“I only found out about it when I was printing up (Google) maps,”
Nelson said.
“I kind of wondered about it but never really dug into it.”

It appears that recognition of Confederate Corners is largely reflective of a generation gap. Dian Reese, an employee at the Bokay Nursery, knew it as a young middle-schooler in the 1970s.

“The older generations remember it,
” Reese said.
“The name has been passed down for generations.”

Originally known as Springtown or Spring Town, the place was named Confederate Corners after some Civil War veterans settled there in the late 1860s. It was also the inspiration for the fictional small town Rebel Corners in John Steinbeck’s novel “The Wayward Bus.”

The Montessori school and the Bokay Nursery are both housed in the remnants of the old Spring School that operated a century ago, with incarnations as a union hall before its current form. A barn around the corner from the gas station is thought to have been a meeting hall for the veterans who founded the colony, which existed long before Salinas had established its borders.


Rafael Casillas, who owns the market and gas station with his three brothers, said the site attracts its fair share of tourists thanks to both the Steinbeck connection and its presence on an online database of Confederate-influenced sites.
“Out-of-towners know better about this place than the people who live here,”
he said.

Confederate symbols on public land can be found elsewhere in California, according to a survey by Southern Poverty Law Center. The city of Fort Bragg was named for the military post established there in the summer of 1857, which in turn had been named for Capt. Braxton Bragg, the former commanding officer of the Lieutenant who set up the post. Bragg was considered by historians as among the worst Confederate generals of the Civil War, given his record of defeats on the battlefield.

On Wednesday, a plaque honoring Confederate President Jefferson Davis was removed in San Diego while a monument commemorating Confederate veterans was removed in Los Angeles at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, a response to requests from hundreds of activists that it be taken down or, according to some correspondence, risk being vandalized.

Now, a dormant effort to change Confederate Corners’ name could be resurrected. In 2015, after the furor over the use of the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina, the California Legislature considered a bill that would have required most place names, schools and other public places linked to the Confederacy to be changed to something else.

Senate Bill 539, authored by state Sen. Steve Glazer, D-Orinda, was eventually vetoed by Gov. Jerry Brown. On Thursday, Glazer released a statement condemning the white supremacist movement and asking cities and towns around the country to “remove symbols honoring the Confederacy from our public places.”

Asked whether Glazer would reintroduce any name-changing legislation at this point, a spokesman said only that the senator was
“evaluating the situation.”

That goes too far for several area residents who say they value preserving history, with one calling the renaming proposals “bull (expletive).” Another person, whose family has staked several generations in the region, was equally critical but asked not to be named out of fear of public reprisal and ridicule.

“It’s part of our country’s history. I’m a strong believer in history,”
he said.
“Confederate Corners should actually have a wee bit more attention paid to it. I don’t think people have a negative or positive feeling about it. It’s just the name it was given.”

He added:
“We’re not raising Confederate flags here. You have both the right and the left, and both of them are wrong. They’re tearing the country in half.”

Regina Mason, newly elected president of the Monterey County branch of the NAACP, said the newfound attention on Confederate landmarks, and debate over their existence, is necessary.

“Not many people have had open dialogue about it until lately. There is no place in our country for Confederate Corners,”
she said. “It’s now time to stand up and get back our roots of coming together to deal with issues of white supremacy and black inferiority.”

McShane, the city councilman whose business pretty much stands on the footprint of Confederate Corners, said no matter the sensibilities of the past, Charlottesville has prompted a vital re-examination.

“If it were up to me, I’d have that title removed,” he said.
“In light of the national discourse and recent events, it comes to mind in a different light.”

Map of Confederate symbols in the U.S. (Source: Southern Poverty Law Center, data as of 2016)

Link for map view

Total Eclipse
James Howard Kunstler
First they came for the statues….
What do you know, long about Wednesday, August 16, 2017, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal) discovered that the United States Capitol building was infested with statues of Confederate dignitaries. Thirty years walking those marbled halls and she just noticed? Her startled announcement perked up Senator Cory Booker (D- NJ) who has been navigating those same halls only a few years. He quickly introduced a bill to blackball the offending statues. And, of course, the congressional black caucus also enjoyed a mass epiphany on the bronze and stone delegation of white devils.

I’d like to hear to hear an argument as to why the Washington Monument should remain dedicated to that vicious slave-driver and rebellious soldier, and indeed the name of the city that is the federal seat of government. Or the District of Columbia (after Columbus, who initiated the genocide of Native Americans). Or America, cribbed out of Amerigo Vespucci, the wicked Florentine cartographer who ascertained that the place called Brazil today was not the east coast of Asia but actually a New World — and so all our troubles began!

Well, there has been a lot of idle chatter the past half-century about the root causes of this-and-that, and it seems that we have located one at last. I expect that scientific studies out of our best universities will soon confirm that occult transmissions from the statue of Jefferson Davis (a double-devil named after an earlier devil) are responsible for the murder rate in Chicago.

Just as empires tend to build their most grandiose monuments prior to collapse, our tottering empire is concocting the most monumentally ludicrous delusions before it slides down the laundry chute of history. It’s as if the Marx Brothers colluded with Alfred Hitchcock to dream up a melodramatic climax to the American Century that would be the most ridiculous and embarrassing to our posterity.

In the meantime, many citizens await Monday’s spectacle of a total solar eclipse in parts of the country. They apparently don’t realize that another eclipse has been underway for months: the total eclipse of reality across the entire landscape of the USA. Now that has been an event to behold, not just some twenty-minute freak of astronomy. What’s being blacked out is the perilously fragile condition of the financial system — a great groaning Rube Goldberg contraption of accounting fraud, grift, statistical deceit, and racketeering that pretends to support the day-to-day activities of our national life.

For months, the recognition of this oncoming financial monster has been blocked by the hallucination of gremlins from the Kremlin infiltrating the recent presidential election. But just as that mirage was dissolving, along comes the treacherous invasion of the Confederate statues. It begins to look like the final piece of the puzzle in the Deep State’s quest to eject Donald Trump from the oval office. His response to the deadly statue situation (“…why not Washington and Jefferson…?”) was deemed so obtuse and unfeeling that even the rodents of his own nominal Republican Party want to jump his ship of state.

So, the set-up could not be more perfect! The country will now get down to the business of a months-long 25th Amendment circle-jerk at the very moment that the financial system flies apart. The damage from the financial clusterf$ck will be much more real, and much worse, than anything that might be spun out of the anti-statue crusade hogging the headlines today. It will be interesting to see whether the old legacy media even reports on it as it happens, or whether they will cook up new and more bizarre entertainments to distract the public from what might be the ultimate swindling of a lifetime.

Michael Savage reacts to Trump's ''Both sides to blame" comment
Published on Aug 17, 2017
I was absolutely astonished at this and wondered how many people would take it at face value? It looks like some white guy is trying to incite hatred (of whites) by blacks. So fishy it's got scales on it! The 'white privilege cop pushing crew' look like they are straight out of central casting from the CIA.
Joe said:
Here's the guy from the Vice documentary on the scene in Charlottesville who supposedly organized the march and was acting all macho and white supremacyish.

The really sad thing is that there isn't even a warrant out for his arrest.

Oh My God, Joe! When I first saw that that youtube clip, I thought he was a comedian doing some sort of a comedy spoof! I was asking myself... "Is he for real"?
c.a. said:
Total Eclipse
James Howard Kunstler
First they came for the statues….
What do you know, long about Wednesday, August 16, 2017, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal) discovered that the United States Capitol building was infested with statues of Confederate dignitaries. Thirty years walking those marbled halls and she just noticed?
Just as empires tend to build their most grandiose monuments prior to collapse, our tottering empire is concocting the most monumentally ludicrous delusions before it slides down the laundry chute of history. It’s as if the Marx Brothers colluded with Alfred Hitchcock to dream up a melodramatic climax to the American Century that would be the most ridiculous and embarrassing to our posterity.

In the meantime, many citizens await Monday’s spectacle of a total solar eclipse in parts of the country. They apparently don’t realize that another eclipse has been underway for months: the total eclipse of reality across the entire landscape of the USA. Now that has been an event to behold, not just some twenty-minute freak of astronomy. What’s being blacked out is the perilously fragile condition of the financial system — a great groaning Rube Goldberg contraption of accounting fraud, graft, statistical deceit, and racketeering that pretends to support the day-to-day activities of our national life.

For months, the recognition of this oncoming financial monster has been blocked by the hallucination of gremlins from the Kremlin infiltrating the recent presidential election. But just as that mirage was dissolving, along comes the treacherous invasion of the Confederate statues.
Outrage, sarcasm, dark humor, colorful language, all spotlighting the truth--a well-written, much-needed rant. Kudos to Kunstler!
This article should be entitled "American Exceptionalism: The Most Dangerous White Supremacist Movement"

Each decade since World War II, “America’s leadership of the global economy
(has been) ultimately responsible for some 180 million deaths…from poverty-related causes.”
-- Dr. David Ray Griffin in Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11

by Ajamu Baraka

“What is the character of racist right-wing politics today? Is it the crazed white supremacist who plows into an anti-fascist demonstration in Charlottesville, VA or can it also be the assurance by Lindsay Graham that an attack against North Korea would result in thousands of lives lost…. but those lives will be ‘over there’? What about the recent unanimous resolution by both houses of Congress in support of Israel and criticism of the United Nations for its alleged anti-Israeli bias? Would that qualify as racist and right-wing, since it appears that the ongoing suffering of the Palestinians is of no concern? And what about the vote by the U.S. House of Representatives to go even beyond the obscene proposal of the Trump administration to increase the military budget by $54 billion dollars and instead add a whopping $74 billion to the Pentagon budget?

“What I find interesting about the current discussion around what many are referring to as the emboldening of the radical white supremacist right is how easy it is to mobilize opposition against the crude and overt white supremacists we saw in Charlottesville. So easy, in fact, that it’s really a distraction from the more difficult and dangerous work that needs to be done to confront the real right-wing power brokers.

“The white supremacy that some of us see as more insidious is not reflected in the simple, stereotypical images of the angry, Nazi-saluting alt-righter or even Donald Trump. Instead, it is the normalized and thus invisible white supremacist ideology inculcated into cultural and educational institutions and the policies that stem from those ideas. That process doesn’t just produce the storm troopers of the armed and crazed radical right but also such covert true believers as Robert Ruben from Goldman Sachs, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blair and Nancy Pelosi – ‘decent’ individuals who have never questioned for a moment the superiority of Western civilization, who believe completely in the White West’s right and responsibility to determine which nations should have sovereignty and who should be the leaders of ‘lesser’ nations. And who believe that there is no alternative to the wonders of global capitalism even if it means that billions of human beings are consigned permanently to what Fanon called the ‘zone of non-being.’

“This is the white supremacy that I am concerned with. And while I recognize the danger of the violent right-wing movement, I am more concerned with the right-wing policies that are being enacted into law and policy by both Democrats and Republicans at every level of government.
. . .
“The structures of white power, that is the structures and institutions that provide the material base for Euro-American white supremacy and its ideological reproduction, should be the focus of radical opposition. But the capitalist order and its institutions – the World Trade Organization, IMF, World Bank, and global Westernized higher education that serves as the material basis for hegemonic white supremacist power – escape critical scrutiny because popular attention is directed against a David Duke and a Donald Trump.

“Trump and the alt-right have become useful diversions for white supremacist liberals and leftists who would rather fight against those superficial caricatures of racism than engage in more difficult ideological work involving real self-sacrifice – purging themselves of all racial sentimentality associated with the mythology of the place of white people, white civilization and whiteness in the world in order to pursue a course for justice that will result in the loss of white material privilege.

“Looking at white supremacy from this wider-angle lens, it is clear that support for the Israeli state, war on North Korea, mass black and brown incarceration, a grotesque military budget, urban gentrification, the subversion of Venezuela, the state war on black and brown people of all genders, and the war on reproductive rights are among the many manifestations of an entrenched right-wing ideology that cannot be conveniently and opportunistically reduced to Trump and the Republicans.

“And when we understand that white supremacy is not just what is in someone’s head but is also a global structure with ongoing, devastating impacts on the people of the world, we will understand better why some of us have said that in order for the world to live, the 525-year-old white supremacist Pan-European, colonial/capitalist patriarchy must die.”

Here you can read the entire article:

I wonder if the Charlottesville rally was "a purposely staged event" to help kick-off this Berlin rally (a week later) to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Rudolf Hess death? Antifa is also heavily involved and will be staging protests now in Boston.

Neo-Nazis from across Europe are marching in Berlin to mark the 30th anniversary of the death of Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler’s former deputy. A counter-rally against Nazism is also underway.

Neo-Nazis From Across Europe March in Berlin, Counter-Rally Underway (PHOTO)

German police are at the site of the rallies, trying to separate the groups of protesters to avoid clashes. Police told organizers of the far right rally that they can march, but they're not allowed to glorify top Nazi Hess.

At least a thousand of people participate in the Neo-Nazi march. The number is expected to rise.

The Neo-Nazis call for the release of the investigation information concerning Hess' circumstances of death. After WWII, Hitler’s former deputy was convicted of war crimes and was taken to a military prison in Spandau in western Berlin, where he remained for 40 years until committing suicide in 1987. Nazi sympathizers believe that Hess was killed and organize annual marches in his honor.

The marches commemorating Hess used to take place in Wunsiedel, Bavaria, where Rudolf Hess was buried until German authorities removed his remains. The news comes following a rising number of far right protests in the EU and the US.

Berlin's neo-Nazi rally took place a week after the violence in the city of Charlottesville in the US state of Virginia. On August 12, Charlottesville saw a major rally of neo-Nazi and far-right protesters who took to the streets to oppose the removal of a monument dedicated to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The rally, dubbed Unite the Right, which subsequently led to violent clashes between the demonstrators and counter-protesters and culminated in the car ramming attack.

On Friday, an anti-Islamization rally took place in Barcelona following the deadly terrorist attacks in Catalonia, killing 14 and injuring over 100.
At the same time, left-wing groups Arran and Endavant staged an anti-fascist rally at the site.

US President Donald Trump has been criticized for being slow to respond to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, resulting in the death of a woman and injuring 19 others in a vehicle attack by a white supremacist.

German Magazine's Depicting Trump in KKK Hood Ignites Online Furor (Photo)

Despite condemning white supremacists, neo-Nazis and KKK two days after the Charlottesville violence, Trump later said that one side was bad, while the other, "was also very violent."

Many people were upset with US President Donald Trump's "both sides" statement on the violent protests.

For instance, German Der Spiegel magazine reacted to the statement by placing on its cover a picture of Donald Trump in a Ku Klux Klan hood.

Next to the image, there was an inscription: "The True Face of Donald Trump."

Organizers of an anti-racism protest on Saturday in the US city of Boston, Massachusetts, hope to inspire millions of Americans to fight white supremacy, ANSWER Coalition activist Husayn Karimi has told Sputnik.

Counter-Protest in Boston Aims to Inspire Millions to Fight White Supremacy

ANSWER is one of dozens of groups staging counter-demonstrations against a downtown "Free Speech" rally that is expected to draw conservatives and libertarians, along with white supremacists.

"We hope to leave tomorrow's demonstration with an inspired crowd that is ready to fight back with the millions of other people in this country who have zero tolerance for white supremacy," Karimi said Friday. "This isn't just about statues," Karimi said, in reference to white nationalist opposition to the removal of Confederate monuments.

He added that the fight against white supremacy includes actions such as organizing for immigrants rights and against police brutality and US wars in poor, oppressed nations.

The "Free Speech" rally is expected to draw up to 1,000 people to the downtown public park, Boston Common, while counter-rallies across the city could attract more than 20,000.

Counter-protesters will march toward the Boston Common, where police will attempt to keep rival demonstrators separated after a car attack by a neo-Nazi during a similar counter-protest last weekend killed a woman in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Officials in the US city of Boston are stepping up security ahead of a planned right-wing "Free Speech" rally alongside simultaneous counter-protests expected on Saturday in the aftermath of the violent white nationalist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend.

US City of Boston Braces for Rival Protests in Wake of Charlottesville Violence

The Boston Free Speech Rally is expected to draw up to 1,000 people to Boston Common public park downtown, while counter-demonstrations across the city could attract more than 20,000 participants. Counter-protesters will march toward Boston Common, where police will attempt to keep rival demonstrators separated.

More than 500 police officers, both uniformed and undercover, will be on hand on Saturday, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said at a news conference on Friday. "We are taking every precaution necessary to keep our city safe," Walsh told reporters.

'FREE SPEECH' RALLY - "We have repeatedly denounced ideologies that promote hate or violence, especially along racial lines," Garrett Kirkland, an organizer with the Boston Free Speech Coalition, said.

The group staged a similar demonstration in May, drawing libertarians and supporters of President Donald Trump, as well as far-right groups such as the Oathkeepers and American Patriot Three Percenters.

The latter two groups attended the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where violent clashes erupted between protesters and counter-demonstrators. The violence culminated when a Nazi supporter slammed his car into a group of counter-demonstrators, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and leaving 19 others injured.

Though Free Speech Rally organizers insist that they do not want their event "hijacked" by white supremacists, the rally appears to have become a magnet for racist groups across the state.

Thomas Robb, the national director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), told the Boston Herald that members from the city and the western part of the state of Massachusetts are planning to attend the rally.

The list of confirmed speakers includes Kyle Chapman of the New Zealand National Front, a white nationalist political party and Joe Biggs, formerly of the right-wing conspiracy website Infowars.

Shiva Ayyadurai, an Indian-born American who is running for the US Senate, and Samson Racioppi, a congressional candidate, are also slated to speak at the event, Kirkland said.

FIGHT SUPREMACY RALLY - As the Free Speech rally begins downtown, tens of thousands of protesters are expected to gather in the nearby neighborhood of Roxbury for a Fight Supremacy Rally, whose participants will march on Boston Common.

The counter-protest's organizers reject all assertions that the Free Speech rally does not promote hate, insisting that it is part of a national trend in which white supremacists have been emboldened by the Trump administration.

The current administration has undeniably been complicit in willfully and deliberately inciting physical and rhetorical violence perpetrated by their neo-conservative base," organizers told Sputnik in a statement signed by the Black Lives Matter Network, Violence in Boston, Black Lives Matter Boston, Black Lives Matter Cambridge and Movement for Black Lives.

Trump has faced mounting criticism for failing to immediately condemn the violence in Charlottesville, and later blaming "both sides" for the clashes. Even members of Trump's own Republican party have criticized his response, with some such as former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney calling on the president to apologize.

The leaders of the Fight Supremacy rally say they organized the event not only to "send a message to those would subject marginalized communities to domestic white terrorism, hate speech and violence," but also to oppose all forms of white supremacy.

They say forms of white supremacy include mass incarceration, income inequality, anti-immigration initiatives, police abuse and housing and employment discrimination. "Saturday’s rally will stand in defiance of these abuses and amplify the voices and truths of the most marginalized," they said.

More than 37,000 people say they're either planning to attend or interested in attending the march, according to the event's Facebook page.

OTHER COUNTER-PROTESTS - Several other counter-protests will be staged throughout the city, with numerous other groups planning to link up with the Fight Supremacy rally.

The ANSWER Coalition and the Coalition to Organize and Mobilize Boston Against Trump will gather near Boston Common for a "Stand for Solidarity" rally. The protesters will meet at the Massachusetts State House before merging their demonstration with the Fight Supremacy march.

Meanwhile, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) will rally in the Roxbury neighborhood before joining in the Fight Supremacy march. "We call on President Trump to unequivocally reject white supremacy and racism," AFL-CIO Massachusetts President Steven Tolman said in a statement on Friday. "As a labor movement, as a Commonwealth and as a nation we have a moral obligation to stand up for the right of all people to live without fear and to stand against racism, anti-Semitism and bigotry in all forms."

The NAACP Boston Branch will also gather in Roxbury to march alongside the Fight Supremacy protesters. "At the core of the march is the demand for racial justice," the group said in a statement on Friday.

POLICE PREPARATIONS - The Boston Police Department expects large crowds to descend on the city for the protests and has a comprehensive operational plan in place, Mayor Walsh said.

Police have erected concrete barriers between the planned locations of rival protests and will close streets and deploy fixed video cameras and roaming video support teams in a bid to protect public safety, Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said.

Weapons, sharp objects, sticks and any other items that could be used as weapons will be banned from Boston Common, and police officers will be searching bags, a police department community advisory said.

Evans said officers would respect people's right to protest, but would show no tolerance toward trouble-makers.

"We're aware that some people might have an agenda to basically try to disrupt, and those are the people we're really going to focus on," Evans said at a news conference on Friday.

One such group that law enforcement is likely to closely monitor is Antifa, a militant anti-fascist group that has called for a "Confront Fascism" rally on Boston Common at the same time as the Free Speech protest.

"I hope tomorrow everyone who protests and is marching is doing it for the right reason," Evans said.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order which will stop all public demonstrations at the Robert E. Lee Monument in the state capital Richmond until new emergency rules are in place to protect free speech and keep people safe, the Governor's office said in a press release.

Virginia Governor Temporarily Bans Protests at Lee Monument in State Capital

The release said the halt will allow state and local authorities a chance to make decisions about how to manage civil unrest in the wake of the deadly events over the weekend in Charlottesville.

"Governor Terry McAuliffe today issued Executive Order Number 67 temporarily halting issuance of permits and prohibiting demonstrations at the Lee Monument until new emergency regulations have been approved and implemented by the Virginia Department of General Services," the release stated.
How timely are MSM:


and the German Spiegel:


  • spiegel.jpg
    99.5 KB · Views: 99
Ruth said:
Joe said:
Here's the guy from the Vice documentary on the scene in Charlottesville who supposedly organized the march and was acting all macho and white supremacyish.

The really sad thing is that there isn't even a warrant out for his arrest.

Oh My God, Joe! When I first saw that that youtube clip, I thought he was a comedian doing some sort of a comedy spoof! I was asking myself... "Is he for real"?

Wait, that wasn't satire. That was actually real! :shock: This guy talked (even cried) about wanting a peacefull protest, while bringing enough guns with him to start a one man revolution.
Altair said:
How timely are MSM:


and the German Spiegel:

Trump the Russian agent failed. Now Trump the KKK member starts. I can't wait to see what the MSM have in store for next season.
Altair said:
[...] and the German Spiegel:

It strikes me again how totally dangerous and insane the german mainstream media is bashing Trump. Besides the Spiegel cover it actually says "The True Face of Donald Trump" ! :scared: Not even the US Media is going that far in bashing Trump. Proves once again that the establishment really has a vested interest of demonizing all and everything that might even possibly do or say something good in relation to russia. Observing this and similar bashings of papers like "Der Spiegel" in germany, ever since Putin got on stage, really proves what this slimy Stratfor chief said in regards to the goal of the empire in regards to germany and russia:

The primordial interest of the United States for centuries (WWI, WWII and the Cold War) has been to stop a coalition between Germany and Russia.

It further proofs that the worst propaganda is really taking place in the german mainstream newspapers and pretty much any other media show in germany, as the following study found out:

Germany is on the first place in the worldwide ranking of mass-media hostility towards russia:
bjorn said:
Altair said:
How timely are MSM:


and the German Spiegel:

Trump the Russian agent failed. Now Trump the KKK member starts. I can't wait to see what the MSM have in store for next season.

Yeah, the cartooning choreographs ramp up. This was the same pre/post Charlie Hebdo when minds were stimulated with visuals signs.

A brief look in Canada with some outliers on Trump Cartoons de jour with a the same or similar message and their propagandist artists .




_ (notice also the ant-vax cartoon meme)

Here was a Canadian shopping centre icon from the 1800's (owned by the Americans now), the Hudson Bay and a plaque:

Plaque honouring Confederate president Davis removed from Montreal building

A commemorative plaque honouring a former president of the Confederate States of America has been removed from a Hudson’s Bay Co. building in downtown Montreal.
Spokeswoman Tiffany Bourre told The Canadian Press in an email the plaque of Jefferson Davis, who was president of the Confederate states during the Civil War, was taken down Tuesday evening.


Speaking of the Economist, here is a bit of the backstory:

Artist Jon Berkeley Explains His Stunning, KKK-Tinged Economist Cover

...In an interview with HuffPost, Berkeley explained that the cover was commissioned on Wednesday, a last-minute decision on the part of the Economist following Trump’s press conference on Tuesday. A few concept sketches later and his powerful presidential portrait was born.

Here’s what Berkeley had to say about the unusual project:

Donald Trump is politically inept, morally barren and temperamentally unfit for office
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) August 17, 2017

How did you settle on the image of Trump holding a megaphone that appears to double as a KKK hood?

I always think with a pencil, so I did a few quick sketches to start the process. The KKK hood is a gift in graphic terms. It’s simple, and its menace is instantly recognizable. It’s been used to great visual effect by many illustrators and cartoonists, so when I linked it to the shape of a simple megaphone, the first thing I did was search online to see if it had been done before. When I found nothing similar I sent the sketch ― along with a few other concepts ― to the Economist.

How much guidance did the Economist give you when they commissioned the image? Did you know, for example, that the illustration would appear on the cover without a headline?

This was a last-minute change from the scheduled cover, which is usually commissioned on Monday for a Wednesday-afternoon deadline. The cover concept has usually been decided on before I get the call, although it often evolves further in the process.

I'll bet it was decided upon, Jon.
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