Violence at Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia

Lee Stranahan has a good analysis of Charlotteville. The chanting of "blood and soil" is exactly like what happened in Ukraine. :scared:
Rhiannon said:
Lee Stranahan has a good analysis of Charlotteville. The chanting of "blood and soil" is exactly like what happened in Ukraine. :scared:

Yup. It's a sponsored Color Revolution in the USA and we all know where that leads.
Pashalis said:
Approaching Infinity said:
It looks like the car-ramming might not have been as intentional as previously believed. Videos shared by the Duran:

Basically, the videos show the car driving at a slow speed at first. Then, one of the counter-protestors throws/swings some object at the rear left tail light. After that, the driver speeds up. Maybe he got angry and decided to ram the people in front - a really stupid and reckless thing to do, for multiple reasons. Or maybe he got scared and mechanically slammed on the gas pedal, then further panicked and reversed to escape being surrounded.

But it's hard to tell exactly, because the videos have been slowed down. He may have been driving too fast to begin with, and the guy smashing his light was incidental.

Niall said:
Approaching Infinity said:
It looks like the car-ramming might not have been as intentional as previously believed...

This drone footage shows that lefties were concentrated at that junction:

The driver of the car knew what he was doing.

Am I imagining things, or are the first two videos above, showing another type of car with another colour compared to the drone footage below? Also, the locations/surroundings/directions look different in the drone video.

No, the car hits other cars in front and causes a pile-up. The actual car that hit the others cannot be seen in the drone view and his hidden by the building.
Niall said:
Joe said:
The problem is, while this isn't exactly a lie, it is not true either. No one is born hating another person because of the color of their skin, but 'people' aren't born. Babies are, and they are born with more or less nothing in the way of biases, except for a few basics like warmth, touch and food and an aversion to the opposite. So what he's saying here is that babies aren't born racists, which is the similar to the statement that frogs don't hate black people. Of course they don't because they can't. As children grow into children and adults and become able to express their innate genetic makeup however, inherent preferences DO manifest or at least DO exist, as many studies have shown.

Very interesting. So people are in fact instinctively programmed to be wary of anything 'not-alike'. They can tame that instinct in the interest of mutual cooperation rather than destructive predation, but if it's pushed too far, it's like the 'coiled spring' Laura describes.

I can think of three small children whom I met in Africa who started crying and even screaming when they saw me and my white skin. One of the kids was even scared of another child who was of mixed heritage.
Mariama said:
I can think of three small children whom I met in Africa who started crying and even screaming when they saw me and my white skin. One of the kids was even scared of another child who was of mixed heritage.

Yup. And some places in Africa kill albinos.

That's why I say, peeps of all hues should be brought up together from tiniest toddler-hood.
Laura said:

It seems that this tearing down, of symbols, historical things, is to create a vacuum, where other things can flow in.

This is not taking something, and replacing it with something that is better. They are not doing that. They are just in demolition/deconstruction mode. As has been said, it is change, but not progress.

Very chilling to watch what is happening right now., It is almost like creating a huge electrical potential on one side. Eventually that potential cannot be held any longer, and the charge will be released. In human terms that will be catastrophic IMO. There has to come a point, where people will not stand idly by and take this. There has to be a tipping point somewhere down the line.
angelburst29 said:
A relative newcomer to the white nationalist scene, Jason Kessler has made waves in his attempt to unseat Charlottesville’s only black city councilman and for his status as a bridge between a Virginia gubernatorial candidate and the Alt-Right. Relying on familiar tropes of “white genocide” and “demographic displacement,” Kessler has sought to parlay his status as a lonely dissenter in the “Capital of the Resistance” into notoriety on the larger far right circuit by organizing a second white nationalist rally in Charlottesville after the first, torchlit rally in May of 2017 made headlines.

A “journalist, activist and author from Charlottesville, VA,” Kessler’s LinkedIn account states that he graduated of the University of Virginia in 2009. He was virtually unknown in the media prior to his crusade against Charlottesville Vice Mayor and City Councilman Wes Bellamy.

About Jason Kessler

The name "Kessler" struck a cord with me. In the above links, it states, "A relative newcomer to the white nationalist scene," and "he was virtually unknown in the media prior to his crusade against Charlottesville." Maybe because "Jason" Kessler is actually "Mark Kessler" a controversial former Police Chief from a small town in Pennsylvania (2013), who eventually went public - stating that he was an FBI informant? After losing his status as Police Chief, it was last reported (2014) that Mark Kessler was hired on as a rent-a-cop at the Boscov's Dept. Store in Scranton's Steamtown Mall because no one else would hire him.

"Mark" claimed to have a "distaste of the Obama administration" and organized a volunteer group called the Constitutional Security Force, where as "Jason" was reportedly an Obama supporter involved in the Occupy movement as recently as November 2016, before establishing his white supremacist group “Unity & Security for America” in January, 2017.

Mark Kessler, Pennsylvania Police Chief, Says ‘F*** All You Libtards,’ Apologizes With Assault Rife (Video) Jul 25, 2013

A police chief in a small town in Pennsylvania is attracting controversy this week after posting a series of YouTube videos attacking people that disagree with his views on gun rights.

Mark Kessler, police chief of Gilberton Borough and a member of the North Schuylkill school board, caught the attention of viewers earlier this month with profanity-laced videos blasting “libtards” and Secretary of State John Kerry for supposedly wanting to take away his guns.

In the video above, which contains NSFW language, Kessler goes on the offensive.

“-flick- all you libtards out there ... yous take it in the ass,” he says in the video, posted in mid-July. “I don’t give a -flick- what you say, so you can all go -flick- yourselves. Period.”

Kessler goes on to suggest that he wouldn’t take part in an “armed revolt” on Washington, D.C., apparently a reference to a march planned and later canceled by libertarian activist Adam Kokesh, who is now in jail on drug charges. It appears that Kessler and others are planning a different event in D.C. in September, though it’s unclear if they plan on being armed.

In a separate video, Kessler takes aim at Kerry and the Obama administration for their support of a UN arms trade treaty. The agreement, designed to stem the trafficking of illicit weapons to terrorists, warlords, organized crime figures and human rights violators, has emerged as a popular bugbear for gun rights activists who claim that it will be used to confiscate guns domestically.

The videos are just a few in a series that express Kessler’s outspoken and extreme brand of gun rights activism. According to the Morning Call, Kessler has also organized a volunteer group called the Constitutional Security Force. While the group doesn’t consider itself to be a militia, it does vow to take up arms to protect against tyranny.

The displays caught the attention of a number of local residents this week, who have reportedly raised concerns with town officials.

At least one borough councilman has called the videos “unacceptable” for a police chief, according to WFMZ.

But Gilberton Mayor Mary Lou Hannon noted that Kessler’s actions came during his “free time,” and said it would be “terribly inappropriate to comment.”

“As you may already know, the Borough of Gilberton supports the U.S. Constitution, as well as the Pennsylvania Constitution, and therefore has made no law which would impede its employees’ First Amendment rights,” she said in a press release. “Anyone asking the borough to take action against the chief, when he has committed no illegal act, no violation of policy and no misuse of borough time, is asking that we establish an official political view of the borough and impose it upon one or more of our employees, which would obviously be unconstitutional. Each member of council, each employee and each citizen is not only entitled to their own political opinions but also the right to express them. We will not take action to quash free speech, whether or not each member of council or any member of council agrees with it.”

While there are no plans to reprimand Kessler despite the outcry, Pennsylvania’s Standard Speaker reports that Kessler’s behavior has also emerged as an issue among some candidates for local office. Most have sought to dismiss the controversy.

Kessler meanwhile told the Speaker that the videos are “in support of the Constitution,” and were created as commentary, not a reflection of his work as a law enforcement officer.

Police chief in small Schuylkill County town says he made the video to draw attention to gun rights.

Top cop's profanity-laced video goes viral July 24, 2013

In a YouTube video with nearly 20,000 hits, Gilberton police Chief Mark Kessler fires restricted weapons in a profanity-riddled monologue off an old stripping road in this tiny coal region borough.

[...] In the two-minute, 45-second video posted July 15, Kessler doesn't identify himself as police chief. Wearing a black T-shirt and baseball cap, he appears to be apologizing for a previous video in which he used profanities. He disappears from view and comes back with a gun he fires multiple times.

"Yeah, I don't think so. This boy don't roll that way ...," he says on the video. "For all you people out there who cried and cried about, oh, I used profanity, f--- you."

The video shows him leaving the screen and coming back to shoot three different firearms, all the while spewing profanities.

[...] He said he was on private property in the borough where he target-practices.

Kessler said he made the video and other videos to draw attention to efforts to restrict guns. He specifically pointed to public statements that politicians made after the Dec. 14 shooting in Newtown, Conn., where 20 children and six adults died. He called the shooting "a tragedy" but condemned the person who shot the gun, not the gun.

Kessler, the borough's chief for 14 years and a freshman member of the North Schuylkill School Board, said he used profanity to get attention. He said he's gotten thousands of emails over the last two weeks from supporters across the nation.

The YouTube video, which jumped from 3,280 hits late Monday night to nearly 20,000 after mass media reported it Tuesday, is the latest in Kessler's push for gun rights.

He has made a name for himself among gun advocates, often speaking at pro-gun rallies and conservative radio talk shows. He uses a variety of platforms, posting videos of himself on YouTube and audio recordings on under the title "The Chief Kessler Show."

His lengthy audio messages touch on a wide range of subjects, including his distaste of the Obama administration, which he called corrupt, vindictive and racist, and how he finds it absurd that people in this country illegally are protected under the Constitution.

Kessler has also organized a volunteer group called the Constitutional Security Force. According to the group's website,, the group does not consider itself a militia but will take up arms to protect against tyranny.

A former Pennsylvania police chief who posted online videos of himself ranting obscenely about liberals and the Second Amendment while shooting automatic weapons secretly fed information on people he considered militia members, anti-government extremists and so-called "sovereign citizens" to the FBI and state police, according to documents he showed to The Associated Press.

Foul-Mouthed Police Chief: I Was An FBI Informant

The ex-lawman attracted attention last year after posting incendiary videos of himself spraying machine-gun fire and cursing liberals and others. The videos got hundreds of thousands of views online.

Kessler said that individuals advocating insurrection and violence contacted him as a result of the videos, and he saw them as a threat and had a responsibility to report them to federal and state authorities.

He said he's going public now because he wants to reclaim his reputation. Kessler retired from the police department last February in a settlement with borough officials, who intended to fire him after the videos emerged.

The ex-lawman had private Facebook communications that he shared via email with the state and the FBI, according to documents viewed by AP. The agents' names were redacted by Kessler.

[...] Kessler's attorney, Joseph Nahas, said his client reached out to law enforcement about his contacts with radical groups.

Extremists "looked at Mark to be some sort of leader and further their cause of governmental destruction," Nahas said, and Kessler gathered intelligence about "who they were, what their plans were, what their targets were."

Nahas said a state trooper told him this fall that he had been receiving information from Kessler.

Kessler claims his first contact with individuals he termed extremists came nearly two years ago, after he pushed Gilberton's council to adopt a resolution nullifying certain gun laws.

Kessler says he met with an FBI agent and a state trooper and continued to pass on information, but received contact from fewer people as months wore on. That's when he said he ramped up his rhetoric by posting incendiary videos in the summer of 2013.

At the time, Kessler said the videos were designed to draw attention to an out-of-control federal government and the erosion of Second Amendment and other constitutional rights. He now asserts his public persona was an act meant to lure would-be domestic terrorists.

Police chief suspended for rant against ‘Libtards’ and gun control to star in reality show featuring his own MILITIA (Videos)
Joe said:
Approaching Infinity said:
It looks like the car-ramming might not have been as intentional as previously believed. Videos shared by the Duran:

The object seems to be a piece of material or maybe a flag on a stick, and if you look closely, it seems that only the cloth material hit the car. The driver may not even have noticed it.

The reason the driver slowed down might be explained by his realizing there were two cars blocking the street/moving slowly. I can't really see how this absolves him of anything though. The most logical explanation is that he still had the intent to drive into people. If he didn't, why did he?

Imagine yourself innocently driving down a street, trying to get out the other side. You realize the street is blocked by 2 cars. You slow down, you speak to one of the protestors and tell them that you're trying to move through. One of them hits your car with a stick or flag. What do you do? Protest? Tell them you're just trying to get through?

Why didn't Fields do all of this if he had no intention of hitting people, instead of driving at high speed into the protesters and stationary cars?

Its possible that the driver had murderous intentions from the beginning. But also, considering how visible on that grainy footage the object is that the bumper got slammed with, i'd be surprised if it was a thin pole. More like a bat or even a 2x4 as we see in some pictures of the events. The apparent strain in the person's body also points to a significant transfer of momentum in the object.

Such a hit onto the rear bumper is enough to trigger the airbag. And an airbag exploding in your face is one of the most destabilizing things that can happen to somebody who's actively driving. People almost always have serious crashes when the airbag deploys spkntaneously. That would be enough to trigger a reflexive jerk in the entire body, legs and foot possibly pressing the gas pedal to the floor.

Not saying this is what happened, but that is my most plausible alternative explanation aside from express murderous intent.
angelburst29 said:
The name "Kessler" struck a cord with me. In the above links, it states, "A relative newcomer to the white nationalist scene," and "he was virtually unknown in the media prior to his crusade against Charlottesville." Maybe because "Jason" Kessler is actually "Mark Kessler" a controversial former Police Chief from a small town in Pennsylvania (2013), who eventually went public - stating that he was an FBI informant? After losing his status as Police Chief, it was last reported (2014) that Mark Kessler was hired on as a rent-a-cop at the Boscov's Dept. Store in Scranton's Steamtown Mall because no one else would hire him.

Comparing the video of Mark, he doesn't bear any strong resemblance to Jason, so I'd say it's just a coincidence.
United Gnosis said:
Its possible that the driver had murderous intentions from the beginning. But also, considering how visible on that grainy footage the object is that the bumper got slammed with, i'd be surprised if it was a thin pole. More like a bat or even a 2x4 as we see in some pictures of the events. The apparent strain in the person's body also points to a significant transfer of momentum in the object.

After watching a couple of videos, the impression I got was that the guy hitting the rear of the car did it because he saw it coming in too fast for a crowded area (bearing in mind that on a street full of people you need to drive super slow to avoid hurting anyone, so a few extra miles p/h would already be way too fast). Otherwise, why attack a slow moving vehicle if you don't know if the driver is 'friend or foe'? In the Vice video that scene includes audio, and assuming the sound wasn't edited, you can hear people screaming (though at first I thought it was tires screeching) as the car approaches, which again means people felt the speed was threatening. So I think the driver knew what he was doing from the start.
Trump Supporters Demand Marxist Statue of Lenin Must Be Torn Down

Plenty of communist statues ready for pulling down as this war heats up.
Few thoughts crossed my mind this past few days that might add something (or not) to the overall discussion:

To make a multicultural society thrive you have to make clear that, while we tolerate your way of life, you should tolerate ours. And accept each other this way. And root out radical elements together (Like how it works in Russia or Syria)

But that's not what the Left is doing. Instead they basically say, we will embrace and adapt to other cultures, so we can all live peacefully. But adapting to others is not about tolerance. But in fact intolerance, where you tell others, you don't have to tolerate us. The ideology of the Left by doing so is causing more intolerance, not tolerance.

Tolerance is something all members of society have to work on, it's not a given. Treat it as such, and you only breed discord and hatred.

Fact is I think, there will always be friction between different races. But it's not necessarily a bad thing since it offers a lot of lessons. The main lesson that is offered here; Or like Martin Luther King once said. To not judge each other by the color of their skin but their character. (substance over appearances)

But the PTB obviously understand that the natural friction that exist between races is most useful for divide and conquer and I think that everyone fell asleep and believed that people like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela basically ended racism. Or at least showed humanity a better path from which we can only move forward.

But the battle is seemingly far from over. And the PTB might have been working hard on a comeback ever since to pull humanity back to barbarism. To me it seem that the Psychopathic Elite are trying to destroy every progress that has been made in the last 50 years concerning the fight against racism.

And when Political Correctness by design starts to oppress white people. Something we have already have examples of to a certain extent. Well, if you do just that, then you are working hard to reignite the flames of an old evil.

I'm afraid that when the economy goes under, or some crisis unfolds. A lot of hate and anger is going to get unleashed. I have read many times, like in the comment section of RT, of people who have said along the line that this PC business is a tool of minorities and the treacherous left to oppress white people. Things like that are very worrying. Hopefully this line of thought did not infected the silent majority!

For the time being, I believe we don't know as of yet what the silent majority is really thinking. But the ideas of Left and the Right are certainly sharing their poisen.

[quote author= Laura][quote author= Aragorn]Wise words! Okay, so the psycho-deep-state-elite want to stir up a civil war, where the Left and Right are fighting each other. Do you mean, that it has been their plan all along? [/quote]

At some level, yes, I think so. See what I wrote above.

Another way to look at it. If you are set to conquer the world. You don't want a population that is open to all cultures. You want a population that is racist and hate other cultures. You want a population who favors killing people of different color. Simply because they are 'different'.

I remember all those US generals who wanted to use nukes in other countries (Korea, Afghanistan etc) but where pulled back because basically public opinion wouldn't allow it.

I don't believe the Nazi's would have thinked twice about using nukes. And what's the deal these days about not being able to fight wars because 5000 or more causalities would be unacceptable under the population.

Now that must be frustrating for the PTB.

My point is, if you are set to conquer the world. Make sure that your population hates everyone who is 'different'. Maybe it's possible that the PTB are working very hard to destroy everything people like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela worked for. Because let's face it, if the US suddenly turns Nazi or something alike, your chances of conquering the world improve drastically.

Just imagine a population that agrees with using nukes, or is able to accept hundred of thousands of military loses. Well if that were so, the PTB are back in action.

Russia and China would still be off limits. But there is still Latin America, Africa, the middle east. What are they going to do when the US instead of trying to covertly control those countries. And just goes full Nazi against them, while even uses nukes. The only thing they basically can do is beg Russia to help them out if that where to happen.

I'm sorry for the rather dramatic scenario. I don't believe it's just that simple. I don't even believe that it will work in the end. I even doubt that they are capable of pulling it of. Heck I don't even see it happening. But the PTB might look at it differently. And if I were a member of the PTB, I would have made sure to destroy everything people like Martin Luther King worked for. Turn society hatefull and racist, and start using that enormous military at it's full potential, and not just as a show to intimidate the world.

If you have a population who is willing to accept that and even fight for it. You change the rules of the big geopolitical game. Something the PTB need, because they are losing on the grand chessboard.
Well, here's an interesting development....


Three days after Charlottesville, Virginia, erupted into violence and racial unrest, the family of Robert E. Lee is denouncing the white nationalist groups who rallied and marched to preserve a statue of the long-dead Civil War general.

"There's no place for that," Robert E. Lee V tells Newsweek, referring to the white supremacist protesters who carried torches and marched through Charlottesville on Friday. "There's no place for that hate."

The statue of Lee, which has stood in Charlottesville since 1924, is now at the center of a racially charged conflict that has gripped the city and resulted in one woman's death. In February, the local city council decided to remove the statue from the park, noting that for many people, such Confederate monuments are "painful reminders of the violence and injustice of slavery and other harms of white supremacy that are best removed from public spaces." In May, white supremacist Richard Spencer organized a demonstration in support of the monument, and on Friday evening, a large group of torch-bearing white nationalist marchers descended on Charlottesville to protest the decision to remove the statue.

Lee, a great-great-grandson of the Confederate hero, and his sister, Tracy Lee Crittenberger, issued a written statement on Tuesday condemning the "hateful words and violent actions of white supremacists, the KKK or neo-Nazis."

Then, Lee spoke with Newsweek by phone.

"We don't believe in that whatsoever," Lee says. He is quick to defend his ancestor's name: "Our belief is that General Lee would not tolerate that sort of behavior either. His first thing to do after the Civil War was to bring the Union back together, so we could become a more unified country."

The general was a slave owner who led the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War and who remains a folk hero throughout much of the South.

"We don't want people to think that they can hide behind Robert E. Lee's name and his life for these senseless acts of violence that occurred on Saturday," Lee says.

The Lee heir says it would make sense to remove the embattled statue from public display and put it in a museum—a view shared by the great-great-grandson of Jefferson Davis.

"I think that is absolutely an option, to move it to a museum and put it in the proper historical context," Lee says.
"Times were very different then. We look at the institution of slavery, and it's absolutely horrendous. Back then, times were just extremely different. We understand that it's complicated in 2017, when you look back at that period of time... If you want to put statues of General Lee or other Confederate people in museums, that makes good sense."

Lee, who works as a boys' athletic director at the Potomac School outside Washington D.C., says that his family was raised to believe that his great-great-grandfather "was fighting for his homeland of Virginia" and not for the preservation of slavery.

Historians, though, typically agree that the Confederate cause was "thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery," to quote from Mississippi's own declaration of secession. The Southern states that seceded were largely motivated by a desire to continue owning and using black slaves as property. (Lee's own personal views on slavery are commonly debated, though the general did own slaves and, as The Atlantic notes, "raged against Republican efforts to enforce racial equality on the South.")

The debate over Confederate monuments has erupted in other cities such as New Orleans, where a statue of Jefferson Davis was recently removed, and Durham, where protesters tore down a Confederate monument on Monday evening.

For the Lee family, the question of Confederate iconography is complicated as their family name becomes a rallying point for white nationalists. The younger Lee hopes that lawmakers and citizens in individual communities will "talk it over and [decide] what makes best sense for them in the times that we're living in today."

Lee declined to comment on Donald Trump's administration, nor on the president's erratic response to Charlottesville.

Here's the Lee family's statement in its entirety:
The events of the past weekend in Charlottesville were a terrible tragedy for America, for the state of Virginia and for us, the descendants of General Robert E. Lee. Our family extends our deepest condolences to the families who lost a loved one. We send our heartfelt sympathy to those who were injured, and pray for their recovery.

General Lee's life was about duty, honor and country. At the end of the Civil War, he implored the nation to come together to heal our wounds and to move forward to become a more unified nation. He never would have tolerated the hateful words and violent actions of white supremacists, the KKK, or Neo Nazis.

While the debate about how we memorialize figures from our past continues, we the descendants of Robert E. Lee decry in the strongest terms the misuse of his memory by those advancing a message of intolerance and hate. We urge the nation’s leaders as well as local citizens to engage in a civil, respectful and non-hateful conversation.

As Americans and as human beings it is essential that we respect one another and treat others as we ourselves wish to be treated. As General Lee wrote in his diary, “the great duty of life is the promotion of the happiness and welfare of our fellow man.”

Robert E. Lee V
Great-great-grandson of General Robert E. Lee

Tracy Lee Crittenberger
Great-great-granddaughter of General Robert E. Lee

Earlier today, before I read this, I was actually thinking along the same lines as the great-great-grandson, about statues like this being moved into museums as possibly a way for both sides to meet halfway - that is, removing it from an outward space that the lefties interpret as glorifying the figure and into an enclosed public space that would preserve it as a historical landmark and then contextualize it with information and other displays.

Also, apparently a very small group of Trump supporters protested a statue of Lenin in Seattle calling to have it removed. I don't think they're adding to their case to keep Lee up by doing that, though - it's just stooping to the level of the far lefites. Yeah, Lenin sucks and he spear-headed an ideology that resulted in the death of millions and millions of people, but I'm against destroying statues of him as much as Confederate generals - it's still a piece of history. If anything, though, I'd honestly be cooler with Lenin being stuck into a museum more than Robert E. Lee, by far.
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