

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
From - Bringers Of The Dawn
So, the methods to use are intention, breathing, using the pillar of
light, and spinning. We will add a postscript to these. As you are
electronic beings who are altering your frequency at a very fast rate,
we would recommend that you drink a tremendous amount of water: fresh
water, purified water, or spring water. Water acts as a conduit or
conductor. It keeps your system open and flowing.

Water plays a very important factor in our life, so I think it's important to know exactly what we are drinking, since we all know by now that fluoride is used a lot in bottled waters, and the water you drink home.

I myself am searching for purified water , but have not yet succeeded in finding one yet in the netherlands.
My last option would be searching for a waterfilter that purifies (tap)water.(those are quite expensive)

So I was interested in knowing what water you guys drink? and where do you buy it? or do you use a waterpurifier.
I drink distilled water. I'm also waiting for a water filter that I've ordered to arrive.
I used to buy water in glass bottles but that got quite expensive. These days I use a water filter that I bought online.
Hi Bo,

currently I'm also studying this topic and what I found out is, that distilled water seems to be the best solution, because it is the cleanest one of all (from clean to cleanest: tab, spring, filtered, reverse osmosis, distilled). But I don't know if the rather cheap reverse osmosis filter you can buy I.E by ebay can be trusted. So I talked with a salesman from a health food store and he seemed very suspicious about it and he gave me a telephone number from a guy who is installing water-filter systems in houses, where I could ask if such -cheaper- solutions can be trusted or not, or what is a good solution etc., but I dropped it, because distilled water is the most purified.
Okay to buy a distiller is still a bit pricey, but distilled water you can buy for irons is then maybe an alternative…

In any way here are two quotes from one -health- thread: Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet which discusses this question very well, at least it gave me the push to go for distilled water:

Laura said:
Namaste said:
Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water
I have not found anything else so far to confirm that article.
I've been drinking distilled water almost exclusively for years now mainly to help with osteoarthritic spurs on the spine. I can say that it has helped enormously. I also prefer the "taste" way over anything else. Water with stuff in it tastes "dirty" to me.

Now, for another perspective:

Distilled Water
Mineral, Carbon Filtered, and Reverse Osmosis Water

There is circulating a point of view about distilled water, undoubtedly promulgated by producers and sellers of mineral water. This point of view is that water should be mineralized in order to have health benefits and that distilled water somehow leaches out minerals from the body.

To understand the truth about this matter one must know a little about mineral chemistry in living systems. In order for a mineral to be of any use to the body it must be presented in a form in which it can be used. That form involves an association with an organic (carbon based) molecule. Carbon based molecules are to be found in living systems, and are not found in the ground which is where mineral water comes from. Water from the ground comes with minerals alright, but these minerals are in salt form. When salt is presented to the body (with rare exceptions such as sodium chloride) it must be either stored or excreted. A good example is CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). Carbonate is not a sufficiently complex organic molecule and therefore cannot properly contribute its calcium to living systems. The calcium comes out instead in ionic form (with a positive charge) and precipitates by forming other salts. Common locations for precipitation of calcium are the lens of the eye (cataracts), the kidneys (kidney stones) and the walls of arteries (arteriosclerosis). Unbound minerals must be excreted, which is extra work for the kidneys) or stored. This makes dust of the argument that healthy water is mineralized, and dust is of course the source of minerals in mineral water.

Incidentally, CaCO3 comes from lime stone and comprises the bulk of most calcium supplements, including that in "calcium enriched orange juice." If you want cataracts, kidney stones, and arteriosclerosis, be sure to eat and drink "calcium enriched" foods.

Now as to the argument that distilled water leaches out minerals. This is true, and this is exactly what we want it to do. The minerals it leaches out are of the unusable, ionic form and we want these to leave the body rather than be deposited and cause disease. Distilled water does not leach out significant amounts of biologically available minerals because these are quickly taken up by the body on an as needed basis. If they are present in excess then they are filtered through the kidneys and this is exactly what needs to happen with all things which are in excess in the circulation. Distilled water cleanses the body through promoting healthy kidney function.

Finally, if mineral water is not a good source of biologically available minerals, then what is? Think about it. Minerals are present in the ground and must be biologically bound in order to be used by the body. Where would that come from? Plants, or course! Your mineral source should be plants not water. The purpose of water is to cleanse the body. To do the best job of that, it must be free of everything else. Only distilled water fits that bill.

As to carbon filtered and reverse osmosis water, these are better solutions than tap water or mineral water, however they still fall far short of the standard set by distilled water.

Nature knows best and nature supplies distilled water in the form of rain. However, rain water is no longer pure due to atmospheric pollution. The only remaining option is for us to distill our own water. To that end, I have found no equal of the WaterWise 9000 for up to five people in a home or office.

If you would like to read more I recommend two books: The Truth About Water and Your Body’s many Cries For Water.

Ron Kennedy, M.D.
And another:

The Importance of Pure Water:

Only oxygen is more essential than water in sustaining the life of all living organisms. Human beings can live for several weeks without food, but only a few days without water. The quality of your tissues, their performance, and their resistance to disease and injury are linked to the quality and quantity of water you drink. Experts agree that in order to maintain optimum health one needs to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. The daily cleansing of wastes from each cell, the flushing of the alimentary canal and the purifying of the blood are all dependent on our water consumption.

The Present Condition of Water:

Most people get their water from the household tap. This water originates from lakes, rivers, streams, and underground sources. The majority of water goes through a cleaning system at a local water treatment plant. However, many harmful pollutants and water borne diseases are present in the finished treated water

Fifty percent of the US population uses water that, in part, is made up of recently discharged wastewater. And like the treatments for drinking water, wastewater treatments do not remove many of the toxic substances. Prevention Magazine

According to scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), it has been estimated that between 60 to 80 percent of all cancer is caused by chemicals in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. The NCI expressed concern over 20 years ago that increases in carcinogens in water and our inability to remove them could result in serious exposure of the general population.

What is distilled water?

Distilled water is water which has been heated to the boiling point so that impurities are separated from the water which itself becomes vapor or steam. It is then condensed back into pure liquid form. The impurities remain in the residue which is simply thrown away. Distilled water contains no solids, minerals or trace elements, and has no taste. Distillation removes the debris, bacteria, and other contaminants.

Distilled Water and Your Health:

"Do I need to tell you why drinking plenty of good quality water is as essential to health as eating properly? In a nutshell: one of the main activities of the body’s self-healing system is filtration of the blood, a job performed mostly by the kidneys which a little help from the mechanism of perspiration. Kidneys are such efficient, compact and miraculous filters that they put to shame the dialysis machines used the maintain the patients with renal failure. The heart, blood, and kidneys are a single functional unit the constantly cleanses and purifies itself, removing all the toxic wastes of metabolism and the breakdown products of harmful substances that get onto our bodies one way or another. This purification system can operate efficiently only if the volume of water flowing through it is sufficient to carry away the waste. Further, as good quality steam distilled water enters the body, it has the ability to pick-up mineral deposits accumulated in cells, joints, artery walls, or wherever such deposits occur and begin to carry them out. Gallstones and kidney stores then decrease, and it also lessens arthritic pain as joints become more supple and movable." Dr. Andrew Weil, Natural Health, Natural Medicine

What about minerals?

There are two forms of minerals, organic and inorganic. Inorganic minerals refers to non-vegetable or non-animal matter, i.e. not living. This includes carbonate and lime compounds, calcium, iron and magnesium. Because these components are non-living, our bodies can no make use of these minerals and our cells reject them. The result of ingesting these minerals is an accumulation of debris in our bodies. Organic minerals living and are found in vegetables, fruit, seeds, grains, meats, and nuts. These are easily assimilated by our cells and are essential for good health. If your rely on water as the source of your required minerals, you are sadly lacking. The minerals in water are inorganic, and the body cannot make use of them. The body continually assimilates the much needed minerals from the food we eat.

Does distilled water rob the body of essential minerals?

No, this is physiologically impossible. Some have been lead to believe that because distilled water is so pure, it will leach healthy minerals and trace elements from the body. In our bodies distilled water cleans out our impurities and replenishes the essential nutrient required for human life: pure, clean, healthy water. Our cells use the organic minerals for body growth and maintenance; however, the impurities that the body cannot make us of are flushed out with distilled water. Distilled water flushes out all the inorganic minerals and pollutants which would otherwise be retained in the body and accumulate in vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines. These minerals and pollutants are gradually increased by drinking impure water. A continuous or prolonged exposure to these minerals and pollutants may cause carcinogens to form within tissues. The cancer may only manifest itself months, years or even decades after such contacts have ceased. And often the causative agents may have totally disappeared from the tissues.

Distilled Water and Disease:
It has become apparent that pollution and contamination exist within our drinking water. With the amount of sewage dumped into drinking water sources, many water borne diseases are present in the so-called "treated" drinking water. This leaves our bodies vulnerable to infection and disease.

The viruses of major concern in relation to drinking water are those of intestinal origin, excreted by infected animals or humans, which reach water sources by way of the soils unlimited potential for serious disease and contamination of the human body.

Canadian Nutrition Guide
So, maybe the thing to do is to read the books?


Laura said:
Miss Isness said:
Relying purely on logic one can come to the conclusion that drinking distilled water is likely good for you. It's sufficient to realize how difficult it is to purchase potable, distilled water bottled in 'safe' plastic to get an inkling of an idea. The psychos in power are actively suppressing anything that can improve our quality of life. If it were bad for you, chances are it would be readily available like aspartame, pharmaceutical drugs, sunscreen, soy, etc.
Yup, good point. I'm even wondering about getting a distiller of some type.

As for "what" we are using right now, it is the water sold for irons and other appliances that says "non-potable." In other words it is not being marketed to drink, but rather to protect the iron! After a few years of drinking it, I can say that there is no problem with it. I guess the assumption is that distilled water ought not to be drunk because the supermarkets have HUGE sections devoted to all the mineral waters which taste like used bathwater to me. I also wonder if the interior of our bodies can get like the inside of an iron if you use non-distilled water? Like crusty and corroded?

In FL we had a whole house system: water softener and then an RO system for cooking with a separate spigot on the kitchen sink. It wasn't bad, but to me, it just wasn't quite the same as distilled which I COULD get at the supermarket for about 75 cents a gallon. What I noticed about the water softener was that it pulled all the undissolved minerals out of the water and REALLY made a difference in my dishwasher, washing machine and water heater (not to mention the bathtub and shower). Before, we had had to replace the heating element in our water heater about four times over 6 years because the tank would get so full of precipitated minerals that there was a layer of sludge in there about 6 inches deep. The calcium buildup on the inside of the washer, dishwasher and bathtub and shower would be so bad that you could observe it building over a period of just days. I spent a small fortune on products to dissolve calcium deposits.

We don't seem to have so severe a calcium problem here in France. There is some, but it builds up very slowly, over a couple of months instead of just days. I still have to use anti-calcium cleaners now and again, but not nearly so often.

Since calcium buildup in the body is a serious problem for me (and other members of my family, and people I know), I suspect that this is one of the chief evils of water that has not been seriously purified. Before I started drinking distilled water, I was in constant, intractable pain from the spurs on the spine. I had friends (several of them) who had gone as far as surgery to remove such things - and it wasn't a simple job in some cases. So, when the chiropractor suggested distilled water, I was ready to try anything. Now, after drinking it almost exclusively for about ten years, I guess I can say that either I no longer have the spurs, or they are greatly reduced.

There are some "hot spring spas" in France that "promote a cure" of some sort by drinking their waters. What these waters seem to have mostly is sulphur! The water reminds me of the water in Sarasota FL when I was a kid. Smelled like rotten eggs! Now, while I would not be averse to going to one of these places and getting packed in hot mud, followed by a good shower and a massage or something, I don't think I want to drink their water!
thanks a lot abcd!

I was first thinking about the reverse osmosis, but your post changed my mind to distilled water, think I will just buy some filter that makes distilled water, I will search the net this week for one.

There is one part though which i do not understand,

but distilled water you can buy for irons is then maybe an alternative…

buy for irons?

Laura said the same;

it is the water sold for irons

What do you guys mean with water sold for irons?
Bo said:
thanks a lot abcd!

I was first thinking about the reverse osmosis, but your post changed my mind to distilled water, think I will just buy some filter that makes distilled water, I will search the net this week for one.

There is one part though which i do not understand,

but distilled water you can buy for irons is then maybe an alternative…

buy for irons?

Laura said the same;

it is the water sold for irons

What do you guys mean with water sold for irons?

Hi Bo,

it's simply distilled water you can buy in a shop/supermarket. And distilled water is mainly used for a steam-iron (the thingy with which you can smooth your clothes) ;) among others: car-batteries, photo-development etc.

I paid today for 2Ltr. 75 Eurocent, so it's an alternative.
We use a local spring bottled water for both drinking and cooking. As well as being the cheapest on the market, it also has the lowest mineral count, according to the list on the label.

Water from the ground comes with minerals alright, but these minerals are in salt form. When salt is presented to the body (with rare exceptions such as sodium chloride) it must be either stored or excreted. A good example is CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). Carbonate is not a sufficiently complex organic molecule and therefore cannot properly contribute its calcium to living systems. The calcium comes out instead in ionic form (with a positive charge) and precipitates by forming other salts. Common locations for precipitation of calcium are the lens of the eye (cataracts), the kidneys (kidney stones) and the walls of arteries (arteriosclerosis).

This particular make lists calcium at 30mg per liter, one of the lowest calcium counts among other bottled water brands. As we use this water to make beverages, calcium carbonate quickly builds up on the inside of the kettles.

It might be time for us to change to distilled water as well, after reading all the comments! Thanks for bringing this up, Bo.

[quote author=Laura] I spent a small fortune on products to dissolve calcium deposits.

A very effective and cheap way to get rid of calcium deposits in kettles is with white vinegar. Fill the kettle to past the line of the deposit and pour in a generous shlosh of vinegar - half a teacup maybe. You will see the vinegar begin to work immediately - lots of little bubbles will start forming. Either leave to work for a few hours or boil the kettle and leave to cool. Pour away the vinegar water, refill kettle with clean water, bring to the boil, pour away, and kettle is ready for use sans the gritty scaly calcium.
I got myself a distiller like the second one on the website below last year.
(It's all stainless steel on the inside.)

I was trying to avoid plastics (they leach chemicals) so I got rid of the plastic filter and bottle that comes with it.
(Not sure why would anyone want to filter distilled water through a carbon filter anyway)

Instead I prefilter the water before distillation through a aquasana two stage filter (just in case, and to minimize calcium build-up)

I use high purity tubing (9449K44 from mcmaster.com) to drain the distilled water directly to glass 5 gallon jug bottle below the distiller.

For cleaning the distiller from calcium deposits I use citric acid. You can buy 5lb in crystals for about $20.
I mix 2 table spoons of acid with a gallon of water in the distiller, boil it, drain it, let it dry. Ready to go.

I got used to the distilled water so much that I'm having hard time drinking water from plastic bottles because of the odor. I call it the plastic water :)
Another question in regards to an Air-Purifier,

I read that some people have the alpine air purifier on this forum, so I start searching for an air purifier in the netherlands and I found one...

but the question I wanna ask is,

Some air purifiers have an UV(ultraviolet) light which is supposed to destroy germs and stuff, is this UV light, or any UV light at all dangerous to human beings, could it affect our dna?

Or I am totally misunderstanding how this UV light works?


Ultraviolet (UV) light is one of the more effective methods to reduce and control airborne pathogens. For this reason, ultraviolet purifiers are commonly used in hospitals. As contaminated air is passed through intense ultraviolet light, bacteria, viruses, and some organic compounds are destroyed. In short, the ultraviolet light damages the DNA of microorganisms and renders them harmless and unable to reproduce. Ultraviolet light is used in much the same way for water purification systems. Because viruses are too small to be trapped by HEPA filters, ultraviolet light is one of the only ways to eliminate airborne viruses.

A basic characteristic of UV lamps is that the larger the lamp, the greater the output of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI). However, larger or longer UV lamps that create ozone can also produce too much ozone. To solve this problem, RGF Environmental Group developed a proprietary broad spectrum, high efficiency UV bulb (HE/UVTM) to work with their hydrated quad-metallic target and PPC-UV bulb coating. The target acts as a catalyst for a hydroxyl radical reaction of the broad spectrum 100-300 nm HE/UVTM energy with water vapor on the hydrated target.

The results are hydro peroxides, super oxide ions, passive negative ions hydroxides, and ozonide ions. The cell creates a very aggressive, advanced oxidation atmosphere that has the ability to reduce airborne bacteria, mold, and up to 99% of viruses, and also odors and VOC's (volatile organic compounds) by up to 97%. A proprietary protective poly shield (RGF PPS) shields the bulb from temperature fluctuations and breakage that could release mercury, which is a problem for all UV bulbs.
Scientists have divided the ultraviolet part of the spectrum into three regions: the near ultraviolet, the far ultraviolet, and the extreme ultraviolet. The three regions are distinguished by how energetic the ultraviolet radiation is, and by the "wavelength" of the ultraviolet light, which is related to energy.

from _http://www.surroundair.com/uv-light.htm
UV Light Air Purifier Facts & Studies


The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) recommends the use of ultraviolet light with simultaneous use of HEPA air filters, both of which are offered in Surround Air multi-function air purifiers.

The U.S. government now specifies that UV light should be used in air handling units to improve indoor air quality in government buildings, by controlling airborne and surface microbial growth.
* The Air Institute of Respiratory Education suggests UV lights be used in buildings for indoor air quality purposes, and states that may be the final line of defense against those diseases that have developed resistance to drugs, such as tuberculosis and others.

According to the Aerobiological Engineering Dept. at Penn State University, the ultraviolet component of sunlight is the main reason microbes die in the outdoor air. The die-off rate in the outdoors varies from one pathogen to another, but can be anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes for a 90-99% kill of viruses or contagious bacteria.

The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) recommends UV lights in homeless shelters to prevent the spread of disease, particularly TB (tuberculosis).

A study by Air & Waste Management Association found the combination of a HEPA air filter and germicidal UV lamp reduced bacteria by 80% in a 3072 cubic foot chamber.
thinker said:
I got myself a distiller like the second one on the website below last year.
(It's all stainless steel on the inside.)

I was trying to avoid plastics (they leach chemicals) so I got rid of the plastic filter and bottle that comes with it.
(Not sure why would anyone want to filter distilled water through a carbon filter anyway)

Instead I prefilter the water before distillation through a aquasana two stage filter (just in case, and to minimize calcium build-up)

I use high purity tubing (9449K44 from mcmaster.com) to drain the distilled water directly to glass 5 gallon jug bottle below the distiller.

For cleaning the distiller from calcium deposits I use citric acid. You can buy 5lb in crystals for about $20.
I mix 2 table spoons of acid with a gallon of water in the distiller, boil it, drain it, let it dry. Ready to go.

I got used to the distilled water so much that I'm having hard time drinking water from plastic bottles because of the odor. I call it the plastic water :)

This combination works really well been using it for about a week now, storing the water in glass bottles I collect from a local restaurant after I distill. Water tastes nothing like out of a plastic water bottle or from public water supplies for that matter.
A guy on EBAY sells an under the counter 8 stage Reverse Osmosis system for $250 shipped. I love mine and the water tastes great.
To move the discussion slightly away from the equipment side, I have found recently, especially since becoming well into the Breathing-Meditation programme, that I feel dehydrated more often, something that I was not aware of during the day before. I feel the need to drink considerably more water (up to 50%) during the day than before.
Re: Reverse Osmosis Water

I am new and was reading through the discussions and thought I would stop and give some of my personal and professional experiences with water. I have worked around the industry for 22 years. Gawan has definitely done some research and knew what he was talking about. Distilled water is definitely the purest or cleanest of water, reverse osmosis water is also very good and clean, removing up to 99% of contaminants from the water. Distilled is a little more pricey, but is great water. RO water is still great, but less pricey. You can have unlimited water through an ro system, no more bottled water, and most systems produce 1 good gallon, but reject 3 gallons down the drain of "bad" water. It is up to you and your budget, you can't go wrong with either. I hope this helped answer some of the questions that I saw.
Hi WaterGuy,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, how they found the cass material, and how much of the work here they have read. Have a browse through that board to see how others have done it. Thanks.
For those with RO devices and distillers and purifiers of various sorts. I recommend buying a water purity tester to check just how pure your water is. It will tell you, in parts per million, how pure your "pure" water is. Distilled water should be between 0 and 3 or 4 ppm.

Just search online for "water purity tester". Shouldn't be more than 10-15 USD/Euros
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