What are you listening to?

Nickelback was my favorite band in high school, because there was actually a point or valid commentary to some of their songs. They were actually allowed to say quite a bit for a mainstream band. Maybe it's because they're Canadian and everyone expects the Canucks to be a bit weird or something:lol: They had a fair amount of sex, drugs, and rock and roll type songs too, like a price they needed to pay to the system to get distributed. They still occasionally make songs. Some of the more relevant recent ones:
This first one makes me think of 4DSTS and how it works vis a vis 3DSTS.
This one could be some sort of SOTT theme song.
This one rounds out the songs that actually have some sort of point beyond the "baby I need youuu, let me hold you toniiight" crap that permeates the airwaves these days.
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Be Afraid (Do it anyway)-Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
Watching the video and breathing along with the way they have timed the pulse of the Sun, tends to have a calming effect, as all of you from the Éiriú-Eolas Breathers Gang will probably recognize.

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