What are your thoughts on having children?

obyvatel said:
I do not think there is a general yes or no answer to the question whether it is good to have children. Like Perceval wrote, it is a choice based on factors some of which are not within conscious grasp. Essence pattern destinies and associated lesson profiles play a role here among other factors, which includes the unconscious instinctive drive to procreate.

Fully agree obyvatel with yours and Perceval's comments. Personally im finding it difficult to justify having a child under the current global circumstances and whats in store in the future; however there is no clear resounding "No" or "Yes" that i feel on this topic yet - still in contemplation mode. I guess it is a choice that is also based on factors that is not within our conscious grasp or control as you mentioned, and there is no general yes or no answer to the question.
EMA said:
What are your thoughts on having children?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm so conflicted with wanting to have another child with the state that the planet is in in regards to all the corruption in capitalism, agriculture, medicine and government and its effects on humanity and the environment. As well as all the earth changes. Is it selfish? Should I not live in fear?

Thanks so much.

There is probably a reason why you are conflicted and I would think long and hard before having a child if you don't KNOW what these reason/s is/are! Especially if you have other family members to think about - as well as other children! I guess it's every individuals responsibility to examine their own subconscious reasons for such a life changing decision.

You mentioned two very interesting decision motivators there: selfishness and fear. I sometimes wonder if there aren't more reasons out there in the community, but that they all may come back down to variations of these two emotions? And can these two emotions be linked in any way? I think you've asked a very good question, but it's one that each individual must struggle to answer as honestly as possible for themselves. Once a person figures out how much fear and selfishness plays a part in their decision making, it puts them in a better place to make an informed choice, as well as dealing with the consequences of that choice. Or that's what I think, so far.
casper said:
I think you're responded to your questions in his first post:
EMA said:
The material in the wave helped me get through some rough times and helped me understand the issues I was dealing with at the time with in myself and the relationships around me. I was able to recognize who and what was inhibiting me from growing. I've had alot of energy drainers in my past but I am aware now that I may have contributed because of my own STS tendencies that I previously had.

I found out I was pregnant not long after finishing the series. My son is almost 2 now. I can't even explain the love I have for him. He's changed my life. He fills me with so much happiness and adoration. Gives me so much inspiration, passion and strength. I am very grateful that I woke up before my pregnancy because now I have the knowledge to protect and raise my son in a toxic world. I did all the research on vaccine, pharmaceutical, medical and water/food industries. I knew it wasn't going to be good but I didn't realize how bad it was. I was shocked, disgusted and saddened by all the deception around us. Of course now I try to spread the word as much as I can.
Be a good mom, enjoy the pregnancy, more read and inform yourselves and yor children (when you are asked, when they grow up) about the advantages and disadvantages of certain things, situations, food .... :read: and :hug:

Fwiw, that post was several years ago, so it sounds like EMA isn't pregnant now, but is feeling like she may want another child.

Being a man, I'm sure I don't feel the same drives to have a child, however I could understand that even just from the biological level that this could be a very strong thing to struggle with. And by 'biological' I don't mean to downplay it's significance or cast aside related drives either. Another important drive is the mothering instinct, which can be one of the most powerful forces on the planet. It may very well be that it is the mothering instinct asking if it is wise to have a child in these awful times rather than the wanting to have another child. To me it looks like this instinct is attempting to look out for the welfare of a child not yet conceived.
Renaissance said:
Another important drive is the mothering instinct, which can be one of the most powerful forces on the planet. It may very well be that it is the mothering instinct asking if it is wise to have a child in these awful times rather than the wanting to have another child. To me it looks like this instinct is attempting to look out for the welfare of a child not yet conceived.
This is a very interesting point Renaissance. It would make sense if the mothering instinct tries to look out for the child's welfare whether concieved or not, which is evaluating the state of the external and internal environment objectively in order to determine whether the child will benefit or not in the given environment, and then acting accordingly. Society tends to confuse the terms "mothering instinct" with "parental narcissm" too much IMO. The former trying to be objective in caring for the child's welfare, and the latter being just another means of gaining control and gratifying the self.

I was originally under the impression that us males were free from the influences of the mothering instinct, and that it only predominantly applied only to females. However, perhaps when one attempts to rid themselves of false personality, they begin to get in touch with and embody "divine feminine and masculine" qualities, one being the mothering instinct, which span across both genders whether male or female.
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BHelmet said:
The choice to not have a child could also be viewed as selfish. What if there is a soul who wants to enter this world to be here for the amazing transition? I don't think we necessarily have children for our own satisfaction. We can have a child to serve that soul. Perhaps that soul has some karmic need to be incarnated at this time? I guess you have to look carefully at your own motivations to have another child. People have had children throughout all times in history - through the dark times and in stressful environments as well as in lands of milk and honey. This still goes on. I am sure there are still people in Greece and Africa having babies. It depends on your true and honest intent. It depends on your lesson profile. What is your destiny in this life?

Apart from what others have said, there is also the possibility which was given by the Cs once, that "you get what you can get" when you come into this world. Say for example that you are a soul in transit, and you need a certain genetic combination, but that the family you will be born into is horrible in many aspects. Well, you get what you can get. So, just because a child is born, it doesn't necessarily mean that they CHOSE those parents in the full sense of the word. Maybe they saw that you may be "good" for them to learn really tough lessons, or simply for a genetic profile, or for selfish reasons because those souls haven't had enough of this density.

People having babies in different countries in dire straits does not prove that it's not selfish. You may say it doesn't disprove it either. But I think that when it comes down to it, it's not about "the gift of life", and "souls". Otherwise, people would decide to adopt one of the thousand children who have been abandoned and need care.

I have always wanted children, and sometimes the biological pull is REALLY strong. In order to get over it, I remember that I have made life decisions that a child would be born into, already at a disadvantage because he or she wasn't part of that decision originally. What if that baby doesn't want to do the Work, to live a life like mine? Until they grow up, they wouldn't have much choice not to be part of it. Then, even if things were to stay pretty stable and not change much from what they are now, I get terrified at the idea that the children may be taken by a psycho social worker just because I don't want to send them to school, give them vaccines, etc. Then, imagining that all the above doesn't happen (I do my very best, the system doesn't take them away, and the children have also chosen to be born and adhere to my not-so-standard worldview), as much as I may do my very best, I KNOW that it is very likely that I'll damage them somehow, even if I'm really lucky to live with people who would be the best family those children could have and good role models in the areas I may mess up with (that also puts pressure on them, so another reason!). I have yet to know one single person who actually received the type of love they wanted, and I don't think I am conscious and aware enough to be utterly selfless, and be able to listen and act based on what that being's real needs are. And, even if that wasn't so bad, there are other people to consider who may have a bad influence in them. Society as it is can be very damaging, as we know. But then, choosing to make your children live in a protected bubble doesn't allow them to learn from life either. AND, with what we have learned about epigenecis, mycoplasma and infections (I recommend you use he search function to find threads about this, EMA), for example, I also hesitate because I don't want my children to have to suffer in their physical bodies more than is necessary, and until my partner and I have done our very best to be as healthy as possible, and that in and of itself, is very hard to achieve after years of damage.

So, there are many factors to consider. I too hope that one day it will be possible. But for the time being, I choose to try to "channel" that maternal instinct in smaller things, in learning and sharing what I learn, in "mothering" others when I see someone wounded, and hope that if not in this life, then in another one I will experience being a mother. And that if there are some souls I am linked to who are "waiting", that they understand that I am trying my best now to be a better mom for them in the future, to make a tiny difference in the world so that when they DO come, they don't have to be born in "hell". That many things I do, I do for them, even if we may not physically meet this time around. I also try to not make it about MY potential children, but about ALL children. That means sacrificing MY wants, MY desire to have a child and experience motherhood, based on the faith I have in what we do here and on the importance of becoming a better person. Does that mean that I am thus avoiding the lesson involved in being a mother? Certainly, but of all the lessons I could avoid, I'd rather avoid the one that would affect and potentially hurt other beings the most. I DON'T WANT to avoid it. I would LOVE to be a mother. It takes a lot of will and reasoning not to go ahead. Gurdjieff spoke about the importance of "doing what IT doesn't like", so all that indicates that it's probably what I need to refrain from (at least for now), for the sake of those children, and to keep doing what I'm doing, as little as it may be in the larger scheme of things, and as much as the decision is the hardest I make every day.

You haven't really participated here, and it may be different for you, EMA. It is a hard decision. You have to make it, but I hope you make it by being as honest and well informed as you can be. The question I would ask myself if I were you (based on that post of yours that Casper quoted from) and already had a child, would be, "why a second child?" Is it because I have made my first son the center of my universe and I subconsciously fear that him growing up will leave me without a "mission" in life? (That's to put it in the least narcissistic terms possible!).
WOW Fantastically rich thread! And this topic surely cuts right to the heart of so many issues. Major button pushing going on!!

To be or not to be? Is this not the question?

And here we all are!

OK let me slice this topic at a couple different angles.

1. obvyatel - nice comments; which leads into: what is the obvyatel angle? The person who participates in life and adds to it and creates and plays a productive part. Is not child bearing a part of the lot of the obvyatel? Is there not some odd duty to life - to the ray of creation - to create beings who can transduce those finer energies for the good of the moon? Or are we done with that? Isn't that tantamount to throwing in the towel? Saying that humanity is not worth continuation? Take this job and shove it. We quit! Screw the moon! (I am chuckling at that one)

Is there not a certain...danger? or supreme irony? shirking of personal responsibility? I don't know ...in coming to the conclusion that, well, life is not worth living? "Slings and arrows: no gracias, amigo". If you are saying to yourself 'life is not worth living', isn't that a kind of left handed slap at the universe? Or a very negative message to your sub-conscious? Talk about cognitive dissonance. Didn't we choose this, this life in some way on some conscious level knowing what it would be like and yet we chose it anyway because we had something to learn...and something to pay...and a part to play?

2. Yes times are bad and probably soon to be worse. But lets keep things in perspective. Look at history! When was it perfect? According to the C's we are on a 300,000 year bummer! WWII WWI industrial revolution child labor, napoleonic wars; paupers of the age of kings, black plague, Boer wars, Boxer wars, and Zulu wars, throw in a flood, famines, slavery and bondage, conquering legions - oops almost forgot the inquisition - you get the picture. To say that now is massively more worse than any other time may not be objective.

So, how can you say, with absolute certainty, that you are here and yet, in your judgement, it is not worth being here? Because, the bottom line is that we ARE all here. And we are here in this very odd situation. But thank you all for this fascinating discussion.
Chu your post was a real eye-opener to read. I completely understand the instinctual pull of wanting to produce offspring, especially with former years being filled with expectations of one day having children and parents saying "I can't wait to be a grandfather" etc.
Dreams will be filled with pregnancy, caring for children, it is as if the biological self sees it as a miracle and a blessing to be able to grow a life inside you for 9 months. I suppose it doesn't help with menstruation preparing for a child, the human body constantly being and getting ready to have a child.

Reading your post has outlined all the "cons" - I've been battling with the thoughts for a while, and sometimes becoming disheartened at the thought of actually never having children. I don't think I would ever be ready, and one day I hope that I will be, and I'm surrounded by those who are healthy for the child. But as you said, society does has it's ways of being extremely impressionable. I always thought that I'd never want to subject a child to the education system, but how on earth do you afford to keep your child at home, not work, and educate the child. It seems like too much to ask for. Also, isn't this density primarily for learning lessons through suffering? when most women on here wouldn't want a child suffering the same as many have?

Chu said:
That means sacrificing MY wants, MY desire to have a child and experience motherhood, based on the faith I have in what we do here and on the importance of becoming a better person. Does that mean that I am thus avoiding the lesson involved in being a mother? Certainly, but of all the lessons I could avoid, I'd rather avoid the one that would affect and potentially hurt other beings the most. I DON'T WANT to avoid it. I would LOVE to be a mother. It takes a lot of will and reasoning not to go ahead. Gurdjieff spoke about the importance of "doing what IT doesn't like", so all that indicates that it's probably what I need to refrain from (at least for now), for the sake of those children, and to keep doing what I'm doing, as little as it may be in the larger scheme of things, and as much as the decision is the hardest I make every day.

You're right, the way you've put it does seem somewhat selfish, doing what "it" doesn't want seems pretty fitting to me!

Another question, what if, you got pregnant? Would anyone think of getting an abortion?
In my mind I could never do it, but maybe that a narrative for still going through with having a child.
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I think you may be confusing two separate concepts BHelmet.
BHelmet said:
Is there not some odd duty to life - to the ray of creation - to create beings who can transduce those finer energies for the good of the moon? Or are we done with that?
Considering the Ray of Creation, I think that the aim is to work on oneself through developing the lower centres and alligning them with the higher centres, so that one can recieve and transduce finer energys/vibrations, which is also along the lines of what the C's have said to us. I don't recall Gurdjieff ever saying that the aim was "create beings" through procreation for this purpose, or any other purpose for that matter, although my memory may be eluding me.
BHelmet said:
Is there not a certain...danger? or supreme irony? shirking of personal responsibility? I don't know ...in coming to the conclusion that, well, life is not worth living? "Slings and arrows: no gracias, amigo". If you are saying to yourself 'life is not worth living', isn't that a kind of left handed slap at the universe? Or a very negative message to your sub-conscious? Talk about cognitive dissonance. Didn't we choose this, this life in some way on some conscious level knowing what it would be like and yet we chose it anyway because we had something to learn...and something to pay...and a part to play?
So, how can you say, with absolute certainty, that you are here and yet, in your judgement, it is not worth being here?
You seem to have misinterpreted what has been said on this thread BHelmet. First of all, could you point out where anyone has advocated the idea that it is "not worth being here"? I don't see any evidence of this when looking through the posts so far so this seems to be one of your assumptions, and IMO no one is speaking with absolute certainty.

One of the main principles of this Work is to live life to its fullest at every possible moment consciously OSIT, which is the opposite of the "life is not worth living" attitude. The fact that we were brought into this world and are here NOW does not justify us bringing another child into this world. As has already been mentioned, many children are being born each day, so there is no shortage of children in that respect. Bringing more children into this world only results in increased amounts of "food for the moon" does it not?

Why would somone want to contribute to this cycle? And what are the chances of giving birth to a child who actually was interested in the Work? (Rhetorical question, the answer is probably very little chance). Why not channel your own energy into breaking the cycle by attempting to become a functional human being?

I think you would benefit from carefully reading all of the posts again.
BHelmet said:
WOW Fantastically rich thread! And this topic surely cuts right to the heart of so many issues. Major button pushing going on!!

To be or not to be? Is this not the question?

And here we all are!

Not as you frame it, no.

Hamlet was framing a specific question: He points out the pains and unfairness of life but then, his main issue, is whether the alternative might be still worse.

What is being discussed here is not whether there is or is not life after death, but rather the issues around bringing life into the world.

Let's face it, life itself is part of the Living System and seeks to propagate itself wherever it can. On the one hand, it is rather "miraculous" in the sense that it violates the materialist version of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (See Bryant Shiller's book "The 5th Option"), and on the other hand, is not so miraculous since tube worms can propagate in undersea volcanic vents, and there are life forms at the heights of mountains, and in the frigid areas of the planet. That's what life does: spreads and propagates. It's also understood in the esoteric tradition as the "General Law." Gurdjieff points out that this is driven by the "hunger" of the cosmos to have plenty of "soul food", i.e. "Food for the moon." And the plain fact of the matter is: most humans born are just that: food.

BHelmet said:
OK let me slice this topic at a couple different angles.

Failing to mention that these are just YOUR opinions.

BHelmet said:
1. obvyatel - nice comments; which leads into: what is the obvyatel angle? The person who participates in life and adds to it and creates and plays a productive part. Is not child bearing a part of the lot of the obvyatel? Is there not some odd duty to life - to the ray of creation - to create beings who can transduce those finer energies for the good of the moon? Or are we done with that? Isn't that tantamount to throwing in the towel? Saying that humanity is not worth continuation? Take this job and shove it. We quit! Screw the moon! (I am chuckling at that one)

Exactly. As mentioned above: most humans are just food for the moon. If you are satisfied with that as your role, and seek to provide additional food for the moon, be my guest. Humanity is certainly worth continuation because it feeds the cosmos at periodic intervals of mass death and destruction. Question is, are there those individuals who work sufficiently hard and well to fall under the Law of Exception? And that is really the question here on THIS forum.

BHelmet said:
Is there not a certain...danger? or supreme irony? shirking of personal responsibility? I don't know ...in coming to the conclusion that, well, life is not worth living? "Slings and arrows: no gracias, amigo". If you are saying to yourself 'life is not worth living', isn't that a kind of left handed slap at the universe? Or a very negative message to your sub-conscious? Talk about cognitive dissonance. Didn't we choose this, this life in some way on some conscious level knowing what it would be like and yet we chose it anyway because we had something to learn...and something to pay...and a part to play?

My goodness, paramoralisms abound here! Nobody is saying life is not worth living. And yes, many chose life because they have a part to play: the question HERE is, is that part of the Law of Exception, or to simply fall into confluence with the General Law and provide more Food for the Moon?

BHelmet said:
2. Yes times are bad and probably soon to be worse. But lets keep things in perspective. Look at history! When was it perfect? According to the C's we are on a 300,000 year bummer! WWII WWI industrial revolution child labor, napoleonic wars; paupers of the age of kings, black plague, Boer wars, Boxer wars, and Zulu wars, throw in a flood, famines, slavery and bondage, conquering legions - oops almost forgot the inquisition - you get the picture. To say that now is massively more worse than any other time may not be objective.

But we, HERE, at this time, seek a different way that the confluence that you propose as optimal.

BHelmet said:
So, how can you say, with absolute certainty, that you are here and yet, in your judgement, it is not worth being here? Because, the bottom line is that we ARE all here. And we are here in this very odd situation. But thank you all for this fascinating discussion.

Paramoralisms and twisting again.

Added: This is the sort of thing you advocate continuing?


Or, how about this one? http://vidmax.com/video/65399-SHOCK-VIDEO-Russian-children-getting-horribly-beaten-at-orphanage-


Obviously, I'm not suggesting that such would be the consequence to any child of a forum member, however, the general attitude that physical life is some kind of be-all and end-all of existence is what leads to this kind of horror.
obyvatel said:
There can be equally selfish reasons to have or not have a child. One side has already been spoken for. So I am picking the other. Selfish reasons to not have a child could be "I don't want the responsibility/I would like to do as I please without restrictions coming from having to care for a child/......Humans have used their intelligence to figure out how to have sex without having offsprings - so that leaves the door open for physical indulgence and gratification without having to " pick up the tab". And the "horrifying state of the world" could be used to justify not having a child legitimately only when other life decisions and actions are aligned and consistent with the same view.

I'm not sure there can be selfish reasons for not having a child because I don't think there are unselfish reasons for having a child, at least in the sense that having a child is, for most people, an unconscious drive that is born of our STS natures.
I have puzzled with this question all my life, should I have or not have a children.

Before, I fought that I don't nothing to explain to child why he is here, where we are and why we are here. Now, sometimes I think that I know enough to teach child basics, but that is false. There is nothing enough to prepare your child for this farm. It is like you gave a birth just to feed the beast.
Also, many times I see people how they do not know how to act or react on action of they children. I think that I could better. Yeah right! If I'm better in loving, caring, knowledge, wisdom, helping why I' still here?
We need better world for our children, this one sucks.
BHelmet said:
1. obvyatel - nice comments; which leads into: what is the obvyatel angle? The person who participates in life and adds to it and creates and plays a productive part. Is not child bearing a part of the lot of the obvyatel? Is there not some odd duty to life - to the ray of creation - to create beings who can transduce those finer energies for the good of the moon? Or are we done with that? Isn't that tantamount to throwing in the towel? Saying that humanity is not worth continuation? Take this job and shove it. We quit! Screw the moon! (I am chuckling at that one)

I think you've totally misunderstand the idea of "food for the moon". Finer energies don't produce "food for the moon" as Gurdjieff described it. Food for the moon is produced by unconscious, sleeping organic life on earth that operate on the rather coarse energies of 3D existence.

BHelmet said:
Is there not a certain...danger? or supreme irony? shirking of personal responsibility? I don't know ...in coming to the conclusion that, well, life is not worth living? "Slings and arrows: no gracias, amigo". If you are saying to yourself 'life is not worth living', isn't that a kind of left handed slap at the universe? Or a very negative message to your sub-conscious? Talk about cognitive dissonance. Didn't we choose this, this life in some way on some conscious level knowing what it would be like and yet we chose it anyway because we had something to learn...and something to pay...and a part to play?

To be able to exercise true sovereign personal responsibility requires an awareness of the true nature of the conditions and reasons for most of human life on earth. Once you realise that those conditions and reasons are to keep humanity asleep and use their energies for some other purpose, you can make a conscious choice NOT to participate in that process and find a different path.
BHelmet said:
So, how can you say, with absolute certainty, that you are here and yet, in your judgement, it is not worth being here? Because, the bottom line is that we ARE all here. And we are here in this very odd situation. But thank you all for this fascinating discussion.

I am here [on this Earth/timeline] and I do not want to be here [on this Earth/timeline] so I'm working on getting to another timeline, where I can say:
- Its worth to be here, because its a lot more fulfilling here and world events are turning out better here.

BHelmet said:
the bottom line is that we ARE all here.

The bottom line is that a lot of people on this forum want to be more conscious and aware and these people race like a swarm of water striders on the waves jumping to better realities all following the leading group. I'm jumping too, because I don't want to be left behind:

(L) Well, we have a whole session on the subject of eclipsing realities.

(Ark) Okay, I have a question.

(L) Yes?

(Ark) Did we really have as I think a reality split concerning differences in remembering of me seeing this girl who visited recently?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) So in one reality you did, but in one reality you didn't.

(Ark) So, the following question: Was this something unique, or we should expect more reality splits?

A: Expect more! Be aware and alert! Unify or some may be left behind!
EMA said:
What are your thoughts on having children?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm so conflicted with wanting to have another child with the state that the planet is in in regards to all the corruption in capitalism, agriculture, medicine and government and its effects on humanity and the environment. As well as all the earth changes. Is it selfish? Should I not live in fear?

Thanks so much.

Hello EMA, I am all for "going forth and multiplying".

Because "all there is, is lessons", and such an event will provide access for another soul to learn, and also provide new lessons for you and all the members of your family.
Personally, I am thankful that my parents birthed me, and I'm thankful for the foster parents who took me in when all that didn't work out. Lots of lessons learned there, for sure!

Don't live in fear, it will make you "food for the Moon".

The child you bear may well become the person who solves the problems of the world.
Or So I Think.
Renaissance said:
Being a man, I'm sure I don't feel the same drives to have a child, however I could understand that even just from the biological level that this could be a very strong thing to struggle with. And by 'biological' I don't mean to downplay it's significance or cast aside related drives either. Another important drive is the mothering instinct, which can be one of the most powerful forces on the planet. It may very well be that it is the mothering instinct asking if it is wise to have a child in these awful times rather than the wanting to have another child. To me it looks like this instinct is attempting to look out for the welfare of a child not yet conceived.

I think the whole "biological imperative" thing is extremely important to take into account.

As a man, I'm not supposed to want children as much as women, but nevertheless the drive is definitely there - especially recently. Fortunately, we have lots of dogs, so there is a sort of "outlet" for these particular urges. I even (half) joke that Elvis the Collie is my son. :love:

Note I said, "especially recently"... I think that as things go more pear-shaped, our drives increase. Maybe when we sense something coming, the biological imperative to survive and procreate is accelerated naturally.

One might say that logically, now would therefore not be a good time to procreate... On the other hand, one could also argue that if we don't, "our kind" will die out and only psycho children will be left. Well, that's nice, but it's all pretty 3d thinking that totally neglects the fact that this reality is not all there is. We are part of a larger whole, there are bigger forces in play, there are larger goals to keep in mind, and nothing is quite so simple.

Of course, before one can procreate, it's necessary to have a mate. There again, there is this extremely intense biological need to fulfill a physical destiny. And there again, I think following these physical imperatives - at the expense of everything else - is to miss the point. We're not just physical machines.

Whenever I feel these various physical urges, I try to imagine David Attenborough narrating a nature documentary about the mating habits of human beings. That usually helps to keep things more in perspective. :lol:

What if my parents decided not have kids? Would I still be here? Would I be the same? Does it even matter? I don't think there is any quick and easy answer to this question, except to say: It's complicated.
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