What do you do, when your body is in discomfort?

I thought it was an extended health plan with dietary suggestions, but I just checked and realized I only did the supplement's plan, since you said you've been on the ultra simple diet. Still, in the forum we told you about the new elimination diet which takes into account the issue of lectins. You read the lectins report I uploaded. You've been reading about candida as you know you have a very unhealthy gut. You also know about mood problems and supplementation, but still decided to take less 5 HTP to see if it helped. You knew that supplements must not have evil additives, still took some. It seems that no matter if you read about the solutions, you still are very confused and keep opening threads about health problems where similar feedback is repeated.

Also, it seems that you have preconceptions about your diet, insulin therapy and diabetes which is best sorted out with the direct guidance of a good alternative doctor, or so it seems to me.
Hi Gawan,

I think I know how you feel... It really is hard to follow a strict diet and the self sabotaging program is always there to take over. It's like "Hello.... who's driving this cart?".

I actually went through the same when I had to stop taking Clarinase... (ahem, thanks Psyche!) and found that it's the dairy intake take causes the most severe allergy reaction. Of course, the self-sabotaging and excuses all came to my mind even though I was being told time and time again by my dear hubby, not considering the fact that all the articles that he sent to me to read :-[... But, in the end, I was so MAD and frustrated at myself for not being able to see all these programmings! And that changed me and my attitude on the diet and all...

So, I think you have to be just that... Realize all this programing in you and perhaps you just need to be just as frustrated and mad at yourself for allowing yourself to suffer and for allowing your machine to take over...

Well, that's my 2 cents worth...
Psyche said:
It seems that no matter if you read about the solutions, you still are very confused and keep opening threads about health problems where similar feedback is repeated.

I'm sorry for that.
I don't know what it is or was, I had been partially aware that I got already many answers and later on discussed them again, to "get" the same responses.
I denied some answers or put them away for a later time and then forgot about them, but I don't know why I have done it.

I'm really confused, that's for sure, cause of the changes in the last weeks (the different diet types) and attempts to get better and nothing worked out, or improved. Which is as far as I understand it, the reason why I feel preconceptions about the diet and continued asking questions.

Laura said:
Your health issues have been addressed at length; Psyche provided you with a personalized program that you have, apparently, not followed and/or have not provided her with all the essential data.

I'm following it as good as I can, but took some stuff off or not daily, because my stomach turmoiled a bit afterwards, for example with DLPA (with 500mg) in the morning. On the other hand, yeah I'm bringing myself in trouble, because I have to last as long as possible with the tablets I got (or that's one issue), that means to take less tablets than I should.

Laura said:
I don't know what part of "don't put anything in your mouth that isn't on the diet or hasn't been checked for hidden toxins" you don't understand, but you seem to self-sabotage repeatedly.

I'm sabotaging myself somehow when it comes to stuff I don't tolerate for example eggs or even now I'm not sure anymore if I can eat eggs or not, where from time to time I test them again. Or simply I'm that confused that I'm not sure anymore what to eat and where I don't react. Every some months I ate something that was not on the list, potatoes or sausage for example.

Psyche said:
If you find yourself confused with all the information, perhaps you need some direct guidance, someone who can provide health assistance according to your specific problems, lifestyle, etc taking in consideration your immune problems/diabetes. Someone you can team up yourself with, considering all you have learned about unhealthy foods, supplementation, etc. In addition, an orthomolecular or alternative doctor might offer you good alternative treatment of the kind that is not available in your local health store.

I'm still looking for someone and got already some phone-numbers.
Gawan said:
I don't know what it is or was, I had been partially aware that I got already many answers and later on discussed them again, to "get" the same responses.
I denied some answers or put them away for a later time and then forgot about them, but I don't know why I have done it.

You do have some self-sabotaging traits that you are not completely aware of. Consider that once you commit to take care of yourself and your life, you start to be "your own boss" and then your self-defeating traits will lose control over you. You'll no longer be a slave to your subconscious self-sabotaging traits that keep you from recovering your health and taking care of your life. The predator mind doesn't want to lose its power over us. Be aware.

Gawan said:
I'm really confused, that's for sure, cause of the changes in the last weeks (the different diet types) and attempts to get better and nothing worked out, or improved. Which is as far as I understand it, the reason why I feel preconceptions about the diet and continued asking questions.

Gawan said:
I'm following it as good as I can, but took some stuff off or not daily, because my stomach turmoiled a bit afterwards, for example with DLPA (with 500mg) in the morning. On the other hand, yeah I'm bringing myself in trouble, because I have to last as long as possible with the tablets I got (or that's one issue), that means to take less tablets than I should.

Its okay Gawan, if you can't tolerate the DLPA you don't have to force yourself to it. Then there is so much supplements can do if we are still eating something that is bad for us. So we keep coming back to the importance of what we eat and how our bodies react to it.

In general, if you have serious health problems, it is better to start eliminating the main culprits through the elimination diet (The Ultra Simple diet). This diet also helps you to take care of candida issues since is relatively low in sugar. Once you start feeling better and once you are sleeping through the night, you can consider treating candida more aggressively with treatment and/or through a stricter diet. You'll see that some recommend to do a diet before starting anti-candida drugs or treatment, so the die-off symptoms are less harsh but also it is better to be on a diet for the treatment to be more effective. Once you treat candida, one can consider doing a heavy metal detox. It is a process that can take months or a year or so. But patience pays. Step by step, onwards and upwards. It can take some time to undo so much damage, and if you have immune problems you have to be more patient with the process and yourself.

Gawan said:
I'm sabotaging myself somehow when it comes to stuff I don't tolerate for example eggs or even now I'm not sure anymore if I can eat eggs or not, where from time to time I test them again. Or simply I'm that confused that I'm not sure anymore what to eat and where I don't react. Every some months I ate something that was not on the list, potatoes or sausage for example.

Having Diabetes type I and from the reactions you have had to certain foods, you know that you are probably very sensitive to lectins. There is also a link between dairy and diabetes type I. You have to be careful about lactose and processed foods which generally have hidden sources of gluten and dairy. FWIW, here is the link to the revised version of the Ultra Simple diet:


People who are very sensitive to lectins may have problems with all grains, the nightshade family (potato, tomato, eggplant), soy products, all dairy (including lactose in supplements), legumes, and perhaps even eggs (specially if these are not organic):


Dairy lectins have been implicated in juvenile onset type I diabetes.

Lectins stimulate class II HLA antigens on cells that do not normally display them, such as pancreatic islet and thyroid cells. The islet cell determinant to which cytotoxic autoantibodies bind in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is the disaccharide N-acetylgalactosamine, which must bind tomato lectin if present and probably also the lectins of wheat, potato, and peanuts. This would result in islet cells expressing both class II HLA antigens and foreign antigen together---a sitting duck for autoimmune attack. Certain foods (wheat, soya) are indeed diabetogenic in genetically susceptible mice. Insulin dependent diabetes therefore is another potential lectin disease and could possibly be prevented by prophylactic oligosaccharides." - David L J Freed, Do Dietary Lectins Produce Disease?

It doesn't mean you won't be able to have legumes or certain grains like quinoa or buckwheat ever again. But you probably will have to stay away from problematic foods that you discover for a period of time while your gut heals. And then, it is best to rotate foods and not have them for consecutive days, but rather once or twice a week so your body won't develop immune problems to that particular food. It may also be a matter of pre-digesting your food before you put it on your mouth: soaking, fermenting, etc. It is considered safe to test for lectins sensitivity with white or wild rice. This may not apply for everybody. The problem with lectin sensitivity is that everybody can be literally different. Some may tolerate buckwheat, others not, still others can get away with it if its fermented, and so forth.

I think that one of the most important lesson for us is to be patient with ourselves and this process, and also to be persistent and not give up. Patience and persistence pays. FWIW, from http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=18076.msg167230#msg167230:

Laura said:
Gimpy, I know how you feel. Back in August of 2008 when I realized what was wrong, what I had to do, and embarked on the experiment, I was totally overwhelmed. Of course, I had just read "Detoxify or Die" and a couple other Sherry Rogers books.

The thing is, as Sydney Baker says, everybody is unique and individual, and while there are general things that can be said about various conditions, each person has to find their own EXACT solution. Psyche can eat eggs; I can't. I can eat garlic; Psyche can't. But we both have autoimmune conditions that are very similar and have a lot of cross-over symptoms.

So, people come along and have a disease, they find the cure that works for them, individually, and tout it as THE cure. It may not be right for everyone.

I thought I could eat lots of brown rice and dried beans. I found that I can't. Most of us here in the house don't feel very well with a lot of brown rice. But, it was sure better than other things for the period that we were learning and testing.

Anyway, back to the problem at hand. What I did when I knew I was in a mess and needed to give my body a break was stick to some very simple things: meats and softly cooked veggies except for lettuce and cucumbers. I ate beets, carrots, green beans, spinach, chard, collards, squash and sweet potatoes at almost every meal (slathered in ghee). At that point, I didn't even trust any kinds of breads at all, so I didn't eat even gluten free. I had chicken and turkey and a bit of red meat now and again, and fish.

That was it for a number of weeks. I just cooked big pots of veggies, put them in a covered dish in the fridge and warmed up a bit whenever I was hungry. No spices, no condiments, nothing else. You might think it is a pretty grim diet, but it wasn't that bad because I was really appreciating the fresh veggies.

Little by little I added things ... tested things... and continued with my supplements and saunas.

I did get a new bed, a hypoallergenically treated pure latex mattress. And new latex pillows. I stopped using anything but natural soaps.

Within about ten days there was a profound difference. And I didn't want to backslide, so I kept reading, experimenting, checking things out and you know the rest because most of it is recorded here on the forum.

Never give up!

Gawan said:
I'm still looking for someone and got already some phone-numbers.

Good! As an investment, make sure it is a good health care provider, someone you can make a team with. Someone open minded (it is entirely possible that someone in the alternative field has not ever heard about lectins), ideally someone who has also treated other people with diabetes type I.

My 2 pesos.
Hi Gawan,

I have empathy with your situation, there is a lot of good information in this thread.
Two words that concern me in this thread, are what I'd like to comment on.

Be careful of reading into "self-sabotage." We all have different "programs" running
at different levels of awareness, and many may not be in our best interest. My quick
suggestion on this is to NOT beat yourself up. If you constantly think you are
"self-sabotaging" yourself, this can become a program in itself that runs into a feedback
loop. In a calm meditative state, your body will really tell you what it needs.
Keep it simple, and be easy on yourself. It takes time and discipline to really be
able to listen to your body.

The next word is "confusion" which runs together with the "self-sabotage" loop.
Too much information at once is confusing in it's own right. Go back to step one.
Keep it simple. If you keep changing diets and supplements on a daily basis, your
body chemistry will be rocking and rolling all over the place.

Here is what I have done, when I have found myself in a self-sabotaging feedback
loop of personal health concern confusion.

- Stop taking all supplements for at least one week. drink lots of water to help
simply flush the sytem.
- Stay on a bland diet, with the least amount of "processed foods." I find it is easy
to eat smaller amounts more often. I note sometimes when I feel hungry, I am
actually thirsty. For instance, I note when my "belly" feels hungry, and I know I
have eaten recently, I will treat the "craving" with water. If I get a little shaky, and
I am working (mentally or physically) where I know I am burning up fuel, then I
will eat something.
- After a week to ten days of NO supplements, then I will bring certain supplements
back into my diet. One at a time, and in the smallest doses. This is the point
where I can really see what is going on with my body, and have the comfort and
confidence that it's not this or that supplement messing me up. At this point I can
be certain that I am NOT sabotaging myself, and I am not confused with what I
am putting into my body, and what it may (or may not) be doing to me. Then
as I add things, I can be aware of their effects.
(this goes for food groups also, as Laura points out in her post)
- I keep a written log of everything I put into my body, especially the supplements.
- In the log, I keep notes of how my body feels, how my mood feels, etc.
- I weigh myself three times a day, morning, noon and night, to keep track of the
- and, TMI maybe, I keep track of the "condition" of my bowel movements. This is
really important actually. The effluent (output) reflects the condition of the influent
- The point in this is to notice patterns and trends over a period of time. Not
leaving it to second guessing and memory only.

I follow this "body reset" and logging procedure whenever my body and health
really get out of whack. It really makes a difference to my self-awareness.

My empathy comes from reading this thread, and especially your comments. It
makes me think "WoW, I've been there!" I've taken so much advice, tried so
many things, and gotten so thoroughly confused at times. Without "giving up"
I say to myself... STOP! Back to the starting board... I could call it my no-detox
detox procedure. In short I will note that I have been misdiagnosed with
diabetes in the past. Hematology and second opinions have shown this is not

I hope this helps.
Psyche said:
Gawan said:
I don't know what it is or was, I had been partially aware that I got already many answers and later on discussed them again, to "get" the same responses.
I denied some answers or put them away for a later time and then forgot about them, but I don't know why I have done it.

You do have some self-sabotaging traits that you are not completely aware of. Consider that once you commit to take care of yourself and your life, you start to be "your own boss" and then your self-defeating traits will lose control over you. You'll no longer be a slave to your subconscious self-sabotaging traits that keep you from recovering your health and taking care of your life. The predator mind doesn't want to lose its power over us. Be aware.

Your postings (mirrors) gave me and still gives me really much to think about.
And the self-sabotaging trait is really something imo, what rules me and caused myself many problems in my life and as well confusion when I got to a tipping point, where I suddenly was lost. This happened many, many times when I liked to change something.

There is something I have to do and to sort out, to look more deeply into these traits and understand them myself when they occur and how, where it already at this thought starts: I can't make into, and it is just another thing I like to learn, where I will fail...

Also my predators mind gave me some good kicks, "these people are bad, how can they know?" When you and Laura, showed me really something and that this posting -behavior- happened not the first time, also when posting right now is still filled a little bit of unsecurity.

Nonetheless I felt, what my body belongs better in the last days (with totally no legumes and "what is not on the list").

Vectis said:
Be careful of reading into "self-sabotage." We all have different "programs" running
at different levels of awareness, and many may not be in our best interest. My quick
suggestion on this is to NOT beat yourself up. If you constantly think you are
"self-sabotaging" yourself, this can become a program in itself that runs into a feedback
loop. In a calm meditative state, your body will really tell you what it needs.
Keep it simple, and be easy on yourself. It takes time and discipline to really be
able to listen to your body.

Thank you.
Gawan said:
And the self-sabotaging trait is really something imo, what rules me and caused myself many problems in my life and as well confusion when I got to a tipping point, where I suddenly was lost. This happened many, many times when I liked to change something.

There is something I have to do and to sort out, to look more deeply into these traits and understand them myself when they occur and how, where it already at this thought starts: I can't make into, and it is just another thing I like to learn, where I will fail...

Remember that this part of you who wants to see you fail is not really you. We can really get ourselves pretty blocked when these feelings flourish and when we realize it, we are deeply depressed. It really takes “knowledge input on a continuous basis” to keep things into perspective. “Trapped in the Mirror” by author Elan Golomb is very insightful in this respect:

Introject is the hostile foreigner that watches you with a critical eye. It criticizes you with comments as “you’re a failure” and “why try”? Your feelings of depression strengthen its force. It makes you discard appreciation and distrust affection. Its punitive demands and paralyzing arguments stop you from trying to change. In repeatedly silencing my introject I learned more about the struggle. Eradication takes deliberate thought and effort. You need to identify the introject as foreign to your self. If we see it as a non-self, an identification that drives us to unacceptable roles, feelings, and behaviors, we can work on it.[...]

Reason and will can keep you going until you get support.[...]

If you put off the quest for freedom you always will lack love

It takes deliberate thought and effort, often super efforts. But patience and persistence pays.

You also admitted being somewhat careless with your insulin calculations in the past. Also, didn't you mentioned something about feeling better when you had school days and that you felt worse when staying at home? It seems that everything is related.

It is very important to clean one's diet so we can focus better and so we can work better on our programs. Some foods create so much brain inflammation, that some pesky programs might be just that: brain inflammation. But is it possible to project externally a mood reaction to a food as a means to avoid looking into deeper wounds? After all, what we eat is something that we can control. But when it comes to matters of the soul, it is not that easy. Well, in any case, regardless if its a food or a matter of the soul, I think that the important thing is to detoxify the body, the mind AND the soul.

Louise Hay says: "Diabetes Longing for what might have been. A great need to control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left."

This Louise Hay quote seems to sum up some of the posts that you have written in the past, don't you think?

Gawan said:
Also my predators mind gave me some good kicks, "these people are bad, how can they know?" When you and Laura, showed me really something and that this posting -behavior- happened not the first time, also when posting right now is still filled a little bit of unsecurity.

Well, in a sense these feelings or thoughts of "these people are bad, how can they know" are something that may arise when you are trying to deny something very painful. It serves to prevent looking deeper into your personal situation. It may be easier or less painful to think that others are bad, that they don't know better, that they don't know me. This is a situation that you can control because then, "you can explain" to these bad people how things really are, that you just have to make them understand and so forth. "They are at fault, not me." It is a way to control the situation at the expense of avoiding the reality of your situation and avoiding painful mourning of your childhood. It reinforces your illusions. Perhaps you may find that these thoughts of "these people are bad, how can they know" stop when you start mourning for a painful past that cannot be changed.
Thanks so much Psyche! Things I needed that I need to hear.

Greetings Gawan, I'm glad for this thread topic, I have learned so much.
Good luck, and don't give up! Remember to smile, that's what I force
myself to do when my whole body is sore. Somehow smiling makes
endorphins kick in, it helps make me feel a little better at least.

Now I feel a bit "shut-up" (in a good way) after following this thread
and a few others. I know I know a lot, and I go out of my way to
try to NOT be a know-it-all. (a narcissistic tendency?(*)). The more I'm
learning from this forum, is that there is really a lot of absolutely
wonder-full concrete information here, especially concerning health.

(*) The quote from "Trapped in the Mirror" is perfect for me, just what
I needed to hear. Thanks to Gawan.

Simple things: like this morning "I" wanted a cigarette, and the small
still inner voice insisted "eat your oatmeal first"...

And also the comment about brain inflammation, I'm dealing with that
now. Recent MRI showed inflammation in my pituitary. It is as I expected,
and I also know that the pituitary is so important with blood health.
The blood problems were causing me to have false positive diabetes tests.
Again, something I'm working on.

I hope I didn't overstep my boundaries with my first post.
Tho I have learned that I have to be me own doctor in a way, so a real
doctor doesn't lead me astray. To be my own advocate for my own
health. This forum is quickly becoming part of my information and
support network.
I like to write a minor update, with some insights I got today.

Psyche said:
You also admitted being somewhat careless with your insulin calculations in the past. Also, didn't you mentioned something about feeling better when you had school days and that you felt worse when staying at home? It seems that everything is related.

Yeah, that's somehow the tricky part. In school I felt the last days much better (only needed to correct the hourly insulin rate, to get the blood-sugar more smooth) and waited eagerly what is happening when I'm staying at home, with the result: nothing changed, also without any legumes. Blood-sugar is much better, more stable than before.
Yesterday I prayed intensely before going to bed what I could do, what's the reason why I'm still feeling bad, and after some hours I woke up and wrote something down: "Nonetheless to start the things I have to do," that means to start learning also when I'm feeling not comfortable.

And still not feeling well and it doesn't matter what I'm eating, I concluded that it is a psychological set up, to postpone the things I have to do, to get into a comfort zone. Today also a psycho book arrived: "Get out of your own way. Overcoming self-defeating behavior" by Mark Goulston, M.D., and Philip Goldberg, because I didn't find that much information about self-sabotaging on the web and how to deal with it. Where I started to read into some chapters and could see myself in the descriptions, for example:

When, instead we feel uneasy, we take it as a sign that we are not truly ready. Giving in to that feeling can be disastrous. When we look back on our lives, we regret not what we did but what we wanted to do and didn't.
The challenge is not to eliminate discomfort, but to recognise when you are as ready as you will ever be. If you wait until you are perfectly at ease, you may wait so that life will pass you by.

And I remembered something what a friend wrote me many years back, where afterwards and before had been pretty angry with him: "You are a man who likes to stand in his own way."
Now this sentence, is more actual then before, also when I never knew how to change it, hopefully the book can give me some practical hints.

Psyche said:
It is very important to clean one's diet so we can focus better and so we can work better on our programs. Some foods create so much brain inflammation, that some pesky programs might be just that: brain inflammation. But is it possible to project externally a mood reaction to a food as a means to avoid looking into deeper wounds? After all, what we eat is something that we can control. But when it comes to matters of the soul, it is not that easy. Well, in any case, regardless if its a food or a matter of the soul, I think that the important thing is to detoxify the body, the mind AND the soul.

With all that in mind and all what happened it definitely is.

Psyche said:
Louise Hay says: "Diabetes Longing for what might have been. A great need to control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left."

This Louise Hay quote seems to sum up some of the posts that you have written in the past, don't you think?

This "interpretation" of Diabetes from Louise Hay, gave me some month back already some food for thought and it is very fitting. Where self-defeating, self-blaming takes it role, all others do much better than me and it doesn't matter what I achieved, I have been always too bad. It's also to ask for help, to talk to others, or even to use the POTS, I never felt worse (to use this misspelling, I meant worth) enough to ask, pray... because I justified myself: "It's not so bad...".

It must be something really deep-rooted, because when I take the EE session into account, there happened to be almost no session, where I didn't cry.

Psyche said:
Well, in a sense these feelings or thoughts of "these people are bad, how can they know" are something that may arise when you are trying to deny something very painful. It serves to prevent looking deeper into your personal situation. It may be easier or less painful to think that others are bad, that they don't know better, that they don't know me. This is a situation that you can control because then, "you can explain" to these bad people how things really are, that you just have to make them understand and so forth. "They are at fault, not me." It is a way to control the situation at the expense of avoiding the reality of your situation and avoiding painful mourning of your childhood. It reinforces your illusions. Perhaps you may find that these thoughts of "these people are bad, how can they know" stop when you start mourning for a painful past that cannot be changed.

I'm working on it.

Vectis said:
Thanks so much Psyche! Things I needed that I need to hear.

Greetings Gawan, I'm glad for this thread topic, I have learned so much.
Good luck, and don't give up! Remember to smile, that's what I force
myself to do when my whole body is sore. Somehow smiling makes
endorphins kick in, it helps make me feel a little better at least.

I'm glad that it is of help for you too!
There are two interesting articles posted on SOTT which I found interesting and helpful concerning my body "condition" in the search of wellness and body "comfort"

The first concerns lectins which is something I haven't really thought about. I have previously altered my diet, and greatly lowered my intake of dairy products. It is hard to believe to gluten information I have been reading, but it is worth a shot. I love to eat Triscuits and sharp cheddar cheese, and have not noticed any detrimental effects. Last night I ate a bunch of roasted peanuts, plain, and again, I notice no unhealthy effects to my digestive system or mood. But part of my search is looking for answers to a) a strange neuroligical seizure disorder which affects me, and culminates in Trigeminal and Occipital Neuralgia; and b) well as a taxed immune system which has led the doctors on a wild goose chase of tests to see why my blood and hormones are all screwed up. Through all this I have been experimenting with diet and also sleep schedules as two important "bases" for my overall human condition.

The second article has to do with the Circadian Rhythm and and Pancreas function. This is interesting because it ties together things which I have also worked with and learned some things about. Last year I went through a series of tests looking for cancer, from head to toe; where they found nothing. They did look for Pancreas cancer, as well as leukemia, since my blood exhibits those "traits." This has concerned me lately, because one of my best friends, and neurologist MD, died last November from a strange form of Pancreatic Cancer that took him out quick. He had taught me so much about how certain neurological disorders, including ones that I have been cursed with, are actually exacerbated by infections. The brain actually has the capability to rebuild itself (to different degrees) but where there is a restriction to blood flow, the immune system is compromised.

I'm fairly comfortable with my present diet, and always willing to learn and try new things, at least if they are based in "reality" and proven in true trials. For the last three years I have tried to keep my Circadian Rhythm in line. I use time-release Niacin, to help with my blood flow. I use Ginko Biloba to help with by brain, it seems to fend of fatigue syndrome. Also I use Melaton to help me sleep at night, which is the best sleep "aid" I have found. Since I have been doing this, at least the "signs" of diabetes have gone away.

I have been reading a lot of helpful information concerning diet on the forum, Some of it is a review and "remember-when" for a lot of things I have studied over the last decade. Some of it gives me a lot of "aha" moments, for things to think about and try. Anyway. I think I'm babbling now. The pages of interest at SOTT are:

Viruses & Lectins- The Missing Links = _http://www.sott.net/articles/show/210719-Viruses-Lectins-The-Missing-Links

Circadian Clock in Pancreas Directly Linked to Diabetes = _http://www.sott.net/articles/show/210681-Circadian-Clock-in-Pancreas-Directly-Linked-to-Diabetes
Vectis said:
The first concerns lectins which is something I haven't really thought about. I have previously altered my diet, and greatly lowered my intake of dairy products. It is hard to believe to gluten information I have been reading, but it is worth a shot. I love to eat Triscuits and sharp cheddar cheese, and have not noticed any detrimental effects. Last night I ate a bunch of roasted peanuts, plain, and again, I notice no unhealthy effects to my digestive system or mood.

Hi Vectis. I think it's important to point out that unless you do an elimination diet, like the UltraSimple diet, it's very hard to tell exactly which foods cause us trouble. Personally, before doing the diet and slowly reintroducing foods, I thought nuts and bananas were fine for me. But it was only after not eating them for something like a month and then reintroducing them that I noticed they caused negative reactions for me. Also, some foods are just bad for humans in general, and some people might not notice any ill effects, until it is too late and the damage is already done. Gluten and dairy seem to be two of those foods. So with that said, I really do recommend doing the elimination diet as an experiment. It can't hurt, and in fact, it could save your life! ;)
Thanks AI... I will give it a shot. Sounds like a good way to start from scratch.
((ya but) waste not, want not; I'm gonna finish my box of Triscuits )
Regarding your not having reactions to certain foods, such as wheat or dairy, and therefore thinking they are okay, there is something else to consider: everyone is different and the problems will develop according to individual genetics.

We were talking at the table yesterday about it and Ailén was saying how lucky I am that I react almost immediately to reactive foods with pain, while she doesn't always have any symptoms. I was then thinking about a friend's wife who just had a TIA and found out that her carotid artery was 85% blocked. They were going to ream it out surgically (she doesn't "believe" in alternative therapies) but before they could get her in, she had another TIA, and they did another scan and found that the artery is now 100% blocked, so they are going to leave it alone. That's a pretty aggressive arterial plaque problem there in such a young woman, to say the least.

The thing is, she never had ANY symptoms of any kind until this sudden situation. She was a wheat, dairy, sugar and alcohol consumer and thought she was on a "good diet" because she sorta moderated it. But what is clear is that there are things that can do tremendous damage to the body without a SINGLE noticeable symptom until you drop over dead.

Think about that. And think about how many people you know that it has happened to. And think about all the people you know suffering one of the many illnesses under the "autoimmune disorder" umbrella. Add them together. And the figure that just about everybody else IS having damage done to their bodies to one extent or another depending on their genetic make-up and maybe how much better they would feel or, at least, how much longer and productively they might live, if they were NOT consuming reactive foods. And here I don't mean that you FEEL any reactivity, but that the stuff is doing damage somewhere in your body.

This is what I would like to convey to people. I remember reading a long time ago that dairy in the diet destroys the circulation system - arteries, veins, etc - and I wish I could remember where I read that. It seems to be true. It seems that dairy is the number one cause of arterial and venous problems and probably causes more heart attacks and strokes than any other single food element. I've been reading some other stuff recently about the link between dairy and cancer, too.

There is a woman, addicted to dairy, who kept posting on our forum about this great milk from a particular type of cow that is supposed to make dairy okay to consume. Well, frankly, I don't buy it. If it is true, I would like for someone to tell me the bottom line on it and convince me. (This dairy addicted woman, by the way, suffers from ADD and admits that, but simply can't grok that there could be a connection between her ADD and her consumption of dairy!).

Send me one of those cows and I'll try it and tell you in about 20 minutes whether there is a reaction or not.

In the meantime, let me just say that you can't always know what is going on inside your body by having one symptom or another until it is too late.
Hi Vectis, I thought I'd chime in here and add my own case example regarding the UltraSimple Diet:

I am one of those people who never had reactions to any type of food I ate before the diet. Nevertheless, I tried it and have since found all sorts of intolerances that went unnoticed before. For example, any nightshade I eat now (potatoes, tomatoes etc.) makes me feel like my head is on fire for the rest of the day! Interestingly, nightshades are supposed to lead to arthritis in susceptible people and I already have joints that crack so loud you could hear them at 20 metres (no joke). I'm 25 :/

The diet is Definitely worth a try :)
Yes, I too am one of those who don't perceive any effects from most things I eat. It seems as though the system is geared toward only recognizing that something is wrong if a large group of people experience the same symptoms. What I feel may be more realistic would be if they paid attention to the smaller groups of people who have adverse reactions. They are sort of like the canary in the coal mine, so to speak.

I would also encourage you to try the diet and see what happens from there. :)
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