What happens if you fail in the work?

I think that it is important to remember that everybody doesn't have to be some kind of super being or make it to some kind of fixed threshold. That's the beauty of the STO path: if you are helping, if you are part of a network, if you are going in that direction, wherever you are, if you are sincere, what is gained by one, is gained by all. You just do the best you can, where you are and with what you have.
Thank you, Laura. That's more or less what I think about when I'm really down. If I can look back on the day and know that I did at least one thing to help, then the day was not a total loss. Then I try to do more the next day. Some days are great and you accomplish a lot. Some days it feels like you're only treading water. But if you try your best to keep in mind the goal and keep going. There's no way, really, to tell which was the better day from the largest perspective.

So all you can do is just keep going :whlchair:
Yes, thank you for this. It is very encouraging to be reminded of this.

Laura said:
I think that it is important to remember that everybody doesn't have to be some kind of super being or make it to some kind of fixed threshold. That's the beauty of the STO path: if you are helping, if you are part of a network, if you are going in that direction, wherever you are, if you are sincere, what is gained by one, is gained by all. You just do the best you can, where you are and with what you have.
I think it can be summed up by saying that you should not 'fear' rather query the program that brings up this fear of failing. As this thought itself is anticipatory by nature. It used to be a central issue when i was learning and as years went by i learned to flow with the river of experience and not dwell on such matters.

My speculation of what happens is not a fact but another act of wishful thinking on my part and i know its pointless to think about what goes on there as im not there yet. Little that we know about higher densities can never be the same outcome for everybody as each incarnation has a different set of goals so its not the same for everyone.

Also it should be noted that your life itself was pre-planned before incarnation so simply trust your higher self in guiding you to whatever lessons and goals you are to accomplish. I feel that everything falls in its place if you keep an open and non-anticipatory attitude and just go with the flow.
altamash said:
I think it can be summed up by saying that you should not 'fear' rather query the program that brings up this fear of failing. As this thought itself is anticipatory by nature. It used to be a central issue when i was learning and as years went by i learned to flow with the river of experience and not dwell on such matters.

Querying yourself regarding the source of the program is a big part of Work. By bringing this knowledge to light, the program loses some of its power over you. That is one of the many meanings of Knowledge Protects. In this case, self-knowledge.

altamash said:
Also it should be noted that your life itself was pre-planned before incarnation so simply trust your higher self in guiding you to whatever lessons and goals you are to accomplish. I feel that everything falls in its place if you keep an open and non-anticipatory attitude and just go with the flow.

Now here is where it is easy to go off. To go with the flow most often can mean to act mechanically, choosing the easy way. Look how often people are led astray by those magical "synchronicities" And what if the lessons and goals set by your higher self entail much hard work and suffering? Hardly "going with the flow". If Laura had done so, the Cassiopaean Experiment would never have happened, and none of us would be here.

That's not to say there can't be gentle boosts from the Universe and occasional patches of smooth sailing, but from what I've been able to see from my life experience so far, is they must be earned. Neither can you bargain for them. You can only respond as best you can to what the Universe puts in front of you, with all the attention and awareness you can muster. Think of shooting the rapids on a river. You have a goal, but you can't force the river to take you there. You can only observe and pick your course minute by minute. That, imo is what "going with the flow" really means.
I very much agree with Herondancer.

Also I would like to add that, personally, I have never really bought into the term 'failure'. I think at this point of my understanding there are only the choices we make (consciously or not) according to our awareness and the lessons that leads us to discover.

Seeing anything as failure seems to me judgemental and presumptuous as in thinking that we know what the best outcome 'should' be....according to whom?...one's ego?...the predator?

Therein also, I think, one would rob oneself of many lessons and possibilities in life if one sticks to the limits that have been foisted upon us for centuries (and then some).So if we have not fulfilled 'someone's' (predator's) expectations of us, our programmes seem to be triggered to think 'failure' and to 'give up, your're going the wrong way' or ' not good/smart/strong enough to complete this path you have taken'.

Well, bollucks I say to the predator. And I give thanks for every mistake I make and is pointed out to me because obviously I didn't or couldn't see it on my own so I guess the DCM kinda puts it in my face because I asked for theTruth behind the 'mistake'.I think the short wave cycle of evolving and learning is quite exciting, you know , like roller-coasters.
So, essentially what is being said here is that failure only exists for STS, because STO will use the unexpected as a learning experience?

dannybananny said:
[...] it's probably different for every person that is someone will incarnate in other planet, some will do cycle again, some will be smashed, some will go to 4D and die and some want die, others can be hit by truck tomorrow, you see how it's pointless to think about it.
Maybe, but it's okay to list our options, right? ;D :halo:
In all seriousness; trying to live in the present makes me cry, so it must be a good thing. :cry: :)
I learned a lot from the later posts of this thread, thanks for the insight. I too am one who always self judges. Things are always a "Should I or shouldn't I?" or "Did I do something wrong?". But of course sometimes the lesson is that you will do something that seems wrong, but you may have needed it to learn. I need to remember this. And also that there's no external judge watching everything I do, that judge is in me and I should deal with it better.
But the reality is that there is no path that needs to be followed because all paths go to the same place.

For a while, I try to ignore all this. Even I wanted to forget Cassipaea and what I've learned so far. But I could not do it, could not get out.

If there is no road, why something inside me, persists in to follow a specific direction? if it is part of my choice ¿Why something prevents ignore what I already know? a boost in search and search and search, even when I not want. And then I feel that I live only as an observer. As if the life I have just out to focus exclusively on discovering more and more. Remove all those things which became useless after learning of them and put on the table, the most important, that for others they are useless.

Ok, not is like the linear mind does believe, a punishment. Just is so, if you reprove, you repeat. If you do not learn enough, you can not advance in level, that is very concrete.

But when they say "enjoy your life, allow yourself to experience" and then you see the fine print "this is bad, this is bad, it's your choice to do" is not that bad, really not bad, is only your mind 3D, but objectively, no progress... What is enjoy or experiment wiht? is like a banana peel.

Although there is no space in my to be skeptical. Much less when you live the experience. And I can not think of "but that's not what I choose because" if I understood objectively, I choose it.

How to enjoy what you know that it does no good objective, but you want to keep doing it? Afraid to swell the ranks to STS, when both roads lead to the same place.

It's like Spot, against elders judged for being half human. How to face this dilemma with a "Do not worry, enjoy YOU! life"

ADDED: Bounce or not the garbage. Remove from the trunk old stuff, and while they are bouncing on the one hand, on the other they want to keep other things, even if is useless.
I really liked Laura's answer to this thread. It seems like our own minds are applying an STS type idea of grading, competition, and limited positions to the idea of graduating.

I also recall that the C's stated that the lessons to be learned here are simple karmic lessons. I like the analogy to 3rd grade. I'm sure that most of us have been "bored" with third grade, no longer feeling the thrill of the lessons. I sure as hell feel tired of this world.

From Session 29-06-96:
A: You see, my dear, when you arrive at 4th density, then you will
Q: (L) Well, how in the heck am I supposed to get there if I can't
"get it?"
A: Who says you have to "get it" before you get there?
Q: (L) Well, that leads back to: what is the wave going to do to
expand this awareness? Because, if the wave is what "gets you
there," what makes this so?
A: No. It is like this: After you have completed all your lessons in
"third grade," where do you go?
Q: (L) So, it is a question of...
A: Answer, please.
Q: (L) You go to fourth grade.
A: Okay, now, do you have to already be in 4th grade in order to be
allowed to go there? Answer.
Q: (L) No. But you have to know all the 3rd density things...
A: Yes. More apropos: you have to have learned all of the lessons.
Q: (L) What kind of lessons are we talking about here?
A: Karmic and simple understandings.
Q: (L) What are the key elements of these understandings, and are
they fairly universal?
A: They are universal.
Q: (L) What are they?
A: We cannot tell you that.
Q: (L) Do they have to do with discovering the MEANINGS of the
symbology of 3rd density existence, seeing behind the veil... and
reacting to things according to choice? Giving each thing or person or
event its due?
A: Okay. But you cannot force the issue. When you have learned,
you have learned!
Q: (L) I just want to make sure that I am doing the most I can do. I
don't want to have to come back to 3rd density. If I can accelerate
things a little...
A: You cannot, so just enjoy the ride. Learning is fun!

It also reminds me of an episode of Stargate SG-1. The scientist in the group, Daniel Jackson, saw that a world was going to destroy itself with testing on alien "nuclear energy". Despite his warnings to the scientific establishment, they were pushed into developing it due to the political climate and the need for recognition. During a test, things go bad, so he runs into the room to prevent a serious meltdown/explosion. In the process, he receives a deadly dose of radiation that is uncurable.

A few days later he is dying slowly and an ancient (similar to 4d STO as they cannot directly interfere) appears to him and tells him that he can ascend, but it is up to him. He beats himself up, feeling he hasn't done enough to help people. The ancient tells him that it is all his choice, there is no external judge to decide. He takes time to mull over it and realizes that he did do a lot of good things and tried his best. He then ascends.

In a later episode, he sees his former team in a hairy situation and cannot stand by as they are thrust deeper into a dangerous situation. He intervenes with information and protection for them. This violated the ancients' respect of free will. After that he is brought back to 3d in his old form.

Those episodes made me wonder if we were thrust into 3d as we felt the need to "save" 3d life. One of the most painful lessons that I have learned and keep learning is that not everyone wants to be saved, even if we can easily describe the dynamic. After all, if they don't feel it for themselves, by following someone else, they have given up their own lessons/free will in order to be saved. I feel a glimmer of hope that the EE program can help some to awaken on their own and escape this karmic cycle.
Divide By Zero said:
One of the most painful lessons that I have learned and keep learning is that not everyone wants to be saved, even if we can easily describe the dynamic. After all, if they don't feel it for themselves, by following someone else, they have given up their own lessons/free will in order to be saved.

I think that's a really good point, Divide By Zero, and one of the most subtle faces of the Savior program. In ordinary cases, it can be merely hubris on our part -- feeling that we know the right way, and if only we could teach that other person or people -- convince them to learn what we learn and know what we know, then we will have done our duty. In more personal cases, there can be a strong emotional component as well -- kind of what you describe above -- where we just don't want our loved ones to be "left behind" (however you interpret that) and not wanting to see them suffer. I think that it's probably one good benchmark in our own progress when we can finally observe ourselves one day and see that we have let go and stopped trying to do this, especially for those we really care about personally.
Shijing said:
Divide By Zero said:
One of the most painful lessons that I have learned and keep learning is that not everyone wants to be saved, even if we can easily describe the dynamic. After all, if they don't feel it for themselves, by following someone else, they have given up their own lessons/free will in order to be saved.

I think that's a really good point, Divide By Zero, and one of the most subtle faces of the Savior program. In ordinary cases, it can be merely hubris on our part -- feeling that we know the right way, and if only we could teach that other person or people -- convince them to learn what we learn and know what we know, then we will have done our duty. In more personal cases, there can be a strong emotional component as well -- kind of what you describe above -- where we just don't want our loved ones to be "left behind" (however you interpret that) and not wanting to see them suffer. I think that it's probably one good benchmark in our own progress when we can finally observe ourselves one day and see that we have let go and stopped trying to do this, especially for those we really care about personally.

It is coincidental that I was reading the website of Ahmed Hulusi referred to in this thread when I came across an article by Ahmed Hulusi which deals with the concept of suffering (source: _http://www.ahmedhulusi.org/en/) which he says is relevant to this particular topic of "saving others".
AH talks about the "Rabb" of a person which he describes as the collection of qualities taken from the composition of divine qualities (Names of God/Allah) which make up the unique structure of that person. In other words, these are the attributes belonging to the person's essence - attributes that ultimately comes from the creator (quite similar to Chittick's exposition of Sufi thought). The creator is "Rabb ul alamiin".

[quote author=Ahmed Hulusi in Suffering]
......a person may understand that his existence belongs to the “Real” (Haqq) and also is the existence of the “Haqq”. However, despite this understanding,due to his veiled state from the “Rabb-ul alamiin”, he may still want others and all that he perceived around himself to live as subjected to his desires and in a way as he wants them to and be like him without being aware of the authority and the control of the “Rabb-ul alamiin”.

In short, he may want the others to quit being the “servant of their own Rabbs” and to obey his Rabb as a servant! Yet, the others will always fulfill their servitude by living the way they were designed to by creation and it is impossible for others to be like himself!

The reason of most of the sicknesses is stress! And stress is a condition that is experienced as a conclusion of having veiled from “Rabb-ul alamiin”!

“Rabb-ul alamiin” has created every individual being in order to fulfill the function that is desired for them by “Rabb-ul alamiin”, which is the inborn characteristic of their existence. And it is impossible to think for them not to serve to their desired function.

Every individual being will perform their service by fulfilling the purpose for which they were created, through executing their desired roles. However, the effect of living through their role can be either living in peace and bliss or the suffering the pain of burning.

Petrol is for burning, honey is for eating! Each exists for their special meanings and they cannot be replaced with others.

The happiness for an insect of dung is to live in dung; and the happiness of a bee is to wander amongst the roses!

You… If you are trying to make the insect of dung live in the roses and keep the bee in the dung then this means you do not know the “Rabb-ul alamiin”!

There is no rule saying that every created unit will know the “Rabb-ul alamiin”!

If you do not understand what the others’ Rabb desired in their creation, through observing the roles of others in life; then you may push others to become and live as your Rabb want them to be! So, you torture others and become a tyrant.

This is how you set the fire of your Hell in turn!

This is how you entered the door of sicknesses which is the fire of the hell.

Because of insisting on your wish which is impossible to come true, you will begin to get upset and angry and you will get sick and be burning with the overwhelming stress when you go beyond the bounds.


If only you could become aware, know, comprehend and digest that fact, then the fire of the fact that causes your sickness and suffering would die down and you would be released from your Hell.

Be aware that you are not the “Rabb-ul alamiin” and you will never be!
We should definitely comprehend that the “Rabb-ul alamiin” has created every single unit with its their unique purposes!

Therefore, do not push anybody to fulfill your purpose, so that you may avoid from burning and becoming ill!
If you have been able to READ in the Holy Koran that even the Nabis (prophets) have not been able to make favor for their wives or children, which means they could not change their unique purposes of existence, set yourself free from burning in your own Hell!
Every person has been created as a unit where his/her Rabb, in other words the meanings pointed out by the Names of ALLAH which constitutes that person, manifest!

You can have your choice of not being together with other programs which do not serve your own purpose of existence!

But never go into a wrong road such as changing the program of the others! Because, if you do so, you will only arrive at your Hell at the end of this road since nobody who has been created has been given the power (qudrat) of changing the program of others!

You can only recommend the truth (haqq) but you do not have the right and the authority to compel others! If you try it, you will be definitely disappointed; and even if you understand what it did cost to you at some point on the way, it will be all over and too late for you to recompense your loss later.
I just want to say something that was on my mind and that lately happened to me and to put my mask down.

I don't really write much of that experiences I have because I have that program that is making you to keep things for yourself, which isn't bad thing if you are in a surrounding of ordinary people in life, but it is important when you are with people that think in similar way like you, so it isn't really easy for me to write these things and know I should have been more open, but i see know that people here are to good for me.

Recently I dissociated myself from work and forum for couple of days, going back to one of my old habits, and this happened because I was looking back in the past, not closing completely that door of past and I can never close it until the hole program is reset because there are memories and scars and more influence I had from STS side through my life and made some choices that I today disgust, mostly from lack of knowledge but not only from that I can see now, damage was bigger and effort needs to be bigger because of that.

I wasn't giving all I can, I know I can do some things but then I don't do them. some things you have to experience to really know them. And I have that very negative thoughts, thoughts that you'll be ashamed of. To be honest and put down all illusions on basis of knowing my machine I think I'am not going to catch this train for 4D in this lifetime, in this 3, 4 plus something years we have, seems not enough time for me, like mission imposibble(i should have been born earlier)

But on the other hand if that didn't happen I wouldn't never found out about STO way and who knows where i would finish. But I made one decision I will try to hold on, to keep going on STO way even if it needs much more lifetimes to accomplish it because through these lately experiences i saw how there is no turning back and how your soul hurts when ego grows, how empty you feel at night lying in your bed and I knew I can't go back and it was shock I needed to have to see who I'am and how are other people inside really dead and how it's horrible thing and suffering in there I forgot.

I stop caring for my college in my last year also because I saw also that being teacher isn't for me, forcing children to do something that is against some of your principles. Kids having no respect to anyone, have to yell at them and be "authoritative" because the only law for them is force, better to say to them go home nothing to learn here and get fired, parents being happy they children get diplomas after colleges for being programed, never had any goals in my life and would rather work like low paying worker then do that job.

Just want to say this before it's too late because you never know what can happen next and times are becoming more dangerous for each of us:

Thank you all for all your knowledge you gave me that helped me in my life, thanks you Laura especially and chateau crew because you really had the nerve to stand through all that, i only wish I had been strong like you in a spiritual sense and in spiritual things, always been concentrating on unimportant things thinking I was strong, never had a strong mind. I hope and know you all do well on 4D and give a hell of a fight, maybe we will see ourselves somewhere in some other life in better circumstances!

[Mod Edit: Post Paragraphified]
Hi dannybananny,

Please note that most people have a natural subconscious opposition to unparagraphed blocks of text. Smaller groupings are not only more pleasing to the eyes, they also bear a subtle welcome to the reader.
Hi dannybananny,

You seem really down and I am grateful you posted this. There have been many who have had very similar feelings regarding thinking they won't make it to 4d and some have even mentioned wanting to give up the Work.

You seem to have a strong will to want to persevere regardless of whether you get to the destination and I believe that is the correct stance to take. The soul's journey has nothing to do with the destination. Even in 4d, I believe life will be just as challenging, just in different ways. So it's not like going to heaven or anything like that.

In fact, I believe that STO and STS are more polarized in the higher densities. If I understand correctly, that would mean there would be more people who are obviously one way or the other and fewer people in between, unlike in 3d, where there are many in between the extremes.

Here's something for you to consider. Since time is an illusion, you are simultaneously in all densities doing what you do, hopefully moving forward. The problem is that the you in 3d is focussing on your present reality and unaware of what the other you's are doing because we can't see outside of linear time and consider such things as being in the future.

Your 3d self will eventually get to 3d when you are ready to get there no sooner, no later. If your 3d self dies, but is ready for 4d, you might chose to remain in 5d to wait for the next wave or you might decide to keep incarnating into 3d to help others until the next time the wave arrives.

Another thing to consider is this. Just because you have issues does not mean you have not learned your lessons. You have no way of knowing if you are an STO candidate. The best you can do is work toward it. That is what creation asks of you and from what you've written, it sounds like you're doing a great job. You are growing as you gain awareness through knowledge but you have no way of knowing how much you already knew in previous lives.

Maybe you already are and STO candidate and chose to incarnate to help others. When we incarnate into 3d, we lose all knowledge from previous lives and often we get wounded by the pathological society around us. Those wound create the issues you are now dealing with, but they say nothing about your soul's quality.

If you think about the fact that you will be where you need to be when you need to be there, you can drop all worries about catching the wave. Since each reincarnation removes previous live's memories, you will neither suffer no benefit from incarnating again in 3d or in 4d for the first time. You will just live like everyone around you.

Take time to be kind and gentle with yourself and remember that helping yourself so you can help others is part of the STO path.

Everything is as it should be - you are learning and the universe is unfolding as it should.

I hate to see you suffer emotionally, especially if you suffer alone. So please, continue posting whenever you feel such deep sorrow or fear for your future.

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