What is the second death?

Wow Wandering Star, that's quite a coincidence -- if it's only that...

The control system seems to double its efforts whenever someone attempts to awaken --even if just a little-- by inserting all sorts of synchronicities and 'agents' to lull them back to sleep. Laura gave several examples of this phenomenon in the Wave series and the C's have warned repeatedly for the manifestations of such if I recall correctly.

Conversely, the Universe and/or Divine Cosmic Mind seem to arrange 'confirmations' AFTER someone has made an important choice or decision on some subject.

The problem is to discern which is which... ;-)
Thanks for worrying Palinuro.

If someone is causing "synchronicities" to take me back to the fold ... well, they're doing their job, right?

For my part, I seek the truth and nothing else. Then you have to keep buying at the supermarket, helping the children with their homework, dealing with the peculiarities of the job, etc ...

The high strangeness is the backpack of the seeker of truth and ... for my part, if an alien parks an ufo next to my house, it does not serve much ... Well, unless the alien invites a beer .

Thank you.
I think, a useful concept needed to understand the issue of Second Death, its to look at the bodies as vehicles of soul-counsciousness, so we have a physical, a psych, a mental and a Energetic Body (the whole chakras), where the Energetic (chakras) bonds the more subtil bodies (like psych, mental) to the more dense (like physicall) body.

The Tibetan Book of Death may help to clarify these "processes" without mention the chakras:
The Three-fold Process of Dying

Phase 1 - The dissolution of the physical senses and the cessation of awareness of the physical body. When this is completed, there is no more sense-activity or awareness of the material world.

Phase 2 - The dissolution of the elements and the psyche. The element earth sinks into water, and the water of the body can no longer be sustained. Water sinks into fire which dries out speech; fire sinks into air and it dissipates the heat of the body. Then the element of wind sinks into ether which holds the mind substance. Lastly, the outer breath and inner breath consume one another. When the last elements and their interconnected properties are dissolved, pure awareness remains and is freed from all attachments to the material world, then the primordial clear light is experienced boundlessly in a non-dimensional space.

Phase 3 - The illumination of consciousness after death. This describes how the signals which pass through our senses while still alive gradually turn into a self-representation of awareness at the moment of death. The "inner space" turns into an infinite dimension as the perception of external physical reality ends.

The last third phase has five stages:

(1) Everything you perceive from the outside slowly appears as coming from the inside.
(2) What you see outside then emerge just like the light of the moon. As time passes, what you see inside appear like sparks of fire.
(3) What you see outside appear as the light of the sun which slowly becomes dark. Then what you see inside appear as candlelight.
(4) What you see outside appears faint and remote then your consciousness slowly enters the primordial clear light. This is like seeing the light of dawn.
(5) Lastly, consciousness itself appears like the clear sky. With the absence of thought, the primordial clear light now appears, infinite and without a central perspective. If your consciousness is free of karma, you immediately achieve enlightenment, obtain the dharmakaya (truth body), and can stay here within the realm beyond all becoming, the deathless realm. If not, then you will go down to experience the other intermediate states in the Bardo.

A more currently and detailed tech (para-psych) approach may clarify about the chakras and the Second Death:
Death is the painless deactivation and discarding of a vehicle of manifestation of the intraphysical or incarnate consciousness. This transmutation represents a change in the level of the consciential principle of life through the deactivation and discarding of one of its vehicles of manifestation, similar to various known natural events, such as the following evolutionary transmutations:

1. Tree. The tree growing new leaves.
2. Bird. The bird molting its feathers.
3. Insect. The insect (cicada) substituting its exuvia.
4. Reptile. The reptile (snake) shedding its skin.

Each death constitutes the paralysis and consequent definitive disintegration of a certain instrument, machine, vehicle or body through which the consciousness acted. Each death can be represent by reactions of Shock, Crisis, Transition and a radical Change for the ego that is generally painless and for the better.

The deaths, however, within human customs, still remain intensively involved in excessive taboos, conditioning, preconceptions, beliefs, superstitions, emotionalism, misunderstanding, low-level information, bad information and disinformation. Despite all this, the 3 types of Death are experiences more agreeable than disagreeable. Each death, or discarding of a consciential vehicle, actually constitutes a type of Birth of the consciousness in another far more evolved form of existence.


The First Death consists on deactivation and discarding of the human body with the rupture of the silver cord, returning the intraphysical consciousness to his/her condition as an extraphysical consciousness, still with the holochakra, psycho-body and mental-body as its vehicles of manifestation, and thus, passage of the incarnate consciousness from the intraphysical state to the extraphysical state.

The transition of first death is the deactivation or permanent cessation of the vital functions of the human body (cardiopulmonary death and encephalic death) do not offer the Vehicles of Manifestation of the Consciousness intraphysical consciousness any means of escape. It also definitively eliminates from the freed consciousness. Myths, taboos and mysticisms of all types confuse the human mind when engaged in comprehension of extraphysical realities. So, Lucid projections, or physical and temporary minideath, permits this vital conquest while still in human life.

From the perspective of the vehicle of manifestation, the impure extraphysical consciousness is that which only passed through deactivation of the human body (first death), without freeing itself from the remnants of the holochakra (second death). According to what can be observed in the phenomena of projections, the death of the physical body does not constitute a cessation of energy, but represents more of a liberation of energy for the consciousness.

The First Death with regard to the human body, occurs because, with the rupture of the silver cord, consciential energy (vital fluid) can no longer be transferred from the consciousness (mental-body) through the psycho-body and the holochakra to the human body. From this point on, the soma begins to gradually disaggregate, installing organic chaos and the annihilation of the cells. The death of the human body and its utilization as a cadaver, or used matter, obeys the law of conservation of energy which states that Energy is neither Created nor Destroyed, but Transformed.


The Second Death is defined by deactivation and discarding of the holochakra, including retraction of the remnants of the silver cord and the aura of the holochakra, the extraphysical consciousness thereby remaining in the mental-body as well as in the psycho-body, which presents its own aura.

The keywords are creation of the astral shell, deactivation and discarding of the holochakra, death of the third day, final death, final discarnation, postdeath, post-discarnation, second discarnation, separation of the compound double.

In deactivation of the holochakra, the remnants of the silver cord vary according to whether the intraphysical consciousness, which has returned to the condition of an extraphysical consciousness, has or has not completed the existential period preestablished by its evolutionary orientation. In this case, the remnants of its vital energy will have been partially or totally used up.

The Second Death constitutes the purification of all ectoplasmic emanations of the being (consciousness) that has departed from dense matter. The ectoplasmic emanations of the average intraphysical consciousness disintegrate 2 or 3 days after deactivation of the human body.


The Third Death is deactivation and discarding of the psycho-body with the rupture of the golden cord and the entrance of the extraphysical consciousness into the condition of Free Consciousness, from which point it permanently manifests only through the mental-body.

The birth of Free Consciousness happens only once. After all intraphysical lifes (or journey lessons), occurs the consciential liberation with deactivation and discarding of the psycho-body, the end of erraticism and the end of successive intraphysical lives.

The Third Death signals the end of the migration of the ego, the extinction of the cycle of the coming and going of reincarnation and deaths, or personal intraphysical existences. This is the inevitable objective of all consciousnesses or sentient beings. Is the crowning of the evolution of the consciousness at the end of the seventh stage of the scale of continuous self-awareness. It thus initiates a new stage in eternal evolution, and one which is currently entirely unknown by humankind.

It is easier to understand the condition of erraticism of the extraphysical consciousness and much more difficult to understand the end of this same erraticism, or the condition of the domicile of the extraphysical consciousness in the mental-body in the mental density. It seems that no one is yet able to satisfactorily answer this question.

People naturally always concern themselves with the challenging idea of the existence of the primary cause of the cosmos (Source), or the uncaused cause. Perhaps still more disturbing is the idea of the mental density where the extraphysical consciousness manifests itself forever, without appendices, as we know it, living in its whole only with the mental-body, probably in a condition of continuous self-awareness.


more about The Three Deaths

As can be deduced from the assertions made here, the 3 deaths merely represent severances, ruptures, phasic mutations or separations of vehicles of manifestation that can be deactivated, discarded and decomposed, in light of the immortality of the consciousness.

None of the 3 deaths whether analyzed separately or together, in any way imply a complete extinction or annihilation of the self, the consciousness or conscientiality. Biological death, due to natural causes, always represents an occurrence that should be considered an authentic evolutionary process of the eternal consciousness and the development of the very vehicles of human manifestation of consciousnesses.

The deactivation of the bodies or vehicles of manifestation of the consciousness seems to be definitive. Their reactivation is impracticable.

The first and second death of others are occurrences for which lucid intraphysical projectors are called upon to help extraphysically during assistential projections. This turns the projected intraphysical consciousness into an authentic assistant of biological death. Of the 3 deaths or the 3 vehicular disposals of the consciousness, the discarding of the human body or the biological death is the most disconcerting and radical, or the one that presents the greatest environmental discrepancy for the ego.

As strange as it may seem, discarding is the occurrence that actually most closely approximates the phenomenon of human lucid projection in its manifestations and effects. This is why it has continued to be so difficult throughout the millennia for the intraphysical consciousness to implement the natural habit of projecting the human body with lucidity to other densities beyond the tropospheric life in which we live in intraphysical existence.

The discrepancy or disparity between the consciential environments or vehicular conditions is 1:1,000 when the intraphysical consciousness projects in the psycho-body (bearing in mind the weight of this vehicle) and 1:“infinity” when the intraphysical consciousness projects only in the isolated mental-body. The lucid projector would do well to meditate deeply upon this topic.

only for reference, image to help understand
soma => body;. Energosoma => Holochakra
I think, a useful concept needed to understand the issue of Second Death, its to look at the bodies as vehicles of soul-counsciousness, so we have a physical, a psych, a mental and a Energetic Body (the whole chakras), where the Energetic (chakras) bonds the more subtil bodies (like psych, mental) to the more dense (like physicall) body.

The Tibetan Book of Death may help to clarify these "processes" without mention the chakras:

A more currently and detailed tech (para-psych) approach may clarify about the chakras and the Second Death:

only for reference, image to help understand
soma => body;. Energosoma => Holochakra
Very well explained. It is surely a good approximation to the "truth".

The "difficulty" with the matter is the lot of people who don't want to "die." No way. They want to continue with their "suit" forever.

And there are many ... many!

As long as there is adequate energy, they will resist the "second death."

A good post
We go through stages from conception to death. My thinking is that second death means maturity. But our lives along its progression is dotted with various stages, and we adjust accordingly. But the first stage is the most impactful, and it makes possible subsequent breakthroughs that seem more ordinary, but it was because of the breakthrough into maturity that gives us the ability to breakthrough subsequent stages and not be so abrupt. So, there are many deaths - meaning stages of life, but the death upon maturity is most impactful, making the other stages seem repetitive, because we are doing the same thing, owing to our initial success that imprints in us its experience.
If I get it right from the last C's session, the "second death" of an OP is, or has something to do with, its going to its soul pool, and thus its complete unification with the pool. At that point, I think, it loses its transient incarnational personality, and this is kind of another death. The pool "learns as a unit", as a single being, I think. Extrapolating this concept, it might be said that all souls/individuals are organic portals (interdensity bridges) between 1D thru 6D and 7D maybe? Souls attaining 7D are said to lose their individual identities since they actually "become all", although this process had been gradually ongoing since probably they became STO in 4D or whichever density it was. And I think the C's also said something like all soulled humans being a part of a fragmentary 6D soul?

I'm not sure I understand the concept of OP sufficiently but what I wonder based on the above explanations and assumptions is something told about animals in NDE literature and maybe also in the sessions. Animal souls also go to 5D. And some people are said to meet their pets there. It's as if animals, or at least some of them, don't lose their individuality in 5D. If OP's belong to their specific soul pools in which they lose their transient incarnational personalities when they disincarnate, then shouldn't this also apply to animals even more? I think the C's also said something like pets might be taken along to 4D in graduation? Can animals which are sufficiently invested in energetically or spiritually become an exception to the concept of "second death" as opposed to OP's?
Hi bozadi,

All very interesting questions and I’ve wondered about many of them myself.

About the second death: the only NDE I can recall that strongly hinted at this was that of Pam Reynolds (an extremely famous NDE case because I believe she was clinically dead in an operating room for a very long time).

She said something to the effect of “I was told that if I stepped into the light, I would never again be able to return to earth as the same person”.

Now this could be interpreted as simply meaning she would never return as Pam Reynolds, or it could be interpreted as her soul going back into a larger soul pool.
At this point I believe that the second death occurs for everyone, both OP and people with individual souls, with nuances for both groups.

In the OP perhaps the personality of the incarnation disappears completely when it merges with its identity group (group of humans) and in the person with an individual soul there is a dissolution, so to speak, of the unnecessary parts that no longer "complete" to the soul and the more advanced and wiser said soul is, the less it will lose and the more it will contribute.
About the second death: the only NDE I can recall that strongly hinted at this was that of Pam Reynolds (an extremely famous NDE case because I believe she was clinically dead in an operating room for a very long time).

Thank you for referring to the case of Pam Reynolds. I didn't know about it. The case seems to offer some good insight against materialistic skepticism thanks to the testimony of the medical staff.

She said something to the effect of “I was told that if I stepped into the light, I would never again be able to return to earth as the same person”.

Now this could be interpreted as simply meaning she would never return as Pam Reynolds, or it could be interpreted as her soul going back into a larger soul pool.

Many or most NDE experiencers undergo a significant change in personality or attitude. Maybe it's more about their ego (false self) getting significantly lower in extent. I think this is a very good example of thinking "out-of-the-box" (out of the matrix). And it's probably also related to the suggestion "Stop thinking 3D". Some aspects of NDE lore might be resonant with new-agey stuff but not necessarily, of course. I don't think that the soul pools or groups of soulled individuals is the same with those of OP's. I mean, soulled ones don't seem to actually lose their individuality or their sense of individuality in the afterlife. However, I partially agree with that in the sense of what Wandering Star suggested.

At this point I believe that the second death occurs for everyone, both OP and people with individual souls, with nuances for both groups.

In the OP perhaps the personality of the incarnation disappears completely when it merges with its identity group (group of humans) and in the person with an individual soul there is a dissolution, so to speak, of the unnecessary parts that no longer "complete" to the soul and the more advanced and wiser said soul is, the less it will lose and the more it will contribute.

I also thought about this and made a somewhat similar conclusion.

In the OP perhaps the personality of the incarnation disappears completely when it merges with its identity group (group of humans)

Does an OP soul pool consist of a "group of humans"? I'm not sure but this expression could suggest a preservation of individuality.

in the person with an individual soul there is a dissolution, so to speak, of the unnecessary parts that no longer "complete" to the soul

Yes, but as long as those unnecessary parts are unnecessary in terms of lessons, I believe. I mean, egostistical parts / problems are also "unnecessary" but they, at least some significant ones, are not dissolved but, as you know, will be reflected in the next incarnation(s) as part of lessons. This clarification might have been unnecessary, sorry if so 😅
Does an OP soul pool consist of a "group of humans"? I'm not sure but this expression could suggest a preservation of individuality.
Have you ever been in a football stadium (European or American) with 50,000 people roaring at once.

It is something quite impressive and that I believe can illustrate the collective identity of the collective soul OP.

And I believe that games that require collective affiliation and integration are usually not liked very much or create indifference in many other people, in the sense that others tell you what you have to do and think.

Although practicing these sports is fantastic, since it is a collective and very creative effort.
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Have you ever been in a football stadium (European or American) with 50,000 people roaring at once.

It is something quite impressive and that I believe can illustrate the collective identity of the collective soul OP.

And I believe that games that require collective affiliation and integration are usually not liked very much or create indifference in many other people, in the sense that others tell you what you have to do and think.

Although practicing these sports is fantastic, since it is a collective and very creative effort.

Since I don't have a profound comprehension of the OP issue, I can't be sure if your example of a sports fan crowd is a good analogy for an OP soul pool. Maybe it is. Maybe the same example can also be given for a "soulled" crowd dependingly. Only the general characteristics of the crowd will determine, perhaps, if that crowd can better be shown as an example of a soulled or soulless group. Due to my current lack of knowledge, I'm not even sure if the term "group" is valid for an "OP pool" since a group implies a group of certain (differentiated) individuals. Maybe an OP pool is closer to a pool of water/data? Individuals will then form only temporarily as extensions of the body of water when needed and possible to gather more data? Like a fictitious octopus with impermanent tentacles? But maybe that's the case not for OP's but for 2D (strict 2D rather than a 2D-3D bridge) or even 1D soul pools? I don't know.

As for my extrapolative assumption of all souls/individuals being "organic portals" from a 7D perspective, I remembered a dialogue from Maharaj (the book "I Am That") that's reminiscent of the term "second death":

Q: Are you not afraid of death?

M: I am dead already.

Q: In what sense?

M: I am double dead. Not only am I dead to my body, but to my mind too.

Based on what he talks about all along the book, I think he tries to emphasize his strict awareness of the temporary nature of both his body and also his mind/individuality. I don't claim this would be a beneficial idea to inspire from all the times.
If you try to look up second death on the internet, all you get is Revelation 2:11, 20:6, 20:14, and 21:8. Bible thumping. I don’t think that’s what is being talked about here.

But, what about that first death? It seems there are many ways to look at death and different types of death.

On one hand, the physical body dies but the soul consciousness still has one or more processes to go through which could all be called deaths. Your body dies. Then your soul has a choice to accept that it’s Game Over and exit the stage into 5D. The cleansing, rehabilitation and potential recommitment to karmic evolution in 5D may be another series of deaths/letting go. Call it a recommitment to lessons and tests if you prefer. Certainly rebirth is another death since it involves some sort of mental wipe/forgetting IOW, starting over.

But what about esotericism? Isn’t the first death the overcoming of the ego, the false self, The personality? And isn’t that a goal of esoteric work? So, I take the second death to also be a step in the evolution of a being; something to be worked at and achieved.

I also have the notion that a death is like a payment required to advance up the staircase. First the ego. Then perhaps the mind as is mentioned above. Or Perhaps it involves the level of aims. There are personal aims but there are also aims that transcend the personal. (Otherwise, how could 200 conscious beings alter the course of humanity?)

Perhaps the 2nd death is letting go of any hope or aims for yourself. Graduation to STO. It’s not about you anymore. It’s more about a purpose outside and beyond yourself and a commitment to serve a higher set values.
In my view, what simplifies the matter(s) is the concept that "all is one" and this oneness is pure positivity/being in its core (also remember, any STS is destined to either get non-existent until 4D or convert to STO during or after 4D). And wherever I am, I can potentially and more than happily relate to, and identify with, positivity/being. I can begin to experience existential positivity here and now, unconditionally. It's omnipresent, ready and willing be recevied. It's my core and it's the core of any being, even if some beings hate and fight their core. Rather than a lesson or order imposed by some higher being or beings (like "thou shall be positive"), this is pure pragmatism, in a sense. Positivity is good (in terms of STO polarization, at least). Our relation to God is our relation to positivity, essentially. Want to sense God here and now? Sense positivity. Our journey is to its purest core to become one with all. Loving God is loving positivity/being (joy, healing, anything needed). A story of gradual merge. In STS/ego, we are kind of mentally diseased in such a way that we allow things to come "between us and ourself" to slow down, stop, and even reverse the gradual merge. I'm aware that this is not the whole story. This is what inspires me in my efforts for "work on self".
What interests me is that infliction point, critical point in which any OP/PreAdamic/NPC individuates and qualifies as Adamic, same or similar to how pets can reach the OP level of consciousness. Isn't this similar to the usual question higher density entities consider in questioning how much more catalyst/pain is needed to wake up more people here in 3dSTS?

Isn't this critical point in self conscious awareness of any species similar to our own in terms for 'graduation' in our chosen path of return to our original fractal of the Creator which make up our Logos/Galaxy? Since OPs are 'one and done' unless they individuate out of their soul pool, same all the way up from 1d to 3d, what determines this achievement of attaining enough light/knowledge/self awareness? The same achievement from beginning to end, only changing in 4d when most SMCs are engaged in their path of return?

This would be the 'hump', no? It's all an experiment along this line it seems. Otherwise, it all seems a rather automated process from beginning to end, with the goal of finding something different... some shift in awareness for whatever reason. Thus, nearly anything goes as this search continues.

We don't hear much about life in 5d except those like ourselves.... nearly nothing about the other pools, including our own pool before individuation into Adamics, nor the STS side of the equation. The OPs are just part of the process, so any 'second death' seems the same. I took it's meaning from the C session in this regard of 'return to sender'... return to the pool as the entity didn't reach that point of individuation.
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