What is the second death?

By the way, according to Ra (Law of One), at physical death the soul revises the recently completed incarnation and filters out the distortions of personality acquired in that incarnation, leaving pure distortions (those that cause evolution in the soul). Certain guidelines that defined our personality disappear (religious ideas, politics, sexual, etc ...).

Is not that also a second death?

Well, not really, because who we really are, our authentic essence, remains intact.
More or less, this is also what comes to my mind when I try to figure out the second death issue. I think it should be about individuation, or lack of it.

The excerpt "A: Death and birth are the same." might be relevant.

When an OP is born again, this might be akin to the concept of death. To some extent, this might also apply to souled beings but even more so for OP's. I mean, each incarnation is like a new page, but the one of an OP is probably much more like a blank sheet. Maybe they are not capable of bringing anything personal from a past life, just the generic pool data?
By the way, according to Ra (Law of One), at physical death the soul revises the recently completed incarnation and filters out the distortions of personality acquired in that incarnation, leaving pure distortions (those that cause evolution in the soul). Certain guidelines that defined our personality disappear (religious ideas, politics, sexual, etc ...).

Is not that also a second death?

Well, not really, because who we really are, our authentic essence, remains intact.

Thank you.

More or less that is. Something that I forgot to mention, is that even if the person even has a completely individualized soul, if this person falls into the absolute domain of material influences (aka matrix) and subjectivity, he puts himself in great danger and can fall into the lake of fire.

So, we see a mass feast approaching... death and destruction and suffering on a scale not seen for some time on this planet. A feast.

And what do these STS dudes plan to do with all that food? What will they do if they are so strengthened and if they have many acolytes among humans ready to join them?

That is the question.

The answer is, I believe, that they will use this energy to actually "smash" the souls of millions - if not billions - so that they literally become primal matter and must begin the cycle all over again.
As I continued to think about this subject, I remembered a statement from the C’s:

Q: Well, I don't know exactly what calculus is, but I know it is important. I never thought I was able to learn such things, so I didn't try. But, I think it is important, and someday I will know something about it. I am sure that the dog would not only think it is not useful, he would not even be aware of it. How does that relate to consciousness energy directors?

A: All in nature seeks balance. One day, so to speak, "Percy" will indeed have an opinion of calculus.

Although I think, but I’m not sure, that any 2D being newly graduated to 3D is technically an OP, the above bolded statement makes me think that the basic sense of individuality gained enabling the graduation to 3D will not essentially be lost although there can be limited or relative losses.

This also reminded me an interesting anecdote from my dad. He once told that, when they lived in a rural village in eastern Anatolia, there was a man who used to claim (I don’t remember if dad said he had personally witnessed this guy’s claim) that he had been a horse in his immediate previous life and could even show where he had been buried, which he successfully did as, apparently, the bones of a horse were found at the exact spot upon some digging. Reliability of this story is very questionable, of course, but wanted to share it anyway.

Thinking again on the second death issue, it occurs to me that the process covering the disincarnation and then reincarnation of an OP might not absolutely reset the individuality of a specific person gained that far to a generic, updated, cumulative, pool average although the pool average could be very influential on each of its members’ progress, and this probably applies to groups of soulled beings as well.

I still believe that a “relative blank sheet” situation will apply more to a fresh life an OP compared to a soulled being due to the differential amount of individuation data possibly collected but considering again the idea that “birth and death are the same”, the “second death” issue might not be specific to OP’s. You know, a ‘death to 5D’ (the home of souls) for a reincarnation is probably much more of a death than a death to 3D by disincarnation.
According to the C's "the soul marries the genetics when it is present". Also referring to the soul of Hitler, at the time of that session say that it is a "float", waiting / searching for the right body to incarnate.

On the other hand, Ra says that time / space is a site full of fictitious representations that exist in space-time.

Those who have massively reviewed cases of close encounters with death, say that the person finds a "heaven" according to the beliefs of the deceased. A Christian will be in the Christian heaven, a viking in the walhalla, etc ...

This is provided by the higher self in order to gradually eliminate those distortions or fanciful expectations. After the disappearance of these fictitious expectations, the higher self works with the soul in what has been learned and what needs to be learned, planning the next incarnation.

And if the energetic lake of which they are nourished and to which they return after death, provides the fictitious environment that awaits the O.P., but not having aligned with a soul (Higher Self), there is no more. That is his final destiny awaiting the second death.

The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end.

Only if the O.P. develops a soul (a higher Self can connect), to death his consciousness follows the path of evolution to meet with his higher Self (soul).

Excuse me if I have not explained myself well.

It's just an idea that has occurred to me. I keep reading in the forum to find more pieces of the puzzle and join them.

Thank you.
On the other hand, Ra says that time / space is a site full of fictitious representations that exist in space-time.
If I remember rightly, Ra uses the terms "time/space" and "space/time" to refer to "etheric" and "material" realms, respectively. So, when you are incarnated, you are in space/time, and when you disincarnate, you are in time/space. 5D contemplation zone is in time/space, it follows.

I think "fictitious environments" are created/experienced by some newly disincarnated 3D souls naturally as a cleaning process before entering the actual facility (5D home). You need to get rid of (or balance) excessively obsessive thought patterns before getting ready to access your specific place or classroom shared with your classmates.

And if the energetic lake of which they are nourished and to which they return after death, provides the fictitious environment that awaits the O.P., but not having aligned with a soul (Higher Self), there is no more. That is his final destiny awaiting the second death.

The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end.

Only if the O.P. develops a soul (a higher Self can connect), to death his consciousness follows the path of evolution to meet with his higher Self (soul).
I don't think that any specific fictitious environment awaits either OP's or soulled beings in the afterlife. It is temporarily created by or according to the strong expectations of a disincarnated 3D being for facing them and cleansing before access to their actual dwelling place. "Energetic lakes" or pools of OP's are not probably fictitous and/or they don't produce any fictitous environment for OP's. They must be, whatever and however they are, the actual bases of OP's in their specific 5D home zone. I'm not sure if my inferences from various sources are sufficiently correct, just wanted to share to compare and check.

My understanding is that OP's are, if they are not a special sub-group of, souls belonging roughly to the first half (maybe quarter?) of 3D. Rather than being absolutely soulless, they are 'minor' souls. Spiritually, they are not yet grown-up individuals in the general scale of 3D.

Ra says:

The incarnation pattern of the beginning third-density mind/body/spirit complex begins in darkness, for you may think or consider of your density as one of, as you may say, a sleep and a forgetting. This is the only plane of forgetting. It is necessary for the third-density entity to forget so that the mechanisms of confusion or free will may operate upon the newly individuated consciousness complex.

Thus, the beginning entity is one in all innocence oriented towards animalistic behavior using other-selves only as extensions of self for the preservation of the all-self. The entity becomes slowly aware that it has needs, shall we say, that are not animalistic; that is, that are useless for survival. These needs include: the need for companionship, the need for laughter, the need for beauty, the need to know the universe about it. These are the beginning needs.

As the incarnations begin to accumulate, further needs are discovered: the need to trade, the need to love, the need to be loved, the need to elevate animalistic behaviors to a more universal perspective.

During the first portion of third-density cycles, incarnations are automatic and occur rapidly upon the cessation of energy complex of the physical vehicle. There is small need to review or to heal the experiences of the incarnation. As, what you would call, the energy centers begin to be activated to a higher extent, more of the content of experience during incarnation deals with the lessons of love.

Thus the time, as you may understand it, between incarnations is lengthened to give appropriate attention to the review and the healing of experiences of the previous incarnation. At some point in third density, the green-ray energy center becomes activated and at that point incarnation ceases to be automatic.
Great bozadi.

I must have read that paragraph of Ra at least 10 times and now with the information of the C's it takes on a new dimension.

Is it then the second death, which in the initial phases of the path, when you have not yet ignited (say) the higher centers autonomously, after death the personality disappears completely?

Each new life a blank sheet, with nothing in the luggage to use when appropriate.

On the other hand, the more and more potently you have activated your higher centers, the more you will realize the illusion of incarnation and therefore, in the area of revision more and more of you will remain, less will be eliminated / dissolved.

Therefore, the second death is the total dissolution of an empty personality / consciousness of real content.


A greeting.
Hi, Wandering Star.

Is it then the second death, which in the initial phases of the path, when you have not yet ignited (say) the higher centers autonomously, after death the personality disappears completely?

Each new life a blank sheet, with nothing in the luggage to use when appropriate.

...the second death is the total dissolution of an empty personality / consciousness of real content.

I wish I knew it for certain. Maybe, as you said.

But even if it is, that’s not something to feel sorry about, I think. A baby is a baby, or a small child. He/she can’t be expected to be a grown-up and develop and preserve a personality from one day to another. They are just survival-oriented, ‘animalistic’ as Ra says. That’s natural for them. They don’t have a solid personality, a conscious, relatively self-sufficient and independent individuality, conscience, or soul to lose. And I don’t intend to twist what the C’s described about OP’s. I perceive those descriptions to be perfectly valid.

As another possibility, the second death issue as a problematic situation might be applicable more to ‘soulled’ beings who, although they have activated their green energy center in past incarnations (and thus they aren’t anymore a baby or small child, a minor), don’t work enough to operate their higher-center connections but continuously end up in STS entropic cycles of desire and fear. I mean, they have souls but they are significantly diseased, dilusional, and entropic.

By the way, in case you haven’t read yet, you might find some books by Michael Newton (“Journey of Souls”, “Destiny of Souls”, etc.) beneficial for descriptions about 5D contemplation zone experiences of many hypnosis subjects. I found them to be invaluable. I think the main problem about Dr. Newton is that he seems to be extremely unwilling to accept the reality/existence of spiritual wickedness (STS) as a choice and path. He describes spiritual/etheric evil almost as a small or transitory exception despite he himself learns from one of his hypnosis clients that the seriousness of evil can even lead to the spiritual sanction of 'undoing' or somehow ‘erasing’ some individuals who get hopelessly evil and destructive in an incurable way.
Yes, the "soul substance condensation" that you mention may only be possible in a central nervous system that is compatible with such a condensation. The "soul substance" to which you refer may represent a "quantum of consciousness" or a 'unit' of high voltage potential that is available to the HUMAN totality at birth. High voltage potential cannot become actual unless there is a physical circuit that can handle such a voltage and the subsequent current generated from points of contact between the higher and lower states. Possibly it is this consciousness or "potential" that allows the human totality to seperate from its sensitive organic states and actually see themselves impartially. This consciousness makes it possible to feel the "soul pain" of another. In a state of organic sensitivity this is not possible since we are too conditioned to recognize anything apart from our own sensations and perceptions.

An OP may just accumulate sensitive experiences throughout their life, including perhaps,
even a little bit of consciousness, but, I think, it is primarily an automatic accumulation of experience. This collected experience over a lifetime may be held together by a "sensitive glue" that holds these experiences together even after deah. But due to the fact that there is no consciousness within this "sensitive mixture" (or perhaps just enough consciousness to still be aware of a dream like experience) the OP could only live in an after death dream world just as they have lived in a dream world while alive. I'm sure the same would apply to the potentially souled individual if they have made no efforts to become more conscious. The only difference is that the soul potential would just remain in a potential state and go back to the sea of potential.

It may very well be that an Organic Portal cannot separate from their sensitive states because they cannot "actualize" consciousness and "bring it down to earth"
so to speak. Only by separating from our conditioned sensitive states could we see things
in a more unconditioned or objective way. Thus the OP, I think, still lives in a dream world even after death. Possibly there is still an inherent capacity to experience, even after death, because of this "sensitive glue" which holds these experiences together, but there is no consciousness or soul potential in this sensitive mixture which could separate from it and keep these experiences from being "washed clean" in the ocean of the organic soul pool. So possibly this being "washed clean" of experience is indicative of the second death.

If there is any consciousness at all within this sensitive mixture then it may be so little that it could only vaguely witness its experiences in a subjective dream world. As it's memories get washed away so does its capacity to experience until it dissolves completely back into the pool. Possibly there can be blissful experiences or sufferings, husbands might reunite with wives, children etc. but since there was so little consciousness (or none at all) then everything that takes place is subjective and is in a dream world. But if there is no consciousness then there can be no experience of reality. Everything would be experienced in a dream world pending the second death where any small amount of accumulated consciousness might withdraw back into the sea of potential. Simultaneous with this, the 'glue' of organic sensitivity loses its coherence and structure and eventually dissolves back into the organic pool as well.
I think we're going in the right direction. I am reading the thread Organic Portals the other race and I found this Kenlee development.

I'm still looking as always.
I want to share a thought that has come to me as a result of what has been discussed in this thread.

Ironically, I'm pretty sure for the majority, but for all the members of this forum, the disappearance of some aspects of our personality would not matter to us, on the contrary, it would be a relief. None of us want a new car, or clothes, or practically nothing, beyond what is needed to move forward. We enjoy with joy the moments, but in depth really "we do not need anything".

One of the things that I find very funny because of the irony of it, is that (although I do not know for sure) the people who reach the end of the road, those who finish "the great work", did not look for the secondary effects of This is supposed to rejuvenate, live a lot of years, etc ... There are people on the road desperate to achieve that and I think the ironic thing is that you only achieve it if "REALLY" you do not care.

Greetings to all, you are wonderful.

By the way, something tells me that this spring will be very interesting.

Thank you.
There are people on the road desperate to achieve that and I think the ironic thing is that you only achieve it if "REALLY" you do not care.

Greetings to all, you are wonderful.

By the way, something tells me that this spring will be very interesting.

Thank you.

I wonder how is it possible not to care when constantly being faced with your own and others STS behavior ?

The 'love lesson' mentioned previously seems to me like a pointer to where energy should be invested, since STO also includes service to self, caring about yourself and others seems a plausible path.

Although a paradox might also exist between caring and not caring if I take what you say into consideration.
The ‘balance’ thing is everywhere. Most probably balance is also needed between caring and not caring; it is discussible when, where, how, etc.

Sometimes, I ask myself, “where will I (including many others) be, what I’ll be doing, how everything will be like, say, a few billion or trillion earth years later?” regardless of the earth’s existence then. This I ask myself rhetorically, not because I die to receive specific answers but that everything will have changed so much, so radically beyond discussion and imagination. But I also sense that, at the same time, nothing will have changed, ever. Again, the balance issue. Change and changelessness are at a balance. They are present simultaneously.
I read the full thread of Organic Portals: the other race. It took me a week. 56 pages and several threads gathered in one. Started by Laura in 2006 and developing until almost this year.

What I can conclude is that everyone agrees that there is or is likely to be the Portal Organs, but it is not possible to identify them. There are indications that could indicate that this or that person is one, but even so we could be wrong.

All there are lessons, there is nothing else.

What have been mine in this area?

I think the key is in the word Portal.

What does this mean?

They are people who at any given time can be used as mere puppets. Like the agents in the Matrix movie jumping from one body to another in pursuit of Neo.

My experience capitalizes these FRV letters. Frequency, Resonance, Vibration.

Evil has a vibration, a resonance and is absolutely real.

In all the thread a lot of information and very erudite attempts have been offered to try to explain that it is an OP, but maybe the mere erudition does not work.

They can explain to you very erudite how to play soccer, but only with that you can not play. To really understand it you must play Soccer, there is no other way.

Many, many, many of you have suffered the evil from other people and thanks to that you see them coming from afar.

You really feel the difference of FRV.

So if an OP is not used as a portal for evil to influence this plane, that person (OP) will be indistinguishable from the others. One more in the Matrix fulfilling the programming, just like people with a soul that is still asleep.

The point is when the evil acts through them to do their work and can only be detected by the huge difference of FRV that surrounds them.

As many people around here say, these are my two cents.
Wandering Star, I'm really impressed by your way of processing the materials. :cool2:

Meanwhile, Laura recently made a post in the Darwin's Black Box thread here which could be helpful to your current quest (as would the thread as a whole, I think).
There is a detail in the Capitan Marvel movie of a recent premiere referent to the Organicas Portales.

In the film they say that one way to discover an infiltrated lizard is to question their memories, since they can not access the long-term memory of the body they use.

Well, imagination of the clear screenwriter.

However, I remembered something that has happened to me recently.

I had about three months in a conversation with a co-worker the issue of death arose. He told me that it was a topic that he preferred not to think about, since it scared him a lot. He said he felt a kind of emptiness and that it made him very nervous. I made a cautious approach by telling him about the intense and rigorous research that existed about the Near Death Experiences. I told him about reputed doctors studying the phenomenon and that the conclusions were very encouraging. The researchers concluded that it definitely seemed that "something happened" after the death of the body. It was a long conversation and he even provided links on his cell phone so he could start an investigation if he wanted to.

Well the fact is that a few weeks ago I was alone with him at work and well ... the issue of death reappeared. He told me the same thing. That was a very scary subject, that he felt a hollowness when he thought about it and made the topic very nervous.

For my part, instead of trying once again to say "teach", I said: "This conversation we have already had, you told me exactly the same thing, do you remember?

The reaction was very rare. He stayed as blocked, without speech. There were several seconds of an awkward silence and then he started talking about something else as if the previous conversation had not existed.

At that time I thought it was one more that I had no interest in anything other than the Matrix and continue with the usual conversation empty of content.

An experience that I share directly from the battlefield.

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