What's for breakfast?

PERLOU said:
Pour le petit déjeuner, je prends du thé vert à la menthe avec une petite cuillère de miel et je mange un Kiwi...

For breakfast, I take green mint tea with a teaspoon of honey and eat a Kiwi ...

Hello PERLOU , your body needs protein to start the day, only breakfast tea and kiwi. :huh: :(
Today: 2 eggs over easy, cooked in bacon and coconut fat with butter on top. 3 pieces of bacon, a cup of coffee.

Casper, I like your pizza idea. Will buy sausage and give it a try. Breakfast ideas are very welcome, so good to see this thread. :)
Riclapaz : je mange des protéines au déjeuner chaque jour et au diner quelque fois... N'est ce pas suffisant ?...

Riclapaz: I eat protein for breakfast every day and dinner a few times ... Is not it enough ...?
PERLOU said:
Riclapaz : je mange des protéines au déjeuner chaque jour et au diner quelque fois... N'est ce pas suffisant ?...

Riclapaz: I eat protein for breakfast every day and dinner a few times ... Is not it enough ...?

Well, know if they are enough daily protein, you need to make an estimate, based on their weight, their daily activities, ie if you exercise or something, involved several factors, there are online calculators that work well, and so get an idea of the necessary proteins in our body for better performance. ;)
Mine today. And almost any other day. Fried on lard with butter on the top, for the good taste. Posted on facebook today for some new age vegeterian friends :lol:


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PERLOU said:
Riclapaz : je mange des protéines au déjeuner chaque jour et au diner quelque fois... N'est ce pas suffisant ?...

Riclapaz: I eat protein for breakfast every day and dinner a few times ... Is not it enough ...?
Hi Perlou, do you eat any fat with you food? You might find the ketogenic diet thread helpful (if you haven't read it yet) http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,28799.0.html
Merci Riclapaz et Thorn pour vos réponses...
Je vais allez voir les liens mais je crois bien les avoir parcourus, c'est comme cela que je suis le régime Chasseur Cueilleur
après avoir lu le "Mythe Végétarien" ce que j'étais précédemment depuis plusieurs années...
Comme graisse je prends de l'huile d'Olive de grande qualité...

Riclapaz and Thorn thank you for your answers ...
I'll go see the links but I think having traveled, that's why I'm the Hunter regime harvester
after reading the 'Vegetarian Myth' that I was previously for many years ...
As I take fat Olive Oil of high quality ...

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