What's the weather where you are?

Arwenn said:
Can't imagine what it must be like further inland past the Great Dividing Range!

Well, here on the Northern Tablelands NSW, we are consistently getting temps around 35 - 37C which is quite warm for here. Further west the temps are in the low to mid 40s. It has been quite a long run of this warm weather.

Had quite a few thunderstorms in January. One in particular had constant chain lightning that lit up the whole place. It made lots of noise but not much rain, but was great to watch. Sure could use some rain now to cool things off a bit.
will01 said:
Arwenn said:
Can't imagine what it must be like further inland past the Great Dividing Range!

Well, here on the Northern Tablelands NSW, we are consistently getting temps around 35 - 37C which is quite warm for here. Further west the temps are in the low to mid 40s. It has been quite a long run of this warm weather.

Had quite a few thunderstorms in January. One in particular had constant chain lightning that lit up the whole place. It made lots of noise but not much rain, but was great to watch. Sure could use some rain now to cool things off a bit.

The weather in Sydney has been horrible this last week. Temperatures in the high thirties and no relief until tonight - wonderful!! Last night it was still around 30 C at 10.00 pm. I see the temperatures will be climbing up towards 40 C again just in time for the weekend.
On Vancouver Island the flowers were getting ready to bloom. Now they are covered by 30cm of snow. The forecast is for -7C over night for a few days now. I guess the blossoms will have to wait. The groundhog saw his shadow which says 6 more weeks of winter. A solar minimum, erupting volcanoes worldwide and a change in the weather patterns might help with the prediction.

On Utube the videos of Planet X and Nibiru warnings are coming fast and furious. They are talking about there being a cover up about it. It is confusing because so many of the dates when it was predicted to arrive have come and gone. It makes a person think that it is all crazy talk. I can't believe that they would let the world know even if it was true, and it is. This news would likely shut down commerce worldwide, which would be bad for everyone. It is a delicate situation.
Here in Southwest Arkansas, it has been low at 31 degrees at night and up to 81 in the day.
Tomorrow: 91. 91 freaking degrees. Its the middle of winter. We're usually frozen solid until March. We've had this strange up and down this entire season.
The unusually warm weather here in western Macedonia after a month of a very cold weather. The temperatures climb to 15C during the day. From tomorrow another cold wave is forecast but with temperatures, just a few degrees bellow the zero.
What a crazy weather.
Here in Paraguay, the weather is beautiful but that's a bit strange. As I said in other posts here, we are used to VERY hot summers, where the temperature is normally above 38-39ºC and it feels like 42-45ºC because it's very humid.

We had a few days like those. Now, we've been having chilly mornings at around 16-21ºC for a few days. And during the day the temperature doesn't go above 32ºC. It feels almost like autumn or spring and not as summer.
In Québec City this morrning there is a meter of snow, blocking streets, burying cars. All schools closed in many areas all the way up to New Brunswick.

But in Montreal, we are having rain on top of the snow and sleath. And I just had a flash about the 'sheets of rain' mentionned in the C's transcripts: for some reason I had imagined vertical sheets? Doh! Outside we are experiencing horizontal sheets of rain freezing in layers. To the point where car tires, if it freezes fast enough, will be stuck in too thick an ice sheet to move without the tire ripping up! It's coming fast this Ice Age, not mentionning the situation of southern locations.Yet nobody seems to catch on thus far. The warming propaganda has such a hold on people's minds?!
Near Baltimore, MD it was in the 70's and a record high yesterday. In the upper 60's today and then tonight it is supposed to fall into the 30's with a snow storm tomorrow. This winter has been very mild with only one cold spell that lasted a few days.
This days in Mexico City had been warm with, the onion winter days, one gets out of home in the morning with several layers of clothes 4-6°C, that needs to took them off passing the hours, by noon is 24°C, and by night 15°.
It was back to a cold air flow for a a week and then the snows came again in the Southern Interior of BC. I'm running out of room to put snow, so will keep pushing and shoveling it around as best as possible - many people have it pretty bad though in certain areas; very tough for seniors, schools continued to be closed - a paralysis has partially set in and it is about to storm again tonight.
Hot hot January in Canberra, broke the record last set in 2013 of 32.2°C for daytime temp. up .5° to 32.8.
We experienced 23 days above 30° in January, the average is 11 days.

Starting today we are having another heatwave. 37, 40, 41, 36, for the next 4 days followed by an 8° night (can't wait!!).
will01 said:
Arwenn said:
Can't imagine what it must be like further inland past the Great Dividing Range!

Well, here on the Northern Tablelands NSW, we are consistently getting temps around 35 - 37C which is quite warm for here. Further west the temps are in the low to mid 40s. It has been quite a long run of this warm weather.

Had quite a few thunderstorms in January. One in particular had constant chain lightning that lit up the whole place. It made lots of noise but not much rain, but was great to watch. Sure could use some rain now to cool things off a bit.

Hey will01, I didn't realise we had a forumite in the Northern Tablelands! Haven't had decent rain in quite a while (rained for 5 minutes last night) here on the Mid-North Coast NSW Australia. Today mercury got to 35 degrees C with 80% humidity. Forecast for the weekend is 44 degrees C. All I can say is :scared:
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