What's the weather where you are?

The weather in the US has been very strange indeed! We have had some extremely violent storms with large hail, high winds, and tornados ripping through the country for the last couple months. Several tornadoes have devastated many areas in Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, and Nebraska recently. Some of these tornados are actually composed of many funnels together as one unit. I am not sure how common this was previously, but it is quite impressive. This is very late in the season for these types of storms to occur. SOMETHING is definitely happening in the cosmos to effect such changes (ie) The Wave. It is extremely fascinating to watch from afar, but my heart goes out to the people affected by these storms. I live in the heart of US, so I have been experiencing some of these changes in the weather locally. It is humbling to see Mother Nature put us all in our place!

Indeed, we've been experiencing repetitive and impressive storms, quite unusual for this time of year in France. Of course, our little irregularities have nothing in common with the extraordinary weather in other parts of the world. Spring is really cold in Europe this year, and at the same time there are all these storms (of heat, that is). I suppose the cooling of the stratosphere is interfering with the lower warm air masses and atmospheric dust.
This year in northern France, there's not a single cloudless day, which is quite unusual. Cloud cover is everywhere. This winter, fine, dry, sunny days have been non-existent. The mild start to spring has turned cold and rainy. The sun is lacking. There were a few warm cloudy days, but few compared with other years. Rain was the main feature. And I can feel the lack of sunshine in my little cells.
Same here in the south of France.
First time in over 10 years that there is so much rain in the area where I live. We even had hail last week.
Nice part it' s so beautifully green and lush, rose bushes love it!
In Moscow, the anomaly continues. That first snow that fell in the morning melted safely in the afternoon, but it snowed again this morning for half a day and now it is already lying on the ground, not melting. The temperature is 0C.
By the way, after looking at the panoramas of Stockholm, I can say that our trees are greener at this moment.
If you remember, I wrote in early May about the snowfall in Moscow, so now, at the end of May, we were thrown in the other direction. The third day is hot, 30 degrees. Like the snow at the beginning of May, and so is the heat at the end of May, it is unusual. We usually have such temperatures in July.

Если помните, я писал в начале мая о выпавшем снеге а Москве, так вот теперь, в конце мая нас зашвырнуло в другую сторону. Третий день стоит жара, 30 градусов. Как и снег в начале мая, так и так и такая жара в конце мая это необычно. Такие температуры у нас обычно бывают в июле.
Stockholm, Sweden
3 June 2024

2024-06-03-04-33-42-Zinstax.jpgSunrise on 3 June 2024 in Stockholm, made with an analog 6x7 studio camera on Fujifilm Instax film

While unusual chilly weather
resided during May 2024 over large parts of Middle Europe such as France, England, Holland, Northern Italy, Switzerland, Austria - Scandinavia was largely dominated by anti-cyclones, leading to exceptionally sunny and very warm weather - (except a short cold period in the beginning of the month)

You could say, that the flooding over many parts of middle Europe where caused by the stubborn Scandinavian anti-cyclone(s), which stopped the bad weather fronts over Middle Europe, leaving them there "hanging" - leading to endless / countless rains...

Sunshine up like a rocket
If April was seriously poor of sunshine (and temperature) here in Stockholm - May would be like a rocket, shooting up to the second most sunny May in our history, after the record holder; May 2018 which had a daily average of almost 14 hours sunshine back then. This time, we made it to 12.5 hours daily sunshine, eclipsing even sunny May 2023.

Truly remarkable I have to say.


Temperatures in Stockholm
May 2024

Here below you can see how the temperatures developed in Stockholm (Inner City). all together it was around 3°C warmer than normal. Not record breaking, but clearly summery warm for most days. We had rain in the beginning of may, when it was cold for a short time.

We had distant thunderstorms which passed by from the sea, but disintegrated on their way towards the coast. Some lightning I saw during my night shift as a subway driver. Releasing a little bit of rain - and the show was already over.


Photo Month of May 2024
in the Stockholm region

2 May 2024 • It FINALLY looks like something reminding me of spring (after a very dull, cold April)

5 May 2024 • COLD and rainy

11 May 2024 • it is starting to resemble summer as temperatures suddenly rise steeply after a very cold (short) period

15 May 2024 • flowering went suddenly very fast in these summer temperatures

18 May 2024 • Högdalen / Snösätra fields at "night" 02:17 - with my favorite tree which has a funny loop in one of its branches

18 May 2024 • Högdalen / Snösätra fields 05.52 in the morning on my way home walking through the forest

20 May 2024 • "Is this what everybody wants ?" (Song theme from the strange movie "Solaris")

23 May 2024 • beautifully warm sunset colors

25 May 2024 • warm (brief) fog in the morning

29 May 2024

1 June 2024 • a few thunderstorms at sunset, over the Baltic Sea towards the East

2 June 2024 • disintegrating T-storms (West Stockholm / Råcksta)
Second time we have fingernail sized hail in Hungary, lasting about 10 minutes, ~90 miles west of the Ukrainian border.

But this time, some of the rough, splintered stone shaped falling ice pieces reached the size of a thumb. Some even bigger. That was the red line..

So while "this gift of ice" was still strongly hammering the roof - with a deepening scowl I suggested to the sky:
- Turn it into rain!
I also presented the alternative to whoever sent this ice:
- Otherwise I'll have to intervene..

And the ice was obediently turned into rain.
Well.. I consider this city being under my jurisdiction. At least while I still live here.. I plan to move to a non-agricultural area, where aquifers and groundwater were NOT poisoned by decades of fertilizers. These areas are marked as GREEN on Hungary's drinkable fresh water map. Naturally there shall be clean Artesian wells there to dig. My agricultural city is marked in YELLOW color on the map = bad quality water. RED is undrinkable.

After I move away from here, I don't care if this city will be swallowed up by a flood or ruined by dog-sized hail.

My future jurisdiction will be protected from any crippling natural disasters at my new place of living.
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In SC Alaska, the temp is 65°F (18.3°C). It is cloudy with occasional rain. Sunrise is 4:21am and sunset at 11:38pm. It seems to be a little breezier than usual.

It's been a cool year so far, but that is compared to the previous years where temps were warmer than normal, so I think it is about average. There is still snow on the local mountains - usually gone by this time of year.

As cool as it is, it feels comfortable to be out in the weather, maybe the long daylight hours stores heat in the ground and water and stabilizes the temp, making it feel warmer. Kinda like a lake that feels cool on a sunny day, but at night feels warm.

I have a grosbeak that visits my bird feeder, a bird I've never noticed before.... It is mostly red and larger than the other birds - reminds me of a tropical bird.
Feels like April in the UK, it's wet with temperatures in single figures at night, barely above 10°C in the day. Forecast to be like this for most of June. If it continues into July people will be talking.
I was just going to post. Very wet and still wearing my jacket on a morning. Can't remember it been like this. So much rain since the end of November.
There's not such a thing as a light shower anymore.
It rained almost all day in Moscow today and in some places the storm sewer system failed.

Сегодня почти весь день в Москве шел дождь и кое-где ливневая канализация не справилась.
I was just going to post. Very wet and still wearing my jacket on a morning. Can't remember it been like this. So much rain since the end of November.
There's not such a thing as a light shower anymore.
am over there atm, wearing autumn clothes ! people are mentioning it in daily converstion -family members are somewhat in low spirits as a result of minimal sunlight and low temperatures and cold wind.I met a person at the bustop earlier and we were talking about the lack of sunlight etc - he openly said "they must be spraying alot more lately" after that we conversed on the bus turns out he didnt get the jab etc and was awake ! I gave him the link to the website-made my day as ive been surrounded in family members who are in complete denial about many things- some times I feel so alone -So im grateful to have connected with that person and grateful to have folk here who are operating at a similiar frequency !! Thankyou All here it keeps my frequency up !
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Two days ago I saw an realy unusual cloud, it was in Dornbirn, or between Dornbirn and Hohenems (Vorarlberg, Austria).
This cloud was a rainbowcloud, so it looked like a cloud but coloured in the way a rainbow is, with realy sharp colour transition, rich colours. And the coloures were limited to the cloud, ther where no coloures around it, nor was there a rainbow nearby.
Unfortunately I was driving, so I was not able to take a photo of it...
Have you ever seen souch a cloud in real life (not in photoshop :P)?
The weather in the north of the UK has been generally cold since April. Unseasonably cold air and wind, even on days that would look warm and sunny if you looked out of the window. We had three weekends back to back where it was warm.

This week it was again cold and miserable. The air so cold on the face, it just makes me assume it is the meandering jet stream and it’s arctic air.

But yesterday, it was quite nice and sunny and it was warmer.

Then, in the evening, this happened:

Two days ago I saw an realy unusual cloud, it was in Dornbirn, or between Dornbirn and Hohenems (Vorarlberg, Austria).
This cloud was a rainbowcloud, so it looked like a cloud but coloured in the way a rainbow is, with realy sharp colour transition, rich colours. And the coloures were limited to the cloud, ther where no coloures around it, nor was there a rainbow nearby.
Unfortunately I was driving, so I was not able to take a photo of it...
Have you ever seen souch a cloud in real life (not in photoshop :P)?
Yes, a few times, although it is true that almost always with sunglasses.

When you remove the glasses the effect is greatly attenuated, having to strain my eyes to see the colors, but with sunglasses it looked very good.
We had snow here in Montana this week and a truly amazing (for Montana) storm cloud in the northeastern part of the state as well. We went from temps in the 80s to today's high of 45 so far and then go back to the 80s by the weekend.
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