Where is Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales?

The paparazzi comes to mind.

Remember when Princess Diane (William & Harry's mother) died in that car crash? She was hounded by the paparazzi, and in an attempt to flee their cameras, her car sped from the aggressive paparazzi, causing her fatal injuries in that crash.
Afterward, the paparazzi were criticized for their conduct, for their part. There were conspiracy theories as well, but her death happened as a result of her being pursued by the paparazzi (people who photograph royalty and sell them).

I think there is a similarity with Catherine's health issues. Of course there is concern from the people who love her, and curiosity since she's famous. But this feeds the hunger of the paparazzi, whose goal is to snap pictures no matter the cost. So, the royals are benefactors and victims of the press.

Williams mother was hounded by this same type of attention, and I'd bet he wouldn't want the attention during this health crisis of his wife, especially when he dealt with this kind of intrusion with his mothers death. So that can factor into why there's so much secrecy. There are times when public figures need privacy - like when there are health concerns or other personal matters.
They said “vaccine injury”, which could include cancer. When asked if she was paralysed or had a stroke, they said “no”. When asked if it was something on her skin or like Bell’s palsy, they didn’t say “yes”, they said “close” and that she “may not recover”.

The may not recover part could easily apply to cancer.
Could it reply to something else, like she may not recover her willingness to perpetuate the covid lies.
The Cs quote “just you wait Henry Higgins, just you wait” sung by Eliza in My Fair Lady is a song about Eliza’s growing confidence and ability to stand up for herself. Perhaps this will apply to the Princess of Wales?
If this picture is genuine, Kate looks sad, frustrated, and resigned, the boy seems angry or resentful, as if he wants to pick a fight or punch someone in the face, and the little girl is harder to read.

They do, and what does it say? Something, uncomfortable to be sure (and kids are around in the background with eyes to see and ears that hear and may mirror their feelings in expressions). Those two behind them look wooden, not pleased.
Very contrived video. Anyway, is there a type of chemo that doesn't cause any hair to fall out?
Well there are wigs, body doubles, (clones?). Then there is the C's affirming that her illness is COVID shot related. Laura suggested Bell's Palsy or something visible and that was confirmed.
So who/what will be paraded around as Kate if her 'cancer' treatment is finished now?
Sounds like a distraction (or bait to get the public interested in the story again?). Clown world, eh?
Well there are wigs, body doubles, (clones?). Then there is the C's affirming that her illness is COVID shot related. Laura suggested Bell's Palsy or something visible and that was confirmed.
So who/what will be paraded around as Kate if her 'cancer' treatment is finished now?
Sounds like a distraction (or bait to get the public interested in the story again?). Clown world, eh?

I don't see evidence of any wig, but maybe. Seriously doubt body-double.

Apparently not all chemo causing hair loss. Depends on:

  • The type of chemo drug: Some are more likely to cause hair loss than others.
  • Amount (dose) of drug: Higher doses generally have a greater risk of hair loss.
  • The combination of drugs (chemotherapy regimen): Receiving a combination of drugs increases the risk.
  • How the drugs are given: Intravenous (IV) drugs are more likely to cause hair loss than oral drugs.
  • Your individual susceptibility: Some people are more likely to lose hair than others, even with the same doses of the same drugs.
So keeping her "type of cancer" private will allow for the assumption that her chemo doesn't cause hair loss.
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