Where is Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales?

I don't see evidence of any wig, but maybe. Seriously doubt body-double.

Apparently not all chemo causing hair loss. Depends on:

  • The type of chemo drug: Some are more likely to cause hair loss than others.
  • Amount (dose) of drug: Higher doses generally have a greater risk of hair loss.
  • The combination of drugs (chemotherapy regimen): Receiving a combination of drugs increases the risk.
  • How the drugs are given: Intravenous (IV) drugs are more likely to cause hair loss than oral drugs.
  • Your individual susceptibility: Some people are more likely to lose hair than others, even with the same doses of the same drugs.
So keeping her "type of cancer" private will allow for the assumption that her chemo doesn't cause hair loss.
I had to find the transcript to make sure I wasn't remembering wrong. This is from Session 13 April 2024:

Q: (L) What's happening with Kate Middleton?

A: Vaccine injury.

Q: (L) Is it something that is really horrible and visible?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Like a stroke where she's partially paralyzed?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it something on her skin or, or something like Bell's palsy or...?

A: Close. She may not recover.

Q: (L) Does the rest of the Royal Family know that it's a vaccine injury?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So was the last video of her when she actually came out and made a video saying that she had cancer and she was going through chemotherapy, was that really her?

A: No
I had to find the transcript to make sure I wasn't remembering wrong. This is from Session 13 April 2024:

Q: (L) What's happening with Kate Middleton?

A: Vaccine injury.

Q: (L) Is it something that is really horrible and visible?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Like a stroke where she's partially paralyzed?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it something on her skin or, or something like Bell's palsy or...?

A: Close. She may not recover.

Q: (L) Does the rest of the Royal Family know that it's a vaccine injury?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So was the last video of her when she actually came out and made a video saying that she had cancer and she was going through chemotherapy, was that really her?

A: No

Yeah, I'm aware of that. I was just asking about the Chemo because it seems her cover story is cancer, and most people assume with Chemo you lose hair. But apparently not always, so the cover story holds.
Yeah, I'm aware of that. I was just asking about the Chemo because it seems her cover story is cancer, and most people assume with Chemo you lose hair. But apparently not always, so the cover story holds.
I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at it from that angle. Perhaps she is recovered somewhat from whatever she has been dealing with. Agreed, Chemo makes a good cover story. Whatever she does have I feel bad for her.
Very contrived video.
Absolutely contrive. Absolutely, and Kate doesn't look like she has cancer or received chemo. It seems to me that those who have cancer and undergo this harsh treatment have a particular skin colour and also a particular look, but above all the colour of the face is not pink, but rather yellow. I see this video, and it's my personal vision, as an insult to the people who are undergoing chemotherapy and suffering. I see this video, with its melt-in-your-mouth music and the beauty of the forest, as very, very cynical, absolutely painful for those who are in the clutches of the hard medicine of our system. It's also an advertising video about chemotherapy, and to show that British royalty is beautiful, everyone loves each other, everything's fine.

And now that's me being cynical.
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