Where is Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales?

I wonder if the painter of this King is conscious of what he has done and what price he will pay for it.
I kinda think the artist was doing what he was told to do, and the "king" probably didn't have much input. (aside from the bloodbath background, his face is painted all mottled like a corpse, ughh) We are definitely way past "things are soon going to get very strange on your planet".
It's also possible that such things are unintentionally manifested from the 'naughty side of the information field'.

Oh God, what a horrid thing to see, let alone clap over. One might think it was done by Marina Abramovych (she participated in the exhibition with a portrait of herself in a Straight Jacket, ending March called Seeing Red), or at least this person speculated her hand, perhaps linked with official portrait maker Jonathan Yeo (who was also present with Abramovych at Seeing Red):

I kinda think the artist was doing what he was told to do, and the "king" probably didn't have much input. (aside from the bloodbath background, his face is painted all mottled like a corpse, ughh) We are definitely way past "things are soon going to get very strange on your planet".

The king seems pretty much along for the ride - many strings attached and it reminds me of this:

(Joe) What's the prognosis for King Charles?

A: Not good.
mostly, though:

Q: (Ursus Minor) What did the Queen die of?

A: Broken heart helped along by vaccine.

No doubt, being surrounded with a pathological mess, one thing after another (could be wrong, however think she did lover her people in her own way and saw what was happening step by step without being able to say anything - broken heart indeed).
is what you see there a coincidence?
No it is not and for me, it depict the true representation of the demon overlord. Why you may ask, because it lost it horns, they were cut off.
I kinda think the artist was doing what he was told to do, and the "king" probably didn't have much input. (aside from the bloodbath background, his face is painted all mottled like a corpse, ughh) We are definitely way past "things are soon going to get very strange on your planet".
Yes, fasten your seat belt, thing are about to get ugly.

loreta said:
I wonder if the painter of this King is conscious of what he has done and what price he will pay for it.

Oh Loreta ! the painter already visited hell or met that demon otherwise he wouldn't have know of this detail that is in bolt above.

I see so much it this picture specially the hand of the king isn't the one that hold the sword, it is the hand that come out of the horn. The king is hand rest upon that demon is hand showing who really hold the power now.
Oh Loreta ! the painter already visited hell or met that demon otherwise he wouldn't have know of this detail that is in bolt above.
Yes, you are right!
In fact, this morning I was looking at the painter's face again and I think he looks like a little devil (en español un diablillo), not the devil itself but a little devil that works for the Beast. If you enhance the painter's face, you see a sense of satisfaction: he's done what he was asked to do, and his Master must be pleased. His body language, too, reflects his being at the orders of.
Yes, you are right!
In fact, this morning I was looking at the painter's face again and I think he looks like a little devil (en español un diablillo), not the devil itself but a little devil that works for the Beast. If you enhance the painter's face, you see a sense of satisfaction: he's done what he was asked to do, and his Master must be pleased. His body language, too, reflects his being at the orders of.
Yes, just visit his is web page and you will see what we are probably dealing with. As you wrote, something very dark is behind that that man.
here is his website, you can see is work, Portrait, Surgery, Collages (a warning before you can see this one) and Other work.

And here we have a brand new portrait of Kate Middelton, seems like a work of a child but it's not. :headbash:

2024-05-23 19_38_02-Days After Creepy King Charles Portrait Was Unveiled, a Horrible Painting ...jpg

Gateway Pundit Article:

There seems to be some parallel fate befalling King Charles III and his daughter-in-law, Princess of Wales Kate Middleton.

They both got fingered by the author of Prince Harry’s train-wreck memoir ‘Spare’ as the two ‘racist royals’ who questioned ‘how dark’ would his son Archie’s skin be.

Shortly after, they both became mysteriously ill, and in both cases it surfaced they are battling Cancer.

Now, right after King Charles unveiled a creepy, controversial portrait of him that generated more than the usual polemic, a Princess Kate portrait has been published in a magazine, and… guess what? It’s ‘ruffling feathers and angering the public.’

Painted by "artist" Hannah Uzor, the Princess of Wales’ new look is reportedly not an official portrait, and it was revealed in the latest issue of Tatler magazine.

Royal fans and watchers were horrified, saying that it does not resemble the princess.

“’This is dreadful – somehow, I’m not sure the artist is a fan of the Princess – it looks like a bad [high school] project!’ one remarked, while another said, ‘Is this a joke?'”
Saw that article doing the rounds on Twitter. I thought it a strange use of the phrase ‘birth family’ - will her husband and children not also be at her side? Are the Royals not telling her children the truth of her condition? Whatever vax injuries she is suffering from, it must be very bad indeed given how poorly the media & Royal PR team have handled it.
Saw that article doing the rounds on Twitter. I thought it a strange use of the phrase ‘birth family’ - will her husband and children not also be at her side? Are the Royals not telling her children the truth of her condition? Whatever vax injuries she is suffering from, it must be very bad indeed given how poorly the media & Royal PR team have handled it.
Especially if the following post is taken into account.
Quite interesting, isn't it.

2024-05-26 11_05_03-Naslovnica _ X — Ablaze Floorp.jpg
I wonder if there's something karmic going on here with William. His mother was taken from him and he's been pressured to live a lie regarding that, and now it seems the same is likely going to happen with his wife. Will he learn his lesson?

Possibly, but it seems to me that William is quite molded by the ponerized court managers. It is difficult to escape from such apparatchiks and think for yourself.

And BTW, this is kind a interesting and as MSN asked: what does this mean for the Trooping the Colour?

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