Where is Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales?

Notice how quickly things fell apart after the Queen's death. She must have been a Royal Trump(ette), delaying nefarious plans and protecting her family from dark forces.
If Princess Diana's former butler told the truth the Queen must have been (much?) more aware than her children and grand-children. If his story is true (it was a private and confidential meeting) she showed great integrity and strength. This is what she told him:
PAUL BURRELL claimed last night that the Queen warned him that there were dark forces at work in Britain that could threaten him.

The former butler said the warning was issued during a three-hour meeting soon after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1997. He said the Queen looked him in the eye and said: “There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge.”
From another source:
Mr Burrell, 44, said he had no idea about whom the Queen was speaking when she gave her warning, but she had made clear she was "deadly serious". "There were many she could have been referring to. But she was clearly warning me to be vigilant."

That said, I don't know what is going on with Prince William and what he knows. It must be a terrible situation to be in, especially with young children who also have to grow up without a mother. For all the riches they have I don't envy them.
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Saw that article doing the rounds on Twitter. I thought it a strange use of the phrase ‘birth family’ - will her husband and children not also be at her side? Are the Royals not telling her children the truth of her condition? Whatever vax injuries she is suffering from, it must be very bad indeed given how poorly the media & Royal PR team have handled it.

I suppose they might have said that to show that she will have support while William and the kids are out doing the Royal thing.

As for her injuries, they need not be that serious from an average person perspective, i.e. not life-threatening. But because of who Kate is, and what her job is, if the injuries make her unable to do that job in the way that is expected of her - which includes looking and being "royal" - then yeah, she'll have to bow out.

I'm thinking here in terms of partial facial paralysis and slurred speech or something neurological like that. There's also the vax injury question that would come up if that is the kind of injury she has, since that kind of neurological issue has already been linked to the covid vax.
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I'm thinking here in terms of partial facial paralysis and slurred speech or something neurological like that. There's also the vax injury question that would come up if that is the kind of injury she has, since that kind of neurological issue has already been linked to the covid vax.
I do wonder about her emotional state, one would assume she feels betrayed and probably really angry, so maybe she's ashamed of being seen in public while looking injured, or being incapable of proper speech.

But then there's the angle that maybe they can't trust her not to spill the beans or lash out at someone, so maybe it's not so much that she won't be seen in public because she doesn't want to, maybe they won't let her see any of the public, or a combination of both.
I do wonder about her emotional state, one would assume she feels betrayed and probably really angry, so maybe she's ashamed of being seen in public while looking injured, or being incapable of proper speech.

But then there's the angle that maybe they can't trust her not to spill the beans or lash out at someone, so maybe it's not so much that she won't be seen in public because she doesn't want to, maybe they won't let her see any of the public, or a combination of both.
A scary thought: paralyzed (even slightly) and locked away.
We've always been told that being a princess is wonderful, every woman's dream. But even in fairytales, the princess is always in danger. And what about queens? We saw it with Princess Diana, let's look at what they were capable of doing to her. What's happening to Kate is perhaps similar: make her disappear in another way, but make her disappear from the public eye. Royalty is a world of snakes, venom, and betrayal. Read the "Accursed Kings" by Maurice Druon, a historical saga about the royalty in France and Europe. If kings, queens and princesses are our representatives, well, it's not pretty. And if they have always been the link between us and God, since it was God who put them there, well, that's clear. Snakes, venom and treachery.
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We saw it with Princess Diana, let's look at what they were capable of doing to her. What's happening to Kate is perhaps similar: make her disappear in another way, but make her disappear from the public eye.

Maybe. But Kate is no Diana. She sounds like the perfectly obedient princess, always behaving just as she should. That's why it seems much more possible that it is a vaccine injury, and that, having to cover that fact up and save face (and help big pharma and the government save face), her absence is just what they need to do, not something personal against her. OSIT.
I wonder how this will pan out with the time factor involved. Even un-medical members of the public will think it odd if Kate continues to remain absent for the rest of the year and beyond. It doesn't normally take a whole year to recover from abdominal surgery and just in case chemotherapy (which we know she has not had) and a new explanation for her continuing absence will have to be introduced. I expect another AI video will be made to allay public concerns and possibly a few more distant views of (Kate??) to pad it out. Perhaps they will play on the mental health angle. I bet it is all a bit of a headache for those in control.
Well I think their first mistake was saying both Charles and Kate had cancer. How come an old man (Charles) is up and about and doing things but Kate isn't? This is the question everyone will start asking.
Secondly, they put out that Garden scene of Kate saying she had cancer and everyone sussed it to be fake. What was the point of that.?

Two questions with no answers.
Anything they do from now on will be viewed under a microscope re Kate and people will form their own opinions. They blotted their copybook from the very start and adding more lies will just exacerbate things.
I expect another AI video will be made to allay public concerns and possibly a few more distant views of (Kate??) to pad it out.
Here is one that a fan made, but with another goal, asking the question 'Where is Kate' (still, it's eerie what you can do with AI):

They are also saying that she has been up and about while using old pictures of her. Also, that she is somehow still involved in her charities, being kept up to date or something like that. They really think we are completely daft.

Also, where are her two youngest kids? Are they kept away from the public out of fear that they may spill the beans or because they are very upset after what happened to their mum? Are they still going to school? If that's the case that means (head)teachers and parents are keeping mum too unless the kids are being home educated.
Scanning news using Kate's sister, article after article (May) makes reference to Pippa being made (if she wants) Kate's Lady in Waiting 'when' Kate becomes Queen.

Odd stuff, all things considering with distracting narratives, yet the show must go on.

Kate revealed her cancer diagnosis in March after undergoing abdominal surgery earlier this year. She said that she is having a course of preventative chemotherapy, which means she is not currently carrying out any royal duties. Before her health issues and when out and about on duties, Kate went without the help of ladies in waiting or companions. But the late Queen Elizabeth II had a series of ladies in waiting who would help out with duties while Queen Camilla has appointed several companions to assist her.


I do wonder about her emotional state, one would assume she feels betrayed and probably really angry, so maybe she's ashamed of being seen in public while looking injured, or being incapable of proper speech.

But then there's the angle that maybe they can't trust her not to spill the beans or lash out at someone, so maybe it's not so much that she won't be seen in public because she doesn't want to, maybe they won't let her see any of the public, or a combination of both.
I had similar thoughts. I mean, they could easily claim this is due to some medical condition or whatever, calling anybody who dares making the connection with the vax a conspiracy theorist and so on. They have done that with other famous vax victims. Unless of course they don't trust her not saying something. But maybe they just didn't want to cast a bad light on the royals and preserve optics, hoping she would get better, but it got worse and now they maneuvered themselves into a corner they don't know how to get out of.
I mean, they could easily claim this is due to some medical condition or whatever, calling anybody who dares making the connection with the vax a conspiracy theorist and so on. They have done that with other famous vax victims. Unless of course they don't trust her not saying something. But maybe they just didn't want to cast a bad light on the royals and preserve optics, hoping she would get better, but it got worse and now they maneuvered themselves into a corner they don't know how to get out of.

Yes, seems so.

It is really quite something that things can get wrapped up so tightly, considering the amount of people involved - or not directly involved yet with eyes to see and ears to hear (the royal staff alone must be very large and the Ton circles are even larger). This does not include citizens at large of the UK who may not be under the media spell (what are they saying?).

If all this comes down to a jab-health relationship on the poor gel, the people controlling with their finger on the pulse must be very nervous, and if true, they have limited options, come clean or continue with the conspiracy theory slur (for much of society this tends to be an affective strategy as people have seen on any number of issues), until whatever the outcome is can't be held under wraps any longer, or it just won't matter for reasons not known.

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