Will 2023 be a pivotal year?

I think many of us have probably had similar thoughts at various times, Neil. I've had similar fantasies about the future, picturing an utterly bleak scenario where the will to live is weak. But when I have those, I tend to remind myself that I'm slipping into useless imagination. The fact is, I'm not living in that situation. And really, as much as I think I know how I'd react in such a situation, I don't. I've had countless anxieties and fears throughout my life, and each time I face one of them, I'm surprised at how faulty my projected imagination of it really was. Some of them turned out to be adventures I do not regret having in the slightest.

I may be off here, but I sometimes get the impression that you may be living a bit too much in that scary future. The fact is, you're here, with us, in the here and now, not in some post-apocalyptic Terminator nightmare. Ok, so you know that right now, you wouldn't want to live in such a world. Ok. How about you file that away, having established it for yourself? As it currently stands, though, it's still a fantasy. What would the Stoics say? There really is only the present, and I think it would probably do all of us some good to cultivate it, rather than banking on some future scenario, whether hellish or heavenly. We cannot know the future. We could die today or tomorrow. Even if our imagined future comes, it may come after our time. What will the point have been in expending energy worrying about it? Better to let heaven or hell just provide some fire for the present, IMO.
Spot on. For those of us who like to plan and set goals it can be difficult with future so uncertain but yes being in the now and connecting with Mother Earth really helps. Connecting with Universe and nurturing the trust.
I also regularly dedicate some time to actively visualise the world I would like to live in. I believe in YCYR paradigm only as far as the saying - were focus goes energy flows. I decided to be prepared for the worst but behave like i have all the time in the world to get where I want to be and work hard every day toward this goal. That is why I am very optimistic about the future.
I am pretty sure overlords of entropy count on most of humanity being in constant state of despair and anxiety about the future so every little helps.
Thanks for your help in adding some clarity to this subject. I’m seeing a takeaway point of 3D/Karmic training in a STS environment is like training with blanks in a nearly unwinnable battle. And it takes faith to continue the training as the loses are great, and it often feels pointless. If one graduates, it is into a similar environment, but no more blanks! Everything works as intended. Thus no one should graduate without the knowledge of how to use the equipment. And only those with faith and hope would care enough to continue the training. If the above is reasonably accurate, it’s a pretty good program.
A slight twist on the gun/war analogy might be having a bullet proof vest in the battle made of cardboard or bubble wrap. And upon graduation an actual Kevlar one.

But shooting back is done with words speaking the truth which can still be done here. And the enemy never really dies no matter what kind of bullets you use. That’s a hard part: letting go of the battle mentality so as to not be “en rapport” with those STS in-your-face control freak warriors.
I really didn't want to use a gun/war theme. I thought it was a weak analogy. I just thought it was the fastest way to get the point across. I was thinking of things like. Cleaning the machine becomes quicker, prayer become more effective, CYOR become doable or at least easier, the machine doesn’t break down so often. Physicality is not so taxing. Seeing the positive or negative poetical in a situation before they arise.

Or how about this: Here is like learning the ABC's, words and some sentence structure, and in 4D you start to putting paragraphs together and sending letters to others. But if you had never learned the letters and words, you wouldn’t be able to progress.

The basics learned here in 3D would still apply, but they would become more functional.
2023 will be pivotal, from a group perspective. I feel like I am in an upturn (a big one that’s transformative) and this is resultant of all the knowledge contained in this forum and then putting things into actual being. So how I am feeling is actually a reflection of this group. So, I think yes, 2023 is pivotal for us all.
This does seem to be a "pivotal" year with "rocky" bumps in the road but I can see that the factional STS groups seem to be gradually falling apart (such is entropic STS thinking I suppose).

Not that long ago the Cs seem to be describing what we are seeing now.

Session 19 July 2014:
(L) There is no time! Okay. Hello? Is anybody out there? Jesus Christ, what a world we live in...

A: Not Jesus Christ, only Korilla of Cassiopaea. However, we understand the sentiment! Things are rather chaotic in some places, yes? Just wait! Much more to come!

Q: (L) Well. That tunes in to my initial question. We've got Ukraine going to hell in a hand basket. Now all of a sudden, out of the blue seemingly, Iraq is being "re-invaded" and there have been suggestions that this is all being done by forces that have been armed by the US and/or NATO. Is that in fact the case? Is the West behind this re-invasion of Iraq?

A: Indeed. However, as has happened before, the "Allies" are strange bedfellows and the alliance will not last. This situation signals great danger because it reflects the cosmic situation. Many of those in "power" do not realize how controlled they actually are nor why.

Q: (L) Okay, so let's ask the obvious question: Why are they controlled and being driven to act in these warmongering ways?

A: Cosmic justice is coming.

Q: (L) Alright then. Um...

A: They feel it like the hound of hell.

[Pause for fixing mic problems on the remote end since they were talking, but we couldn't hear anything]

(L) Okay, where were we?

(Chu) The Hound of Hell...

A: As the changes approach, they feel the pressure but do not understand what it is. They only feel an insatiable hunger and fear that they will be left with nothing. Thus the drive to grab and destroy.

Q: (Pierre) So there's a kind of feedback loop. Those leaders feel the earth changes growing, so they become even more destructive, which in turn increases the cosmic reaction.

(Perceval) I would assume they would project that fear onto the population, and then crack down on them. Then the population responds, and that just increases their fear, and increases the cracking down.

(L) All I can say is that right now, it just really, really looks ugly and desperate and dangerous. And all of that is happening while the freaking planet is going nuts weather-wise, earthquake-wise, volcano-wise...

So, if we are feeling the pressure it is probably even more acute to those competing in the arenas of control. We may not know their names but if we watch more closely perhaps we may begin to see "the man behind the curtain"?

With Biden bloopers everyday I am encouraged to view these idiots in a more amused frame of mind.

Session 18 January 2003:
(L) And then meanwhile, there is the North Korean guy - the mirror image of George Bush; everything he says and does is modeled from George Bush. It is actually comical to watch them. "I'm going to blow up the world!" "No you're not, I'm going to blow it up first! I'm going to turn America into a sea of fire." And Bush is saying "I'm going to bomb Iraq back to the stone age." "No you're not! We're going to bomb YOU back to before the Stone Age!" They are like two identical characters! Crazy! We are in a hell of a mess. Any comments?

A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.

Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?

A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."

Q: So, we just keep doing what we are doing. And just like Bridges, they will make a mistake and reveal themselves for what they are. Is there anything else we need to know that we haven't asked?

A: Just keep on the path. You are doing well! Goodbye.

Kind of like the Wizzard of Oz isn't it?
I can handle collapse and have been preparing for it for several years, but there are certain things I'm simply not willing to accept. It needs to be a somewhat balanced collapse.
Well, there you go...

All you can see is a collapse. What you should be looking for is "balance" in my opinion.

Session 7 March 2009:
Q: (Craig) Which area does balance need to be improved?

A: Remember that nearly the entire world was against the war over sixty years ago and it came nonetheless. Meditation to calm the mind and commune with higher realms will do nothing to balance this realm.

And in the same session...

Q: (Craig) Can these breathing techniques help - Sudarshan Kriya?

A: Absolutely!!!!!!!

Q: (Craig) Is it one of the best tools we can use to revive people's humanity?

A: Yes. But don't forget the balance. Facing reality and mastering the self alternating with meditation for recovery.

Not an easy task but I think "facing reality" is definitely necessary as well as "mastering the self". That may mean not destroying the self.
I am reading through The Ra Contact and came across this passage discussing what Ra termed the harvest.
14.18 Questioner Then for the last 2,300 years you have been actively working to create as large a harvest as possible at the end of the total 75,000-year cycle. Can you state with respect to the Law of One why you do this, just as a statement of your reasons for this?
Ra I am Ra. I speak for the social memory complex termed Ra. We came among you to aid you. Our efforts in service were perverted. Our desire then is to eliminate, as far as possible, the distortions caused by those misreading our information and guidance.
The general cause of service such as the Confederation offers is that of the primal distortion of the Law of One, which is service. The One Being of the creation is like unto a body, if you will accept this third-density analogy. Would we ignore a pain in the leg? A bruise upon the skin? A cut which is festering? No. There is no ignoring the call. We, the entities of sorrow, choose as our service the attempt to heal the sorrow which we are calling analogous to the pains of a physical body complex distortion.
I feel like it is important to remember, when I get anxious about the coming changes, that this is part of a greater plan. We can do all we can to prepare, but no one knows what the future holds. Ultimately, we have to have faith that life will go exactly the way it is meant to go. It's nice to read everyone's thoughts in this thread, thank you!
2023 será fundamental, desde una perspectiva de grupo. Siento que estoy en un repunte (uno grande que es transformador) y esto es el resultado de todo el conocimiento contenido en este foro y luego poner las cosas en existencia. Entonces, cómo me siento es en realidad un reflejo de este grupo. Entonces, creo que sí, 2023 es fundamental para todos nosotros.
projection or reflection?
projection or reflection?
Yes that’s a fair comment , however the point I intended to make is that the knowledge of the group is now at such a level that I think it may be at a threshold. Such that the group members will benefit from the collective knowledge base if we all stay connected and engaged with the knowledge accumulation process in the manner we have established practice.
Finally, after the lunch break, the meeting resumed and the attendees were once again asked to close their eyes. What were they going to see this time? Each in their own mind, they were shown a plan, an agenda for a different future, a positive future for the planet. In great detail, they could see what role they would each have to play, and what exactly they could personally do in order to shape future events, in order to prevent the occurrence of several of these major catastrophes. What’s more, if these world leaders were to follow the instructions of these beings, they would be guided and supported through mysterious synchronicities.
It looks like a mass hypnotism event. 2023 may be 'end times', but it is also 'begining times' for many. Perhaps many who aren't even here yet. I guess it's just a matter of keeping things in perspective and trying to strive for balance. Actually being able to 'see' things is also good. :-)
I'll add my two cents to this, no doubt, an interesting topic. Beware, a lot of letters. And I apologize for a bit of geopolitics.

I've been wondering how many years are left before society becomes completely insufferable. The time is coming where it will be time to drop out completely, which means eking out a meager existence with some kind of subsistence lifestyle. If Terminator is our future, I'd rather just put a bullet in my head and get it over with; I'm not masochistic enough to hang around for that. For now, I still hold out some feeble hope that the Cassiopaeans are not just full of hot air with their perennial promise of "big changes" coming, but I've gotten rather bored with the "same shit, different year" routine that has characterized the last decade.

Don Juan said to Carlos: If you knew how everything would end, you would just sit on your suitcase and wait. To paraphrase your case - to sit with a gun to your head and wait for the end as if you already sincerely believe that everything will end with the Terminator.

It seems to me that you have become a victim of Hollywood and I will explain why I think so.
The fact is that the US elite has no concept of the future, nothing but parasitism of the entire planet until the complete depletion of resources and the subsequent inevitable destruction.
And if so, then there is no image of a bright future that the American elites can offer the world, so all of Hollywood is darkness and destruction. Look at the latest films about all these miraculous heroes saving humanity and what is at the end of each film? Ruin.
The directors are so sure that the world needs to be saved from something, that all they get is images of a destroyed world. And what, the United States does not have heroes from the past, good, bright, creative?

In my humble opinion from Russia, I don't need to be rescued from anything other than parasitic psychopaths from the elites of the USA, the world system of greedy bankers, pharma scoundrels. corporations, satanists.... We have our own heroes, we are all heroes here experiencing very important events at a very important time. I would even say this - my whole life is continuous important events, there have always been difficulties, especially in the 90s. Russia outlived them and is now trying to revive, but in the West the 90s are just ahead and these are the suffering and depression that the West deserved by parasitizing on the jungle when it created its Garden of Eden (hello Borel). But do not take my forecast to heart, the future is open!

As Svetlana Dragan said in one of her last interviews, Russia is the heart of the planet, as the heart will be, so will the whole organism. If the heart is cured now, then the whole body will recover. Putin has something to offer the world - the concept of equality, a multipolar world that would serve the interests of everyone, and not just the tired hegemon.

Therefore, I suggest that you try to look at the world in which you live wider and from above.
The US elite psychopaths and Satanists are no longer the center of the world, and they certainly haven't won yet. The struggle is now gaining momentum, the stakes are rising, so we are opening up more and more manifestations of Satanism and the prospects of a destructive future. Therefore, we must fight if we want to reach a creative future.

You know, none of my friends here are waiting for aliens who will save us, we want and must save ourselves. In addition, I am against being saved and my free will cannot be violated - I will fight for it. :lol:

Now, to the question - will 2023 be key?

Yes and no. As I already wrote, the struggle is gaining momentum and every year will be key, every year you need to fight. 2024 will be key and 2025 and beyond. Just if you give up and give up, then this year will be the last for the one who gave up.

In general, I think that the key will be the time when a particular person will take stock of his life, his struggle and the choice that he made within himself. :-)

And now I hope that the almighty auto-translator AI will adequately translate the text.:lol:
I was trying to remember something very close to what you were saying. Often I think I remember something the Cs said but it is sometimes off just a bit in the wording.

I am hoping that I found the session where they expressed the gist of what you remembered. The following may be what you are expressing (if not let me know). Instead of "welcome you" they said, "assist you".

Session 5 August 1995:

I'm wondering how much the concept described in Michael Newton's "Life Between Lives" books fits here.

In his books, 5D is described as a plan where souls with mentors and curators in groups prepare to incarnate in 3D. I will not go into details, I will outline the main idea.

What if the concept is close to reality, then we are preparing on a 5D plan for implementation in 3D and no one will help us there, except for our parents, and even then, if they are. That is, no specific people sit and wait for us to do all the work for us, think for us and make all the choices, learn and gain experience.

And what if the preparation for the implementation in 4D goes the same way? Will our parents be waiting for us there or those who will take care of us while we are "baby".

Just a thought, I haven't discussed this concept with anyone before, so I'm sorry if this seems gibberish. :lol:

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