The Living Force
After having had three textbook WWLP relationships, and am now comfortably (though not at first--for the first 6 months after the last relationship ended 2 1/2 years ago I experienced the symptoms of narcotics withdrawal) relationship free, I too have wondered a lot about why "normal men" have so much trouble accessing and expressing their emotions and appear less attractive to most women.
Laura wrote:
What comes to mind are the questions Why do "normal guys" let fear control their experience with their emotions? What keeps them from getting over their neuroses and relating more functionally with women and each other?
Growing up and living in a cultural controlled by patriarchy--one that continually devalues the feminine creative principles, encourages men to compete rather than communicate, and promotes an ideology of competitive individualism at the expense if others, discourages men from recognizing the empathic, more feminine part of their psyches. Men in the US, and in most of the world, are taught to identify with the pathocratic principles of patriarchy much to the detriment of their personal growth and their relationships with women.
I think it will take for a larger portion of our population to recognize and discourage the validation of and identification with the psychopathic elements of the culture we live and raise our children in before normal men will lose their fears of not being "manly," and before "normal" (as in not psychopathic) people can learn to relate to each other as humans and not gender stereotypes. The psychopaths of course can never, nor do they want to, learn to change and will continue to promote the principles of patriarchy as the model for proper male and female behavior.
Laura wrote:
What we see with the "normal guys" who are inhibited is that their fear controls them. A woman who is courageous and is not controlled by her fears (even if she has them) may find it difficult to respect a man who is controlled by emotional inhibitions. That is the problem of the intellect usurping the energy of the emotional center - men whose thinking is controlled by their damaged and/or undeveloped emotions.
Yes, indeed, normal men are at a very distinct disadvantage in comparison with the psychopath who creates the illusion of a guy whose mind is not entrapped by his neuroses.
But what if sincere guys, guys with heart and a lot to offer, could learn to get over their neuroses and perform this evolutionarily programmed courting process properly and with truth and honor?
What comes to mind are the questions Why do "normal guys" let fear control their experience with their emotions? What keeps them from getting over their neuroses and relating more functionally with women and each other?
Growing up and living in a cultural controlled by patriarchy--one that continually devalues the feminine creative principles, encourages men to compete rather than communicate, and promotes an ideology of competitive individualism at the expense if others, discourages men from recognizing the empathic, more feminine part of their psyches. Men in the US, and in most of the world, are taught to identify with the pathocratic principles of patriarchy much to the detriment of their personal growth and their relationships with women.
I think it will take for a larger portion of our population to recognize and discourage the validation of and identification with the psychopathic elements of the culture we live and raise our children in before normal men will lose their fears of not being "manly," and before "normal" (as in not psychopathic) people can learn to relate to each other as humans and not gender stereotypes. The psychopaths of course can never, nor do they want to, learn to change and will continue to promote the principles of patriarchy as the model for proper male and female behavior.