Women who seek knowledge

For instance, the point which I most impolitely expressed, that it is toxic to argue feminine experiences are restrictive of knowledge - do you not agree? Do you believe it makes sense to state that "It is a difficult path for women to seek out knowledge and even more difficult to apply the knowledge when one has to cook, clean, and look after the children"? In that sentence, what is the meaning of seeking knowledge? What is the meaning of applying knowledge? Is cooking, cleaning, and looking after children in a positive, a negative, or a neutral?

Just that is Joe's point: even in those cases where we are 100% convinced of our level of truth and the level of falsity of others' comments (aside from the fact that we should be wary of our supposed super-wisdom), it is a rule of this forum to address politely, state points of dissent with arguments, and ask polite questions as a way of inviting reflection not only to the recipient of your post but to all who are participating in the thread. Pay attention to how others have made comments without haughtiness to Sybil (or other members) and how this has resulted in an affable response that keeps the dialogue healthy and open. I think we need to pay attention not only to the words we use but also how they sound to others because many times they end up officiating as triggers for reactive responses that do nothing but diminish the signal/noise.
And I went to university and I pray that either my mother or my father had the wisdom to tell me not to. So what? In which way does a university degree have anything to do with Knowledge? Quite to the contrary, for many if not most, university will strengthen programs and identification, leading those intellectuals always deeper into the matrix. Anyways. I believe university is very loosely connected with knowledge. Information, yes. But knowledge... not really.
It is true, universities are infested with nefarious doctrines as much as other environments through which we transit (from our families and social groups we frequent, to the media, internet and a long etc.); primary/high school is also infested. But all this is not reason enough not to transit through these environments. When we search with perseverance and honesty for the Truth, it will gradually present itself to us even through the most blatant lies. Of course, there is a risk that we may stray from the path, but if our spirit of seeking remains intact, every side road we take will also become a source of experience and knowledge.

IMO very radical positions of the type "in the university all they teach is bullsh**, it is not worth wasting time" lead to reduce our space of existence so much that in the end we end up inside a sort of cave listening only to our own echo. Finally I must say that I have read excellent books, truly revealing, that were written by great academics. I am sure that all of them have taken great advantage of their time at the university.
One effect of the recent covid nonsense and the fear it has inspired in so many that I noticed is that the people who are afraid are, more often than not, responding to the state as if it were their 'mommy' rather than their 'daddy'. So under covid, it seems to me that the state has taken on a 'motherly' role (caring and nurturing against the 'scary virus') in the hearts and minds of many rather than a fatherly one. A fatherly one would, IMO, have tended to encourage people to get a grip on themselves and face their fears rather than cowering.

I agree, at times the State seems to be assuming the role of mother, but it seems to be the worst version of this archetype, the overprotective mother who suffocates her children, does not let them grow and always treats them as helpless children. On the other hand, sometimes the State also seems to assume the masculine role of father but also its worst version, that of the authoritarian father who underestimates the capabilities of his children and whose only resource to "inspire" good behavior is force and punishment.
Oh, Agrippina the younger! Fascinating subject indeed. I wrote my second dissertation on Roman Imperial women in connection to reception studies. I researched extensively Livia, Agrippina, and a selected few.
Agrippina was and is a very interesting subject. Let me quote myself from my dissertation:

"Barrett (1996, p. 13) argues that the actual historical records suggest that Claudius’ reign took a positive turn after his marriage to Agrippina and that Nero’s rule was its best while her mother was active and present in Rome’s administration. As no contemporary descriptions have survived on the life of Agrippina, we must rely on Dio, Suetonius and Tacitus. Dio was hostile to Agrippina’s memory, although he admitted that he had no other sources on Agrippina than rumor and speculation. Suetonius the biographer treated Agrippina just like Livia, as a character of less importance. Suetonius mentioned her in anecdotes about the emperors and he followed the malevolent gossip on her. Although Tacitus was also unsympathetic towards Agrippina, he also showed a sense of admiration towards her , depicting her as the only one in the family who had real qualities and competence, although these qualities were undesirable for a woman, especially if she sought power. Tacitus was generally hostile towards women seeking power, and he described them as dux femina - as a female usurper of power (L’Hoir, n.d, p. 6).
While many ancient sources suggest that Caligula had an indecent relationship with his sisters, incest was a popular accusation against powerful figures, and it was something that was difficult to confirm. It is also interesting that Seneca and Philo, his contemporary adversaries, made no charges against him on the grounds of incest, which they would happily do if they could even remotely prove it (Barrett, 1996, p. 54).
Wood ( p. 457) argues that Caligula, who was very conscious about his imperial image, elevated his sisters as the image of Julian women who will bear children as the continuation of the dynasty. She also interpreted Caligula’s decision to appoint Drusilla as his heir due to the fact that she was already pregnant with a potential Julian offspring. Her husband Lepidus would be the guardian and real ruling power. His decision to choose Drusilla, not Agrippina, who was also pregnant, might have been motivated by the fact that Agrippina’s husband, Ahenobarbus, was seen of as an aggressive and dishonest man . Woods also explains the possible conspiracy of Agrippina and Livilla against Caligula from a different perspective. She argues that behind the conspiracy was most likely Lepidus, who had lost his power after Drusilla’s death. Here was a male figure who could actually hold power with the help of Caligula’s surviving sisters."
Getting back to the topic of seeking knowledge, whether men or women are doing it. The Cs had this to say:

14 July 1996

Q: (L) You have said that the Holocaust was basically a 'practice run' for the ultimate space invasion. Is this invasion supposed to take place as an actual 'aliens invading the planet' scenario, or...

A: Too many thought patterns at once. Step by step, please.

Q: (L) Let's boil it down. Was Hitler's agenda a practice run for a future scenario?

A: Close. Was a "testing" of the will.

Q: (L) Whose will was being tested?

A: Yours.

Q: (L) Me specifically, or the planet?

A: Latter.

Q: (L) In terms of this scenario, is there some lesson that we can learn about what may or may not occur through this book I have mentioned?

A: Maybe, but suggest you learn to blend mosaic consciousness.

Q: (L) What is mosaic consciousness?

A: Thinking in internally spherical terms, rather than using linear "point blank" approach. The whole picture is seen by seeing the whole scene.

Q: (L) Well, I guess that is why I get into so many thought patterns...

A: Picture yourself as being at the center of a mosaic.

Q: (L) Okay, I know what you are saying, but I just don't think that there is any way I can DO this!

A: Yes you can!

Q: (L) Okay. Okay. This whole situation, this Polish connection, this German connection, the American and alien things, the soldier/Nephilim thing, these are all manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing, am I correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And some of the manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing are that some people graduate or transition to 4th density, that their awareness changes, everything changes, the playing field is leveled. So, what happened in Germany was a 'practice run' but what is going to happen is that the 'playing field' is going to be leveled, so it will not be exactly the same scenario, is this a correct assessment?

A: Maybe. Alright, my dear, you want the facts, so we will give them to you, and hopefully you will comprehend. If not now, then when necessary maybe... Fact number one: All there is is lessons. Fact two: this is one big school. Fact three: Timing as you perceive it, is never, NEVER definite. Fact four: What is to happen, as you state it, is a ways off, and will not occur until you have reached that point on the learning cycle, and you are not close yet. Now ponder before more facts are given!!

Q: (L) Okay, this being one infinite school, and we all seem to be wandering around in the darkness...

A: Fact five: The learning cycle is variable, and progress along it is determined by events and circumstances as they unfold.

Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives, individually and collectively, can indicate where we are on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things told to us, or revealed to us about things which are, in themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be virtually useless to be told about them since they must be experienced?

A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?," forgetitski!!

Q: (L) Okay, we want some hints. And Ark wants some hints, too! He wants to know if we can invent a tool that enhances free will?

A: No tool is needed because of facts 3, 4, and 5.

Q: (L) Ummm... So, when a person is being hypnotized and controlled from outside, because that is the matter of concern we were discussing earlier, they are hypnotized and controlled until they learn to stop it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, using the analogy of the pig sty, they just have to wallow in it and suffer until they have had enough?

A: Using your analogy of the bicycle: Is there a tool which makes it unnecessary for the child to learn how to ride the bicycle in order to know how to ride it?!?

Q: (MM) Don't you get more free will by assimilating knowledge?

A: Yes!! Yes!!

Q: (L) So, in other words, knowledge and awareness makes you aware that you have free will, and also makes you aware of what actions actually ARE acts of free will, and therefore, when you know or suspect the difference between the lies and deception and truth, then you are in a position to be in control of your life?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Ark also wants to ask... well, his problem is faith, as he said it to me.

A: Faith comes also from knowledge, and as we have stated before... False knowledge is worse than no knowledge at all!!!!!

Q: (L) So, it is important to take each and every thing that is being learned or analyzed, and take it completely apart and dig in every direction around it, and even in related directions, to FULLY ascertain that it is true? As C.S. Lewis said, knowledge is like a rope... as long as you are using it to tie up a box, it doesn't matter whether it is perfect or not, but if you have to use it to hang over a precipice, then it behooves you to make absolutely certain that it is strong enough to support your weight.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) It says here [reads text]: "The fire within man that is characterized as passion is the secret that can be utilized. The secret to all things is passion. With passion all things are possible. The amplification experiments of the Phoenix Project have been explained as having amplified brain waves. In fact, it amplified the passion of the subject. It was that 'inner will' of the subject that was amplified, that inner spirit within all of us is that driving force is manifested as electrical energy. Master that force and you cannot be controlled, the universe is yours. Master the inner spirit and you shall master the physical." Comments please.

A: First things first: Who is doing the assisting? And how is the assisting being done?!!!!!!???

Q: (L) Well, they say that the Grays are assisting the Consortium, this is the Hopi material... Who is doing the assisting? Hmmmm... give me a clue... I think that the Nordic aliens are controlling the Lizards, who created the Grays, which are probes of the Lizards, and are purportedly assisting the Consortium...

A: Assisting? Or maybe influencing?!? And if so, how so?!? And, is not this the whole point? Are you not ultimately influenced always?!? In EVERYTHING you do? We have stated thus numerous times... So, please let us not get off the track, okay?

Q: (L) In other words, as long as we are in the pigsty, we are in the pigsty, and until we get OUT of it, we are IN it?

A: Until you reach that point on the learning cycle.

Q: (MM) What is this chemical they use with these psychics, per se, is it the 'akashic chemical?'

A: That information you refer to is false in its entirety!

Q: (L) So, does that mean that the whole thing is false?

A: "Passion" does not set one "free," quite the opposite!

Q: (L) But what if your passion is for knowledge?

A: That is not passion, it is soul questing.

Q: (L) What is it that gives some people this drive, this steamroller effect that they are determined to get to the absolute bottom of everything and strip away every lie until there is nothing left but the naked truth? What is the source of this desire?

A: Wrong concept. It is simply that one is at that point on the learning cycle. At that point, no drive is needed.

Q: (L) So, you more or less are there because some critical mass has been reached that 'jumps' you to the point where seeking truth is simply who you are? It defines the parameters of your being.

Q: (L) Is it more like a 360 degree circle, and each person is at a different point on the circle, and the whole thing cycles, and you never change relative to the people behind and in front of you, and the only real thing you can do to help anyone is to move the circle by moving yourself, thereby pushing the one ahead of you up, and pulling the one behind you into your previous place? And where you are on the cycle determines what you do?

A: It is a single cycle, yes. There is only one learning cycle, and where you are upon it, determines your EXPERIENCES, and vice versa.

[Notice that they did not negate my concept above that the only way to move was to help the person ahead of you and behind you.]

Q: (L) Is there ever any point where lines connect from one point on the cycle so that you can 'jump' from one point to another? Like a wormhole in space or something?

A: Refer to facts 1 and 2 and 3.

Q: (L) So, no short cuts?

A: Now, refer to 3,4 and 5.

Q: (L) So, certain events and circumstances could help a person to make 'leaps?'

A: No "leap," acceleration.
You right. I don't have evidence on percentage.
The alarming low number of explorer females made me think that I was a weirdo kid then.

Have you ever come across the idea that, in order to figure out if what you think is actually true, rather than trying to find evidence FOR your belief, you try and find evidence/make an argument against it?
Sybill, you may be interested in my speculations about Fulvia and her possible influence on the Gospel of Mark, in my recent book, "From Paul to Mark". There are a number of extensive passages discussing the problem so I can't quote them here; context is required and the context is the entire book.
Sybill, you may be interested in my speculations about Fulvia and her possible influence on the Gospel of Mark, in my recent book, "From Paul to Mark". There are a number of extensive passages discussing the problem so I can't quote them here; context is required and the context is the entire book.
Oh yes Definitely. Fulvia was an amazing woman! Intrigued!
Have you ever come across the idea that, in order to figure out if what you think is actually true, rather than trying to find evidence FOR your belief, you try and find evidence/make an argument against it?
Care to explain the process? :D (In terms of how it helps to extract the objective truth)
Apologies if this is off base, but some of the posts in this thread remind me of a remake of the Stepford wives, yes I know Wikki is biased, but to give background to my point OSIT.

The Stepford Wives is a 1972 satirical novel by Ira Levin. The story concerns Joanna Eberhart, a talented photographer, wife and young mother who suspects the submissive housewives in her new idyllic Connecticut neighborhood may be robots created by their husbands.


The premise involves the married men of the fictional Fairfield County town of Stepford, Connecticut and their fawning, submissive, impossibly beautiful wives. The protagonist is Joanna Eberhart, a talented photographer newly arrived from New York City with her husband and children, eager to start a new life. As time goes on, she becomes increasingly disturbed by the submissive wives of Stepford who seem to lack free will, especially when she sees her once independent-minded friends, fellow new arrivals to Stepford, turn into mindless, docile housewives following a romantic weekend. Her husband, who seems to be spending more and more time at meetings of the local men's association, mocks her fears.

If my memory serves me correctly, a movie was produced, and later shown on TV (which I watched) with much controversy surrounding the implications of the movie regarding living in a male dominated society, this during the dominance in the media of Gloria Steinam and her ideology, regarding women and their place in society, at the same time the Australian feminist activist Germaine Greer was also another darling of the West, who came to prominence, with her book, The Female Eunuch. Coincidence?

So, my thought is that yes, men and women are different, both physically and the pursuits they prefer to adopt intellectually, creatively and empathically, also respect for one another, and the differences they bring to the union, to create. With the deep understanding of each others needs in a relationship, giving each it's due, can a real fusion take place, without the power struggle, we see often happening at this time, with the disintegration in marriages and relationships between men and women, sadly impacting the children that are involved.

Those are my thoughts.
I understand your points, but do believe it might be the other way around. I expressed disbelief, and I don't know how it came across as aggression, tho I'd love if you told me so I could avoid that mistake. Unless if you belong to school whereby challenging an idea constitutes violence?

Disbelief of something someone said in the absence of any effort to seek clarification is a pretty obnoxious way to engage in a conversation.

It's the way you "challenge an idea" that makes it come across as aggressive/confrontational. It's not simply about the words you use. But in your case, you also used the words. Words are important, they are the ONLY medium that we have on this forum to convey as precisely as possible what we *actually* want to say and how we actually want what we say to be received by another. Any responsible member will accept this fact and, if they want to engage in productive and useful discussions here, make an effort to remember it.

I believe, to the best of my abilities, that I am not hypersensitized to woke. I'm fairly aware, but it stands at the level of a sad joke, not something overwhelming I have to jump at every opportunity.

Maybe not, but you appear to have jumped at this opportunity.

I didn't mention it in my reply, and I didn't jump in and react right away, because I didn't see a nefarious expression of ideology as you imply, I simply noted identitarian flaws in thinking, and was curious to see how it'd evolve, and after a few pages, despite a more explicit aspect to the discussion re:henchman, I was still seeing implicit identitarian assumptions, lacking reasoning or justification. Thus I sought to challenge them.

In the context of this discussion, "identitarian flaws" are pretty much synonymous with ideology. We are, after all, talking about something that is generally labeled 'identity politics' and that is generally viewed as an ideology.

For instance, the point which I most impolitely expressed, that it is toxic to argue feminine experiences are restrictive of knowledge - do you not agree? Do you believe it makes sense to state that "It is a difficult path for women to seek out knowledge and even more difficult to apply the knowledge when one has to cook, clean, and look after the children"? In that sentence, what is the meaning of seeking knowledge? What is the meaning of applying knowledge? Is cooking, cleaning, and looking after children in a positive, a negative, or a neutral?

I wouldn't have said a negative. But it's just me.

You ask these questions now, of me, rather than asking of the person who made the comments. That's pretty rude, and can reasonably be construed as passive aggressive, which can reasonably be assumed to suggest that you have some kind of issue with this topic that provoked you and caused you to react in a less than polite way to another member. Those are my assumptions based on my reading of what you wrote and the way you wrote it. You can respond and fill in any details using some introspection and self-honesty, or you can flat out deny it. If you do the former, we all learn something more based on hard data, if you do the latter, we all stick with our assumptions.

I'll quote back to you some of your initial post with some comments to try and explain what I mean:

Don't sell yourself short. It felt to me not quite like pattern recognition run amok, as Joe harshly put it. There were a bunch of trees, and you assumed it was a forest.

Small point: me saying pattern recognition run amok was not harsh, certainly, it was not intended that way but rather a description of what henchman appeared to be doing, and which he later recognized he was. If someone sees some trees and then 'recognizes' those as a forest, that is a good example of what 'pattern recognition run amok' means. So why are you quibbling over this? Note also that henchman has since agreed that he was sort of triggered by the whole thing, but now you are attempting to disagree with his own recognition of his misreading of the situation. I don't think that is helpful to him, but maybe you do.

when the thread opened on divisive identitarian lines, with seriously sexist innuendo

This suggests that that, from the very first post, you identified this topic as not only problematic but covertly dangerous ("divisive"), and we have to presume you labeled the person who opened it in a similar way. But rather than test to see if your assessment was correct by asking some honest and friendly questions, you sat and watched and waited until you felt the need to intervene with a conclusion formed in the absence of any attempt to get clarification to confirm or refute your hastily-formed hypothesis.

She started by saying, 'history proves that it was dangerous for women to seek objective knowledge'. What, and it wasn't dangerous for men?

The fact that you are addressing another forum member who started this thread and who is actively participating in it, in the third person, as if she were not here, is needlessly rude and, again, smacks of passive aggression. Also, do you remember that interview that Jordan Peterson did with Cathy Newman? Do you remember that her responses to things he said were often prefaced by "so you're saying that...." wherein she was making massive leaps of assumption based on what he said and, more importantly, what he DIDN'T say?

If your question in the above is genuine, why didn't you simply ask, politely, if that is what she was suggesting?

"While females had a hard time getting any closer to knowledge, it was almost impossible for mothers." What does she mean, is she implying that knowledge cannot be extracted from motherhood, or from household experience?

Again, why didn't you ask, politely?

I cook, clean, don't have a dishwasher, and I always find plenty of potential to learn, grow and practice during those moments. And I'm a man. Why is she saying a woman cannot learn from that?

Again, why no asking, politely, first IF she is saying that and if she is, for her to address any comments you had on it?

'It is a difficult path for women to seek out knowledge and even more difficult to apply the knowledge when one has to cook, clean, and look after the children. Men had the 'luxury' to travel, study, engage in politics, while women were restricted in every possible way.' What the actual...

You left out the last word of the last sentence. It was "f**k". But there was nothing aggressive or confrontational in your third party questioning here, right?

This is beyond toxic

Toxic, kind of like "toxic masculinity". One idiotic ideology provokes the same in response. And that's the problem.

Insanely diminutive of the value of female experience, simply assuming their daily experience doesn't allow them to grok what matters, explicitly saying males were advantaged and thereby implicitly outsourcing responsibility to the other gender.

Characterizing the comments of another as "insane", while referring to them in the third person, without asking for clarification. Nothing aggressive or confrontational about that, right?

as if they were free to create their own path without having society trying to annihilate them.

Men, "annihilated". That's the kind of hyperbole that you are supposedly arguing against. As I said, it seems that one idiotic ideology begets another.

Reading her initial post, I literally heard her asking for 'knowledge from a female perspective', even though I cannot find these words when I look at it. That's how it came across, as if knowledge was gendered, as if there had been some kind of sex war where men purposefully designed a world where women couldn't learn. Looking at it subjectively, I now understand that Sybil was seeking to discuss knowledge that can be extracted from sharing, discussing female experiences. But that's not how it initially came across.

Interesting, you literally heard her saying something that she did not say. Maybe you should have asked, politely, and not in the third person.

I'm saddened and disappointed in equal measure at the way some people have responded here. Like many others, I'm fully aware of the factual and reasoning errors that define 'woke' ideology and all its attendant 'isms'. Yet when someone posts on this forum and there appears there may be some of that infusing what they write, I don't feel the need to respond as if someone started a fire. Why? Because I understand it, and I don't see it as a threat. Why would I? More to the point, it is VERY clear that to do so ensures the discussion will descend into unproductive, unfulfilling and potentially destructive and pointless argumentation that destroys any chance of the person in question (or anyone) learning anything useful.

I suppose it has to be repeated that, there is no 'fire' on any topic on this forum. No one here, nor anything they might say, is a threat to anyone such that it justifies throwing decency and decorum out the window, forgetting ourselves, and rushing in all guns blazing (in however subtle or covert a way we might do that and then attempt to justify it afterwards).

So we'll just end this thread here then, shall we? And those of you who feel inclined can self-referntially conclude that "I was right, he was wrong/I was right, she was wrong", and walk away with no self-questioning, no practicing of patience, no deeper understanding, nothing learned?
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Care to explain the process? :D (In terms of how it helps to extract the objective truth)

Pretty simple. I have a belief about something that I realize is perhaps based on a selective reading of some information, that I never really questioned. So I decide to read counter arguments to my belief, without prejudice, and see if they sway me in any way, being careful to suspend belief in my original thesis.
Firstly, an anecdote. For near a couple of years about 20 years ago I sat in an office part time and read what are known as 'unsolicited plays'. That is there was no selection criteria whatsoever other than the will and need of the writer to first write the play and then send them in and hope they would be read - and therefore discovered - and maybe produced. Play texts are essentially concerned with multi-layered world building. Of the circa 300 I read less than 10 were sent in by women. At the time I found that interesting.

Secondly, I think this video has much to teach both sexes about themselves. And each other.

I think I should point out that I did my quest under the worst conditions imaginable. Everything that can be said about a suppressed or repressed woman applied to my circumstances, yet as they say, where there is a will, there is a way.
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