First of all I would like to acknowledge that you have stated your opinion and that takes a bit of courage and as you may not particularly like what I have to say, you may use this opportunity to possibly change your disposition a little bit.
I am not a woman with kids but I am a man with a wife and child. I do not think it is very conducive to search for objective knowledge by trying to limit who may or may not respond. The fact that you particularly wanted this thread to be a discussion amongst mothers is restricting and has a bit of a stench of a “safe space”. The idea of a safe space has the idea of combating past injustices with present injustices. FWI this is a common idea within the ideologies of the social justice left. For example Ibram X Kendi in his book “How to be an Antiracist” states that past discrimination can only be fought with present racism and present discrimination can only be fought with future discrimination. I cannot recommend NOT reading that book highly enough
. It’s important to be aware when we are transferring bad ideas into practice. It is equally wrong to do this with sexism as well.
I don’t think that Laura’s work is particularly important due to her gender. Her work is important because she did the work. She did this while raising a family with all the duties that entails. This is no different from anyone else. Any woman can get a library card and get as educated as one would like and this has been true for longer than any of us have been alive. To me it doesn’t matter if I’m inspired by Jordan Peterson or LKJ. What matters is that these people, and there are many others of both genders that have put the time in to get educated and to aim at the highest good.
You made the claim to not be a feminist and yet I noticed that you are quite mad at men, in fact so much so that you are resenting them for what may have happened to you in a past life which you have compounded on to your suffering in this life. Has it occurred to you that men have not exactly had a good time historically as well? Have you considered that you have probably also been a man in a past life...or many?
You gave a rather simplistic view of men when you mentioned them in your society. I think your characterization is based on selective thinking. There is a biological reality that men like young attractive women but surely there is more to us than that.
Finally, if you think that women are unjustly represented within the relevant intellectual and spiritual domains it may not be due to oppression. Maybe more women need to awaken a desire within them to do better rather than justifying their mediocre lives by blaming a boogeyMAN that might not really exist.
Yes, we could go about in circles criticizing the past but that isn’t as helpful as we want it to be and as far as I can tell it’s often not relevant.