Mililea, it's so beautiful to see you, feel the emotion, hear it in your voice, see it in your eyes. So hard to sing when we feel such powerful emotions and memories are flooding through us. I know it is a big thing to put yourself out there like this but it is a
beautiful offering and honouring of the love you have for your beloved Stefan.
You look beautiful, such a kindness, sweetness and strength in your face (and by the way, your hair looks fantastic, love the new 'do'!). You are moving gradually into new beginnings... every day, new gifts and experiences, new steps and pathways to explore - but always we journey with awareness and gratitude for the path we have traversed and lovingly shared with others, in consciousness and light.
It's not really 'goodbye', in the broad scheme of things... because really, there is no such thing...
perhaps instead to think along the lines of 'fare thee well... until we meet again'.
And you will, darling sister.
IMHO, Stefan is so happy for you, and delighted at the way you are finding your way forward, gaining strength every day.