Session 22 September 2018

Q: (Pierre) It's not because of chemistry or whatever, but it's the right environment for connection with the information field...

A: Conductive as well, in more ways than one!

Q: (Pierre) What are they alluding to here? That it's conductive in an informational way and also in an electrical way?

A: Yes

Maybe Quinton Plasma water would give our crystal water a boost.

A: Genome manufactured in 4th density and sent through realm curtain in a manner similar to how virii are transmitted.

There is a hobbyist microbiologist who set out to find answers to Morgellons disease and ended up finding out that a lot of people are becoming infected with organisms that are only found in the deep oceans as well as organisms from land that weren't know to be pathogenic to humans. He claims that there are microbes being released from the ice sheets, coming up from hydrothermal vents and also from meteorites that are being introduced to our environment and becoming symbiotic with many different life forms including us. The main culprit he identified is an extremophile called Giant Sulphur Bacteria that is capable of horizontal gene transfer and the result is looking like some kind of rapid dna changing infection that is transforming life as we know it. He has called it primordial ooze and says these infections are the cause of hundreds of diseases that have sprung up within the last century or so.

I'll note that his work isn't collaborated by anyone with a degree but evidence can be found outside his work in environmental reports. His picture collection and it's coincidence with the pictures taken from the environment and by other hobbyists who are sick with the disease is quite convincing. I have found suggestions in his posts that he is receiving his inspiration from "elsewhere" but being direct about that would probably put people off to his work and most of these people just need to get better.

I wrote more about this here.
Transient Passangers how the same name suggest they are probably these who occupy temporary different locations from the 1st and 6th Density what also can lead probably to the incarnation in 3rd and 4th Density. They are 6th thoughts forms with the special task or destiny, this is seeding and keeping alive these from the lower densities in the critical moment of their evolution, connecting with them in the special occasions. Transient passangers are something like the ray of life coming from the "God" aiming into dry and desert earth revive the life and push to the grow. This is how I understand it.
You should reread what I wrote, carefully. I never called the transient passengers beings, I compared them to a computer system.

This brings up an important point however. The Cassiopaeans say that transient passengers are not entities, yet they call themselves transient passengers. They refer to Wanderers, 5th and 6th density souls that have supposedly "come back" transient passengers. They refer to realms as transient passengers and say that we (3d beings) are also realms. Basic logic would dictate that if A=B and B=C then A=C. Cassiopaeans seem to be talking out of both sides of their mouth here, saying in one breath a transient passenger is A, and in another breath it is not A. The only way I could reconcile this in my mind was if the transient passengers were actually a transmission medium for a great panpsychic internet that is built with minds instead of wires.

Another possible way of reconciling is by picturing it as a Venn diagram. There are "beings" and there are "thought forms", and they overlap. Using the Whitehead terminology from my last post: there are actual entities and eternal objects. Actual entities incorporate eternal objects into their own being - they manifest them and bring them out of abstract potential and into actuality. So while eternal objects aren't beings, beings are (in part) eternal objects. They're eternal objects made manifest. Another way of expressing this dynamic might be to say that they are "information templates" made real, abstractions made concrete, or generalities made particular. A being is a possibility made real, but a possibility is not a being.

Also, if 5D/6D wanderers are in some sense TPs, then 3D incarnations of wanderers should be TPs as well in some sense. So the same logic would apply. These beings "are" TPs, but TPs on their own are not equivalent to beings.
That’s my thinking too. The C’s aren’t contradicting themselves because context is important. Who are we? We are 3D beings. But we also know there is no time, we are also the C’s in what we perceive currently as the “future” and the C’s are transient passengers, and that means so are we, just not “now”, at least from our illusion of “now”. We see ourselves as beings now, but if we can become a unified thought form, that means our souls are already also experiencing that “right now” - including all the other densities the soul will ever experience. I mean, how else could we talk to ourselves in the future if that isn’t also real and “now”? So depending on context, we are both, one or the other, or neither.

The C’s said transient passengers created them, and that they are also them, and they are us, etc. None of this makes sense without context, and 3d illusion of time is not the proper context. Any and all of it is true depending on what role we play at any given “time”, and I think the C’s give appropriate answers for the question as asked, while reminding us to always try to push beyond strictly 3d way of interpreting them.

Who are we, where are we, when are we, etc will take a long “time” to unravel. Good thing we have all the time in the world.. but also no time at all, depending on whom you ask!
Thank you for the interesting and informative session! Lots of food for thought.

Now, that I think about it, it almost is a definition of PSYOP or at least Q's cryptic method that is like a hook to draw you in and keep you searching "for all infinity" (or just long enough to distract you from real truth/wisdom/knowledge).

I agree with you, goyacobol. I haven't really paid too much attention to the Q phenomenon, though I was little intrigued by it earlier this year and had a look at it. Instead of digging deeper into it, I decided to honor my commitments to getting to know the work related material and reading the books that I was already invested in so this Q business seemed like a drain or a distraction from that.

I also have to admit that back in the old days I would have most likely jumped on board with it no questions asked. What took out the little interest that I had towards this phenomenon was when MSM started to cover it. If I put myself temporarily to the boots of the "true believers", I can see how it reinforces their beliefs about it. QAnonists: "Look! MSM is covering Q! They are attacking Q! What do we know about MSM? That its ALL fake news! Q said this was going to happen! Q is authenticated and we are vindicated! (insert that long word abbreviation they like to spam)". It also reinforces the beliefs on the opposing side who laugh at these conspiracy "nutjobs", thinking they know better because they trust/believe the official institutions. Truly scary deception now that I think about it.
Thank you for the session, and for doing the reading and asking of those great questions!

Maybe Quinton Plasma water would give our crystal water a boost.

I was wondering the same thing actually, especially in light of the following:

Q: (Pierre) Why does Quinton plasma have such beneficial properties compared to ordinary saline solution?
A: Basic life energy imprint.
Q: (L) It's like water with memory?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) And the seawater is the basic life environment...
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) It's not because of chemistry or whatever, but it's the right environment for connection with the information field...
A: Conductive as well, in more ways than one!
Q: (Pierre) What are they alluding to here? That it's conductive in an informational way and also in an electrical way?
A: Yes

And this:

A: Genome manufactured in 4th density and sent through realm curtain in a manner similar to how virii are transmitted.
Q: (L) So the elements were developing, were present, and jostling around together in the primordial soup or whatever... But then the genome was manufactured.
(Pierre) It goes both ways: downside up, molecules reaching critical mass, and from top down - from 4th density down to 3rd.
(L) So in a sense, that's the basic thing about intelligent design. There is a lot of parts to it that rely on the nature of the physical world itself and how all the different elements - which themselves come into being via information - accumulate or gather or interact. And then a direct intervention is added. That's what it amounts to.

So the primordial plasma of the oceans (Quinton Water) is the ideal base for conducting information from higher densities. I think I'm going to add my crystal to quinton water to see if it makes a difference.

Another possible way of reconciling is by picturing it as a Venn diagram. There are "beings" and there are "thought forms", and they overlap. Using the Whitehead terminology from my last post: there are actual entities and eternal objects. Actual entities incorporate eternal objects into their own being - they manifest them and bring them out of abstract potential and into actuality. So while eternal objects aren't beings, beings are (in part) eternal objects. They're eternal objects made manifest. Another way of expressing this dynamic might be to say that they are "information templates" made real, abstractions made concrete, or generalities made particular. A being is a possibility made real, but a possibility is not a being.

Also, if 5D/6D wanderers are in some sense TPs, then 3D incarnations of wanderers should be TPs as well in some sense. So the same logic would apply. These beings "are" TPs, but TPs on their own are not equivalent to beings.

This seems like a pretty metaphysical subject at the moment still, but it is really nice the C's offered the connection between them and virii I find to be interesting.

I find it a little funny because I actually picked up my copy of Viruolution at the library probably in the same 24h as this session. In it the author mentions a case study in which many populations of koalas have come down with leukaemia and lymphoma, which was found to be caused by a virus. The interesting thing was that this virus was also in the process of integrating itself directly into the germ-line of many of these koala populations, forecasting this virus' future and an endogenous part of the koala genome.

Because of the way DNA interacts with the information field, I wonder if this is another mechanism (in addition to those laid out by Gabor Mate in When The Body Says No) by which emotions and thoughts influence the manifestation of disease in the body? On the whole there's also the notion that the Predator gave us their mind, which can be interpreted in a much more nuts-and-bolts manner in terms of viral integration into our genome, combined with "beaming".
thank you for the session ... I am not sure I will be happy to see or encounter anyhow window fallers ... if in this density we are not supposed to encounter anything of that kind, and as Jesus said that he is not there to make miracles to impress us, but he was here to help us to witness through him unconditional love, It just crosses my mind - could this "window fallers show" be a part of a 4D STS trickery, to keep us enslaved by fear of unknown and to help to the 4D representatives on earth, to gain even more power over the scared people?

And who is this "Jesus" you speak of? And what is this "unconditional love" the alleged Jesus was promoting? Do you have a direct quote on that?

Your question is logically inconsistent. If window-fallers are part of a show to keep people scared and under control, then wouldn't the most logical thing be to learn about such manifestations, what they mean, how they operate, and how to deal with them?

You think the only thing you are supposed to "witness" is "unconditional love" and anything else is STS and fearful?

How much of The Wave have you read? I deal with a LOT of this sort of thing there, including "fear of the unknown." The entire series is free, online. The Wave Volume 1 | Cassiopaea

It seems to me that only wanting to witness "love" and "warm and fuzzy" things amounts to shutting out fully half of all existence, trying to make reality go away.
I think transient passenger is a difficult concept to define due to "realm border" being talked about as having "fluctuations" causing a change of "Residence" for our planet. It reminds me of the New Mexico areas where it seems like there in 4D bleed through. I imagine suddenly changing "residence" to 4D could be a little nerve wracking.

Yes, I was thinking about this very thing yesterday. Without some knowledge and understanding of what is happening, such an event would be surely "nerve wracking." Even with some understanding it could still be nerve wracking. But it sure does sound interesting to me! I'm willing to give it a spin. I like trying new things :shock:

Also, if earth changes increase the fluctuation between realms then I guess we best be prepared.
That’s my thinking too. The C’s aren’t contradicting themselves because context is important. Who are we? We are 3D beings. But we also know there is no time, we are also the C’s in what we perceive currently as the “future” and the C’s are transient passengers, and that means so are we, just not “now”, at least from our illusion of “now”. We see ourselves as beings now, but if we can become a unified thought form, that means our souls are already also experiencing that “right now” - including all the other densities the soul will ever experience. I mean, how else could we talk to ourselves in the future if that isn’t also real and “now”? So depending on context, we are both, one or the other, or neither.

So I've been thinking along these lines as well. We've been told that the 'Wave' is a realm border crossing. Maybe there is access to ourselves at all levels at the crossing.

A: We are all of you in the future that is rapidly becoming the present.
Your question is logically inconsistent. If window-fallers are part of a show to keep people scared and under control, then wouldn't the most logical thing be to learn about such manifestations, what they mean, how they operate, and how to deal with them?

I didn't say that it is not useful to learn about that phenomena, and sure it is useful, you didn't understand my question, or you intentionally just commenting on a question, with assumptions, but without answering? So let me ask again - do you ( or anyone else who read this question) think it is part of the 4D STS show or not?

You think the only thing you are supposed to "witness" is "unconditional love" and anything else is STS and fearful?

I don't think that what you wrote above.

And for other your comments on my question, that are not related to the questions I asked, but are just unneccecery assumptions of what I think, I can just ask you why you wasted your time to write all that assumptions of what I think? What is the value of that?
I didn't say that it is not useful to learn about that phenomena, and sure it is useful, you didn't understand my question, or you intentionally just commenting on a question, with assumptions, but without answering? So let me ask again - do you ( or anyone else who read this question) think it is part of the 4D STS show or not?

I don't think that what you wrote above.

And for other your comments on my question, that are not related to the questions I asked, but are just unneccecery assumptions of what I think, I can just ask you why you wasted your time to write all that assumptions of what I think? What is the value of that?

Hmm, Solamind, I read your post twice, and I don't see any "assumptions". What you wrote reads the same way it did for Laura. Also, you are accusing her of doing exactly what YOU are doing: not answering. Hers were clear questions. Yours, I wasn't sure, because it is actually answered in the session itself, and multiple times in The Wave. Some may be "accidental", but when you are talking about "something" which feeds on fear and negative emotions, then yes, the hypothesis is that they are part of the STS clan.

What you call "wasting time" is what we do here: questions each other's assumptions, to help each other see better. But if you don't know that already, then I don't know what else to say.
Hmm, Solamind, I read your post twice, and I don't see any "assumptions". What you wrote reads the same way it did for Laura. Also, you are accusing her of doing exactly what YOU are doing: not answering. Hers were clear questions. Yours, I wasn't sure, because it is actually answered in the session itself, and multiple times in The Wave. Some may be "accidental", but when you are talking about "something" which feeds on fear and negative emotions, then yes, the hypothesis is that they are part of the STS clan.

What you call "wasting time" is what we do here: questions each other's assumptions, to help each other see better. But if you don't know that already, then I don't know what else to say.

Thank you Chu for getting involved and helping ... So the answer is to read the Wave books for a more detailed explanation of phenomena, and if I understood you right, this window fallers, as they are feeding on negative emotions it can be "the hypothesis that they are part of the STS clan." ... ok ... it is nice that we are keeping on helping each other to better understand all these phenomena around us ... :)
Solarmind, I would think that since window fallers is a pretty rare occurrence, it would not be a big part of their enslavement plan. They happen at random when certain conditions are met. That being EM anomalies that allow breaches in the dimensional curtain. They could feed off the fear caused, but that would be more of a by product than an actual plan. IMO.
Solarmind, I would think that since window fallers is a pretty rare occurrence, it would not be a big part of their enslavement plan. They happen at random when certain conditions are met. That being EM anomalies that allow breaches in the dimensional curtain. They could feed off the fear caused, but that would be more of a by product than an actual plan. IMO.

So they will be more like a glitch or a bug in a programming scheme of other density due to specific EM characteristics of that location? ... make sense too ... in that case, I am thinking if there can be than an STO density "bleed through" manifested in the phenomena of window fallers ... hm ... then maybe that phenomena will happen more often in the near future, as the wave is approaching, and EM is fluctuating and changing more rapidly all over the Earth, so is it possible that maybe the window fallers from STO will "fall" in the place where there is more STO oriented candidates, and STS will "fall" into the place with more of STS candidates?
So they will be more like a glitch or a bug in a programming scheme of other density due to specific EM characteristics of that location? ... make sense too ... in that case, I am thinking if there can be than an STO density "bleed through" manifested in the phenomena of window fallers ... hm ... then maybe that phenomena will happen more often in the near future, as the wave is approaching, and EM is fluctuating and changing more rapidly all over the Earth, so is it possible that maybe the window fallers from STO will "fall" in the place where there is more STO oriented candidates, and STS will "fall" into the place with more of STS candidates?

I think it is best to not get too carried away with speculation. I think it is best, like Chu said, to go back and re-read the Wave series as a lot of that is covered there, pretty extensively. I actually have started to re-read the Wave series just recently, and I am amazed how much more you see with subsequent readings.
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