Thank you Laura and team for the session. :)
Personally, I don't know how we can "enjoy the show" when there is nothing about this "show" that is enjoyable! It almost sounds like they're saying that we should be detached observers of the plight of the human race that don't get it and also the many victims that the Covid scam has left in its wake. We are all in this together. Instead of enjoying the show, I feel we should have empathy and to not give up hope that there will be a better world coming. The C's said it themselves in the March 2019 session: "Be aware that a new world will dawn! Be not oppressed by the death throes of the old world." Though, I might be right off base what enjoying the show means.
Is it possible ?
That the expression of
"Enjoy the show" can easily get misinterpret ?
I mean for obvious reasons, because if taken literally by the words - it almost sounds sarcastic. Strange that I have not reflected about this before - because ever since I heard that expression - I always had an intuitive feeling to understand it what it means - albeit never put it down into words (

uhm, my big mouth - now I have to prove it *eeep*).
I believe "enjoying the show" is a spiritual-mental encouragement, to
detach from the traps which are by darker forces designed to capture our "wild" emotions easily, preferably through big numbers of souls (the more the merrier).
Instead - to see things with empathy (e.g. I understand, I sense, I see, I feel) yet staying impersonal (I do not engage into the traps / nor into the energy that is attached, begging us to "react"). Therefore you stay free, being able to choose - when to help - as awareness powers you in the moment - knowing what to do, when to do it.
And when not !
So, that way, "Enjoying the Show" is staying detached (but not ignorant), means to stay close, aware and watchful over events, without letting yourself getting infected by the narratives and their embedded "invitations" to