Session 30 January 2021

Thank you all very much!

Sorry, I should have added this, Carlos added a touch of flavor.

“There is one more thing I want to ask, don Juan. You said that we need to look with our eyes to laugh, but I believe we laugh because we think. Take a blind man, he also laughs.”

“No,” he said. “Blind men don’t laugh. Their bodies jerk a little with the ripple of laughter. They have never looked at the funny edge of the world and have to imagine it. Their laughter is not roaring.”

We did not speak any more. I had a sensation of well-being, of happiness. We ate in silence; then don Juan began to laugh. I was using a dry twig to spoon the vegetables into my mouth.
Thanks all for the new session!

As to enjoying the show, I don't know about the rest of you but I sure am. Who would have guessed, a year ago, that we'd have experienced the parade of absurdities we've been treated to? Each more ridiculous than the last? The key I think is to keep a bit of emotional distance from it all by maintaining a sense of humor.

I’m a bit up and down on that - maybe like Joe said at the beginning of the thread, you kinda ‘normalize’ the craziness and dial down the negative outlook. Or as Laura said, the constant pain makes you forget about the pain progressively.

For me the main feeling is something like ‘gobsmackedness’ - the feeling that what I see and hear is a figment or distortion of my perception. Mind you, I know it is not, but that also makes reality often insufferable. It’s become so grotesque, but people don’t seem to realize.

I listened to the radio today and the Australian PM ScoMo had to whip one of his member of parliament back into line who was touting ‘nonsense’ like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an effective treatment against Covid-19. Especially members of the left party (labour) were screeming that he put people’s lives at risk, that he was a fool and that he needed to stop peddling such blatant and obvious lies.

And the same day I read an article in the American Journal of Medicine with the title Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection. The authors are from all the high-powered medical research and clinical institutions in the US, like Baylor University, Emory University, Yale etc. - ’heavy-hitters’.

In the middle of the article they have this nice little flow chart where - you guessed it right! - HCQ is cited as the first-line treatment of mild to moderate cases of Covid-19. You can read in the linked text what they had to say about HCQ, but to just summarize it: it works if you treat early and long enough. No doubt about that!

Of course you haven’t heard of that! As you probably haven’t heard that the big study - still widely quoted against HCQ treatment - published in the Lancet has been withdrawn. Too shoddy and worthless.

So to come back to my initial line of thinking, what gets to me is this ‘cognitive dissonance’ - opposing facts that are virtually living next to each other (sometimes literally!). But most people - including medical professionals that at heart are not overly stupid - just shrug their shoulders and have their eyes glaze over.

It feels like being alive in a city of zombies, where things are kinda functioning to some degree, but you walk through this city hoping they won’t notice that you are not a zombie, and you can see that things don’t work, everything is falling apart, decaying, going to rot, but the zombies seem totally OK with that or don’t see it.

And I don’t like popcorn! :-P
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Laura, everybody at the chateau and the C’s for this amazing session.
I did send $60 US today. Do we have to inform you gays all the time we sent a contribution? It’s ok anywhere here at the forum or you have a specific thread to do it?
It feels like being alive in a city of zombies, where things are kinda functioning to some degree, but you walk through this city hoping they won’t notice that you are not a zombie, and you can see that things don’t work, everything is falling apart, decaying, going to rot, but the zombies seem totally OK with that or don’t see it.

And I don’t like popcorn!
I can't stand the stuff either. Like eating sweetened cardboard.

You are right about the zombie analogy. It is the age old problem that the majority of "ordinary" people will believe everything handed to them providing that person has a medical or scientific degree. They always know what they are talking about and can't possibly be wrong...can they? That is why Harold Shipman was able to get away with so many murders. He was a doctor and could do no wrong. There is a fine line between what we can allow ourselves to believe, and what we can't. The majority of people will not cross over that line.:-(
Sorry but what "PTB" stand for ?
I have asked for the meaning of "PBS" and some one suggested "Public Broadcast System & People's Brainwashing School ;)
But I don't know PTB.
I specify that I'm french and my english is not fluent.
Yes, we has to be carefull with those acronyms. :-P

Just to thank you all at the chateau for a totally unexpected session. I just felt that now that the energy put into the US Elections is over the session flowed more easily. This could have been because of the touches of humour included.

Even though we know that things will only get worse we mostly seem to be trying to stay calm. My husband, aged 72, has had his 1st "vaccine" today. It's extremely lonely with just the two of us not having someone to speak to but he wont speak to me as my information is not from "the medical experts". I'll just have to see how things pan out.
About lying low or under the radar. There are a number of items going around the net that wants a signature of support. Is it wise to steer away from these kinds of things and not put a target on your back?

p.s. Appreciate the session, thanks to all, but it is really telling that the group there seems to already know most of the answers, that's pretty cool!
Just to thank you all at the chateau for a totally unexpected session. I just felt that now that the energy put into the US Elections is over the session flowed more easily. This could have been because of the touches of humour included.

Even though we know that things will only get worse we mostly seem to be trying to stay calm. My husband, aged 72, has had his 1st "vaccine" today. It's extremely lonely with just the two of us not having someone to speak to but he wont speak to me as my information is not from "the medical experts". I'll just have to see how things pan out.
My heart goes out to you. I know many couples are split on this whole thing, hang in there.
Personally, I don't know how we can "enjoy the show" when there is nothing about this "show" that is enjoyable! It almost sounds like they're saying that we should be detached observers of the plight of the human race that don't get it and also the many victims that the Covid scam has left in its wake.
Back in the early days of attending movies in a theater or a play on the stage, one was told at the beginning to "sit back and enjoy the show." I do think what you've said above is exactly what the C's meant. Just think of it as watching a "bad/sad" movie and knowing all the time that it's all fake but there isn't anything you can do but maybe get up and walk out. And that option is a bit extreme, if you get my drift...:-D So you may as well settle in and munch on that popcorn (early movie food of choice!) and see what happens next!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Laura, everybody at the chateau and the C’s for this amazing session.
I did send $60 US today. Do we have to inform you gays all the time we sent a contribution? It’s ok anywhere here at the forum or you have a specific thread to do it?

Hey Newmalu, it's great to see you decided to help out and donate :thup: As long as you include your name with your donation so FOTCM knows who the money came from there is no need to post on the forum each time we donate.

That said, there are times when people do post about their donation. For example, in the December 2020 session the C's said that those who can do more should do so and many members responded to this suggestion by posting about their donation to let FOTCM know the message was received and taken onboard.

I hope this clarifies your question :-)
I don’t like the idea of “set back an enjoy the show” either, but every time I do my best to “think” through it, it comes out the same…its best “at this time” to set back, enjoy the twilight of normal, and work on a personal level at understanding.


1: set back and observe.

2: As Mrs. Peel wrote “get up and walk out. And that option is a bit extreme” Agreed.

3: Get up on the stage and join the madness.

I’m wondering…is all this madness, a colossal rush to workout / finish-off their karma? And no one should try to stop them from that.

This would imply that our karma is finished? No, that can’t be. But it could mean that our karma is finished “enough” as to be down to the fine details, and we see the futility in the drama, and thus have no need for it. And we do have an opportunity to be here and observe just how the whole cycle of cycles ends. Right in the middle of the times of Noah, as well as many other cycles. This is how it goes... “see”.

If I remember right calling the reptilians “Lizzies” was an attempt to soften the negative effects of that understanding. And “set back in enjoy the show” could have the same purpose.
Just to thank you all at the chateau for a totally unexpected session. I just felt that now that the energy put into the US Elections is over the session flowed more easily. This could have been because of the touches of humour included.

Even though we know that things will only get worse we mostly seem to be trying to stay calm. My husband, aged 72, has had his 1st "vaccine" today. It's extremely lonely with just the two of us not having someone to speak to but he wont speak to me as my information is not from "the medical experts". I'll just have to see how things pan out.
I know how you feel Tuatha de Danaan. Stay strong 💪, we’re so lucky to have this forum xx
Or to certain areas of a country, or even local districts or towns.
They could fake a natural disaster or else to blame multiple deaths in a given area. If notorious dissidents start to fall one after the other we should notice. I wonder if there is a way to identify nanobots once they enter the body.

Makes me think of the machine they used in the matrix to retreive the critter/robot from Neo's belly button.
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