Adaryn said:
From what I can see, stem-cell therapy is practically an unknown territory, and seems controversial.
That's another interesting point about it. I don't think that Laura's condition can be said to be "known territory" either. She has suffered enormously practically all her life, and some symptoms, although they match what standard medicine would have a label for, they aren't diagnosed. Doctor after doctor, we get the same story: "Medicine is not so far advanced, we don't know! We know there is something off, that this or that marker is not normal. But we don't have a name for it!". It is really frustrating, especially considering all the research she has done and the fact that she has tried all kinds of therapies (many of them painful too!). So, it's not so simple. You can't tell a doctor that it might be special 4D STS attacks, of course, unless you want to end up in the psychiatric ward! You also can't show them your own research, because they give you a super hard time for "going on the web and looking stuff up yourself".
So, like Ark said, what counts are the results. I think that I can speak from all of us who live with her when I say that we are tired of seeing Laura suffer (and she suffers doubly because her own children suffer, also from "unknown conditions"). If anything can help, I think it is worth it. And if it is "unknown territory", who knows? Maybe there are more chances of success! This past year has been harder and harder for Laura. She doesn't post about it often here, but those of you who have visited in the last year or so know that ever since her first fall in 2015, she has had one issue after another. It's heart-breaking to see her walking around with walking sticks, not able to go up and down the stairs freely, in constant pain (and mind you, she doesn't complain very often unless it's REALLY bad!!!) She does try to exercise, and then, the slightest movement can cause pain and back to being confined for days. She has become an expert at "conserving energy", so that things get done and nobody in the group goes without crystals, reiki, advice, her research, etc. But I tell you, some days she doesn't have a lot of energy to begin with. So, the little she has needs to be spent wisely and it must be exhausting.
I think there is something to say for the work we do, and what type of attacks it brings. Most of us here have one or another sort of "auto-inmune" disease going on (but that's only because that's the label attributed to whatever medicine doesn't understand). Even then, most of us can live with it and it's not such a big deal (for now), but her and her children just get the brunt of it. We have seen them go through long fasts, long antibiotic treatments, you name it. Everything made a small positive difference, but the main issues are far from being solved. How much more can they endure?
For years now, it has been extremely frustrating to see how Laura gets the brunt of the attacks. A lack of awareness on behalf of one of us, and kaboom! She pays the highest price. Suffering from group members, in the world... kaboom! Another hit. We often talk about how nice it would be if that kind of pain could be spread around a bit better, so that each of us could get some more and give Laura a break. But the way things are, all we can do is give in the best ways we can give. Time, money, dedication, sincerity, integrity, etc. But I think the key is to do it because it's right. Both our project as a whole, and making sure that Laura is with us for a very loooooonnnnngggg time still! I just don't think we are ready as a group yet to stay the same, protect all the knowledge she has imparted and keep it free from corruption if she and Ark weren't here. It is scary to think sometimes. We need her still, and for a long time!
It is not a physical condition that anyone should have, much less someone who gives so much to the Universe! Yes, the Cs have said that Laura made a conscious decision to take on other people's suffering too, but at some point, you'd think that enough is enough and that she can take a bit of a break! I know that she'd be happier and would never do less for others if she felt better physically. In fact, she'd do more because she can't stop working or caring. So, to me it seems that it has to stop, or at least get to the point where she can get some relief.
Finally, it really is heart-warming to see so many of you giving back in this way. We are half way there more or less! I don't have the exact figure, but that's already a lot. I think that a part of healing involves knowing that one is loved and needed, which gives lots of strength to fight the battles that come along. We need to make this possible. Soon we are going to launch small campaigns for fund-raising, but it involves even more work. For now, I think the priority should be for Laura to go for that treatment. 25K or however much it ends up being, is really nothing in comparison to all she gave us and continues giving us. The fact that she doesn't have that amount of money is proof that she devotes her life to service to others, and never claims any monetary compensation from the organizations that exist thanks to her. We had to do taxes recently, and we all talked about how we are SO clean, while there are so many organizations that are set up t just rip people off and give nothing of value to anyone. Well, for us it's normal to act the way we act and feel responsibility for our mission and all of you, but check out there and see how much a Director of the Board would get. It is criminal. The bad thing is that nobody likes to have to ask for money, but there we are. And every little contribution helps a lot, so thank you!!