Search results for query: Ashkenazi

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  1. Pecha

    Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

    ...It looks like Israel is not going to exist as it is in the near future. The tourist and security sectors are going down too. (cassandra): Ashkenazi jews are 53% psychopathic. (Luis): News on RFK and Tulsi Gabbard endorsing Trump. (Luis): There is a need for a savior in the West and Trump...
  2. macyk

    The Illuminati - what is real?

    What about Baruchs? The article is also about a kind of confrontation/balance between the clans.
  3. Ellipse

    The end of the road for Macron? French political crisis

    For the record, Wikipedia page about Ezra Isaac Levant, founder of Rebel News:
  4. Niall

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    ...Thing is though, on the specific point about Jones having "Zionist/Ashkenazi benefactors," what stance has he recently taken on Israel's war in Gaza? After all, the essential point of having Zionist benefactors should logically be that, when the key moment came, Jones would play his 'paid'...
  5. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...between an unbroken line of Jewish 'priests' and their lay counterparts. Quite remarkably, the difference is observable in both the Ashkenazi (Central European) and Sepharid (North African, Spanish, Middle Eastern) descended populations, despite the huge geographical separations of these...
  6. Arwenn

    The Reformation: Martin Luther’s Pathological War

    First of all, I just wanted to thank @luc for this thread & everyone’s comments, it has been an eye opener. What brought me to do a bit of a deep dive into this topic, is that we are currently reading the chapter on the Renaissance & The Reformation in McGilchrist’s The Master and his Emissary...
  7. O

    Trump received the Torah crown given by more than 160 rabbis

    Found here some basic explanations about "Torah crowns" : From an article (July 12, 2023) :
  8. susy7

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you, so cosmic string theory is something to look into, since we've been talking about Brane.
  9. I

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you for the latest session. Read few of the comments all ready (page 3 ongoing....) and wanted toshare some ideas since there is others also wondering programchanges, our lives and all the happenings. Lot of ifs, bare with me. If UniversalMind / Logos is one original thought; one...
  10. tschai

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you all for the new session- quite a bit to ponder. Percentage of goodness for this forum? Infinite ♾️ percent!
  11. Laura

    Session 9 March 2024

    ...know that, Ennio? (Chu) He's not there. (L) He's not there. That's not very good. Okay. Because I read something recently that said that Ashkenazi were not as affected by COVID or the vaccines as other people. (Niall) I read that Israel recorded an increase in fertility rates, whereas...
  12. Timótheos

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    ...tweet by Peterson, which I'm including here for context... It's such a bizarre position to take. Hard to wrap ones mind around it. "(Ashkenazi) Jews are disproportionately successful" Successful at what? Usury? Propaganda? Slavery? Espionage? Pornography? Blackmail? Communism? False...
  13. seek10

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    It is very informative video and interesting history of settlers. Thank you for sharing. Individual Interviews consistently reminds us of "Psychopathic entitlement". It looks Politicians are not in control. The religious Zionists (as ideological masters of 'greater Israel') with their...
  14. T


    In Session 20 August 2001, quoted previously, it is said that Hittites were Indo-Europeans, and in Session 23 August 2001, see further down, they are being related to the Scythians, as is also Sargon of Akkad. In this post, there are a few introductory comments about Sargon, before continuing...
  15. Laura

    Session 13 January 2024

    Session Date: January 13th 2024 Laura and Andromeda at the board Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being (PoB), Chu, Scottie, Leia, Falkor, Bella FOTCM Members attending via Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, AnaHuitzil, anartist...
  16. T


    ...existence of Israel, including the US sponsored wars in the Middle East since 1945. More comments on the topic of the genetic profile of Ashkenazi Session 10 Aug 2019 In Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 2, Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the...
  17. Evan


    ...first sections talk about Hitler destroying the Jews for the upcoming Nephalim reintroduction. However the Jews Hitler was destroying were Ashkenazi, not Semitic or “Hebrews”. So was Hitler’s task to destroy the Khazar-Eastern European-Caucasion people who converted to Judaism, or the Middle...
  18. Ruth


    Well that's interesting, I couldn't find the link for 10 August 2019. How odd. It does look like those people running the State of Israel are not Semetic genetically. If we knew what they were, we could correct them every time they say people opposing them are "anti-semetic". :lol: It...
  19. Puma

    Cover of The Economist "The World Ahead 2024"

    ...has preferred to identify more with a tradition of Mexican "socialist" movements than with her Jewish roots. Although the Sephardic and Ashkenazi traditions flow through her veins. She is not Catholic although she takes pictures with the figure of the Virgin of Guadalupe and hates the...
  20. T

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    Regarding Lavrov and the comparison between the situation in Israel and Ukraine, below is some background, and connections between the history of Jews in Ukraine and their links to Jews of today living in Ukraine, and around the world including Israel. The question for me was what could the...
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