(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
I’ve just gone to buy Live Not By Lies on Kindle. I can preorder and it will be avail Dec 2099 🤣
That’s strange. I’ve ordered it from Amazon Germany and it arrived in 2-3 days. Its quite cheap as well.

Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents https://amzn.eu/d/4TTFE0m


Strange that it isn’t available for you too.

P.S. I’m “secretly“ following your workshop as well, but I can’t join in real time. 😅
That’s strange. I’ve ordered it from Amazon Germany and it arrived in 2-3 days. Its quite cheap as well.

Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents https://amzn.eu/d/4TTFE0m

View attachment 100752

Strange that it isn’t available for you too.

P.S. I’m “secretly“ following your workshop as well, but I can’t join in real time. 😅
I can buy it paperback but the kindle version isn’t available until 2099. I’m travelling so kindle suits me better but now I’ve bought the paperback and at least will have it when I get home :)
I can buy it paperback but the kindle version isn’t available until 2099. I’m travelling so kindle suits me better but now I’ve bought the paperback and at least will have it when I get home :)
Oh apologies, I understood differently.... 😅 It´s too hot here and my brain is obviously boiling as well... 😅
Hi everyone,

Here are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group discussion on Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slide show

We will read Chapter 2 of Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).

See you all then!

Below are the links to what we discussed:

Yuri Bezmenov talking about ideological subversion, with a very anti-Russia rhetoric ~ 13 minutes
Neil Oliver interviews Whitney Webb discussing intel agencies ties to organised crime, rise of digital surveillance, public-private partnerships (global corporatocracy), media manipulation & public perception & much more. ~ 1.25 hours
Hi y'all,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 29-30 of Pierre Lescaudron's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection on August 25th.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here. Luis has collated the Video and Audio recordings for the meeting.

Chapter 29: Strange Sounds
  • While the first report of strange sounds in the sky was from 2009, the one in Kiev 2011 is what solidified the phenomenon in the minds of many. Ever since, there's been hundreds of similar reports.
  • (Luis): Maybe there's a correlation to strange sounds in the sky heralding some Earth changes like sinkholes.
  • Strange sounds in the sky have been reported as a ghostly hum that can last more than a minute. Some describe it as trumpet-like, but sounding a bit more ominous.
  • These sounds may be linked to electrophonic phenomena.
    • Meteors can produce this type of phenomena via emitting very low frequency (VLFs) sound waves that can be transduced into audible sounds.
    • The movement or opening up of the Earth's crust can also emit sound as most of the crust can become conductive due to stress/shock forces, affecting turbulence in the electromagnetic field within the Earth and also the atmosphere above.
      • Under the right circumstances, can rocks sing?
        • (RedFox): There's a witness report of Skallden singing to the rocks at Coral Castle, but maybe it was the rocks singing? Electrophonics may be at play here too.
    • Lightning and the Northern Lights are also linked to electophonics via the generated electromagnetic activity disrupting the geomagnetic field, which creates VLF, which then is transduced into audible sound.
  • Fundies relate these sounds to the "Trumpet of Jericho"--maybe the destruction of its walls were due to meteoric bombardment? Previous examples show that electrophonic phenomena accompanies meteors.
    • The Illiad, John's revelations, Ovid's Metamorphosis, and the New Testament's Acts' also describe trumpets and horns heralding mass destruction.
  • Interestingly, electrophonic phenomena both with and withouta mutagenic radiation component (i.e. fireballs emitting electromagnetic radiation) can trigger mutations in living creatures. See the Tunguska event.
    • (Luis): Stressful events can activate dormant DNA and cause mutations.

Chapter 30: Geographic Tilt and Magnetic Reversal
  • The geographic tilt of the poles relative to the plane of the ecliptic is 23.5 degrees. Electromagnetic forces can be a causal factor in this tilt.
    • In old history, fossil fauna provides evidence that there were no seasons due to there being no geographic tilt (i.e. 0 degrees tilt). Hans-Joachim Zillmer states that a celestial body with a strong electric potential could provide the shock needed to cause this geographic tilting of the Earth.
      • Over long periods of time, this tilt would eventually be restored due to inertia of Earth. (i.e. perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic).
      • Comets don't have to hit the Earth to affect this change in the tilt, just a celestial body that is charged enough. Relatedly, the Tunguska event where a body exploded 3 miles from the ground above Tunguska, Siberia was able to cause catastrophic damage and the formation of even a crater.
  • (whitecoast): The magnetic north has been accelerating in its movement--perhaps it may restore the ecliptic with these comets coming in.
    • (RedFox): It could be moving due to Nemesis or comets.
  • (Bluefyre): Just as people are able to detect changes in gravity, can people sense changes in the electromagnetic field?
    • (Breo): On a cellular level, maybe its effects can be seen at least.
    • (RedFox): During the Roman times, there was a change in the way people see the color blue. Could it be related to the magnetic field?
      • (Bluefyre): It's like the wine-colored sea in the Homer's Illiad.
    • (Redrock12): Native Americans would have their hair long so they can sense things.
    • (whitecoast): Kozyrev mirrors in Russia experiments involved mirrors and changes to the magnetic field in the surrounding--strange things happened.
  • Crustal slippage caused by changes in the rotational axis/tilt is even more pronounced compared to the previous chapter's mention of the weaker slippage caused by the slowdown of the Earth's spin-rate.
    • (whitecoast): Scientists have measured earthquakes and noticed they didn't pass through the core. This explanation is used to say that the core is solid.
      • (RedFox): You can make a case via the Cs sessions saying the core of the Earth is a portal--maybe that is why earthquakes aren't passing through it.
  • Earth's magnetic field (geomagnetic field) is not constant. Since the first measurement of the total geomagnetic field in 1840 (by Gauss's observatories), the field has been continually decreasing by 6.3% per century.
    • Records of the magnetization in ancient clay pots confirm this phenomena. It shows that the Earth's magnetic field was nearly twice as strong in Roman times.
    • Solar activity, the jet stream, and the Earth's crust (due to the presence of magnetized elements like iron) may affect the geomagnetic field. It's possible that solar activity and the geomagnetic field are mediated by the same cause.
  • Magnetic pole reversals can happen much more quick compared to the mainstream 100-10,000 year timeframe. The orientation can change up to 6 degrees per day, which can cause reversals to occur in days.
    • Highly charged comets could generate discharges that generate huge magnetic fields, which are able to trigger pole reversals.
      • Geomagnetic reversals are preceded by magnetic surges, which in conjunction with cometary dust, can induce global cooling episodes and other phenomena, leading to mass extinction events.
        • The author postulates that there must be additional factors on top of comets that cause geomagnetic reversals due to the Sun experiencing it every 22 years with no comets linked to it.
    • (Bluefyre): Shifts in the poles can influence animal migration patterns.
      • (Redfox): Magnetic pole shifts would cause GPS not to work.
      • (Redrock12): Noticed anomalous showing of various animals in the area.

General Notes
  • Discussion on vaping and nicotine salts.
    • (Luis): 10mL nicotine salts are 6-8 dollars in Mexico.
    • (Breo): Where do you get pure nicotine liquid?
      • (Luis): A lab in Mexico sells them to the public. Did a search on "nicotine concentrate" on Google. You can
    • (Breo): The vanilla aroma comes from molded wood. There can be dangerous stuff in vaping products.
    • (Laurs): Tried vaping once and felt pain in the chest.
      • (Mari): Maybe it could have been too much nicotine at once.
      • (Breo): Different nicotine salts are widely different. Even if the product is the same on the label, a product from one company may be more poisonous than another. Noticed the side-effects.
    • Thread on e-cigarettes and vapes: E-cigarettes: research - experiments - ideas
  • (Bluefyre): The cucumbers and tomatoes have died off--maybe it's due to strange low temperature swings this summer and aluminum in the ground. Fulvic acid can counteract the latter.
  • (Bluefyre): Sheets of rain--see Saudii Arabie being flooded.
  • (Mari): Saw that there were articles of the Atlantic ocean cooling and that scientists are baffled.

For Next Meeting - September 1st, 2024

We'll be looking to cover three chapters (31-33) for the next meeting. See y'alls in a bit!


  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap Chapters 29-30 (8_25_24)_Page 1-[1725162...pdf
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  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap Chapters 29-30 (8_25_24)_Page 1-[1725162...png
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Once again I did not get the chart and photo to copy but they can be viewed at spaceweather.com for Wednesday 4 September. All commentary is from the author

Data from 2 September
Solar wind

speed: 394.9 km/sec
density: 1.73 protons/cm3
more data: ACE, DSCOVR
Updated: Today at 0131 UT
X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: M1 2000 UT Sep04
24-hr: M1 0255 UT Sep04
explanation | more data

SUNSPOT NUMBERS CONTINUE TO INCREASE: Last month, the average sunspot number exceeded 200 for the first time in 23 years, significantly exceeding official forecasts. The surge could be a harbinger of strong solar activity for years to come. It's also great news for sky watchers as we enter the equinox aurora season.

UNEXPECTED CME IMPACT: A CME hit Earth's magnetic field today, Sept. 4th at 1030 UTC. The unexpected impact jolted the USGS magnetometer in Boulder, CO, by 40 nT, a fairly stout blow. A G1 geomagnetic storm watch is in effect as a result of the CME's arrival. CME impact alerts: SMS Text

SOLAR CYCLE 25 CONTINUES TO SURGE: Solar activity continues to intensify. In August 2024, the average monthly sunspot number exceeded 200 for the first time in 23 years, almost doubling the official forecast:
The current solar cycle (Solar Cycle 25) wasn't expected to be this strong. When it began in Dec. 2019, experts predicted it would be weak like its immediate predecessor Solar Cycle 24. Instead, Solar Cycle 25 may be on pace to rival some of the stronger cycles of the 20th century. Already in May 2024 we have experienced a century-class geomagnetic storm with auroras sighted in the South Pacific, central America and south Africa.
The last time sunspot counts were this high, in Sept.-Dec. 2001, the sun was winding up to launch the Great Halloween Storms of '03, which included the strongest X-ray solar flare ever recorded (X45) and a CME so potent it was felt by Voyager at the edge of the solar system. A repeat is not guaranteed, but current sunspot counts tell us it's possible.
Years from now, we may look back and realize that 2024 was the maximum of Solar Cycle 25. Or not; the original "official forecast" predicted Solar Max would occur in July 2025. Either way, we probably have at least 2 more years of high solar activity ahead. Stay tuned

Hi y'all,

The Am-EU group collectively decided to hold an open forum for discussing a variety of topics, and sharing thoughts and feelings--lots to cover with the world as it is! We'll continue with Pierre Lescaudron's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection likely for our next meeting.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here.

  • Discussion on magnesium.
    • (Mari): Breaks down the various magnesium types available:
      • Magnesium citrate: A mid-level form that will loosen stools
      • Magnesium glycinate: A calming and very absorbable form. Also helps lessen nerve pain.
      • Magnesium L-threonate: An especially good form for brain function and cognition (for people with Alzheimer’s disease and similar conditions).
      • Magnesium malate: An energizing form that helps with cellular energy.
      • Magnesium oxide: Not absorbable and will cause loose stools; a strong laxative.
      • Magnesium orotate: Helps supports heart health.
      • Magnesium sulfate (also known as Epsom salts): Good for gastric issues or leaky gut syndrome when added to a cold foot soak at night. Also helps soothe sore muscles.
      • Magnesium taurate: Helps support heart health and promotes calmness.
    • (Redfox): Quinton Plasma/Water, or "percutaneous hydrotomy"
    • (Redfox): Magnesium: The Spark of Life
  • (Breo): The recent session mentions trace minerals, and there seems to be a whole lot to explore there.
    • Session 17 August 2024:
      (Persej) Rene Quinton used seawater from a plankton-rich environment in his medical practice. Charles Schnabel promoted the health benefits of juice powder made from cereal grass grown on mineral-rich soil. Weston Price used butter from cows fed on cereal grasses as a source of activator X. Julius Hensel praised his Physiological Bread, made by fermenting the wheat flour mixed with mineral powder. It looks to me that minerals in a certain form might be the reason why those gentlemen had such positive results in their practice. Do minerals play a role in formation of beneficial information in certain foods or nourishment?
      A: Indeed!
      Q: (L) So that's a big 10-4.
      (Andromeda) Didn't the C's say something about that once?
      (Gaby) Trace minerals.
      (L) Yeah, minerals being very important.
      (Joe) And being bound up in the right food.
      (Andromeda) Right.
  • (Breo): Doctors have mentioned that the saline/liquid used in IVFs are not healthy.
    • (whitecoast): Has done his own vitamin C infusions at home.

  • (Luis): Have y'all considered Putin's proposal for immigration?
    • (whitecoast): Currently I am using Michel Thomas' Russian Foundations course on Spotify and Babbel lifetime subscription to learn Russian. Dabbling in it for the most part.
    • Discussion on learning the Russian language.
    • (whitecoast): Maybe this call is to consolidate semitic folks and other like-minded people.
  • (Luis): If the globalists know that Russia has nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles and other hidden weaponry, why do they still push?
    • (Anya112003): The USA army is not up to par to what it was before.
      • (Mari): DEI and other policies have an impact on this.
      • (Redfox): The UK are recruiting for the military and they are putting its own population in prison instead.
    • (Redfox): It was someone like Scott Ritter saying that western folks have no idea what Russia is and what they stand for. This mismatch in reality seeing causes a lot of miscalculations.
    • (Laurs): Shares a video on how high-level USA folks view Russia.
      • (whitecoast): Russian experts in the West don't even know Russian.
        • (Redfox): Those in the ivory tower think they are way too smart for them to see that they can be wrong.

The State of the West
  • (cassandra): The amount of bad in the world has increased in recent years. Psychopathy is on the rise. The undergrounders also may have an effect on this.
    • (Anya112003): The judicial systems are very lenient on criminals.. In the past there used to be a church and a bar in streets, now there are just bars.
    • (Redfox): If someone posts something nasty on social media, then that is grounds for the UK police to arrest him/her.
    • (saki): Recommended book called Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher "soft totalitarianism".
  • (Redrock12): Back then there used to be kids playing at night, now there are none. There are more drug addicts too.
    • (Redfox): All countries in the west are flooded with druggies and illegal immigrants
  • (Breo): was posted on the Forum on immigration: Expert Insights with Attorney Timur Beslangurov.
  • (Mari): Germany recently deported 23 illegal immigrants.
  • (Redfox): Historically and genetically speaking, there are a lot of warriors who love to fight. These are part of the greater body of folks that the UK government call as extreme right-wing and racists.
    • (cassandra): At least 10 million have entered Germany.
      • (Mari): The stabbings have happened in Germany too. The recent festival stabbings there have been attributed to ISIS, which seems false.
      • (saki): What's going on with the AFD in Germany?
        • (Mari): The AFD is not popular with the immigrants due to fear of deportation. The IT companies are paranoid of Russians and lost a great deal of knowledge-base. They don't know who to hire anymore. All the folks that come in don't want to work, so it's harder to find skilled people too.
    • (Redfox): This influx of migrants (see the Cs session of number of immigrants in UK!) has caused the UK to create new housing everywhere, but they can't keep up with demand. The UK seems to be falling apart.
    • (Redfox): The eco protesting was designed as a psyop to instill in the minds to dislike protesting, weakening the UK as a whole.
  • (Redfox): It looks like Israel is not going to exist as it is in the near future. The tourist and security sectors are going down too.
    • (cassandra): Ashkenazi jews are 53% psychopathic.
  • (Luis): News on RFK and Tulsi Gabbard endorsing Trump.
  • (Luis): There is a need for a savior in the West and Trump will try to do what he can. People need to be proactive still.
    • (Bluefyre): Heard that the USA will split up into three different coutnries.
    • (Pecha): Putin sees not all of America as bad, and refers to the psychopathic rulers of America as the main culprits.
      • (Redfox): Putin also holds this viewpoint for European countries.

General Notes
  • (Bluefyre): Darren Brown (mentioned in the latest session) hypnotized someone to assassinate Steven Fry without memory of doing it. Here's the link to the post with the video in it.
  • (Luis): Nonlinear Earth changes--there have been record-breaking floods, especially in Yemen & Saudi Arabia. Anomalous cold effects like snow in August in the northern hemisphere.
    • (Redfox): The psychopaths feel what's coming and that causes them to lash out, triggering more Earth changes.
  • (Luis): From the recent session regarding the Quorum and balance, there will be more restrictions coming.
  • (Luis): The monkeypox thing could be a test for the people to gauge their reactions.
    • (Laurs): Novavax is recruiting like 3000 babies for the new vaccine.
      • (cassandra): Does Novavax use the gene-therapy stuff in their vaccines?
        • (whitecoast): Novavax uses the normal protein vaccines

For Next Meeting - September 8th, 2024

We'll be looking to cover three chapters (31-33) of Pierre Lescaudron's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection for the next meeting. See y'alls!


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  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap Open Forum (9_1_2024)_Page 1-[1725740730...png
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Hi everyone,

Here are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group discussion on Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slide show

We will read Chapter 3 of Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).

See you all then!

Below are the links to what we discussed:

Tweet displaying the difference between the Woke West & Russia (ballet)
Tweet about a Christian Minister having legal action taken against him by the QLD Human Rights Commission, because he refused to perform a "welcome to country" on the basis that ownership of the land belongs to God, not to Aboriginal people.
Tweet about a Vic Bar Council lawyer and her views on First Nations and the legalities behind such a notion.
Tweet about the hypocrisy behind 'cultural appropriation'
Tucker Carlson Spain interview about the radical Left in power there & narco-communism on the rise. ~ 30 minutes
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