I am a 65-year-old Venezuelan citizen, currently residing in Venezuela. I am not among the 8 to 10 million human beings of this nation who were forced to emigrate because of the barbarism and tyrannical authoritarianism that was imposed here 25 years ago. I have suffered and continue to suffer firsthand the effects of the systematic destruction, carried out with premeditation and treachery in all aspects of national life by the criminal organization that has hijacked the Venezuelan State. Well, I made that brief introduction to clarify to potential readers that I am writing these lines with knowledge of the facts, and not from an unfounded perspective based on information received through different sources.
While reading this session, I looked with horror when it was stated that Maduro obtained 63% of the votes in the last elections. Wow! That statement, from my perspective, takes away credibility from this channeled material. And this is not because I have a preference or political inclination towards the supposed opposing side, which is also a deception, but because this statement does not match the reality seen on the ground. Any small survey, carried out on my own, among the population of the different social strata, reflects the deep rejection of the current system of government. Their support is, at first glance, a minority that in the best of cases is around 30%.
The issue of Venezuela is very complex, because the entire system is based on deception. Nothing is really what it seems to be. First of all, there is no such thing as an opposing and antagonistic political side, but rather, the regime and its political-party opposition have been operating as a tandem for these 25 years, to lead us to this authoritarian system in a “democratic” manner, through fraudulent elections. This deception constitutes the fundamental pillar of the system, and until now, all attempts to awaken the majority of the illusion that we have a liberating political force that fights to come to power have been unsuccessful.
And on the other hand, the Venezuelan regime presents itself as an enemy of the elite of financial capitalism, but it raised Venezuela's external debt by issuing bonds on Wall Street to some 70 billion dollars, and in April of this year, it hired Rothschild & Co. as a financial advisor to provide an overview of its debt obligations. Doesn't that seem suspicious to you? And that is just one example, because there are many more that indicate that they are not as much of an enemy as they claim to be. Among those examples we can mention the network of corruption and drug trafficking and the money laundering from those criminal activities carried out by the internal power factors, made up of civil, military and paramilitary mafia clans. Do you have any idea where all that huge mass of money ends up? I think the time has come for many people to start thinking that the Venezuelan regime is not really an enemy of the "deep state" of the North American empire, but that they are allies. I am not used to writing in forums, nor am I one of those incontinent people who express their opinion in every possible space on the internet, but on this occasion, I thought it pertinent. First, because I have been giving credibility to almost everything I have read in this space, and second, because I am tired of seeing how the deception continues to spread, and many sources place the criminals who took over the Venezuelan State on the pedestal of “the good guys in the movie.” If those are the good guys, well: don’t help me, buddy!
As I explained before, this topic is very complex, and a long and serious investigation is required to properly understand what I am trying to explain in these few lines. And once it is done, it can be concluded that what is happening in Venezuela is part of the great plan that the owners of international financial capital have for Western civilization.