Q: (L) So I guess it varies from time to time. Okay, now I want to ask about Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet's “Theory of the Doubling of Time and Space". Is this theory that he's come up with - his ideas about time and gravity and space and so forth - if they could ever be elucidated with any clarity, are they close to being descriptive of different densities?
A: Close, but not close enough and he has some things exactly backwards.
Q: (L) Well, he says that he came to this idea sometime, I think around 1988 or something. And he had an encounter with a being, apparently, for 15 minutes, and all this stuff came into his head and because of his background in physics and...
(Ark) Physics and engineering.
(L) He's in engineering, but also, what was it, hydrodynamics or something?
(Ark) Yeah.
(L) So he's got a background that is kind of similar to Jean-Pierre Petit's. Except that after he got his PhD, he quit and he went off to work in the theater. And that's kind of like a real strange combination. So what kind of a being did he have an encounter with?
A: 4D STS.
Q: (L) And why did this being give him this information?
A: Muddy the waters.
Q: (L) Okay. But what about his thing about the cycling around of space and time? He says they cycle round and he even draws a picture of it. It's like a cycling yin yang symbol, almost. And it seems to me that when the cycle comes and meets in the end, you know, like the past and the future and everything kind of meets in the middle, that that would be the definition of the whole Wave process. But he's saying that all space and time does this, and that it cycles forever. And that kind of fits with some of the C's definitions about the Wave. They say it's always there, it's cycling through the universe forever. And so that struck me as being very close to what he was talking about, this cycling of space and time, and this doubling thing. Is that in fact the case?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, if it was done very carefully, we could extract something from what he has written. I mean, very little, probably like 2% of the whole book. But it might still be useful. Is that true?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay. Is it true that every observer exists simultaneously in different timescales?
A: We have told you this. His idea of "timescales" is more akin to densities.