Search results for query: Ashkenazi

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  1. Sol Logos

    pope francis rape/child sacrifice article taken down on - was it fishy?

    Possibility of being, I read a few similar claims about Catholic Churches subservience to a small group of Ashkenazi Jews and elite groups in Judaism and Catholicism worshiping lucifer in this: _ It a...
  2. A

    Bloodline Trails

    ...appearance and racial characteristic were valued by the Spanish: Hemophilia Judaism - Ashkenazi Jewish Generic Diseases Haemophilia in European Royality...
  3. Keit

    A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages

    There is this article on SOTT originally from Haaretz (Israeli newspaper) that talks about the research. On the one hand, it's a good thing that such articles appear in the...
  4. hlat

    A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages

    A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages Abstract The origins of Ashkenazi Jews remain highly controversial. Like Judaism, mitochondrial DNA is passed along the maternal line. Its...
  5. Nook

    23andme - DNA Sequencing Services...

    Well, I did. Here's the results: Well, at least I know that my risk is decreased in developing Bipolar Disorder which could actually hold some merit (hopefully?), that took a load off my mind. There's a lot of BS here otherwise, I wish they could utilize the knowledge on this forum or use...
  6. A

    Blue-eyed people and pyramids?

    Hello, thank you for your help. It seems to be much more difficult than I thought, but still, thank you for interesting info.
  7. Jo Bugman

    Blue-eyed people and pyramids?

    That is an interesting idea. I found this wiki article that talks about blue eyes: (_ This also reminds me of the Aryan race that Hitler pushed for.... Hoped this helped in some way, I didn't spend too much time looking seeing as it's getting late...
  8. Nook

    re: Unfriending People in Realtime

    ...her all that well, so it's not comparable to you losing your friend. I was also thinking about revealing the fact that I'm part Jewish (Ashkenazi) on my fb as your Israeli activist friend did but not yet have done so. Kind of waiting for the 'right moment' as there are many people who would...
  9. Joe

    Israeli attack on Gaza

    In the days of Hitler and Mussolini, the Zionist leaders behaved in an ambivalent way with regards to Fascism, at times sabotaging the anti-Fascist struggle and even attempting to collaborate at others. The fundamental aim of the Zionists was not to save Jewish lives but to create a Jewish state...
  10. anart

    Israeli attack on Gaza

    ...From what I understand, and I could be mistaken, 4D STS would be quite happy to eliminate all Semitic peoples (the true Semites, not the ashkenazi jews) so a complete conflagration of that area of the world would suit them just fine, even if it seems contrary to what "Israel" might want. The...
  11. NormaRegula

    Toulouse Shootings

    ...Reading the ignorant, prejudiced comments of the Yahoo article linked above is sickening. The Zionist, Ashkenazi hypocrites and their blind followers are fomenting a redo of WWII...only with the real Semites as the targets. Sigh. Bring on the comets.
  12. V

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    ...research. And newest scientific results have never before been presented here would stir up old discussions from 2006. Aside from Ashkenazi, if Mid East Jews were genetically separate group they significantly intermixed with surrounding population after the AMN mutation appeared. Excerpt...
  13. SeekinTruth

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    Yes, there's quite a bit of information on these websites about how Sephardic Jews are very closely related genetically to Arab groups but not at all to Ashkenazi Jews. The Ashkenazi genetics are very different from the Middle East groups.
  14. V

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    ...did not mention what I thought was the main point: that the AMN mutation was found with high frequency in Sephardic Jew only but not in Ashkenazi Jews. There is not a word about it in the original report in OSU website. You need to read the article and only at the end the authors reveal that...
  15. V

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ashkenazi Jews Original paper “Ancient founder mutation is responsible for Imerslund-Gräsbeck Syndrome among diverse ethnicities“ published in the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases can be accessed here...
  16. SeekinTruth

    Session 22 July 2010

    ...predominantly the victims as apposed to the "Ashkanazim"/Arian/Turkic/Khazarian Jews. Not to mention the evidence of how many predominantly Ashkenazi Zionist Jews collaborated with the Nazis -- those Jews that had NO historical ties to Palestine. And now the extermination continues with the...
  17. D

    The Neanderthal Legacy by Paul Mellars

    Just an interesting side-note: Being American, having lived and worked in ethnically diverse areas, including more affluent suburbs, I have noticed time and time again that Jewish men in particular do seem to have what I termed a "Nordic fetish", meaning that when they marry or have children...
  18. Don Diego

    Freud a psychopath? Certainly!

    ...soon because of the huge unexpected success here in france!And what a big mess around this book! Indeed Onfray did declare war against ashkenazi dominant ideology and dogma. It appears that Freud is the chief liar and storyteller we have ever seen,and in this work completed with a very...
  19. spyraal

    What's Your Name's Meaning??? Etymology and history of Names

    Hello everyone, Interesting thread! ;) It is also funny that very few of us -if any- really choose the names we are given ourselves if you think of it... Where i come from (Greece), the newborns are usually named after one of their grand parents, so what happens in the end is a lot of...
  20. Laura

    Why Gurdjieff?

    Sez who? Cite your source for this claim. Again, cite your sources.
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