Israeli attack on Gaza

A local newspaper (Dutch only) reported a small demonstration (ca. 300 in attendance) in favor of the Palestinians on the steps of the national monument at the Dam in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) today:

Bing translation said:
The protest on the Dam against the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip Saturday noon ' quiet and peaceful '. Reports that a spokesman for the police. No incidents took place.

An estimated 300 people gathered on the square with signs, flags and banners. The Organization, the Palestine Komitee, had about 500 demonstrators expected.

The protest began with a deafening sound of a bombardment. ' This is like now in Gaza sounds and that is why we are here at the National Monument on the Dam, symbolically, for the freedom that we have and the Palestinians are denied, "said Wim Lankamp, President of the organization.

Jaap Hamburger of Another Jewish Sound spoke moments later: ' war can in no way provide a solution to the underlying problem, namely that there is still no independent State, Israel still not an independent Palestinian State permits. '
Israel: 7 more weeks of war

Home Front Command asks local authorities to prepare for seven-week fighting period: In discussions held between Home Front Command Chief Major-General Eyal Eisenberg, regional commanders and heads of local authorities in the center and in the south, authorities have been instructed to prepare for a seven-week period of combat as part of Operation Pillar of Defense and to prepare emergency supplies, accordingly.
What else is the Israeli press saying?

For Netanyahu, Gaza escalation could pave the way to Iran strike

Until this week, Prime Minister Netanyahu took pride in never having lead Israel into a war. Now he may be on the verge of starting not one but two.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have not given up the dream of carrying out a major operation in Iran. For some time, prior to the recent American election, they were in disagreement: Barak was against creating facts on the ground which President Barack Obama would be forced to deal with, whereas Netanyahu entertained the idea of exploiting the sensitive political period...

Unfortunately only subscribers can read the rest of this article, but we can see from just this glimpse how freely and openly Israelis talk of creating 'facts on the ground' (i.e., bombing Gaza and forcing all other nations, friends and foes alike, to dance around them) and 'exploiting sensitive political periods' (i.e., so soon after the US presidential elections).
Kniall said:
What else is the Israeli press saying?

For Netanyahu, Gaza escalation could pave the way to Iran strike

Until this week, Prime Minister Netanyahu took pride in never having lead Israel into a war. Now he may be on the verge of starting not one but two.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have not given up the dream of carrying out a major operation in Iran. For some time, prior to the recent American election, they were in disagreement: Barak was against creating facts on the ground which President Barack Obama would be forced to deal with, whereas Netanyahu entertained the idea of exploiting the sensitive political period...

Unfortunately only subscribers can read the rest of this article, but we can see from just this glimpse how freely and openly Israelis talk of creating 'facts on the ground' (i.e., bombing Gaza and forcing all other nations, friends and foes alike, to dance around them) and 'exploiting sensitive political periods' (i.e., so soon after the US presidential elections).

Such a strategy would very likely require some kind of false flag in Israel to be blamed on Iran.
anart said:
Lisa Guliani said:
I wonder if Israel is doing this so as to provoke an even bigger nightmare, because it seems to me, if any other governments do step up and try to stop this genocide, the U.S. may very well also step into the mix and back Israel. Then what will we have? A world war?

I think that's a definite possibility. From what I understand, and I could be mistaken, 4D STS would be quite happy to eliminate all Semitic peoples (the true Semites, not the ashkenazi jews) so a complete conflagration of that area of the world would suit them just fine, even if it seems contrary to what "Israel" might want.

In the days of Hitler and Mussolini, the Zionist leaders behaved in an ambivalent way with regards to Fascism, at times sabotaging the anti-Fascist struggle and even attempting to collaborate at others. The fundamental aim of the Zionists was not to save Jewish lives but to create a Jewish state in Palestine. Ben Gurion, Israel's first head of State, declared outright to the "Labor" Zionists on December 7th 1938 :

"If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution. For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but also the history of the people of Israel."

Source : Yvon Gelbner, "Zionist policy and the fate of European Jewry", in Yad Vashem studies (Jerusalem, vol. XII, p. 199).

"The saving of the Jews in Europe did not figure at the head of the list of priorities of the ruling class. It was the foundation of the State which was primordial in their eyes."

Source : Tom Segev. "Le septième million" Ed. Liana Levi, Paris, 1993, p. 539

Note the comment about "the history of Israel". The history of Israel, from a religious 'Zionist' perspective, includes the Jewish "end times" prophecy of a "gog magog" war where Israel defeats the "Gentiles" and establishes Israel in its kingdom over all the earth. I wonder if Netanyahu and others, apart from being psychos, are influenced by such "history" and if today they might be thinking:

"If I knew it was possible to save all the children of Israel by pursuing peace with our Muslim enemies, and only half of the children by making war on Israel's enemies, I would choose the second solution. For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but also the history of the people of Israel."

Or words to that effect.
Perceval said:
In the days of Hitler and Mussolini, the Zionist leaders behaved in an ambivalent way with regards to Fascism, at times sabotaging the anti-Fascist struggle and even attempting to collaborate at others. The fundamental aim of the Zionists was not to save Jewish lives but to create a Jewish state in Palestine. Ben Gurion, Israel's first head of State, declared outright to the "Labor" Zionists on December 7th 1938 :

"If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution. For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but also the history of the people of Israel."

To paraphrase Rav Ron Chaya, a notorious Zionist: The Holocaust in itself is not a good thing. But if you take into account all that happens after, all that's gonna happen in History… without the Holocaust, Israel wouldn't have been possible. Before the Holocaust, Jews tended towards assimilation… they were becoming 'goyish', eating pork… Now, when Jews (even non religious ones) hear about the Holocaust, or watch a film about it, they feel Jewish, they feel identified to this people. The beneficial effects of the Holocaust are unimaginable.
(whole interview - in French - here: _
Perceval said:
Kniall said:
What else is the Israeli press saying?

For Netanyahu, Gaza escalation could pave the way to Iran strike

Until this week, Prime Minister Netanyahu took pride in never having lead Israel into a war. Now he may be on the verge of starting not one but two.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have not given up the dream of carrying out a major operation in Iran. For some time, prior to the recent American election, they were in disagreement: Barak was against creating facts on the ground which President Barack Obama would be forced to deal with, whereas Netanyahu entertained the idea of exploiting the sensitive political period...

Unfortunately only subscribers can read the rest of this article, but we can see from just this glimpse how freely and openly Israelis talk of creating 'facts on the ground' (i.e., bombing Gaza and forcing all other nations, friends and foes alike, to dance around them) and 'exploiting sensitive political periods' (i.e., so soon after the US presidential elections).

Such a strategy would very likely require some kind of false flag in Israel to be blamed on Iran.
But Israel is well within striking distance of Iranian missiles, who would be sure to retaliate.
And what about Russia and China. At the very least, they are a big question mark in this whole scenario.
Imo, I don't think Russia and China would sit out an invasion or attack on Iran.
Two more cents here.

What this episode will come down to is that the IDF will cut a swath of destruction into Gaza, and then they will bring in the PA thugs of Abbas that psycho dwarf for the real mass murdering - and the involvement of the Egypt and the Arab League in this does not presage good things either. If the israelis involve the PA in the "resolution" of this issue, there could potentially be several ten thousand of dead, wounded, incarcerated, tortured, many more running for their lives and the remaining population reduced to slavery and living under a regime of terror as in the West Bank as a result. What the israelis wont do this time around are really crass things which they can't somehow spin - that they will delegate to the PA.

China, Russia and Iran are irrelevant IMO. China and Russia have their national interests to consider and both are under tight jewish control. That Iran would do anything "stupid" also seems improbable - the regime is too worried of potential consequences to go overtly into any kind of offensive.

BTW, according to an Arab news website (Al-Mustaqbal IIRC, and sorry, no link) Hamas either shot or beat to death one guy who their intel linked to up to 15 of the deaths caused by the recent bombing raids including the military chief, so that would stand in contrast to the thing with the Emir of Qatar distributing pens emitting signals.
I just saw the little video about the baby who died... I just wanted to cry.

Tarpley in his radio program said that there is the possibility of using nuclear bombs. Is this realistic to think that these bombs can be used on Gaza? What do you think?
loreta said:
I just saw the little video about the baby who died... I just wanted to cry.

Tarpley in his radio program said that there is the possibility of using nuclear bombs. Is this realistic to think that these bombs can be used on Gaza? What do you think?

It's very unlikely that any kind of conventional nuke would be used by the Israelis since it would have dire consequences for the Israelis too. Sounds like Tarpley's just trying to get noticed.
Kniall said:
What else is the Israeli press saying?

For Netanyahu, Gaza escalation could pave the way to Iran strike
Unfortunately only subscribers can read the rest of this article, but we can see from just this glimpse how freely and openly Israelis talk of creating 'facts on the ground' (i.e., bombing Gaza and forcing all other nations, friends and foes alike, to dance around them) and 'exploiting sensitive political periods' (i.e., so soon after the US presidential elections).

Here is the full version:
name said:
Two more cents here.

What this episode will come down to is that the IDF will cut a swath of destruction into Gaza, and then they will bring in the PA thugs of Abbas that psycho dwarf for the real mass murdering - and the involvement of the Egypt and the Arab League in this does not presage good things either. If the israelis involve the PA in the "resolution" of this issue, there could potentially be several ten thousand of dead, wounded, incarcerated, tortured, many more running for their lives and the remaining population reduced to slavery and living under a regime of terror as in the West Bank as a result. What the israelis wont do this time around are really crass things which they can't somehow spin - that they will delegate to the PA.

China, Russia and Iran are irrelevant IMO. China and Russia have their national interests to consider and both are under tight jewish control. That Iran would do anything "stupid" also seems improbable - the regime is too worried of potential consequences to go overtly into any kind of offensive.

BTW, according to an Arab news website (Al-Mustaqbal IIRC, and sorry, no link) Hamas either shot or beat to death one guy who their intel linked to up to 15 of the deaths caused by the recent bombing raids including the military chief, so that would stand in contrast to the thing with the Emir of Qatar distributing pens emitting signals.

What do you mean by "under tight jewish control" ?
Israel hits 2 Gaza media HQs, 6 journalists injured
The Al-Shawa building, struck in the early hours, houses a number of media organizations, including Ma'an News Agency's headquarters in the Gaza Strip.

A Ma'an correspondent said the impact was focused on the eleventh floor, where the office of al-Quds TV is located.

Six journalists were moderately injured, five of whom were identified as Darwish Bulbul, Ibrahim Labed, Muhammad al-Akhras and Hazem al-Daour, all al-Quds TV employees....
A second Israeli airstrike around 7 a.m. hit a second media complex in Gaza City , the al-Shuruq building... Sky News Arabia and Al-Arabiya reported that their offices have been affected....

An Israeli army statement said both offices were targeted because they are part of "Hamas' operational communications." The military said "forces targeted roof communication devices to minimize damage."

@IDFSpokesperson confirms the Media Centre and Journalists were all "positively identified"

The sites that we targeted overnight were all positively identified by precise intelligence over the course of months.
Eoste said:
What do you mean by "under tight jewish control" ?
Exactly that.
Neither China nor Russia will do anything that would seriously oppose or undermine longterm zionist interests even while that detracts from their interests in the region despite (symbolic) opposition at the UN. That does not result from chance or incompetence when that attitude can be seen through years.
name said:
Eoste said:
What do you mean by "under tight jewish control" ?
Exactly that.
Neither China nor Russia will do anything that would seriously oppose or undermine longterm zionist interests even while that detracts from their interests in the region despite (symbolic) opposition at the UN. That does not result from chance or incompetence when that attitude can be seen through years.

I would question that. If that were the case, Syria would have already ended up like Libya and some sort of conflict with Iran would have started at least a couple of years ago. The world is not black and white. The center of gravity is shifting from the West to the East and the jews do not run China. China though has a big influence over the US through its holdings of over $1.2 trillion in US Treasury bonds and that has definitely refrained the US from supporting Israel in a full scale attack on Iran. Money talks and the Zionists aren't the only ones with it. You also have to consider that though the Zionists have a great influence over the Judeo-Christian world (and part of the Arab world too), the same does not necessarily apply to the rest of the planet where their claim for a Jewish state, which is religious in nature, does not apply. That's how I see it.
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