Search results for query: Weather modification

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  1. Carl

    Ben Davidson (from YouTube Suspicious 0bservers) on Red Ice Creations

    ...a lot of what is going on, although he misses the importance of comets and dust loading. I expected the conversation to turn to weather modification at some point, which it did, but it wasn't the major focus thankfully. And, of course, towards the end he demonstrates that he is also missing...
  2. eleusis

    Dragonfly photo

    ...waves in their own manner. May account for things like sinkholes, cranes falling over, planes and trains crashing and even weather modification in addition to overall gravity factor. I remember once when I was thirteen and taking off in an airplane from Los Angeles airport. As we were over...
  3. D

    Alleged Nano-device "Infection" via food and water

    Thanks. That clears things up. Good points.
  4. seek10

    Alleged Nano-device "Infection" via food and water

    ...type2 civilizations. she almost able to say 'God said so in bible, believe in it' . she also seems to be promoting HAARP for weather modification/sonic anomalies, making hype of con trials etc. (which we know some are distractions for real cosmic causes ) ex...
  5. Niall

    Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

    _ Alex Jones: Father Knows Best, Updated for the Apocalypse By John H. Richardson Yes, it's "condensed" because it's propaganda and it's invariably wrong! AJ goes into more detail about this here...
  6. Leòmhann

    Free energy and HAARP technology

    ...possible current disinfo/misinfo cast out? In other words, is this just what they want us to believe? Also, HAARP's usage in weather modification is referred to, but not its use for mind control, which casts some suspicion on the treatment of its discussions (incomplete...
  7. D

    Session 28 May 2013

    And insists that weather modification "can be used for good" despite clearly being capable of understanding Chaos Theory.
  8. Laura

    Was Gurdjieff a Stoic?

    In the course of the current writing, I've been obliged to take a close look at Stoicism in order to work out a certain historical problem. As I have gone deeper into this, I realized that this may very well be the tradition that informed the work of Gurdjieff. One of the other interesting...
  9. Voyageur

    ‘The Vonnegut Connection’

    Green Med Info has this online (they have a disclaimer, too). Seems there is a new divide being offered up to explain Climate Change on all those pesky Chemtrails/Contrails and Cloud Seeding. It seems another diversionary tactic to pull people away from what is happening from way way above...
  10. seek10

    Daily planetary weather and tectonic report

    Suspicious0bservers made a nice video compiling all the symptoms of events happening in solar systems , but just shy'd away from brown star concept. reasons are not clear yet. Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress...
  11. Tristan


    Stephen Downes is a prolific writer. If you follow his work at OLDaily or on Half an Hour, you’re well aware of this. He covers an extremely broad territory: technology, learning, society, politics (sometimes a bit veiled, but generally not far below the surface), and philosophy. He posted an...
  12. O

    100 T magnetic field screaming

    I think it is interesting that this was written the way it was. It seems the author is not at all convinced of the legitimacy of the 'official claims.'
  13. Possibility of Being

    100 T magnetic field screaming

    Listen to a magnet scream at a record-breaking 100 Tesla March 23, 2012 You can also watch the video directly on YouTube. The scream does remind some of those mysterious sounds heard all over the world.
  14. Keit

    Session 4 March 2012

    And it makes the remark about bloodlines becoming parasitically infested during times of quantum leaps even more interesting! Many parasites modify their host behavior to fit their feeding needs. They basically create huge gaps in awareness, something that would make their host highly...
  15. know_yourself_1234

    Where to post this?

    ...or when I had understood something really important regarding the CS mode of functionning, after reading an excerpt of The Wave weather modification related to my mood strange inconsistencies regarding my father(he is a freemason for too long now), lies, strangeness, manipulation This is...
  16. The_Seeker

    Mind Control & HAARP

    ...the document "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" [Link] --Evergreen Aviation is currently advertising weather modification as something their supertankers are already equipped to do: [Link] --Respiratory issues are on the rise in my community and nationwide: the old...
  17. Mjöllnir

    Me thinks Cyclone Yasi was a fake.

    ...from BOM. "Then you are twisting that to say that the PTB caused it. How do you define PTB" Well I have been witnessing the weather modification technology do its thing for years... I witnessed the first test run in Sydney in 1971... They (the PTB... Powers That Be), did a Sunday dawn...
  18. Bluebird

    Session 6 July 2010

    ...causing even more damage. Its interesting that the Queensland government has allegedly been involved with a company called Weather Modification Incorporated which specialises in cloud seeding and meteorological services (see projects list at...
  19. Laura

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies... to work up. The fact that Corbyn CAN predict the weather as accurately as he does argues against the "chemtrails" being a weather modification activity. His method is concerned with solar activity, not so-called "chemtrails". 12) Regarding these layers of electromagnetism surrounding...
  20. Ca.

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies... her thoughts, about her research, and it indicates that their is an effort to cover there activity's, (rather one calls it weather modification, or experimentation, for war, and or population reduction), pushed by Media (what news about that), Government, and Cooperation's. They seem to...
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