Session 28 May 2013

Thank you for the amazing session Laura and Team!

Even as I started reading the session, there was this trembling within me, haha.
Pray we are among the chosen bridesmaids now that the 'procession' is practically at the door.
Thousand thanks for this intense session. Thanks to all of you specially Laura.

Just for fun: mucho gusto if you divide this in a non-sense I found this:

Much o gust o

Much o(exclamation) gust (wind) o (exclamantion)

But in fact mucho gusto means in French "enchanté" (nice to meet you). But in French there is the word en-chanté (under the influence of magic). But it is mucho gusto they said. Maybe a wink.

This session is a heavy one. Thank you again.
loreta said:
Just for fun: mucho gusto if you divide this in a non-sense I found this:

Much o gust o

Much o(exclamation) gust (wind) o (exclamantion)

But in fact mucho gusto means in French "enchanté" (nice to meet you). But in French there is the word en-chanté (under the influence of magic). But it is mucho gusto they said. Maybe a wink.

This session is a heavy one. Thank you again.

I thought it was a winky sort of thing too.

In English, "gusto" means: Enjoyment or vigor in doing something; zest. relish - pleasure - delight

and "mucho" is often used by English speakers as a sort of slangy way to say "much" or "a lot".

So in a winky/sly way it is saying "Have fun! Enjoy yourselves!" Which takes us back to their opening: "New world coming. ... Isn't it grand?"
Not sure if was already mentioned, but with all the strange weather, storms, asteroids flying by and such, yesterday Earth was impacted by a mysterious interplanetary shockwave:
A G2-class (Kp=6) geomagnetic storm is in progress following the arrival of an interplanetary shock wave on May 31st. The source of the shock is not known; it might have been a minor CME that left the sun without drawing attention to itself. The impact sparked auroras across many northern-tier US states.
Keit said:
Not sure if was already mentioned, but with all the strange weather, storms, asteroids flying by and such, yesterday Earth was impacted by a mysterious interplanetary shockwave:
A G2-class (Kp=6) geomagnetic storm is in progress following the arrival of an interplanetary shock wave on May 31st. The source of the shock is not known; it might have been a minor CME that left the sun without drawing attention to itself. The impact sparked auroras across many northern-tier US states.

Interesting. That reminds me of an aurora that happened last February without a CME:

anart posted a Question for the Cs topic on the strange geomagnetic disturbance here:,26822.0.html
"Mucho gusto" reminds me of the essence of a STO, because in Spain we also use it when we are going to/have just made something that we consider good to someone who has asked for it and we express the pleasure we have got doing it, as Laura has pointed.
tohuwabohu said:
According to the session the comets will be joined by tornadoes, ball lightnings and spontaneous electric discharges. If not interesting this surely will be ecstatic.
Tthere were tornadoes in my region where there just never been (northen-central Europe), electrical devices (mostly computers and sometimes laps or just all the electrical things) getting broke. It is more intense then before but still not a big deal. I'm not asking though. :P
Keit said:
Not sure if was already mentioned, but with all the strange weather, storms, asteroids flying by and such, yesterday Earth was impacted by a mysterious interplanetary shockwave:
A G2-class (Kp=6) geomagnetic storm is in progress following the arrival of an interplanetary shock wave on May 31st. The source of the shock is not known; it might have been a minor CME that left the sun without drawing attention to itself. The impact sparked auroras across many northern-tier US states.

According to Suspicious0bserver on youtube, this storm is a result of the massive, equatorial coronal hole that just finished facing us. Its leading edge faced earth 4 days ago, which is the expected timing/delay before its stream would reach us.

United Gnosis said:
Keit said:
Not sure if was already mentioned, but with all the strange weather, storms, asteroids flying by and such, yesterday Earth was impacted by a mysterious interplanetary shockwave:
A G2-class (Kp=6) geomagnetic storm is in progress following the arrival of an interplanetary shock wave on May 31st. The source of the shock is not known; it might have been a minor CME that left the sun without drawing attention to itself. The impact sparked auroras across many northern-tier US states.

According to Suspicious0bserver on youtube, this storm is a result of the massive, equatorial coronal hole that just finished facing us. Its leading edge faced earth 4 days ago, which is the expected timing/delay before its stream would reach us.


Suspicious0bserver suspiciously avoids all mention of comets, meteors and fireballs. I've pointed out to him more than once in comments under his YT videos that he is missing the 'elephant in the solar system', so to speak, but it falls on deaf ears.
Kniall said:
Suspicious0bserver suspiciously avoids all mention of comets, meteors and fireballs. I've pointed out to him more than once in comments under his YT videos that he is missing the 'elephant in the solar system', so to speak, but it falls on deaf ears.

And insists that weather modification "can be used for good" despite clearly being capable of understanding Chaos Theory.
Kniall said:
Suspicious0bserver suspiciously avoids all mention of comets, meteors and fireballs. I've pointed out to him more than once in comments under his YT videos that he is missing the 'elephant in the solar system', so to speak, but it falls on deaf ears.

As frustrating as it is, that's just the classic case of leading a horse to the water isn't it?
MikeJoseph82 said:
Kniall said:
Suspicious0bserver suspiciously avoids all mention of comets, meteors and fireballs. I've pointed out to him more than once in comments under his YT videos that he is missing the 'elephant in the solar system', so to speak, but it falls on deaf ears.

As frustrating as it is, that's just the classic case of leading a horse to the water isn't it?

Acknowledging comets and meteorites, especially when there are so many reports as there are now, is as much a litmus test for space weather as 9/11 is for government cover-ups.
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